Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wheel of Life ❯ Duel of sort ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Wheel of Life
By: Haruka-chan

AN: Ok so only one person reviewed that's ok. I will still continue with it, maybe in the future I will get more reviews, but either way. I decided to get rid of the of the dumb code you guys just see it from the other page. Anyways Please read and review! Thank you! ^^

Duel of sort...Chapter 2

Last Time...
She sat in a stretch matte jersey dress, with a tuxedo coat reaching to her knee over the dress, and black t-strap pumps, her creamy skin shining in their glory, and her silvery blonde hair done up in a bun with some lose curls framing her face, her blue eyes looked down at the designs as she explained them to Relena. Her small full pink lips moved gracefully as she spoke. Miliardo couldn't believe that this beautiful woman was a party planner out of all things. "Mr. Miliardo do you like any of those design after all we do need the grooms point of view?" said Athena looking towards him. "They are nice, but I think I know where I want to have the party and the wedding" said Miliardo. "Really where?" asked Noin. "The Cinq Kingdom" said Miliardo. "That would be an excellent place to do the party!" exclaimed Relena. Miliardo watched as Athena looked down then wet her deep pink painted lips. "Yes that's a...perfect place" said Athena. "Not unless you recommend something else" said Miliardo. Athena smiled at him. "I don't pick places Mr. Miliardo, actually I don't pick anything I plan and just put things together" said Athena. "Well, it was nice meeting you all I will be by tomorrow to discuss other things, such as dates and time" said Athena standing. Miliardo stood with her followed by Noin and Relena. "It was very nice to meet you Miss. Athena" said Relena. "Like wise Miss. Relena" said Athena shaking hand with everyone. "I hope we can work things out perfectly" said Athena. "So do I" said Miliardo.

A week passed by like nothing as everyone ran around doing their usual plus perparation for the engagment party and wedding made it even more hectic. The Gundam pilots working on the mystery of the colony and Miliardo working on something that he didn't figure he would work on. Every day they would meet with their party planner, and the more Miliardo found himself feel pulling in to his shell, there was something about her that made him feel uneasy and easy at the same time, and it was getting Noin worried. He didn't want to invovle anyone else into what was his problem, but knowning Noin she was going to be getting involved even if he tied her down with chains and told her to stay away. he gave his hopes on time, that maybe as time passes so will this feeling and everything will be back to normal, or as normal as it gets for him.

Miliardo watched as she sat and worked out the formation with Noin. Her silver strands falling over her face, and shining like the moon it's self. "Mr. Miliardo do you mind a trip down to the Cinq Kindom?" asked Athena. "No, it's fine with me" said Miliardo as he watched her get up gracefully. "So what we taking the jet?" asked Noin. "Anything is fine with me" said Athena. Noin looked towards Miliardo. "Let's take the jet" said Miliardo. "All right, I'll go tell Pagan to get it started" said Noin. Athena packed up her lap top, and files. "Do you enjoy your job?" asked Miliardo. "Yes, I suppose so" said Athena. "Your always smiling, but never completely it's as if you don't want to simle fully yet can't go without doing so. They seem half hearted" said Miliardo. "Mr. Miliardo smiling is a way of comforting, it's better then not having one at all, and I suppose my smile is half hearted for I find myself getting close to those who smile fully for and that causes me pain" said Athena. "I see, are you implaying that I should smile more?" asked Miliardo. "Just a thought" said Athena. "Do you think if I smiled it would comfort anyone the way you do?" asked Miliardo. "Everyone smiles for a reason, and sometimes a smile makes things that are dark seem lighter, and my smiles comfort no one at all, but myself" said Athena. "The jet is ready" said Noin. Athena just followed after Noin, and Miliardo behind her. The trip was only 20 minutes and a quite one at that. he couldn't help but wonder why she looked so sad, this wasn't the same woman who he met at the first day. She was slowly wheathering away like a rose lossing it's petals.

"This place is truly amazing" said Noin looking up. "You wouldn't believe it" said Athena and Miliardo in inuion, and then looked at each other. "I'll have a look around" said Athena and went inside, Miliardo watched as she walked she touched the walls as if trying to remembering something that was once there. "She was in the Cinq kingdom before" said Miliardo. "She was, how could that be, if was desrtoyed?" asked Noin. "Only people who have been in the castle understood it's beauty" said Miliardo. "How was it growing up here?" asked Noin. "It was good while it lasted" said Miliardo. "I'm sorry Miliadro" said Noin. "Don't be, I'm not...someone taught me to always look at the good side of everything" said Miliardo. Noin just watched as Miliardo did the same as Athena had done, touching the walls as if trying to remeber. Miliardo wandered of and found himself in the room he used to dule with Pagan. "Beautiful isn't it?" asked Miliardo noticing that Athena was in the room also. "Very, this place is very interesting" said Athena picking up a sword. "I would say that you have been here in this castle before" said Miliardo.

"I might have been" said Athena walking towards the window. "But, it would have to be before it was attacked" said Miliardo. "Yes it would" said Athena. Miliardo truned to look at her. "When did you come here?" asked Miliardo. "I told you, I might have been here, I didn't say that I was" said Athena as she was about to walk away. "I know you don't I? And I'm not talking about just now, I know you even before this" said Miliardo. Athena didn't move away or answer. "Athena..." said Miliardo. "Danmit!" Athena whispered. "It's you" said Miliardo. "I don't know who your talking about Mr. Peacecraft but I can assure you that it's not me" said Athena. "I know your eyes they are the same one's that I saw when I woke up, you were the one to save me form Epyon" said Miliardo. "I...I have never been to space" said Athena. "Your not a good liar" said Miliardo. "How can you be sure that I'm lying?" asked Athena. Miliardo just smiled. Athena just looked away form his beautiful face, with slight pain on hers. "I'll propose a deal for you" said Miliardo. "What would that be?" asked Athena with arms crossed over her chest. "A sword fight, if I win you tell me what I want to know, and if you win then I'll leave it up to you to decide what you want" said Miliardo taking hold of a sword. "Very well" said Athena. Miliardo threw a sword towards Athena. Athena grabbed it and sat it down on the ground and took of her suite top, which left her with a white tank top. "If you know how to grab the sword then you must be very good" said Miliardo taking his own jacket of. "I have a interest in it" said Athena taking the sword and positioning herself. Miliardo smiled and then charged at Athena, but she blocked with her sword, then she striked at Miliardo, only to be blocked. Noin walked up to the room and saw the two fighting, but she didn't know for what reason, but she assumed that it was for good. Noin was amazed at Athena's dueling skills, she matched Miliardo strok by strok, her body moving in rhym with his. "I knew you would be good at this" said Miliardo. "And I told you I have interest in it" said Athena.

"Yes I see that Athen" said Miliardo. Athena gashed as Miliardo took the chance to charge and pin Athena against the wall with the sword at her thoart. Athena just smiled at him before pusing him away, and charging at him and this time Miliardo was against the wall with the sword at his chest. Miliardo laughed out, as Athena smirked. Noin who was watching didn't know what the hell was going on, Miliardo was laughing, while his ass was about to be chopped to pieces. "One mistake" said Miliardo as he took her arm and twisted around so now he was holding the sword at her neck and pressing his body to her back. "Wrong" said Athena punching him in the guts and truning to face him with her sword. Miliardo hardly flinched at her punch. "You hardly put any force in that punch" said Miliardo. "You hardly put any force when you twisted my arm, plus I don't think I want to make this bloody" said Athena. Miliardo just smiled before striking once more, and Athena just stood there dogding all the striks throwns at her. "You know how to move" said Miliardo. "So do you, but I don't expect any less from a prince" said Athena. "Miliardo what's going on?" asked Noin finally. "Don't worry Miss Noin, your prince is safe with me, I won't hurt him, not that badly anyway. This is what you wanted, isn't it" said Athena before kicking him on his legs and making him fall on the floor. "If I'm not mistaken, this is what you wanted too" said Miliardo grabing her ankel and making her fall top of him with his sword at her throat while hers was at his. "I don't think this dule is over" said Athena. "It was never over to begin with" said Miliardo. Athena kicked him away and got up, while Miliardo stood slowly. "What you suppose we do?" asked Miliardo. "I don't know, this was your smart idea" said Athena. Miliardo just smiled. Athena just stood there with the sword in her hand. "Miliardo I don't think this is a smiling matter" said Noin. Athena just had to smile. "Athena let's finish this" said Miliardo. "I'm still here" said Athena. "You say your not her, yet you act and talk just like her" said Miliardo striking at her once more. "I'm not her, I don't know who your talking about either" said Athena as she dogded and then striked at Miliardo.

"Oh why were you surprised when I called you 'Athen' it can't be just because you liked it" said Miliardo. A dark look came over Athena. "Someone use to call me that, and only that person was allowed to call me that" said Athena dodging his thrust. "I know it was you" said Miliardo. "Mr. PeaceCraft I would apperciate it if you don't question me, I am only here for one reason and that it to plan your engagement party" said Athena as she knocked the sowrd out of his hand. "I believe that I won" she said picking up her jacket. "I wouldn't call it wining, would you?" asked Miliardo. Athena fixed her jaket up as Miliardo did the same. "I have no idea who you are implying to Mr. Peacecraft, but I can assure you that it's not me, and I do believe that I won" she said. "I'll find out 'Athen' I won't let you hide...not any more" Miliardo said just for her to hear. Athena smiled "I'm out in the open, there is no need for you to look for me" she said. Miliardo looked in to her deep blue pools and couldn't look away. Noin sensed the tension between the two and decided this was the best time to walk in. "Miliardo?" she asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder. Miliardo looked back at Noins face. Athena took this moment to quickly slip away. "Miliardo what's going on?" asked Noin. "Nothing, Miss. Athena and I have a old dule that we left unfinished" said Miliardo. "What do you mean?" asked Noin.

"I'll explain it to you when we get home" said Miliardo *Come to think of it this is home* he thought. Athena walked slowly away. *He is such a fool!* she thought as she made her way in to the ballroom and typed somethings in to the computer. "This place brings back so much memories, maybe I should drop this case" she said as she touched the beautiful greek cloums the travled up to be partnered with the Roman arch. A nice breeze came in through the balcony, brining with it the scent of the ocean that was below the balcony. Athena stepped out in to the balcony that over looked the land in to the ocean. The breeze played with her hair that was lose, she leaned against the rails. "So beautiful, and yet so alone" she said to herself. "It longs for the old times, and for new memories" she went on. Miliardo and Noin had found their way in to the ballroom as well. Athena closed her eyes trying to picture the way it was she was a child and had come to one of the parties at this very exact place. Miliardo saw the way she stood ganist the rails. "So alive but so empty" he said. Noin looked towards where he was staring.

"Why do I keep deciving myself" she whispered as she held on to the rails tighter. "Miss Athena?" asked Noin walking towards her. Athena truned around with a small fake smile, yes she smiled but it was the worth of a smile that had on gold to come with it. "Yes, Miss Noin?" she asked. "I was wondering if you are alright" she said. "Miss Noin, I am sure Mr. Miliardo will tell you what ever he is looking for, but I am not that thing" she said looking down. Noin placed a hand on her shoulder. "I am fine I already have the plans for the ballroom, would you like to see them?" asked Athena. Noin nodded. Athena and Noin walked back inside. Athena placed her laptop on to the table and typed some things in and a few second later there was the Cinq Kingdom's ballroom good as new. "Oh! It's beautiful" Noin exclaimed she still couldn't believe she and Miliardo were getting engaged, let alone married in a half a year. Athena nodded and smiled. "Miss Athena it's turely-" Noin was cut off by sereval beeps. "Excuse me" she said as she picked up her phone and walked away. "Hello?" asked Athena. "WHAT?!!?!" asked Athena loud enough to get both Miliardo's and Noin attention. "Damn it, can't you call it back?" asked Athena. Miliardo listen with curiosity. "Fine, but this has to to stop and I mean now, I have clients, and I thought I left you in charge!" she said as she hung up. Athena walked over to the two. "I am sorry, but I have to leave for today, the reconstruction of the palace will start tommorow, and I will send you the pictures" said Athena closing her laptop.

"Miss. Athena is everything all right?" asked Miliardo. "Oh yes, just a little accident" said Athena. "We will take you back to the agency if you like" said Noin. "Oh that won't be nessary, my chopper should be here" said Athena, and as if on "Q" they heard approching chopper sound. They all walked towards the exit of the Cinq Kingdom. The chopper landed and a young woman stepped out. "Lady Athena!" she said over the loud nosie. "Nisha what happened?" asked Athena running towards the girl. "Small lady wanted to see you, and she sent one of the suites out looking for you" said the young woman called Nisha. Athena shook her head is disaproveable. *Who is this 'small lady' and why did she address Athena as 'Lady'? So many unasnwered questions still left* thought Miliardo. Athena truned towards them. "Good-bye Mr. and Mrs Peacecarft" said Athena before she entered the chopper followed by Nisha. "Lady wasn't that...?" asked Nisha. "Yes" said Athena looking away. Nisha saw the hurt look on her face. "Lady?" she asked. Athena smiled "It's nothing I am worried for Selene" said Athena. "Oh don't worry she is all right, she just likes to play" said Nisha. Athena chuckled. ''I want her to play, but if those plays become dangerous then we will have to worry more then what there is to worry for'' she said. ''Lady Athena, may I ask why you are doing this? asked Nisha. ''To be honest with you Nisha I don't know. Seems as if I am torturing myself huh?'' asked Athena smiling at the young girl next to her.

"No not at all Lady Athena, actually I think your strong...stronger then anyone I know" said Nisha with a smile. Athena chuckled as she looked down at the passing ocean. "Those days are just ripples of memories now, they can never be again, they will remain with in me and fade with me" she said. "But Lady Athena should you not tell Samll Lady?" asked Nisha. Athena closed her eyes. "No...she doesn't need to know, they will be my last cilent for I will be giving up this job, and I will never seem them again" said Athena. Nisha looked at her Lady and then down at her hands, she had served this beautiful woman for so long now, and not once had she seen her smile completely...but maybe that could change. *Forgive me my lady you have done so much for us, it's time we do something for you* thought Nisha.

AN: Ok Chapter 2 is done and I have 3 three to do because 4 is done and ready. Sorry about my spelling and grammar not my strong points and Thank you the one person who reviwed.