Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Until My Dying Day ❯ Clutch ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Until My Dying Day
Part Four: Clutch

Duo remained sprawled on the bathroom floor for quite a while, engulfed by the deep blue of the cushioning bath towel, his wet and tangled hair coursing over the front of his chest and onto the moist floor. It was going to be hell to comb out later, he knew, but he just couldn't obtain the energy necessary to prevent the task.

Duo's arms reached reached to grasp the counter top and, emitting a strained groan, he pulled himself to a stand. Gathering himself to his feet so quickly in a room filled with steam caused his head to spin. He gripped the counter top tighter and glanced at the wall clock, letting his eyes linger there long enough that the double vision of the lightheadedness wore off to let him focus on the numbers.

//Late enough to take my pills, I guess.//

He opened the cupboard with all of his medications inside and retracted his hand with several pill bottles. He stared at the labels on them. His sleeping pills, Ambien, helped him sleep through most of the night, yet couldn't release his mind from the nightmares. Zoloft, his "happy-pills" didn't really work so well anymore, yet he still took them, along with some other nameless anti-depressant he had gotten illegally. He counted out those and the rest of his pill collection in his palm, and then in a single swallow, he consumed them all without even a drink of water. The only reason he actually bothered with the varied medicines was the possibility that his body would tire of it all and he would one day overdose.

//No such luck yet.//

Setting down his book, Wufei's eyes were drawn to the clock on the television stand. It had been nearly two hours since Duo had disappeared into the bathroom to take his shower. Though Wufei's mind conjured many thoughts of what could be restraining the boy so long, he rejected them in forced disbelief.

Curiosity brought him to the doorway of Duo's bedroom. Perhaps shifting through the chaos would lend him more comprehension of the situation. He stepped into the room and his eyes darted from object to object, to the corners, to the window. It felt so wrong to be in here, it felt so.... intrusive. His bare foot slid over a shard of the broken mirror. He picked it up, clasping it in his fingers as if it were perfectly fashioned to his palm. He observed the torn bed sheets, and with a closer look, discovered the blood. Suddenly he noticed something that had gone overlooked, as it had been barely protruding from beneath the bed. It was obviously Duo's, Wufei noted, picking up the scythe engraved knife. It was coated in a film of red, but Wufei ran a finger over the little scythe. A bit of dried blood crumbled from the object. Duo's blood. Strange to think about, to Wufei. Yet Duo saw his own blood, always, even without cutting. It followed him in his mind as a taunt, begging him to spill his blood, even when he was resisting. Blood wasn't something new to Wufei, but blood of somebody close to him, blood shed on purpose, was not something he often contemplated.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Wufei jumped, Duo's knife contributing a small slice to his own finger. Wufei turned around to face the boy who had just entered the room.

"What are you doing, Wufei?" he repeated

"I...well..." his voice broke. It wasn't usual for Wufei's quick mind to draw blank. He stared at Duo. His long hair was free, unbound by its usual braid, but it clung tight to the back of his shirt and shoulders with dampness. His facial expression, however, wasn't of the rage of his voice, but of the fear in his heart.

"Why did you come in here?" He almost whimpered, his voice now echoing the expression on his face.

"Let me see," Wufei commanded gently, gesturing towards Duo's hand.

Duo jerked his hand behind his back.

"You don't need to see anything," he remarked with a jolt as if Wufei would attack him, and he backed up against the wall, "Besides, it looked like you've done enough 'seeing' for one night."

His visible fear was increasing, which was to say nothing of his internal fear. His eyes were hollow like a frightened colt, and he made as if he would fly to the room, though he was sinking to the floor while clutching to the wall.

"Duo, you obviously need somebody to care for you."

//Did I just say that? I cannot go around playing guardian!//

"I don't need anybody!" Duo yelled, grasping the doorjamb, using it to support himself as his legs gave way, "Give me back my knife!"

"Why? So you can hurt yourself even more?" Wufei snapped, "If you think that I will sit back and watch you die, you are very much mistaken! I need.... we need you, Duo! I am not going to allow you to hurt yourself like this if I can prevent it!"

"You know that you would be happier if I was gone," Duo whispered. Then Wufei noticed something else about the shuddering figure on the floor, Duo had two tears trailing down his cheeks.

"Duo..." Wufei moved nearer to the boy, in hopes of comforting him, yet the action caused Duo to visibly clinch with some type of unseen pain.

"Get out!" he suddenly burst, "Go away!"

"Fine, but this is coming with me," Wufei said, pocketing the bloody knife.