Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Waves of Influence ❯ Transfers ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own GW!!! Same old, same old….
Chapter 1
August 10th, AC 203
“I hear that the L2 and L5 Underworld have gotten new bosses,” a Preventor said coldly.
His partner laughed. “Well, they won't last long. Those colonies are so unstable as it is.”
“Actually… I heard that the economy has stabilized. In fact, a lot of wanted criminals have been captured on L2.”
“If that's the case, we should be able to finally bring down the Underworld.”
The first Preventor laughed. “If it was that easy, we would've done it a long time ago.”
Heero ignored the rest of the conversation. He was trying to break through Duo's security, but it seemed the braided pilot had made the system completely impenetrable. The Japanese Preventor had already gone through all of the files released by the barrier. They pointed to some sort of project that Relena had authorized over 6 years ago, but the files didn't go into detail. Heero silently cursed Duo as he gave up on the firewall. If it was like the barrier, he should get the password eventually.
“Agent Yuy, Commander Une would like to speak with you in her office,” a young woman said from the doorway. Heero nodded, and she walked away. He carefully locked the laptop before he got up. He left the office, walked down the hall, and opened the door to Une's office.
The commander looked up from her desk. “Agent Yuy, this is Mister Nikolai Waltfeld. He leads the Pure Humans Group.”
“I've heard of him,” Heero said bluntly. He glared at the politician. Nikolai Waltfeld was infamous for his stance on genetic manipulation, and consequently on the Genobreakers on the HOLIC colonies. The man and his organization were suspects in nearly four dozen unsolved murders; Heero had no doubt they were behind the killings. “What do you need, Mister Waltfeld?”
“I would like to know the layout of the Sanctuary colony,” the man said smugly.
Heero's glare deepened. “Sanctuary? Why do you need to know that for?” he demanded.
“I just want to know how Sanctuary is built,” Nikolai replied simply. Heero knew the man was up to something. “Just in case we need to take… preventative measures.” Heero glanced at Une. The woman was also glaring at the Pure Humans leader.
“Well, I'm afraid I can't help you. They kept me locked up underground for the entire time I was there,” Heero lied.
Nikolai looked at him cautiously, causing Heero to wonder if his lie was good enough. “You didn't try to escape?”
Heero shook his head calmly. “Just who do you think was in control of Sanctuary at the time?” Nikolai's eyes widened. “Duo wouldn't have just let us get on a shuttle and leave. He was too smart for that.”
“So you have no idea what the interior of the colony looks like?” Nikolai stood up. “I thank the Preventors for their time. I'm afraid I must be going.” He turned and left.
“Heero, I want you to keep an eye on that man. He's planning something dangerous, and I'm sure we won't like it.” The Japanese man nodded. “I actually called you here for another reason. Have you heard of the L2 Underworld's new leader?” Heero shrugged. “Find out everything about him.”
“By any means necessary?”
“Whatever you need, you have. I just want that information. You're dismissed.”
Heero froze when he opened the envelope. Tipping it, a jump drive fell out. The Japanese Preventor stared at it before he reached down to pick it up. He walked over to the table and sat down. He pulled his laptop out. The jump drive was quickly inserted into the proper port. “Data has been successfully transferred,” the computer voice said calmly. “Username and password have been changed to Heero Yuy, password Wing. Please enter data.” Heero typed the necessary information in. “Welcome, Heero Yuy. All barriers have been lifted from the system. Full access has been authorized.”
Heero began to look at the transferred files. Duo had kept surprisingly meticulous records of some sort of project. Soon curiosity turned to horror as the true magnitude of the Super-Soldier Project was revealed through medical files and e-mails. The worst part was Relena's involvement in the horrible experiment. Thousands of people had been kidnapped and subjected to experimentation over the past 7 years on her authorization. She was the driving force behind the SS Project.
August 15th, AC 203
The four Preventors stood in front of Heero. They were relatively new recruits, almost unknown to the rest of the ESUN, but Trowa had trained them for infiltration missions. They were the best of the best, with the exception of the Heavyarms pilot, of course. Trowa had lent the agents to Heero for this mission. “This is a high-priority mission, and you four had been given this task. The Preventors must know who the new leader of the L2 Underworld is and what his, or her, plans are.” The four men nodded. “It is vital that you get in and out cleanly. The L2 Underworld is famous for its ability to keep secrets. They will not hesitate to kill you.” The four Preventors paled slightly. They were inexperienced, and having such an important mission for their first one was undoubtedly stressful for the recruits. He felt somewhat sorry for them. “I wish you all the best of luck.” The infiltrators saluted their commanding officer and left.
Heero sat down at his desk. He rested his head in his hands. “Duo, what would you have done?” he asked himself.