Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 34

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 34

Trowa and Quatre left the hotel suite with Toby and Benny in tow. They had contacted Wufei earlier for the latest update on Sally and were pleased to hear she had now been discharged. They made their way to the suite of Wufei and Sally, Toby carrying a large bouquet of flowers and Benny a box of chocolates.

"I feels like a dill." said Toby as he clutched at the flowers.

"If it helps ya any yer looks like one too." giggled Benny.

Toby glared at his friend. "Why does I hafta carry the flowers?" he whined.

Quatre gave them both a stern look. "We are going to visit Sally and I want both of you on your best behavior. She has been through a lot and the flowers and chocolates are our way of letting her know we appreciate what she has done and the pain she has endured. Besides I think it will be nice for you two to give her the gifts."

Toby stayed silent. He knew Quatre was right, Sally had gone through quite a bit compared to them and he felt guilty about complaining. He sighed and shifted the floral arrangement again to a more comfortable position.

Benny said nothing either. When he thought about it Sally had done a lot to help them all. He vowed to be the perfectly behaved 'son' for the duration of their visit. Well as close as he could get anyway.

They arrived at the hotel suite door and Trowa knocked. Paul's face greeted them and bade them enter. Sally was sitting on the couch, her arm propped up on a mountain of pillows and cushions. She smiled as she recognized the visitors.

Toby and Benny walked towards her bearing their respective gifts. Toby held the bouquet of flowers out shyly and Sally smiled as she took them from the small boy.

"These are fer you. Hopes ya feelin better now Miss Sally."

"Why thank you Toby." Sally buried her nose in the bunch and inhaled deeply. "They're simply gorgeous and how did you know that I love carnations?"

Toby went a bright shade of red. "Ummm... I didn't, Trowa said ya likes em..."

The child's simple honesty and innocence caused Sally to smile even more. "Well thank you anyway." She pulled Toby forward and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Toby achieved yet a deeper shade of red and retreated quickly.

Trowa watched with an amused smile.

Benny moved forward and presented Sally with his gift and made sure to withdraw to a safe distance. He had seen the kiss bestowed on Toby and while he had no problem with people kissing he preferred it not to be him on the receiving end, unless of course it was Trowa or Quatre.

Sally took the gift and began to unwrap the pretty paper. Exposing the generous box she smiled. "Thank you Benny. I love chocolate, especially these sort." She turned the box over in her hand and studied the pictures of the various chocolates contained within. She looked at the little boy with amusement noting the distance he had placed between them. Deciding not to press the issue she opened the box. "Would you like one?" She offered the box in Benny's direction.

Benny's eyes lit up. Would he ever! Both he and Toby adored chocolate. They hadn't experienced much in the way of sweet treats in their short lives and so the introduction of their taste buds to the varying candies had been an instant hit, but chocolate was their favorite. He went to reach forward and then hesitated. He had promised to be on his best behavior and so he looked to Trowa for approval before he allowed his hand to sneak any further forward.

Trowa smiled as he saw the little boy's hesitation and following look in his direction. He nodded his head in assent and Benny grinned. The hand disappeared into the box and returned clutching a small brown object. It didn't matter to Benny what type it was, he loved all chocolate. The treat was quickly slid inside a mouth to be savored and enjoyed.

Sally couldn't contain the chuckle at the rapture on the child's face. She offered the box to Toby, who after also receiving approval, extracted a chocolate and popped it into his mouth.

The box was passed around the rest of the group and everyone sat back enjoying the sweets. Wufei, ever the perfect host dispensed drinks amongst the guests and the talk flowed freely, mainly revolving around the recent events.

"So was ya scared miss Sally?" asked Benny.

"Yes I was but I knew Trowa and Wufei would look after me."

Benny shuddered. "He's a nasty man."

"He won't be hurting anyone anymore." said Quatre softly as he stroked Benny's back.

Benny smiled at his 'parent' "No I guess not." he said quietly and lowered his eyes.

"Is it true yer dropped him with a knife Trowa?" asked Paul.

"Yes I did." came the quiet reply.

Paul whistled. "Wow. I wishes I had been there ta see it."

It was Sally's turn to shudder as the memory flashed into her head.

Wufei instinctively slid closer and placed a protective arm around her form. She leant into the warmth of his body, drawing strength and comfort from his slender frame. "I'm glad that you weren't Paul." he said.

Paul looked into the ebony depths. "Yeah I guess yer right, it woulda been scary ta watch."

"How comes yer so good a shot wiv knives Trowa?" asked Toby. The child's curiosity was aroused. He knew his 'parents' were special people but this little revelation just proved to him how little he really knew about them.

Benny was also curious. It wasn't often they were allowed a glimpse into the men's pasts and so they took what little information they could get when it was offered and put it with the rest of the background they had on the pair. Slowly they were beginning to form a picture of what life may have been like for the two. Not that Trowa or Quatre had ever failed to answer any of their questions, on the contrary, they always did, but Toby and Benny had learnt very early in their relationship that Trowa and Quatre didn't like to talk much about their respective pasts, it was painful for them to say the least. The two little ones didn't want to add to that pain anymore and so refrained as much as possible with their probing questions.

Quatre took up on Trowa's behalf. "Trowa was once a part of a circus troupe. Part of his job there was in the knife throwing act and the girl he performed with taught him how to handle the knives."

"It wasn't hard to learn." Trowa took up the conversation, "I was already well trained in the use of a gun so it was just a matter of learning the hold and technique with the wrist and arm for propulsion. All knives are different so they need to be weighed carefully in the hand and the flick adjusted to accommodate the type of knife it is."

Toby and Benny, along with Paul all looked suitably impressed at this speech. None of them had any idea that simply tossing a knife could be so... so ... so complicated.

"Remind me to send Cathy a thank you card for teaching you so well Trowa." said Sally.

The laughter that came from this statement eased the tension in the room a little and the chatter turned to the coming day.

"So Duo, Heero and Shane are arriving back tomorrow?" asked Quatre.

"Yes. Une asked them to come to the compound for a quick de-briefing in the main surveillance room." replied Wufei.

"I hopes Shane is feeling better." said Toby.

"I'm sure he will be." said Trowa.

"Great!" grinned Benny, "I can't waits ta tell him all abouts our adventures."

Quatre leaned back and sighed. "I really need a vacation after all of this."

Trowa rubbed his back soothingly. "The moment we are finished here I suggest we pack up and disappear for a while."

Wufei cleared his throat. "I hope you will still be here for the wedding."

Four pairs of eyes turned to stare, the silence could be cut with a knife.

Trowa was the first one to locate his power of speech. "Excuse me?"

Sally laughed and Paul grinned, even Wufei had a semblance of a smirk.

Quatre continued to stare and then shook his head. "Wedding?"

Deciding to put them all out of their misery Sally spoke with a light tone. "Yes wedding. Wufei has asked me to marry him and I have accepted."

There continued to be a silence in the room as the words sunk in. Finally Quatre came to his senses and jumping up he quickly had Sally in a hug. "Congratulations! Oh Sally, I'm so happy for you."

Trowa also stood and walked over to Wufei who rose to greet the handshake. "About time Wufei." he said in his soft tenor.

Wufei smiled. A genuine smile as Trowa's hand was replaced by Quatre's and the congratulations began again.

Toby and Benny bounced over to Paul to add their expressions of joy to the rest of the throng.

"Yer gonna be a real family now Paul, with both a mom and a dad." chirped Toby.

Paul smiled and gazed at the excited pair. "Yeah I guess I am."

"Yer sure are lucky Paul." said Benny with a wistfulness to his little voice.

Toby dug his elbow into Benny's ribs. "Whadd'ya means by that? "

Benny thought for a moment. "Well I guess Paul has now got both a mom and a dad, likes a real family and that's somefin really special...." He trailed off as he found himself unable to find the right words for what he wanted to say.

Toby looked at him quizzically. He had a rough idea of what Benny meant. "But I finks we is just as lucky... I means we got two daddy's."

Paul intervened then. "I think what Benny is tryin ta say is I got one parent of each sex, that's what society seems ta deem as the *normal* family." Paul sighed. "You guys have got two parents as well it's just that they both happens ta be men and society don't seem ta wants ta accept that as a family situation."

Benny thought. "Yeah, that's pretty much what's I was tryin ta say. Thanks Paul."

"Oh." came Toby's response as he mulled the idea over.

"It don't mean I aint happy Tob cause I am, and I wouldn't swap Trowa or Quatre for anyfing."

Toby wasn't a hundred percent sure he fully understood but then at his age he wasn't supposed to either... or so he figured. "Aww... who cares what society finks, I gots me two daddy's an I aint swappin em for anythin. I don'ts need a girl ta get sloppy wiv kisses and things. If that's what a mom does then yer can keep her, I'd rather have what I got any day." He folded his little arms across his chest as if to finalize his point.

Paul laughed. "It ain't that bad yer know. Still you two have got it pretty good so I wouldn't be complaining either." He reached for the pair and drew them into a group hug which quickly escalated into a tickling war.

The four adults watched the exchange with bemused expressions. All four knew what Benny was trying to say and agreed with Paul's interpretation of the facts however unorthodox it may have seemed. Society still had a long way to go in recognizing that just because two people were of the same sex it didn't mean they couldn't fall in love. After all they were just as human as the next being and deserved every right to be happy with their chosen path.

Trowa wrapped his arms around Quatre's waist as they watched the mini 'war'. Both men had been touched by Benny and Toby's brief exchange with Paul and the revelation of their feelings in that area. They also felt a swell of pride knowing the boys were growing up with an open unbiased opinion and view of the world and it's colonies.

Trowa turned a thoughtful eye to Sally and Wufei who were now sitting again on the couch. "Do Heero and Duo know of this yet?"

Wufei smirked. "No."

Quatre grinned. "Ohh please Wufei let us be present when you tell Duo."

Trowa nipped at his neck. "Why you little devil."

"What?! I only want to see his reaction." came the innocent reply.

"You just want to see Maxwell rendered speechless."

"Well there is that too. I mean how often have you ever seen Duo's mouth still for more than a minute?"

"The silence will be deafening."

"I'll tell them tomorrow in the de-briefing." said Wufei still with a smirk.

"I can hardly wait." came Quatre's response.

"You're evil at times Quatre." came Trowa's low tone.

"But you still love me."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Duo awoke with the artificial light piercing through the curtains of the hotel room. His head was resting comfortably in the nook between Heero's shoulder and neck, arms entangled. Heero's regular breathing told him his lover was still asleep. He sighed softly to himself as he thought of the day ahead. It would be good to get home again. The visit back to L2 hadn't done anything to alleviate his dislike for the colony and he couldn't wait to be home in his own familiar surroundings once more, especially his own bed. He hated hotel beds. They were never comfortable like your own, the pillows were either too soft or too hard and the mattress had lumps or bumps in the worst possible places. He was sure all the mattress manufacturers saved their rejects simply to sell them cheap to the hotels as a form of torture. Likewise the pillow people.

Lost in his idle musings he hadn't realized Heero had woken. That is until a finger traced down his spine. "Umm... mornin Heero." He looked up into sleepy cobalt.

"Morning Duo." Heero tilted Duo's face for a kiss, the finger continuing to pursue the length of Duo's spine.

Duo shivered and moved into the touch.

Heero glanced at the clock. 6.30am. Satisfied he continued his little exploration, enjoying the tiny twitches of Duo's skin and muscles.


"Tease am I?"


"I'll show you just how much of a tease I am." Heero slid out from under his love's body and burrowed under the blankets.

Duo fell onto his back as his 'pillow' was taken from him and Heero disappeared. A moan escaped his lips a moment later as he felt Heero remove his morning erection from within his boxers and envelop it with his mouth. "Nnnggg..... Ohhhhhhhh.... Yeah baby...." His hips began to rock as his cock was bathed.

Heero located Duo's arousal and swiftly pulled it free to capture it with his mouth. He sucked in hard and felt Duo's hips thrust in response. Smiling around his mouthful he proceeded to suck the length in deep.

Duo squirmed as his sensitive flesh was devoured. He pushed at the sheets and blankets until Heero's body was in clear view. Enjoying Heero's ministrations he wanted to return the favor and so he grabbed Heero's hips and pulled his koi around until Heero was straddling his shoulders.

Heero sensed what it was Duo wanted and so allowed himself to be maneuvered into position without letting Duo's length slip from his mouth. Pushing his hips closer to Duo's head he suddenly groaned as he felt Duo's tongue swipe across the head of his cock.

With Heero's body above him Duo gave an evil smirk as he dipped inside the flap to expose the length to the cool air. He eyed the firm shaft greedily and his tongue darted out for a taste. Licking his way around the head he suddenly pulled Heero's cock fully into his mouth and began to suck hard.

The pair continued to pleasure each other, sucking and licking, nipping occasionally and moaning in unison as each climbed higher. It couldn't last and Duo was the first to tip over the edge, his moans of ecstasy vibrating along Heero's shaft and triggering the release of the Japanese man.

Duo continued to suckle until he was sure he had drunk every drop from his love. Only then did he release the softening organ from his talented mouth. Heero finished cleaning Duo and slid from the long haired beauty's body. They lay flush against each other and kissed passionately, sharing and mingling their essence.

"Thanks koi."

"I love the mornings with you Duo."

"Likewise baby."

"Hn, we had better get moving."

"Yeah, I guess we better."

Heero slid from the bed and tucked his cock back inside his boxers before pulling on a pair of jeans. "I'll go check on Shane."

Duo lay admiring the view. "Okay. I suppose we best get breakfast and head off to the space port, Une won't be happy if we ain't back on time."

Heero left and Duo began the task of taming his wild locks into a tidy braid.

Heero knocked at Shane's door. "Shane it's Heero. Can I come in?"

The door unlocked and Shane's sleep mussed features greeted Heero. The Japanese man swiftly took in Shane's state. His eyes were a little red and puffy which told Heero Shane had shed more than a few tears in the privacy of his room last night. He decided to refrain from commenting, instead he opted for a cheery tone that would have made Duo proud. "I came to see if you needed any help. Duo is almost ready and we need to get down to breakfast shortly. Une will most certainly be expecting us to be on time."

Shane's eyes were dull as he listened. He knew he had to leave. Sighing loudly he pulled his clothes from the closet and began to dress. He needed a little help with his shirt which Heero gave and he was grateful for that.

A few minutes later he was ready and they stepped out into the hallway to be greeted by Duo.

"Sleep well Shane?" asked Duo as he took Heero's hand.


"Come on then, I'm starvin." Duo tried his best to sound happy and cheer the young man up but he knew it wasn't going to make much difference.

The trio went down to the dining room and helped themselves to a hearty breakfast. Well at least Duo did. He piled his plate high with a little of everything from the breakfast buffet. Heero kept his to a more reasonable level while Shane elected to have only one slice of toast and even that sat untouched on his plate.

Noticing the lack of jaw movement Heero quirked an eyebrow in question. Shane stared back through dull pain filled eyes. "I'm not hungry."

"Is your shoulder hurting?"

"Nah... well not much." The pain was in Shane's heart and no amount of drugs was about to cure or ease it. The slight throbbing from his shoulder was tolerable.

Duo's hand found its way to cover Shane's. "It's gonna be okay buddy." he said with a sympathetic smile.

Shane didn't trust his voice to say anything further so he opted to stare out of the window instead. Suddenly his eyes lit up as he spotted a familiar shape pass by and enter the building. A moment later Fayah was escorted into the dining room by a bell hop. Immediately she spotted Shane she ran towards him.

Shane scraped his chair back as he stood quickly and caught the girl in his embrace. He buried his face in her hair as his arm pulled her as close as he could. "Ohh Fayah." he murmured.

Heero and Duo sat and watched the tender exchange. Duo felt the tears welling and his heart tug. Even Heero wasn't unmoved by the display. He swallowed hard and regained control of his mind. "No. Une would kill them." he thought. He cleared his throat. "Fayah? Have you eaten?"

Fayah turned her head from where it was located against Shane's chest. "No I ain't." she replied softly.

"Then please join us."

Shane pulled her to the table and Duo held a chair for her. He smiled at the girl. "Whatch'a gonna have Fayah?"

"I...I'm not really hungry Duo." Came the soft voice.

Heero stared at her. "Not you too." he muttered.

Fayah's eyes widened.

"Shane's not very hungry either." Duo thought he had better explain.

Fayah lowered her eyes. "Sorry."

The two agents thought it best to let the younger ones refrain from eating if that's what they wanted. Duo finished off his plateful and snagged a slice of bacon from Heero's before announcing he was full.

"Hn. We had better get the bags and things and get to the space port then." Heero said as he looked at his watch.

"Okay." replied Shane.

Fayah opted to say nothing. She watched silently, her heart plummeting to even lower levels as the time for Shane to leave grew closer.

The four went back to their rooms and proceeded to pack. Fayah headed to Shane's room with him to assist the teen. Heero handed Duo their things in an orderly fashion while Duo then crammed them into the large duffle bag with his normal aplomb.

Shane placed his bag on the bed and began to remove his items from the closet. Fayah took them from him and folded them neatly before placing them in the bag. It was as if each fold, each tuck drove the pain deeper, the finality of the situation fully registering with her. She tried hard to hold the tears in check, there would be time for that later... later when Shane had gone.

With everything finally packed they went into Duo and Heero's room for Duo to clean and dress Shane's wound.

Shane sat unmoving while Duo carefully removed the bandage and gauze before swabbing the area. Heero scrutinized the wound as Duo cleaned it pleased to note the healthy granulation of the tissue. Duo puffed some antibiotic powder onto the surface before placing fresh gauze and then bandage over the injury. All finished Shane replaced his shirt with Fayah's help.

"Best we get going then." said Heero as he moved to pick up the duffle bag. He took a quick inventory to make sure they had everything before opening the door and heading into the hallway. Duo grabbed Shane's bag and followed. Shane and Fayah brought up the rear.

In the lobby Heero dealt with the receptionist while Duo placed their bags in the Preventer car that had been sent to pick them up. All settled Heero joined his koi and with Shane and Fayah they were driven to the space port. Upon arrival they hauled their bags inside and found the Preventer section tucked in the corner of the busy place.

Shane sat with Fayah while Duo and Heero sorted out the flight arrangements with the agent on duty. All too soon they returned.

"Shuttle's down this way, gate 7." said Heero as he once more shouldered the large duffle.

Taking Fayah's hand Shane followed behind his guardians, each step taking him further away from where he wanted most to be. Now he understood how the condemned must have felt back in pre colony days. He felt as if he were walking the last mile of existence, that shortly the doors would be closed to him and no way back. While the condemned at least had the guarantee of total oblivion his was a much worse form.... he would have to continue to live with the pain.

They arrived at gate 7 and entered the small waiting lounge. "We are scheduled for take off in another fifteen minutes." Heero said as he looked at Shane. "Duo and I will stow the bags and do the pre flight check while you two stay here and say your goodbyes."

The words twisted in Shane's heart. He knew Heero wasn't trying to be cruel, he was simply stating the facts.

Heero walked over to Fayah and dropping his usual facade pulled the girl close to him and hugged her tight. "Thank you Fayah. Thank you for your help with the mission as well as with Shane."

Fayah bit her lip as she returned the hug. " S'okay Heero. I'm glad I was able ta help. At least now the streets will be a little bit safer."

"Take care of yourself Fayah."

"I will Heero."

Heero let the girl go and advanced on the shuttle's entry ramp.

Duo stepped forward next, his violet eyes tinged with sadness. "I'm gonna miss ya Fayah."

"I'll miss yer too Duo."

"Thanks again fer everything ya did to help out. I just wish there was some way...." Duo trailed off as he didn't want to add any more emotion to the already charged atmosphere.

"Don't worry Duo, I'll be fine. I'm a street kid, I'm tough, I'll survive." The words were spoken strongly and with pride even though Fayah felt as helpless as a kitten.

Duo gave her one last fierce hug before turning and running to catch up with Heero. If he stayed any longer he would be in tears himself.

Shane and Fayah stood and simply stared at each other. tears welled in both sets of eyes as the finality of the moment came crashing down. They hugged, pulling each other close as if trying to climb into the others very soul. Lips met in a kiss of desperation and longing, pain and fulfillment, heartache and joy. Locked together even the need for air was pushed aside as they tried to imprint the others total being into their own.

Shane stroked Fayah's back as he tried desperately to contain his emotions. He felt the girl shudder in his arms as she could contain her tears no longer. "Don't cry Fayah... please don't cry." he begged.

"I can't help it Shane. I'm gonna miss yer so much. Yer the first person ta treat me as somethin other than an object. I... I... I wish yer could stay." she sobbed quietly.

"I wish I could too Fayah but I can't." Shane's breath hitched as he lost the battle with his own tears. They ran freely down his cheeks as his heart was torn from him. "I promise ya Fayah, I will return, someday I will manage ta find a way and come back fer ya."

Fayah looked up through moistened blue and read the determination in brown. "I'll wait fer yer Shane, I don't care how long it takes, I'll wait fer ya."

Their sobs joined forces as they held each other unable to comfort anymore.

Duo went into the cockpit to find Heero running a check over the controls. He paused and stared out of the window at the moving display below. He felt his own heart ache again at the scene unfolding. "Heero?"


"I can't do this."

Heero looked up into his love's clouded violet. The sadness there was deep and genuine. He looked out of the window and observed the emotion charged exchange currently taking place between Fayah and Shane. He had been barely able to keep his own feelings suppressed and the sight below did nothing to improve the situation. He turned back to Duo.

"I can't destroy a sweet blossoming love like this Heero." Duo's eyes welled.

Heero bit his lip in an attempt to prevent himself from joining in with the current overflow of salty water. No matter how hard he tried to push it away the little voice would not be stilled. It continued to nag at him, begging, pleading him to put aside protocol and go with his humanity.

"We have to leave." he said. Surprisingly his voice came out calm and steady. "Buckle yourself in while I fetch Shane." He swiftly turned his back. He couldn't bear to see the anger, pain and sorrow in those accusing amethyst depths. He exited the shuttle to fetch Shane.

Duo watched through tears as Heero left. "You cold emotionless bastard!" he said, but Heero was out of earshot. "I thought you were finally getting a heart Yuy. Obviously I was wrong." He focused back on the panels in front of him.

Heero returned a few moments later and flicked the switch to seal the doors. He coaxed the engines into life and placed the head set on top of his unruly locks. He avoided eye contact with his koi knowing Duo was majorly pissed off at him. "Fuel?" He began the mechanical task of the pre flight check.

Duo answered in short clipped tones. He was still in shock from Heero's coldness.

They obtained the clearance from control and the shuttle shuddered slightly as the docking clamps were released. Heero maneuvered the craft clear of the port and eased it out into the vast expanse of space. Once clear he fired the engines fully and piloted them out into the void. As they moved away from the colony so Heero set the auto pilot and cut the engines back, allowing the natural forces of space and their momentum carry them towards the small blue green planet. Satisfied all was operational he sat back & slipped off the head set. He turned to stare at his koi.

Duo had followed the procedure on his own auto pilot, his mind otherwise occupied. He became aware of the weight of Heero's eyes. He turned to stare into the cobalt depths of his lover. "I can't believe after all this time you still don't feel any emotion Yuy. I mean after everythin we've been through over the past year, not to mention these last few days and months and ya still ain't got any compassion fer anyone." Duo began to rant, his voice picking up in both speed and volume as he verbally assaulted the Japanese man.

Heero sat with his arms folded and an impassive look upon his face. He had learnt from experience that it was best to just let Duo get on with his tirade. He would stop soon enough, to try to get a word in before then was futile and would only inflame the situation more. He waited patiently as Duo proceeded to tell him exactly what he thought about his compassionate side, or rather lack of. All the time he kept silent. Finally the attack slowed and Heero felt himself sigh. "Do you really think I have no feelings Duo?"

"Got it in one buddy." Duo huffed. "For shits sake Heero. You could see how deep Shane had fallen fer that girl, I'm sure even you weren't blind to how much it was tearin them apart to be separated. Yanno it wouldn't surprise me if Shane high tails it back ta L2 the first chance he gets...."


"I know I would.... There's no way I would be leaving the love of my life behind like that..."


"And ta think ya just dragged them apart..."


"What Yuy?!" Duo glowered, he was nowhere near done with his bawling out of the ex Wing pilot yet.

"Go see Shane."

"I think I will. At least the atmosphere will be a bit better there than in here." he huffed as he unbuckled his harness and floated out of his seat to the cockpit door.

Heero watched him go and sighed. Turning his attention back to the control panel he waited.

A matter of seconds later he was knocked deeper into his seat by a bouncing crying American.

"Ohh Heero..." Duo began to rain kisses upon every inch of Heero's face and neck. "I'm sorry.. I knew I shouldn't have doubted you." He continued to feather kisses on Heero's skin. "Forgive me? Please?"

"Hn." Heero wrapped his arms around his koi. "I'll punish you later for it."

"Anything ya want Heero. I'll take whatever punishment yer deem fitting. I'm sorry I called you those things."

Laughter rang out from behind them as Shane appeared in the cockpit doorway. "Sounds like yer gonna be busy later Heero."


A small hand worked its way around Shane's waist as a face appeared over his shoulder. "Thanks Heero."

"Hn. Don't thank me yet Fayah, we still have Une to confront."

"I'll deal with Une." growled Duo.

Heero shivered. The thought of meeting up with Une and explaining the acquisition of yet another member to their family was not a pleasant one. He quickly shoved it aside and smiled at the three happy faces around him.

For this he would gladly handle Une.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~