Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 32

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 32

Finished in the bathroom Duo returned to see what Heero was up to. He found his lover sitting by the vid phone staring off into space. He snuck up behind the dark haired man and placed a kiss to his neck. "What'cha thinkin about Heero?"

"Hn. Nothing."

Duo moved around and straddled his lovers lap, placing one leg either side of Heero's he faced his koi. "You sure about that? I mean this normally fully focused mind was miles away." Duo grinned.

Heero wrapped his arms around Duo and pulled him in for a chaste kiss. "What did the doctor say?"

"Everything's fine. Rib should knit back okay and be back to normal in a couple of weeks." Duo began to nibble along Heero's neck.

"What about Shane?"

"Also doing well. The wound is clean and should heal well. It's gonna scar but not big. I gave him Sally's details and he's gonna send through the case files. He also gave me the stuff ta clean the wound with tomorrow before we leave."

Heero stretched his head back to expose more of his throat for Duo's lips to devour. "Nnnn... nice."

Duo smirked as he continued to feast. He shifted slightly in Heero's lap and rocked his hips, pleased to note an answering hardness beneath. With Shane and Fayah gone for the afternoon there was no reason for them not to 'play'. He continued his assault on Heero's neck, savoring each flavor.

Heero's hands began to rub small circles on Duo's back. He closed his eyes and just let his sense of touch take over. The nips and kisses to his neck heightening his desire. He felt his hips rock of their own violation to meet Duo's, soft whimpers of need came from his throat. It didn't matter how many times he made love to Duo or Duo to him, it was as if each time was their first. He couldn't get enough of his long haired lover and on more than one occasion had sent mental thanks to J for his training in stamina.

Duo continued his exploration of Heero's throat, at the same time his nimble fingers worked their way underneath Heero's shirt to toy with a rapidly hardening nipple. His own arousal throbbed between his legs and he pushed harder against Heero in an attempt to gain some more friction.

The vid phone beeped.

Growling softly Duo paused in his attentions. "Whoever it is get rid of them quick Heero."

"Hai." moaned Heero in reply. He hit the accept button making sure the visual was off. "Yuy here."

"Heero... It's Une. I thought I had better contact you and keep you informed of the current status."

"Hn. About time. I have been trying to contact you for a while now." Heero couldn't keep the touch of annoyance from his voice.

"I realize that but we have been somewhat occupied. Heero, is there something wrong with the visual on the phone?"

"Hn. I don't think so."

"Then why can't I see you? Is Duo there as well because I would like him to hear what I have to say."

Duo snickered from his place in Heero's lap. "Yeah I'm here Une. Just a tic and I should have the vid feed workin okay." Duo placed another sweet kiss to Heero's mouth before extraditing himself from his lovers lap and straightening his clothes. He hit the visual and Une's tired, concerned face fuzzed into focus. "So what happened down there? Sounds like ya all had a big shindig without us."

Une rubbed her temples. "I can assure you it was no party Duo." She frowned as she took in Heero and Duo's slightly flushed features, rumpled clothes and messy hair. "I take it I wasn't interrupting anything?"

"Ummm... no, not at all Une. " Duo winked. "We needed a little distraction for a moment."

Une shook her head. "I don't believe it."

"Ain't hormones a wonderful thing?" sniggered Duo before he flounced out of view.

Rather than reply Une switched her attentions back to Heero who had gone a few shades of red. "I don't know how you do it Heero."

Duo got in before Heero had a chance. "It's easy Une... yer just take part A and slot it into hole B and...mmph..."

Duo was effectively silenced by one Japanese ex pilot who shot across the room with blinding speed. With his braid firmly stuffed in his mouth Duo was unable to utter anything other than a few incoherent mumbles.

"Gomen Une."

"It's all right Heero. I should be used to him by now." She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Getting back to the original reason for this call....."

Une informed Heero of the happenings back on earth, the finding of the virus, discovering that Evans was an impostor, the boys help in obtaining the proof and the scuffle of Nylan and Carter's arrest. She gave them the low down on Sally's current condition and outlined the cleanup procedure that was in the processes of being deployed. "The shuttle will be available to return you to earth at ten o'clock." she finished.

"Arigato Une. Please pass on our thoughts and good wishes to Wufei, Sally and Paul. We hope she feels better soon. Once we arrive back we will report to the compound then and not HQ?"

"Yes Heero. I will still be here. I'll need to debrief you both fully later but for now a quick one will have to suffice."

Duo tried desperately to stifle his giggles.

Heero glared at him. No doubt he would find out just what it was his koi was finding so amusing afterwards. "Is that all Une?"

"Yes, for now. I'll make sure I have my phone with me so if you need to contact me please do, otherwise I will see you in the main surveillance room tomorrow."

"Hai. Yuy out." Heero severed the connection and turned to look at his wayward partner. "Care to tell me what you are finding so amusing?"

Duo sidled up to his lover and lowered his face to stare lustfully into Heero's Prussian depths. "You heard the lady Heero. For now a quick one will have to suffice." he snickered.

As Une's words were repeated back to him so the light went off in Heero's head. Deciding to play Shinigami at his own game he stole a kiss before replying. "One should not disobey a direct order."

Duo's face lit up with an evil grin. "That's my soldier boy, always willin ta follow orders."

"You better believe it."

"Want me to show you how quick I can be?" Duo slid into Heero's lap once more and began to lick along the shell of an ear.

Heero moaned softly. "I'd rather feel it."

"Ohh Heero I think I am finally succeeding in corrupting you."

Heero wrapped his arms around Duo's slender frame and stood. Carrying the other ex pilot he made his way through to the bedroom and deposited them both onto the bed. They rolled around for a few moments, finding each others mouths and devouring hungrily as their bodies fought for dominance.

Duo managed to wriggle his way through Heero's limbs until he was on top of the Japanese man. Staring lustfully at the flushed panting vision beneath him he smiled. "Now I think I will have my wicked way with you."

"Ohh please no.. not that.... don't hurt me." Heero murmured coyly and batted his eyelashes.

"I'm only following orders." snickered Duo as his hand traveled southwards.

"But I'd much prefer long and slow."

Duo paused for a moment, then a smirk crossed his features. Grasping Heero's hand he pulled it south with his own. He quickly slid the zipper of his jeans down and reached inside to grasp his more than ready erection. He pulled it free from his clothes and placed Heero's hand upon the length. "I think I can accommodate the long bit." He said huskily as he worked Heero's hand along his shaft.

Heero moaned as he wrapped his fingers tighter around Duo's pulsing heat. "That you can koi."

Duo's hips rocked into the touch and he closed his eyes as he enjoyed Heero's ministrations to his need. Releasing his hand from Heero's he quickly located the zipper to Heero's pants and gently eased it down. His fingers slipped inside and located their reward.

Heero's hips bucked as Duo's talented fingers found his cock and began to toy with it. The touch that was feathered across the tip exciting him even more. "Nnnn... More Duo..."

Stealing yet another kiss, Duo released Heero's cock and began to work on removing the barrier of denim that lay between him and his goal. Finally succeeding his hand once more located the throbbing erection and began to massage it.

Heero used his feet to assist in the removal of his jeans, once discarded he spread his legs slightly and thrust once more into the warm tunnel of Duo's hand. His own hand continued in its assault on Duo's member. Needing to feel the sensations of skin against skin he tugged at Duo's pants. "Off." he growled.

"Anything for you lover." came the husky reply and Duo quickly peeled the garment away to reveal his creamy flesh in all its glory. Returning to Heero's body he began to nip his way to the hardened nub on Heero's chest.

Heero gasped and arched his back as Duo bit down on his nipple. Pleasure coursed through his body as he sought more of his koi's attentions.

Suckling gently by way of apology Duo continued to work on the small nub, drawing forth more moans and movement from the body beneath him. Fingers crept silently under the pillow and deftly removed the top of the familiar tube. Thoroughly coated they sneaked downwards and located Heero's hidden entrance. Without giving Heero any time to register their arrival he swiftly thrust one finger inside.

Heero shot off the bed as the finger penetrated him. Duo chuckled. Pushing back down against the intrusion Heero shook his head in amusement. The master of stealth had struck once again, Heero only wished he would strike something else inside him.

As if reading his mind Duo pushed forth and with practiced ease located Heero's sweet spot and plundered it mercilessly.

Bucking and moaning uncontrollably Heero found his powers of speech had deserted him. His world continued to explode into millions of colored lights as Duo relentlessly stroked and massaged his body.

Satisfied he had tormented his lover for long enough Duo withdrew his fingers and quickly lubed himself up. Placing the tip of his cock against that small entrance he pushed forward delighting in the pressure that surrounded him. Heero was so tight, so warm and they fit together just perfectly. It was as if they had each been made with the sole purpose of being one.

Heero relaxed as his koi entered him, Duo felt so long, so thick and so right. His body danced as it welcomed it's other half home.

Having waited for a moment to give Heero time to relax and adjust to him Duo began to move, slowly at first, just pulling out a little way before pushing back in. As Heero's passage stroked and caressed him so his thrusts built up in both speed and length. He watched Heero's face as he repeatedly pressed forward only to withdraw and plunge forth again.

Divine pleasure. That was the only thing that would come to Heero's fogged mind, the ability for him to find other words to express his emotions having deserted him. Knowing Duo was inside his body, joined in the most intimate of manners and the way he made love to him all added up to one thing.

Duo loved him.

Content with that knowledge Heero vowed once more to continue to show his Duo just how much he was cherished and loved in return for as long as he drew breath.

Duo noticed the emotions playing through darkened cobalt. While he wasn't sure just what it was Heero was thinking he could come up with a few pretty good guesses. Feeling the love swell even further in his chest he reached down and placed several feather kisses upon Heero's flushed, swollen lips. "Love you Heero... Forever and always."

"Ai-shiteru Duo. Arigato."

Feeling the pleasure reaching new heights Duo increased his thrusts, unable and unwilling to ignore the effect Heero's body had on him. He reached between them to wrap slender fingers around Heero's aching shaft and stroke firmly. His thumb slid across the head spreading the moisture and easing the passage of his hand.

Heero rocked his hips in sync with Duo's thrusts, he loved the feeling of being taken. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever thought having Duo make love to him could feel so good. Duo's fingers stroking his shaft added to his sensory overload and he found himself rising fast.

Duo abandoned all sense of the here and now, his goal was in sight and blindly he thrust harder towards it. Pounding Heero's body, he managed to locate that spot and brush against it repeatedly, coaxing Heero to join him in nirvana.

The electricity fired off through his system as Heero rose to the pinnacle. Jets of creamy fluid pulsed from his cock to coat his lovers hand and their bellies. He felt his passage clamp down heightening the sensation of Duo's length inside him.

With Heero's climax it was only a few more thrusts before Duo tipped over the edge to join his lover. His body shuddered and trembled as he reached that apex and tumbled down the other side.

Panting they pulled apart and lay on their sides, arms and legs still entwined. Duo brushed his lips tenderly over Heero's. "Love you."

"Hn. Wonderful."

"What's up lover? Words escape you?" Duo snickered.

"Happy.... content." was about all that Heero could supply at that point, his body was there but his mind was still floating away somewhere in euphoria, and he didn't want to leave.

Duo snuggled deeper into Heero's embrace. "Nap?"


"Then dinner?"

"Hai." Heero pulled Duo even closer. "Mine." he whispered before placing a kiss to Duo's lips.

Duo returned the kiss then tucked his head under Heero's jaw. "Yours."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Paul felt the sudden urge to sit down before he fell down. Wufei's little revelation had literally knocked him for six.

Sally stared concerned at Paul's sudden change in color. "Wufei quick." she warned as she saw the color draining and Paul's knees going weak.

Wufei grabbed at the boy and pushed him into a chair. "Put your head between your knees." he instructed.

Paul did as beckoned and felt the world slowly stop spinning around him. As his mind returned so he raised his upper body slowly and stared at Wufei and Sally. They were smiling back at him. He blinked. "Did I just hear yer say yer was gonna get married?" Paul shook his head. "Or am I dreamin?"

"You heard correct Paul. Wufei has asked me to marry him and I have accepted; on one condition."

Paul looked at the woman who had been more than a mother to him. "What's that?" he asked suspiciously.

"That you are happy with the marriage to go ahead and that you will continue to live with us."

Paul's eyes misted over with tears. His heart broke with emotion, no one had ever asked him his thoughts like this before, cared about how he felt. It had always been assumed he would fall into line and comply. He was reminded yet again of just how different his life now was. Wufei and Sally treated him like an individual, someone who had feelings, desires and needs and they listened to him when he had something to say. "Nothing would make me happier." he whispered, unable to trust his voice any louder.

"I was hoping you would say that." Sally's voice was soft but the love was there.

Wufei smiled at his soon to be bride and then his face crinkled into a smirk.

Both Paul and Sally noticed the unusual expression and gave each other a questioning glance. Sally shrugged her shoulders and Paul shook his head. Neither had an idea of what was passing through the Chinese Preventers mind.

Noting the silence Wufei brought his thoughts back. "What?" he questioned to the two sets of eyes firmly fixed upon him.

"You smirked." said Sally.

"So I did. Nothing wrong with that is there?"

"What was it yer was thinkin ta smirk like that Wufei? I means yer don't normally do that."

Wufei sighed and then smirked again. "If you really must know I was thinking about what Duo's reaction will be like when we tell him the news."

"Ahhhh..." Sally joined the smirk.

Paul laughed. "I guess it's gonna be one of them Kodak moments."

"Yes it might well be."

"Then I will make sure I have a new film in the camera when yer tell him. This is gonna be something that gets captured for prosperity." Paul sniggered.

Sally couldn't help but smile. The new feelings of contentment washed over her and she welcomed them. Life was certainly looking good despite everything that had happened over the past few hours, days and weeks. She tried to stifle a yawn but failed.

"Come on Paul. Lets leave Sally to get some rest."

"Okay." Paul stood up and walked over to the bed to give Sally a hug. "Rest well." he said.

Sally returned the hug one armed. "You get some rest yourself, it's been quite an emotion charged day for you."

"I will."

Wufei moved in next and leaned close. "I'll take him back to the suite for an hour or so then go and get some dinner."

"Sounds like a good idea Wufei." Sally's eyes were drooping as the emotional trauma of the day began to drain her.

"I'll be back later. You should be able to leave tonight and come back to the suite."

"Okay Wufei. Oh and Wufei?"


"I'm sorry I scared you."

Wufei smiled, a genuine deep from within the heart smile. "It's okay Sally. In one way it was a good thing, it made me face what I was trying to deny."

Sally returned the smile.

"Just don't go doing it again though." he added with a mock growl.

"I won't." she laughed.

Wufei leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to her lips. Pulling away he turned to leave. "I'll see you soon."

Sally watched as they left. Her tongue darted out, she could still taste Wufei on her lips and it comforted her. With her heart overflowing she drifted off into a deep satisfied sleep. Even the sound of the nurse padding around to take her blood pressure and other vital signs didn't awaken her.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Trowa and Quatre lay entwined in each others arms still enjoying the closeness of post coital bliss. Dozing lightly they failed to realize how much time had passed. They were awakened rather abruptly as they heard the sounds of Toby, Benny and Relena as they entered the apartment.

"Shit!" exclaimed Quatre as he pulled himself rapidly from Trowa's arms. Struggling to free himself he wasn't aware of just how close the edge of the bed was. Jerking at the sheets that trapped him he suddenly found himself falling from the mattress to collide with the carpeted, yet still hard floor with a thump. "Fuck!"

Trowa's amused face peered over the edge of the bed. "Having problems there my love?" he smirked.

Quatre looked up, a grin split his face. "You might say that." He pulled himself back up rubbing his rear as he went. "The boys are back." he added.

"Oh." Trowa stretched and slid gracefully from the bed.

Quatre watched and shook his head. Why was it that Trowa could move so effortlessly and never get flustered while he on the other hand ended up racing around getting no where fast and chasing his tail? The throb from his rear reminded him of his recent attempt at a quick cover up.

Trowa slipped into his jeans. "I'll go meet them while you make yourself presentable." He placed a chaste kiss to Quatre's lips and exited, shutting the door firmly behind him.

Quatre watched him go then set about searching the room for his discarded clothes before trying to straighten out the bed. A few moments later he decided it was much easier to leave the mess and just get dressed.

"We's back" called Toby's voice.

Relena shut the door.

"Where are they?" asked Benny. "They should be back from the doctors place by now."

"Bets I knows where they is." grinned Toby as a thump came from the direction of the bedroom.

Relena flashed the little boy a questioning look, not all that sure she wanted to hear what he was about to say next.

"Oh Trowa... there ya is. We was beginnin ta think yer wasn't back yet."

Trowa slipped into the room closing the bedroom door firmly behind him. "Quatre will be out in a moment."

"Okays." Toby launched himself at his guardian. "So what happened? Yer gonna tell us all about it? Did'ja get the bad guys? How's Sally an Paul?" The questions came in a barrage.

"Toby, give Trowa a chance to get a word in will you." scolded Relena.

"Sorry." Toby said hanging his head.

Trowa hugged the little body tightly against his bare chest. "I'll tell you all about it in a moment Toby, just as soon as Quatre joins us."

"Miss Relena was tellin us all about how Quatre beat up on that other guy and how she helped ta clock him one." said Benny as he sat down on the couch.

"Oh really?" Quatre's voice floated through the air.

"Quatre!" both boys cried in unison and within seconds they had their small arms wrapped around his frame.

"Thanks for taking them out for a while Relena." He smiled at the world representative. "Now what's this I hear you have been telling the boys? How to persuade your opposition to comply?"

Relena reddened slightly. "It wasn't like that Quatre. I was just letting them know what happened in the conference room."

"So our pacifist leader does have a streak of violence in her after all?" Trowa cocked an eyebrow as he proceeded to tease the girl.

"No .. no .. not at all." Relena was becoming a little flustered. "But I couldn't stand back and do nothing while that horrible man, who was twice the size of Quatre I might add, tried to throttle the daylights out of him."

Trowa gave the girl a hug. "I know and I thank you for helping out during this little fiasco."

"So you two had better be on your best behavior when around Relena in future. Who knows what she is capable of when provoked." Quatre looked at Benny and Toby with a serious expression even while the laughter danced in his eyes. "Today it was just a simple water pitcher... tomorrow it could be the whole fire extinguisher."

"Quatre! I would never!" Relena choked.

Quatre winked at her. "Ahh that's what you say now. I think you opened the eyes of a few people today Relena. Don't expect too much resistance in the future for your proposals, especially if there is a water jug and glasses in the room."

"Why you..." Relena shook her fist in mock anger.

Quatre laughed then removing himself from the boy's arms he gave the girl a hug. "Thanks Relena."

Relena calmed down a little. "No problem Quatre, happy to be of assistance."

Trowa moved over to them and slipped his arm around Quatre's waist. Given the slight height difference, Quatre snaked his own around Trowa's hips. "I'll order some refreshments then contact Une to see how Sally is doing and if there is word from Heero yet." Trowa said in his soft tenor.

"Cool. Then can we go an see's Sally?" asked Benny.

"If we are allowed to." came Trowa's reply.

Relena sat down again on the couch, Quatre sat next to her and Toby along with Benny disappeared into their bedroom. "You will stay for a while wont you Relena?" asked Quatre.

"I'd like that Quatre, as long as I'm not intruding."

"Of course you aren't. I do appreciate you sitting with the boys while I took Paul to the medical facility."

"No problem Quatre. I like them. They're like Duo in a lot of ways."

"A bundle of mischief on legs."

"Exactly!" Relena laughed "I hope they are all okay up there."

"They are Relena, I can feel it."

Trowa returned a moment later. "Refreshments are on their way, Une has contacted Heero and they should be returning tomorrow. We are all to meet in the main surveillance room at 1300 hours for a quick de briefing. The main one will be a few days later once everything is re scheduled and sorted out."

A knock at the door announced the arrival of said refreshments. Benny and Toby raced each other to the door, Benny getting there just ahead of Toby. The bell hop wheeled in the trolley and Benny gave him a tip with the credits Trowa had slipped him.

Quatre poured the tea and handed around the cups. He gave Toby and Benny a large milkshake each along with a few biscuits. "So what of Sally?"

"She's fine and resting comfortably. Wufei and Paul have left her to rest. She will be discharged after dinner and we can visit her in their suite later on."

"Good. So it seems all has ended well then."

"Only with the efforts of you five again." added Relena softly.

The three smiled at each other. Raising his tea cup Quatre proposed a toast. "To continuing peace." he said.

"To continuing peace." came the joint reply as cups clinked together.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~