Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 35

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 35.

Quatre awakened feeling happy. He snuggled deeper into the arms of Trowa that encircled his body. He sighed. Today they would head home, once the meeting was done with. He smiled to himself as he recalled the happy news from Wufei about his and Sally's coming marriage. It was about time Wufei settled down. They had been going as a couple for quite some time and it was a standard joke amongst the other four ex pilots to tease Wufei about taking the plunge. Seemed the Chinese man had finally awoken to what his friends had been telling him for years.

The stirring of the form he was currently snuggled up to alerted him to Trowa's wakening. Sleep mussed cinnamon was tossed as Trowa opened his eyes to blink blearily at the morning sun's invasion to their small world. He smiled as he stared into the aqua of his lover. "Morning Quatre." He bent his head to capture the blonde's lips in a tender kiss.

"Morning lover." Quatre drank eagerly from his koi's mouth.

"You seem to be quite happy this morning." responded Trowa.

Quatre gave a small thrust of his hips. "Hmmmm... definitely happy." he murmured as he felt the answering hardness against his thigh.

Trowa moaned softly and pushed himself harder against Quatre. They continued to rub lazily against each other for a few moments, savoring the friction as cloth covered hardness was caressed. Trowa reached for the lube on the night-stand only to have it removed from his hand by an evil smirking Quatre. He watched and waited to see what his lover had planned.

Quatre took the lube and quickly removed his boxers. Pushing the sheets away from their bodies he coated his fingers with the gel and watched Trowa's face intently as he reached between his own legs to prep himself.

Trowa groaned as he saw those long slender fingers disappear between the Arabian's legs and thrust inside his warm body. He reached for his own hard shaft and pulled it free from within his underwear, stroking lightly as he watched the erotic display before him.

Quatre deemed himself to be ready and swiftly removed his fingers, eager to have something much larger inside his channel. He reached for Trowa and lay the tall Latin on his back, then he straddled his hips. Not even bothering to remove Trowa's underwear he quickly lubed up the weeping length and then positioned himself. Holding the base of Trowa's thick cock he began to lower himself.

His body protested at first and then accepted the offering, parting to allow access to his inner most treasures. He was still tight, not having stretched himself as much as Trowa normally did, but he liked a little pain with entry, it made the pleasure so much better.

Trowa lay still, enjoying the feeling of Quatre's tight warmth as it enveloped him. The friction as he slid inside turned him on even more.

Quatre paused for a moment as the entire length of Trowa disappeared inside. He panted a little as he adjusted to his lovers size. The feeling of being so full serving to heighten his own pleasure. Gently he began to rise and then lower himself once more onto that hard shaft, savoring the friction as the thick head brushed against his tissues. He tossed his head back and moaned.

Trowa began to meet the blonde's downward strokes with an upward thrust of his own, pushing himself even deeper into his lovers welcoming body. His eyes fluttered shut as his nerves took over to register every sensation.

Their lovemaking was tender yet demanding, each striving to give the other the ultimate in pleasure; and succeeding. Quatre could feel himself rising, his cock pulsed and twitched with each thrust of his lovers length. He stared at the face of Trowa, pleased to see the lines of pure joy etched there. He felt his heart twist with the love it held for his green eyed partner and once again thanked Allah and the lioness for sending this beautiful man back to him.

Feeling Quatre's gaze upon him, Trowa opened his eyes and partook of the vision that was responsible for his current overload of sensation. Quatre shone with an aura all his own. The beauty and strength radiated from within and could never be duplicated by anything the earth or universe had to offer, it was unique, it was beautiful, it was special....

It was Quatre...

And it was his.

They rode the tide of passion together, taking and returning from each other, enjoying the slow sensuous build up to their ultimate joint goal. Quatre began to moan and Trowa joined with his own vocal emissions. Trowa reached up to take Quatre's hand and place it upon the burning length. As Quatre began to pump himself so Trowa fondled his balls, eliciting more sweet moans to issue forth.

"Ohh.... Allah... So good..."

"Love you Quatre." groaned Trowa as he felt the end approaching.

"Love you too my sweet lover." came the hitched reply.

Quatre stroked faster and then began to tense as he felt the fire release to consume him. With a scream he found his completion.

Trowa continued to massage his loves balls and then felt the blonde tense, the sac in his hand began to harden and pull away from him as Quatre found his release. The channel began to squeeze and release his cock as Quatre rode the waves of his climax. With a shout he found his own end, that tight passage milking him of his very essence.

Quatre slumped forward feeling dizzy from the intensity of their coupling. Trowa's long arms enveloped the slender form and hugged him close. He reached for his lovers lips and claimed them in a tender kiss of adoration.

They lay still joined for a few moments relaxing in the warmth that comes from making passionate love with the one you are soul bonded to. Quatre finally broke the spell. "I think we need a shower." he murmured.

"Sticky." agreed Trowa.

"Yeah. Very sticky."

Trowa's softened shaft slipped from Quatre's passage as the blonde rolled off his sated lover. Trowa looked mischievously into his koi's eyes. "Race you." he chuckled and then in a flash was off the bed and running for the bathroom.

Quatre sighed, he hadn't a hope of catching the lanky man so opted to take his time. He slid from the bed and strolled into the bathroom where the steam and sounds of water greeted him. He could make out the silhouette of his partner inside the stall.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Sally awoke to the sounds of humming coming from the bathroom. She shifted slightly to hear clearer the haunting melody.

Wufei was shaving as he hummed. He was happy. The past few days were now pretty much a blur to him, the present and future holding more than he ever thought he would be capable of having. For once he had something to really look forward to. Not that he hadn't before, but this time it was different. This time the woman he had finally admitted to loving would be beside him every inch of the way and that thought made Wufei smile. An arm wound around his waist and a kiss was gently placed on the back of his neck. He stared into the mirror to see Sally standing behind him, a small smile of contentment on her face.

"You're awfully chirpy this morning." she said as she placed another kiss to his neck.

Wufei shivered. It had been a long time since he had shared this sort of intimacy with anyone. He had forgotten just how nice it was and how much he had missed it. "How's the wrist?" he responded as he rinsed the razor.

"Aches a little but other than that it's okay."

"Good." He returned to his shaving.

A finger snuck around and swiped a little of the shaving foam from his chin and dabbed it to the tip of his nose. "Cute." came the giggle.

Wufei frowned and wiped it away. "Will you let me finish shaving in peace onna!"

Another laugh. "Don't take too long will you? I need a shower." Sally's face came close again as she whispered in his ear. "If you don't hurry up I'll just get in right now."

Wufei turned beet red. "I assure you I will be finished in just a moment." he spluttered. "Ow!" Wufei cried out as the razor nicked him.

"That's what you get for not keeping your mind on the job." snickered Sally and then she left the

room to hunt for her clothes ready for the shower.

Wufei growled. It wasn't fair she should tease him. Sighing he dabbed at the small dot of red that appeared and finished off the task at hand with renewed urgency. They might be now officially engaged but he still intended to treat the woman with the respect he had been brought up to bestow, and that meant giving her the privacy she needed and deserved. There would be plenty of time for discovery of their true selves later... after the wedding.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Heero took over the controls from the auto pilot once more. Duo sat next to him and buckled himself in. Shane and Fayah did the same. Heero ran another check over the systems before placing the head set amongst his untamable hair.

"Hang on back there guys, the re entry can be a bitch sometimes." laughed Duo as he took up his position with the joystick in his capacity as co pilot.

Shane grunted but Fayah stared wide eyed. She had never traveled before and the whole trip through space had left her a little overwhelmed. The zero gravity took some getting used to and she had found herself bumping into just about the entire shuttle's insides at some stage. Needless to say she was relieved that their trip was nearing its end. She couldn't wait to feel something much more solid beneath her feet and know it wasn't going to disappear each time she applied even the tiniest amount of pressure. Duo's revelation about the re entry scared her a little and she took Shane's hand in an effort to settle the butterflies in her stomach.

Shane squeezed her hand in response and smiled at her. He knew Duo's comment had scared her and it made his heart swell to know that he was the one she turned to for comfort and re- assurance.

The shuttle began to vibrate and shake as the earth's atmosphere collided with its outer skin. The bright orange flare that sprang up over the nose of the craft indicating just how unforgiving the atmosphere could be. Continuing to shake in protest the little shuttle finally broke through the prison of gasses and approached the blue green of the landscape below.

"Control this is Preventer Shuttle Two Zero One requesting approach and landing directions."

"Preventer Shuttle Two Zero One this is control... you are cleared for landing on runway five, proceed to co-ordinates 35 degrees south, 119 degrees west. Slow airspeed by 50 kilometers each thirty seconds and approach by descending at a rate of 1500 meters per minute."

"Roger that control." Heero looked at his koi who nodded in response.

Duo programmed the co-ordinates into the onboard computer and then sat back as Heero took over the speed and altitude. The shuttle descended gracefully and the earth port appeared up ahead through the breaking clouds.

"This is Preventer Shuttle Two Zero One on final approach."

"Roger Two Zero One, all clear for landing."

Heero guided the craft in a steady decline to the oncoming strip of tarmac. "Wheels down."

Duo pushed a button. "Wheels down and locked."

The shuttle dipped and shook as the engines were cut in their power. The tarmac appeared and Heero gently eased the craft to a smooth touch down. Slamming the joystick back he threw the engines into reverse to slow their speed.

Duo hit the flaps button, dropping them and increasing the drag. His feet automatically went to the braking pedals to assist Heero's as he reached for the button to release the parachute.

The shuttle roared and trembled as it fought against the elements attempting to slow its forward momentum. With a last prolonged shudder it gave up the fight and allowed itself to be controlled once more by the small pilot.

Fayah felt the sweat break out as the tiny craft fought against its restraints, it seemed as though they would never stop. Then the tempo changed and the engines volume dropped as the machine surrendered to the opposing forces. Fayah sighed and relaxed a little. She turned and saw Shane's eyes smiling at her. She smiled back.

Duo's voice came over the intercom system. "Before leaving the space craft please make sure to check the seat pocket in front of you for any valuables, porn magazines or condoms. All seats should be back in the upright position, likewise the occupants. Please place all used vomit bags in the appropriate disposal area at the front of the shuttle upon disembarking. We apologize for the lack of in flight movie but I trust that the crew's antics would have made up for this and I'm sure you won't hold it against us. Thank you for flying Shinigami shuttles, we look forward to transporting you again in the future." Duo's laughter could be heard ringing through the cockpit.


"Yes koi?"

"Please behave yourself." Heero's voice, while trying to appear stern carried an undercurrent of amusement.

"Never!" came the wicked reply.

Shane grinned and Fayah joined in with the laughter at Duo's antics. Fayah hugged herself as the shuttle rolled to a stop. Ahead of her lay a whole new life. She was scared to say the least, but with Shane there as well as Duo and Heero, she knew she would face whatever came her way with the warmth and knowledge that she was no longer alone.

The four exited the shuttle and proceeded through the terminal to the Preventer section. Duo and Heero exchanged the necessary information with the staff before picking up the bags and heading outside.

"Sorry to keep ya waiting guys, had ta hand over the keys to the valet parking service." Duo sniggered as he bounced over to where Shane and Fayah stood. "Come on lets get goin."

Heero rolled his eyes at his braided partners antics and shot Fayah a long suffering look.

Fayah laughed and followed, still holding tightly to Shane's hand.

They piled into Heero's car which had been left at the port since their departure. Heero turned the key and the engine purred into life. Shifting the gears and releasing the hand brake they slid from the parking spot and out into the main car park. Heero guided the car through the maze of rows, through the exit and out into the traffic. Duo fiddled with the radio while Shane was still coming to terms with the fact that Fayah was actually with him.

They roared along the highways heading for the compound and the meeting with Une. Heero was running several different ways to tell Une about Fayah through his head, searching for the option that would be the least painful... for him. Finally he gave up and reached for his cell phone.

"Quatre Winner speaking."

"Quatre, it's Heero."

"Heero! You're back. Did the flight go okay? Where are you? Are you coming to the compound?"

"Quatre, shut up and listen for a minute please."

There was silence at the other end.

"Thank you. The flight went fine, we are on our way to the compound as we speak. I need to ask a favor Quatre."

"Anything Heero."

"Can I leave Shane in your suite while we attend the meeting with Une? I really don't think he needs to be present and hear all the shit that's going to be flying around."

"Sure Heero. Wufei is dropping Paul here and Benny and Toby will be here too so by all means leave Shane with them."

"Thanks Quatre. What is the number?"

"Suite 324, level three."

"Arigato. See you soon."

"Okay Heero. See you in the meeting."

Heero pushed the button and disconnected the call. He flipped the unit shut and turned his head as he felt Duo's eyes boring into him. He looked innocently into clouded violet. "What?"

"You big chicken Yuy."

"I am not."

"Yes you are. Yer gonna drop Shane and Fayah off at Q-man's suite so you don't hafta explain to Une about Fayah."

"It's called strategic planning Duo."

"Planning my arse. You just don't like the thought of Une's verbal assault."

"Hn. The only verbal assault ,as you put it, that I like, is yours." Heero smirked.

Duo stared wide eyed, then an evil grin spread over his face. "In that case Yuy remind me to verbally abuse you more often." Duo licked his lips for emphasis.

Heero gave a soft moan as he felt his body respond to the taunting.

"Down boy ... down." snickered Duo.

"Hn. Just remember I still have to punish you later."

Duo swallowed. "Promises... promises."

"Ahh... But I always keep my promises Duo."

"Hmmmm... That's what I was hopin ta hear."

"Are they always like this?" questioned Fayah with a laugh.

"Yer have no idea Fayah. Livin with these pair is an education in itself." replied Shane.

"Oi! That's enough from the peanut gallery thanks." came Duo's indignant response.

Shane continued to laugh and soon all four were chuckling away.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Wufei and Sally left Paul with Toby and Benny. Collecting Trowa and Quatre and leaving strict instructions to the three to behave the four made their way to the main Surveillance room and the meeting with Une.

"Heero called and will be dropping Shane with the others before joining us in the meeting." said Quatre.

"So they have arrived back then?" asked Sally.

"Yes. They should be here shortly."

"Good." smirked Wufei.

Sally gave him a dig in the ribs. Wufei looked suitably miffed. "Just remember, don't tease Duo too much."

"Why not? I don't often get the chance to put one over Maxwell so I'm not about to let this opportunity pass me by."

"Just be careful."

"Oh I will." came the sarcastic reply.

Quatre giggled and even Trowa had to smile. They were both looking forward to seeing Duo's reaction to the news.

They arrived at the Surveillance room and entered. Une was waiting for them in the small adjoining room. She greeted them all and bade them sit. "Heero and Duo have arrived and just going through the security clearance. They will be with us shortly. Please help yourselves to coffee or tea."

They fetched themselves a drink and found seats, idle chatter was passed around as they waited for the other two agents to show up. Shortly the sounds of Duo's voice could be heard indicating the two agents arrival. A braided whirlwind entered the room followed by the more sedate presence of Heero.

"Hiya all! Did'ja miss us?" came Duo's excited voice as he bounced up to Quatre and gave the man a hug. Trowa, Wufei and Sally were all given similar treatment but the look on Une's face stopped Shinigami in his tracks. Duo extended his hand instead and with a flourish placed a kiss on the back of her hand sending the woman a rather fetching shade of pink. Even he wasn't that stupid to tempt fate.

Heero opted to nod to everyone.

Once everyone was seated Une began the de-briefing.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Shane and Fayah had been left at Quatre's suite with the rest of the boys. After a quick introduction Heero had disappeared to attend the meeting, leaving Shane to explain all about Fayah and their adventures.

Fayah gazed shyly around at the boys that were once Shane's 'gang'. She encountered several curious glances back but all the faces were friendly. She felt nervous and sought out Shane's hand for reassurance. Their fingers entwined and she relaxed a little.

Shane led them over to the couch and sat down ready for the barrage of questions he could see eating away at his three 'brothers'. "Okay guy's, I know yer burstin with curiosity so fire away."

"How'd ya meet?"

"Was yer part of a gang?"

"How old are yer?"

"Are ya stayin wiv Heero and Duo as well?"

"What was it like ta get shot?"

"Did it hurt Shane? Is the bullet still in there? Canna see?"

The questions came thick and fast. Fayah was a little overwhelmed but tried to answer as best and honestly as she could. Shane helped her out as they explained their meeting, Shane's kidnapping and Fayah's help with his rescue. Fayah told them of her 'family', and the streets they ran while Shane recounted what he could of the shooting and following hospital visit.

"So yer Shane's girlfriend then?" asked Toby.

Shane went bright red, a color he was going to relate to quite a lot so he discovered. Fayah smiled and squeezed his hand before answering the little boy whom she though was adorable with his wide blue eyes and mop of brown hair. "Well to be honest Toby I dunno. We kinda like each other a lot but Shane hasn't asked me ta be his girlfriend or anythin yet." She smiled mischievously and winked.

Paul caught the gesture. "Yeah, he's a little slow sometimes." he snickered.

"Well I reckons yer makes a good pair. Yer needs ta hang on ta this one Shane." Benny added in his serious voice.

"Oh? And just when did you become all wise and all knowin Benny?" teased Shane.

Benny just smiled a knowing smile.

Shane rolled his eyes in mock frustration. "Shit now I got a nine year old givin me advice on my love life."

"Benny's a lot wiser than yer give him credit fer." Toby said as he backed his friend up.

Shane held his hand up in defense. "Okay... okay... I gives in. Fayah... will ya be my girlfriend?" Shane looked into ice blue.

Fayah smiled. "I'd love ta Shane." she whispered back and leaned forward to kiss him.

Their lips joined in a tender, sweet kiss.

"Awww fer heavens sake get a room will yer." exclaimed Toby in disgust.

Paul laughed. It was good to see his friend back... alive and with someone who obviously meant more to Shane than the dark haired teen was letting on. He hoped with all his heart that it worked out for him. He thought about Wufei and Sally. "Hey Shane. Guess what?"

Shane looked at his friend. "What?"

"Wufei and Sally is gettin hitched."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~