Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 33

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 33.

Shane and Fayah walked in companionable silence along the streets of L2 as they made their way towards the local cinema-plex. Shyly Shane reached out with his good hand and took Fayah's into it. She smiled at him as their fingers entwined and instinctively she pulled closer to him.

They approached the small box office and Shane reluctantly released Fayah's hand as he reached for his wallet and paid for the two tickets. They moved inside and towards the candy bar.

"So whach'a want ta nibble on Fayah?"

Fayah stared at all the various bags of candy on display, never had she seen so much in her life. The brightly colored wrappers all jumped out at her, each depicting the delicious treat inside. "Ummm... I dunno Shane." She smiled sweetly at him then had an idea. "How about you pick somethin fer us."

Shane smiled back and then moved to the counter. "Duo always says popcorn is the best stuff ta eat while watchin a movie so how 'bout we get a large one and share?"

"Great!" Fayah grinned back.

Shane purchased a large container of hot buttered popcorn along with a couple of cokes. They made their way through the corridor to the cinema and went inside. It was fairly deserted, just a small spattering of people so Shane led the way to the back row and sat down about a third of the way along. Fayah sat next to him still clutching the popcorn and one coke.

They settled in and placed the drinks in the nifty little holders that were built into the end of the armrests. Fayah positioned the popcorn within easy reach of Shane and turned to take in the cinema. She had never dreamed she would be lucky enough to experience something like this and intended to enjoy it to the full, locking each bit away in her memory for her to call upon when her life returned to its usual pitiful existence.

Sensing the girl's inner feelings Shane took a moment to study her profile in the dim lights. She was the most exquisite thing he had ever laid eyes upon. Her strawberry blonde hair cascaded around her. The high cheekbones and slightly snub nose gave way to full red lips that were made for kissing. Her eyes shone a clear crystal blue with the excitement and her slender body was beginning to blossom. A delicate neck joined to slender shoulders, the soft swell of her developing breasts pushing out against the fabric of Shane's t shirt that she still wore. The narrow waist and long tapering legs all added up to one thing.... Once Fayah achieved womanhood she was going to be a knockout. Shane couldn't help the tug at his heart strings as he knew he would probably never see her again, her beauty and childlike innocence would haunt him forever. The tears began to pool and he hastily willed them away. He couldn't spoil Fayah's fun. Not today... today they would live it all... for who knew when either of them would be able to do it again.

The lights dimmed and the screen came to life. Fayah relaxed back in her seat and took a handful of popcorn as she watched entranced as the movie began to play. So absorbed in the pictures upon the screen she didn't feel Shane's arm until it circled her shoulders completely. She sighed softly and tore her eyes away from the screen for a moment to stare into his deep brown eyes. She smiled and snuggled closer to him and began to feed him popcorn as they continued to watch the drama unfold.

The movie soon held Shane's attention as well and he joined in with the laughter and cheers in the appropriate places. In some ways he understood the feelings of the two animals as they struggled to come to terms with the various cards that life dealt them. Now he knew why Duo had suggested they see this particular show, the trials and tribulations of the pair on the screen were a lot like him and Fayah; only he was the tramp and Fayah most definitely the lady in his opinion.

He felt a drop of moisture seep through his shirt and glanced down at the girl snuggled against him. The track of a silvery tear could be seen in the dim lights. Concerned he pulled her closer. "Don't cry Fayah." he said softly.

"Can't help it." came the hiccupped reply.

The movie had reached its sad point where Tramp, having rescued the baby from the rat, was now paying for his bravery in the back of the dog catchers truck. Shane's own heart ached with the emotion from the scene as well as the girl in his arm. With his own experiences with movies fairly limited, Shane was still learning to come to terms himself with the emotions the bits of celluloid could evoke.

He went to fetch his handkerchief from his pocket and winced as his arm and shoulder reminded him it was not fully functional yet and his other was too preoccupied with cuddling Fayah.

Feeling the wince Fayah immediately took her eyes from the screen and looked at Shane with concern. "Yer all right?"

"Yeah." Shane smiled sheepishly. "I was just trying ta get my hankie for ya but I forgot about the shoulder."

"Shane that's sweet but really I'm okay." She brushed the back of her hand over her cheeks and eyes to eradicate the salty trails. She smiled at him and traced her finger down his cheekbone to the dip in the cleft of his chin. "Thanks fer being so thoughtful though."

Shane smiled and pulled her even closer before returning his gaze to watch the end of the movie.

The movie came to its finale and the credits began to roll as the lights grew in their brightness. Fayah stretched, easing the kinks from her body and turned to look at Shane. "I really enjoyed that. Thanks Shane."

Shane stared at her as he returned slowly to reality from the world of make believe. "I did too Fayah, and it was even better 'cause I was sharing it with you."

Tears began to pool in her eyes and Fayah felt an unfamiliar ache settle in her heart. Blinking rapidly she pushed the feelings away, she wasn't ready to deal with them just yet. "So now what?" she asked shyly.


"Yeah, a little."

"Wanna grab a bite to eat then?"

"Love ta."

"Whatch'a fancy?"

"Ummmm..... I'll let yer pick Shane."

Shane laughed. "Come on then, we had better get goin before they kick us out."

They rose from their seats and made their way out of the large auditorium and back to the streets. Pausing for a moment Shane scanned up and down trying to recall where the best eating places were around this section. Even though he was an L2 native this hadn't been a part of his territory. He could discern some flashing lights further down the street and decided that that looked like their best option. "Shall we stroll down this way and see what's on offer?" he asked.

"Sure, why not." Fayah smiled back at him. She didn't really care where they went as long as she was with Shane. She cuddled up closer to him as if trying to imprint the very touch of him into her skin. She knew he had to leave on the 'morrow and intended to stay as close to him as possible before that happened.

They wandered down the street hand in hand gazing into the various store windows and looking for a place to get something to eat. The lights of the colony were dimming, an attempt at emulating the twilight of the earth, but to Shane, after experiencing the real thing, it seemed so fake. He would have loved to have shown Fayah a real sunset. He sighed.

Fayah picked up on the gentle sound and looked at him quizzically.

He smiled back. "Just thinkin how much I would love fer you ta see a proper sunset Fayah. All the colors as they paint across the sky... it's really pretty."

Another tug at her heart. "Maybe one day." she whispered.

"Yeah maybe."

They walked a little further before Shane spotted a flashing sign proclaiming food. "How about we eat there?"

Fayah looked in the direction Shane indicated. "Why not?" she grinned.

Laughing, Shane led the way and stepped inside the small restaurant. They were greeted by a cheerful waiter who led them to a small booth in the corner where they could have some privacy. He placed menus in front of them before speaking. "Welcome to the Pasta Palace, I am Antonio and I will be your waiter this fine evening. While you decide what you would like to eat may I get you something to drink?"

Shane looked at Fayah. "What would yer like?"

Fayah felt lost for a moment, the words on the menu meant nothing to her other that a series of black funny symbols with gaps in-between. Then she smiled, recalling a memory from long ago. "I'd like an orange juice if ya got it please."

"But of course Madame, anything for such a sweet lady." Antonio winked at her. "And for sir?"

Shane tried desperately to hold his laughter. "I'll have the same thanks."

Antonio disappeared to fetch the drinks and Shane snickered. Fayah watched the amusement as she studied Shane yet again. Shane stared back, "Sorry Fayah, guess I'm just not used ta bein called sir."

It was Fayah's turn to laugh. "Well it's the first time I has ever been called a lady. Usually they takes one look at me and tells me ta scram." She failed to add that it was because nine times out of ten she was ratting through the rubbish bins looking for anything remotely edible.

"So why orange juice?"

Fayah lost herself in a memory for a moment before replying. "This is prolly gonna sound stupid but I can remember a long time ago havin orange juice. I think it was my mother but I can't be sure, it's all a little foggy but anyways I always seems ta think of good stuff when I thinks of orange juice and I really wanted to try it again and see if it's as good as I remembers."

Shane's eyes softened. "I wish I could give yer orange juice every day Fayah." He reached his hand across the table to place over the top of hers.

Fayah smiled. "Well at least I will have another good memory ta associate wiv it."

Not trusting his voice to say anymore Shane opted to stare at the lovely girl before him instead. They were silent for a moment, each lost in their own mind when the return of Antonio broke the spell. The rich coloring of the liquid in the glasses as he set them upon the table made Fayah's mouth water at the prospect of tasting such sweet nectar.

"Now then, what can I get for you to eat tonight." Antonio's face beamed at them.

Fayah looked at Shane helplessly, she hadn't a clue what was good and what wasn't. Unable to read the menu didn't help her situation much either.

Knowing what was going through Fayah's mind Shane decided to help her out a little. "Would ya mind if I ordered for the both of us Fayah?"

Fayah flashed him a grateful grin. "I don't mind at all."

Shane quickly scanned the menu before his eyes lit up with a typical Duo type glint. "I think we will try one of these and a serve of this one as well." he said with a wicked smirk. "Oh, and can we have a basket of garlic bread as well please?"

"But of course sir. No problem." said Antonio and with a flourish he removed the menus and went to place the order.

"Errr... Shane?"

"Yes Fayah?"

"What was it yer ordered?"

"Ahh ya will just hafta wait an see." Shane responded with an evil smirk. He reached for his glass and brought it in front of him. "To tonight." he said softly as he raised his glass.

Fayah lifted her own and mimicked Shane's actions. "To tonight." she replied softly and touched her glass to Shane's before taking a sip of the liquid.

Shane watched mesmerized as a look of pure pleasure played over Fayah's face with the touch of the sweet juice against her tongue. Oh how he wished he could keep that look there permanently.

Fayah savored the sweetness as it danced over her taste buds. The fresh juice tasted like sunshine pure and true, not artificial, and sent her mouth into paradise and her mind back over many years. Returning from her little walk down memory lane she looked up to see Shane's amused brown eyes watching her intently. She blushed.

"Taste good huh?"

Shyly she dropped her eyes. "Yeah, it does."

Antonio returned with the garlic bread and placed it in the center of the table. With a sly wink to Shane he left them alone once more.

Taking a slice each they began to nibble away at the piping hot bread. The pieces were cut rather large and the garlic butter spread thickly over the surface. It was delicious.

The meal followed a few moments later and Fayah's eyes crinkled in a smile as she recognized the food. Antonio placed the two plates on the table. "Enjoy." and with a bow left them in peace to eat.

Shane picked up his fork. Grinning at Fayah he spoke. "So whatch'a waitin fer? Dig in."

Fayah shook her head in amusement before 'digging in' The spaghetti proved to be a little harder to pin down that she had thought. The sauce was rich with spices and flavor and she enjoyed every mouthful.

Shane showed her how to twist her fork in the mass and capture the errant strands of pasta and they laughed as sometimes they succeeded and other times the mass slipped off before making it to a hungry mouth. Shane sucked up a strand, the sauce dribbling off to run down his chin and caused Fayah to scold him lightly for his wild behavior, even though she thought it was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

They nibbled at the pizza and enjoyed a light banter, recalling different things that had happened to them over the years and learning a little more about the other's life in general. They kept the conversation light and cheerful, there would be time for the heartache later.

Fayah pulled a piece of spaghetti into her mouth and began to suck it in, her mind and eyes elsewhere. Shane also picked up a piece and with a wicked gleam in his eye began to suck on his end. Just like in the movie they had watched, the strand shortened and pulled them together. Fayah absently followed the string until she suddenly came face to face with Shane. Time stood still as they gazed deep into each others eyes. Fayah felt the blush begin to creep up her neck as she reached forward and stole a sweet kiss.

They separated but continued to lock eyes.

"Fayah... I..."

"Don't Shane." she whispered. "Lets just enjoy what we have while we have it."

Shane nodded although his heart ached with the words he wanted to say. They finished the rest of the meal in silence. Leaving the restaurant feeling very full Shane suggested a walk in the park that was by the hotel before going back. Fayah readily agreed.

They walked in companionable silence, hand in hand for a while before Shane sat them down on a bench. He wrapped his arm around Fayah's shoulders and pulled her close to him. Fayah tucked her head onto Shane's shoulder and gazed out at the twinkling lights of the colony's buildings.

"Fayah... Ya know I gotta leave tomorra."

"I know Shane." she rested her hand upon his thigh.

Shane shivered as he felt the warmth of her hand penetrate the thick denim of his jeans. "I'm... I'm gonna miss you Fayah."

She looked up into his eyes that reflected the colony lights. Raising her hand to cup his cheek she stroked her thumb lightly back and forth. "I'm gonna miss yer too Shane."

"I just wish we coulda met under different circumstances... I really like ya Fayah." Shane was finding it hard to express his feelings. There was so much he wanted to say and so little time left in which to say it.

"Hush there... I know Shane. I wishes it coulda been different too. Yer the first person I can remembers ever treatin me as somethin other than a means ta find pleasure."

Shane felt the tide of emotion rise within his chest at those softly spoken words. "Fayah.... Yer an amazing girl. Yer soft and sweet, you have a compassion inside you I can't even begins ta describe. Fer what you have gone through in what I know of yer life, and in many ways it's similar ta mine, you still manages ta hold onto that special somethin that makes you who ya are. Never think that yer not good enough 'cause you are. You're a very special person Fayah... in my book you will always be a lady."

Fayah couldn't keep her tears in check any longer. They overflowed and ran down her cheeks in tiny rivers. The soft sobs escaped her lips as the words Shane spoke sank into her young mind. All her short yet turbulent life she had hoped of finding something, someone other than the harsh reality she faced each day. She had long ago stopped believing in fairy godmothers and the like, knowing it would never happen to her. So she had accepted her lot and tried to make the best of it, but she still clung to that one sliver of hope that someday... someday her knight in shining armor would ride up on his steed and sweep her off her feet and take her away from all the poverty and squalor that was her everyday existence.

She knew her knight had arrived when she first laid eyes on Shane. Only problem was his steed would be taking him millions of kilometers away... and without her.

Shane tilted her head and stared into her moist blue depths. He lightly brushed his lips against hers. "Don't cry Fayah, please don't cry."

"I'm sorry." she sniffled.

Shane kissed her again. It was the only way he could think of to still her weeping. He wanted her to remember him with happiness and love, not with sorrow. Although his own heart was breaking, he had to try. Unknowingly he took a leaf from Duo's book and slipped on a cheerful mask. "Cheer up princess."

The soft words, while easing a little of the tears, did nothing to quell the sorrow of her aching heart. She caught a sob and pressed her lips towards Shane's once more, desperately seeking his strength.

Lips joined as tongues surged forward to stroke, entwine and explore. The kiss deepened with intensity, each desperate to claim the others mouth. Pulling apart to breathe Shane rested his head against Fayah's. "Ohh god Fayah."

"Shhhh... don't spoil our last moments. I want to remember this forever." She surged forward again, determined to give Shane the best kiss he had ever experienced and hopefully make him remember her.

Not that Shane was ever about to forget this enchanting creature that had stolen his heart.

Sitting comfortably a few moments later Shane ran his fingers idly through strawberry locks. A glance at his watch told him more time had passed than he cared for. "I guess we should be going back." he said, his voice heavy with sadness.

Fayah just nodded. She didn't trust her voice.

Slowly they rose and began the trek back to the hotel, each step taking them further away from their innermost needs and wants. Finding themselves back at the main entrance of the hotel Shane looked again into Fayah's eyes. "Promise to come see me in the morning 'fore we hafta go?"

Feeling the tears beginning to well again Fayah nodded. "I'll be here. 'Sides I gotta bring ya clothes back."

Shane smiled. "Yer can keep em Fayah."

Fayah looked deep into Shane's eyes and smiled. "Thanks but I really should return them, it's not right ta keep em."

Reaching forward to partake of those sweet lips once more Shane whispered, "That's okay. I don't mind at all."

Knowing they had to part, yet delaying the moment for as long as possible, they stood in silence just holding each other. Finally they separated. "I'll see ya in the mornin then Fayah."

"I'll be here Shane. I promise."

"Do ya want me ta walk yer back ta the gang?"

"No. I think it best if I goes back by myself."

"Okay. Till tomorrow."

They parted and Shane watched as Fayah turned and vanished into the colony night. Sighing loudly and with a heavy heart he went inside the building and back to his room.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Wufei and Paul enjoyed a quiet dinner before returning to the medical facility to pick up Sally. Her vital signs were stable and the senior medic saw no reason to keep her there any longer. Besides doctors made the worst patients and in Sally's case this was more than evident. Paul couldn't help the grin that found its way to his face as they approached the facility. If he could hear Sally's complaints from this distance he dreaded to think just how loud she was inside.

Wufei shook his head. The onna was certainly giving someone a lot of grief and for once it wasn't him. They pushed open the door to hear Sally's voice increase in volume.

Wufei looked at Paul. "I think for your own safety you should stay in here while I fetch the woman."

Paul nodded in agreement. "I think that may be wise." he replied.

Wufei opened the door carefully before stepping inside....

....and ducked....


The metallic clang echoed around the room as the bed pan hit the wall. Picking it up, Wufei walked towards the bed where his betrothed was engaged in a rather heated argument with a nurse.

"I will not use that thing!"

"But Doctor Po..."

"But nothing. I am quite capable of going to the toilet by myself."

"So what's all this about? Refusing to listen to your nurse?" Wufei poked his head around the curtain that surrounded one rather irate looking patient and frazzled nurse.

"If I want to go I can make it to the toilet, I refuse to use one of those... those antiquated things!" yelled Sally as she waved her hand at the object Wufei carried.

The nurse threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "Fine. Have it your own way but I am going to let the other doctor know you refused so if anything happens to you while visiting the bathroom it's on your own head." The nurse turned and marched to the end of the bed where she yanked the chart out of its holder and began to scribble furiously on the page of notes.

Wufei carefully put the bed pan down, making sure it was well out of Sally's reach. The last thing he needed right now was a war of the metal objects, knowing Sally she wouldn't stop there, it would be followed by the sharp pointy things and that was a scenario he wished to avoid at all costs. The onna was bad enough when in the capacity of doctor and he was sure she derived some form of sadistic pleasure from impaling her patients on the end of tiny steel needles. The word pincushion sprang to mind.

"Is she ready to leave?" he asked the nurse who was still seething as she wrote.

"Yes. Please take her." The nurse glowered at Sally.

Sally returned the glare. "Wufei, would you be so kind as to fetch me my clothes from the cupboard over there?"

Wufei retrieved the items and passed them over. He discreetly left the room while she dressed herself.

Paul looked up as Wufei came back. "She coming out?"

"Yes. She should be ready shortly."

"What was all the noise about?"

"Bed pans."


A moment later Sally appeared, her wrist encased in its plaster prison. "Lets go Wufei. If I have to spend a moment longer here I think I will be performing some unscheduled surgery."

Paul grinned. It was good to have his 'parents' back.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Shane exited the elevator and approached his guardians room. He knocked lightly on the door just in case they had retired for the evening but he doubted it. His doubt was confirmed when Heero opened the door. He entered the room and sat on the chair to the side of the couch where Heero and Duo had obviously been entwined watching a movie on the TV.

Duo looked up. "So how did it go Shane?"

"Fine. We had a good time."

"Hn." Heero sat next to his koi and pulled him close once again.

"Is that all yer gonna tell us? It was fine?" Duo teased.

Shane shook his head. He wanted to tell them all about it but the ache in his heart weighed him down.

"Why the sad face? She run off and dump ya?" Duo continued to tease.

That brought a smile to Shane's face. Pushing the sadness aside he focused on the evening and began to relate what they had done. He knew Duo would keep digging at him if he didn't.

"So you liked the movie then?"

"Yeah. It was good. Fayah enjoyed it and yer was right Duo, popcorn is just the best stuff ta eat while watchin a movie."

"Would I ever steer yer in the wrong direction Shane?" Duo smirked.

"Hn. When it comes to food I doubt that very much." Heero said. "As for advice in other areas... well that's debatable."

"You know what your problem is koi? Yer got no sense of adventure." Duo huffed.

"Oh I beg to differ. I think we had quite an interesting little adventure earlier."

"Hmmmm... Well in that department I suppose you have a point."

"More than a point." Heero gave his lover a smirk.

Duo nearly choked. "And you go on about me and corrupting Shane. Take a look in the mirror Yuy."

Heero opted to switch the course of conversation. "Did you take the young girl out to dinner?"

"Yeah. We ended up in a little Italian restaurant of all places."

"Let me guess. Yer had spaghetti." Duo snickered.

Shane blushed. "Yeah we did." His mind wandered off as he recalled the meal and the stolen kisses. His face turned sad again.

Duo picked up on the teen's turmoil and his heart went out to him. He knew from first hand experience just how painful love could be. "You wanna talk about it Shane?"

Shane looked up. "Thanks but I'd rather not at the moment." His brown eyes begged for Duo to understand. He knew if he started now the floodgates would open and he would embarrass himself by crying like a baby.

"S'okay. I understand. Why don'cha go ta bed. We have to leave early in the morning. Shuttle leaves at ten so we need to be at the space port by nine thirty and lets not forget breakfast before then." Duo tried to lighten the atmosphere a little.

Shane smiled gratefully. "Right." He stood to take his leave and Heero followed him to the door. "Night guys."

"Night Shane." called Duo.

"You okay to get yourself undressed?" asked Heero as he stared at the teens still injured arm.

"Yeah I'll be fine Heero. Thanks anyway."

Heero placed his hand on Shane's uninjured shoulder and squeezed lightly. "Sleep well."

Shane left and Heero returned to the couch and Duo's waiting embrace.

Duo wrapped his arms securely around Heero and pulled him close. He began to feather kisses along Heero's cheek and jaw line. "It's sad yanno."

Heero allowed the kisses to tease him. "I know it is Duo but there's nothing we can do."

"I suppose not but it still seems unfair."

"Hai it is unfair." Heero thought back to Shane's sad face from earlier. Life wasn't fair and in this case it seemed positively cruel.

"I wish we could...."

"Duo.. don't."

"Don't what koi?"

"Don't torture yourself. It's out of our hands. Besides Une would kill us."

"Since when has the almighty Une ever scared the perfect soldier shitless?"

"Since seeing her in those teddy bear pajamas." Heero dead panned.

Duo chuckled. "Point taken and acknowledged. Even I was a little perturbed by that vision."

"Hn. Lets go to bed."

"Hmmmm... Best thing yer have said all night lover."

"To sleep."

"Aww... I'm sure yer losing yer libido here Heero. Maybe I need ta get you some viagra or something" Duo sniggered.

"You do and you will be sleeping alone for a month."

Duo sighed. "Geeze... Anyone would think I was completely obsessed with sex the way ya carry on Heero."

"You are."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"As long as it's only with me koi." Heero smiled, a genuine smile as he reached for Duo's lips.

"Ohh gods Heero... I love you so much."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~