Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ WaStElAnD ❯ DeSpEraTioN ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcome once again to the

WASTELAND….by Hate Dept.

Ah..GooD TimeS. So, uh there's some warnings, shit I can't even remember anymore so go back and see if ya wanna know… ain't like you even care since ya read this far obvious you like it though you should cause it's the shit. Heh. Oh the uh === thing is a split for a lil flashin back, ain't too far back but it's all good times

GW still ain't mine and that fuckin intern ain't found any loopholes yet. Gonna have to can his ass if he doesn't get his shit together.

D: How the fuck you gonna can my ass. Shit I'm trying my best.

HD: How are you even still alive.

D: You got all wasted and let me go when I promised to mmfmfmph

H: Your are such a fuckin idiot.

HD: who the hell you talking too?

W: Does it even matter?

Hd: hmmm…

CH 3 DesPeraTioN

"What the fuck are you gonna do? I ain't the Duo you used to know." I said flexing my muscles, I was way more built than previous years. I held some meat and most of it turned to muscle. I mean I was no Manny, but I could hold my own with him. Rage was consuming me and I knew Heero would go down quicker than Manny if I wanted it.

"This is my place and I won't let you take it. This place is a part of me. All these things are mine. There is a piece of me in all these machines and I won't let you take them. I want.." I shook my head. My thoughts too mixed for me to even end the sentence. I pulled from Heero's grip, which released easily as I went for a beer. I took a long drink from the it before Heero interrupted my enjoyment.

"What do you want?" All the things that ran through my mind.

"You." I whispered in my beer.

"What?" Was that desperation I heard. Smaller then any glimmer in his eye. Smaller than the earth viewed from the Martian sky. What the hell was I thinking, he'd have to be human first.

I turned to him.

"I want leave."Heero was quite for a while. I finished the beer in the time.

"Hn." I looked at him an realized that was all I was going to get. I jumped from the top of the heater beer in hand and went to hang with the others. I tried to hide the loathing from my following, which I did well to all the others but Manny. Four years is a long time to spend with anyone. I smiled wide at Manny thinking about everything. I may not dream here, so what I didn't have nightmares either. My past was gone. I didn't have to try so hard anymore and I didn't have to do everything to make Heero notice me. He was just a fading memory. What else mattered? I rather have a home than a make believe love. All I ever lived on earth was a lie. I respected Zechs and his dream. My thoughts were cut off by Manny handing me a sandwich.

Through the lunch I shared my beer, although it was mainly Gabe and I who drank it. Gabe had four, Donny j. one, Heero two, and I had three more. Heero only glared at the amount I drank.

"Don't worry bo, he'll pass out for a while, he always does. And he's always safe." Manny soothed Heero making me shake my head.

"Hey D." Gabe said taking in a drag of his cigarette holding the pack to me. I nodded taking one out. He gave me a lighter. I took a deep drag off it.

"Oh damn. Did you want one?" I said with half a sneer as Heero shook his head disapprovingly, like I didn't know that was coming. Fucken straight edge boy too scared to live for a minute. I blew the puff of smoke in his face and laughed finishing my last beer.

"Damn, I gotta lot of shit to do."

"You always got shit to do Donny j." I smiled resting away from the group on my back the smoke the only clue to my liveliness. He shrugged as I looked up at him and merged into the melt of heat waves.

"Well shit... I guess since I ain't got shit else to do, I'll take care of the electrical shit." Gabe said with a wide smile. I had to give the guy credit he was a fucken natural. Like he was born with cords in his hands and shit.

"Aw, thad be sweet, its 287 through 327 and the o2 vater on 3-8. Fuck you dick. You knew that shit...." Gabe laughed

"Hell yeah, why do you think hot water ain't working. You and Manny better gecha suits on. 6-21's been a bit flooded and if the pumps in the four sector ain't working..." Gabe just cackled.

"Damn Lil Man I seriously think I'm gonna have to pull out my J&B."

"Yeah, oh fuck, `specially afer ten and a half hours in some feezin ass water. no mater what suits Zechs got that damn water gets right to the bone. Dammit Big D why couldn't ya build a machine to regulate this damn weather". Gabe moved to leave.

"Hey Heero why don't you go with him. If you stay with us you won't be able to do shit unless you got your own personal suit, Zechs won't allow you in, too dangerous." I felt Heero looking at me, if he was expecting some reaction he wouldn't get one.

"Hia." he mumbled as he left with the much shorter Gabe.

"Oh hey Duo," Gabe turned towards me. "Stop buy me and Harry's place when you get done. I found something you miss more than your damn sex life." I snorted given Gabe the finger but nodding never the less. Manny and I were silent as the two left.

"So that's him aye." I couldn't help the bland smile that caught my lips as I sat up looking at him.

"You remembered after all this time." Manny and I had a long talk about Heero once when we were well beyond wasted in the first year.

"It's hard to tell time here, ya know that Big D. I can see why you left." We walked through the tunnels weaving our way to level 6. I was lost in thought, Manny let me stay there as we sobered a bit. We grabbed our suits out of the lockers on 6. There were lockers at just about every level with suits made for every mechanic since every fucken level leaked. I turned to Manny before we slipped our helmets on. A soft smile lay on his lips, his big brown eyes full of warmth.

"Manny I know I'll go back..."

"Don't worry Big D. You can never be what you never were." I stared at Manny How did he know? How did he know what I would..

"Come on Big D, it's time to see ya become mini D." Manny and I laughed as we put our helmets on and sunk under the flood of levels six and four. And fuck if the wasn't cold as a fresh slushy. The whole area under six's living quarters was flooded because level four fed into it and was already overflowing. Manny swam and took care of the pumps in four, while I fought with the water heaters on six. We finally got done and I brought my scotch down. Me and Manny were alternating between his flask and my scotch always having something in hand.

"How did I know the two of you would be sittin here." Gabe said with a shake of his head.."Damn Harry fer bein right all the time" Gabe looked at me. "Ain't gonna come up huh." I smiled drunkenly at him. Man I didn't mean to get this wasted, but after we were done Lil Man and I got in a long ass conversation bout why everything was wrong with Heero being here.

"It's almost good as new." Gabe pulled out my black baseball cap. Well, a faded, tattered as hell black cap. I snatched it from him placing it on backwards my bangs sticking out from the opening.

"Hell yeah you found my thinking cap, shit how'd `arry come bout this."

"Shit, Harry just cleaned the shit. I found it on Nickels in the dungeon." I nodded at him. I had been in the dungeon my fair share and Nickels had been my down fall for that a lot. He was the Rippers favorite, so he got away with almost murder. He would mess with me any chance he got and fuck if I could help wanting to kill, so I always fought with him and got sent to the damn dungeon/prison. Locked down for at least a week every time. The last time I was down there for a month. I got out of my cell and in to Nickels to kick his shit talking ass again. We were sent there cause we got in a fight when I came out of the pit. He said I looked like my "niger friend" and that was that. I went for the kill. Manny was there and even he could barley pull me off him. That was bout a year ago. And the last time I saw my hat.

"I swear I'll kill that mother fucker next time." My voice and body had gone rigged.

"Hey, hey, if anyone's doing shit it'd be Gabe." I smiled and nodded to Manny closing my eyes letting the numbness fill me.

"Duo." Heero's hand was on my arm. My eyes slowly opened to look at Manny. Our conversation coming into my mind.


`You still love him don't you.' It took Manny to steal the bottle from my lips to make me stop drinking.

`It doesn't matter wouldn't be worth it anyway...I would just be his toy to use for when he felt he wanted emotion. Something to toss out when was tired of feeling.' Manny handed me back the bottle.

`Why do you think he came here?' I looked at Manny though the brown liquid heading down my throat.

`Why.' I hissed out letting it warm me after the cold ass water handing it to Manny. `Neither of them are here for the reason they say...probably for reconnaissance.' Manny laughed.

`If you're not doing it what says the are?' I Half laughed

`That's all they know how to do.'

`And you?' I looked at Manny studding the laugh lines around his eyes. The grime imbedded in his face, which I knew was in mine too. I took a big swig passing it to him.

`What of me. This is all I am anymore.' Manny smiled also taking a long drink waiting for me to continue.

`I've told you everything I've ever done.. All the people I killed to save a couple more. I've told you who I really am and finally I can be nobody. Just a good ass mechanic with a drinking problem.'

`You're scared of him aren't you?' Damn Manny never did this shit unless he wanted me to admit something. `Are you scared of Wufei too?' I looked hard at him then pulled my bottle from his hands to sucked it dry. Manny shook his head grabbing the bottle from me. Unbelievable that's all it took to make my head go apeshit. Yeah, Yes I still love the mother fucker and I'm scared as hell... I looked at Manny then.

`I'm scared he'll take everything away from me. I tried so hard to be myself. I'm doing things my way, by my own rules.' I sighed studing the bottle. "I know he'll ruin it all..'

`What do you mean?' Manny asked worry in his voice.


Heero squeezed my arm pulling me from my thoughts.

"What."the word snapped from my mouth.

"Take me to Zechs room." My hands began shaking, the cool calm took over me. Oh I was gonna kill him. Manny shoved the bottle into my hands.

"Mr. Hex said he wanted ta see ya ass." Gabe added. I grunted. Manny pulled me to my feet.

I glared at him "Hey Big D you can't keep Mr. Hex waiting."

"Mr. Fuckhead can wait til I feel like going. Shit." Manny was leading my stumbling drinking ass to the elevator. Heero hit the button as I leaned my head on the wall. I turned swaying to Manny.

"You fucken pussy. You just don't wanna get reemed for me not going."

"Well, Big D me and Gabe gotta get to work so see ya in a few." Manny walked away from the elevator. I went to go after him when a hand grabbed my braid and yanked me into the elevator. I fell into it ready to kick some ass. I got my bearings and turned on Heero.

"Don't ever touch my fucken braid motherfucker." I said pushing him hard into the wall. He fell against it then was back up staring me down.

"What's your problem Duo?"

"What's my fucken problem. " I drank the rest of the bottle dropping it on the ground were it tinged and rolled into the corner.

"My problem, other than you, is Wufei." I jabbed him in the shoulder with my finger. "You don't fucken belong here. What's so hard to understand about that?" Heero grabbed my wrist with crushing force. I smiled at him as I leaned forward moving to his ear.

"Do you seriously think I believe you and Fei are here to help Zechs. You can't fucken lie to me. I'll always know. Always have." I leaned away from him. His eyes were closed. His jaw was clenching and unclenching. Oh yeah, point for me. Ha, he was piassed. I know I'm good.

The elevator stopped and his eyes snapped open glaring at me. I couldn't help but laugh a bit as the door opened, I was glad it did otherwise I think I would've been a bloody mess on the ground. I stumbled out tripping over my empty bottle and falling into Zechs who caught me effortlessly. I had a sneaking suspicion that the bottle was strategically placed as I was exiting. I looked up at Zechs closing one eye. He shook his head and dropped me.

"Duo." he sighed. "You are completely drunk." I laughed on the floor pushing myself up.

"Yeah I'd say I'm pretty fucken tanked and be getting better too, if it wasn't for this damn call." I did my best impression of whinny girl voice. "Duo I need you to look at these designs. Duo I need you to take care of section 10 and 12. Duo I need this and that Duo Duo Duo. My god man you have butlers. What do you want from me...for the love of god." I did my best Chris Farley impression at the end. He was on a DVD I had found. Some old as shit but funny as hell, well at least I thought it was. No one else did.

"Help him to the couch. Please."Zechs sounded tiered of dealing with me all ready, good cause he was pissing me off. I felt hands grab me and I knew who's they were. I twisted away from them.

"Don't touch me. I'm fine." I said standing up and pushing Heero away from me. He growled and vice gripped my arm. Sometimes I wish I had control...Nah. I punched him in the gut, needless to say he wasn't expecting it, but he wasn't to mad it happened as he hunched over for a minute then shouldered me in to the ground. Oh yeah it was on. We rolled around connecting blows mostly in the sides as we fought to pin the other. He had me down, my hands pinned to the ground. straddling me.

"Stop, you've lost." He grunted.

I only half smirked, mostly snarled at him as my legs flung up around his head. Momentary shock on his face before I slammed him towards the ground. He didn't hit hard as he pulled me up with him. Still holding my wrists. I had one foot under his chin the other trying to break the grip on my right wrist. His thumb dug into a pressure point on my left wrist. The pain was out weighing the liquor faster and faster. I felt the crack across my face.

"Duo!" Zechs yelled. I let go of Heero as he did of me pushing himself to a siting position. I rubbed my check where Zechs hit me. I didn't even see him come in for the hit.

"You try every last fiber of my patients. Now get up and go sit on the couch."

I turned looking up at him. "Dude...he started it." I said pointing at Heero. Zechs grabbed me by the shirt pulling me up and pushing me into the sitting room.

"Stay there. I'll be in momentarily." Damn he was al types of ragin as he pointed to the couch tapping his foot impatiently making me feel like a bad dog.

"Yeah whatever." I said dragging my feet to the couch. Heero sat across from me.

"What was that for?" Heero was staring at me.

I looked at the table. There was a 5th of Johnny Walker and 2 of J&B sitting next to a beer. I grabbed the Johnny Walker and shoved it in one of the pockets I took a gulp of the 1st scotch then beer. Double fistin and switchin it up planing to go to the second in a minute.

"Shut the fuck up Yuy." He grabbed the J&B from the table "What the..." my voice cut off as he took down the whole thing chugging it. He slammed the bottle onto the glass table threatening to shatter it, which I hoped cause then Zechs would be mad at him, heh. He snatched the