Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ When my angel is gone... ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When my angel is gone…
/”01, progress?”/
/”security system has been disabled.”/ Hiiro's voice announced over the headset.
/”Good. 02, do you copy.”/
The braided boy rolled his eyes as he pulled out his lock picks from their place in his hair and setting to work on the door. “Yeah, I copy, Fei.”
/”Estimated time?”/
“None.” Duo replied, standing with a smirk. “I'm finished.”
/“Show off.”/
“Not this time, Fei.” Shinigami disagreed. “I'm just out for some major ass-kicking. I swear that bitch will pay, even if I have travel all the way to hell to do it!”
“Duo…” Hiiro's concerned voice began hesitantly, joining his partner at the side door. “We're here for evidence… that's all…”
The braided god of death didn't reply as he stormed into the dark house.
“This isn't good.” Wu Fei frowned, meeting up with the Japanese boy. “He's gone into vengeance mode.”
“It's his way of avoiding his pain.”
“But he's going to hurt himself!” The Chinese teen exclaimed, momentarily loosing his calm, “It's bad enough that Quatre is dead, and Trowa must remain sedated… I don't want to loose anyone else.”
“You guys coming?” the violet eyed teen demanded, a burning furry sparking in his eyes.
“Quatre… should have realized…” Wu Fei murmured, his eyes appearing to glisten in the faint moonlight.
“We're coming, Duo.” Hiiro acknowledged the impatient deity, before turning to reassure his friend. “I'm not letting Duo go, Chang. I'll fight anything that tries to take him away... even if it's his own grieving heart.”
“Where are they?” Lady Une's furious expression sent shivers down Sally's spine.
“And just whom are you refereeing too?” The doctor replied, managing to appear calm and innocent as she looked up from Trowa's Medical chart.
They had attempted to allow him to wake, but just as Sally had predicted, he tried to take his own life using shards of a mirror he had broken in a fit of despair. Since then, he had to be constantly sedated and was moved to the psyche ward at the Preventer's Medical Center. She was making sure that his vitals remained stable. It wouldn't do to have him die of a drug overdose or because he slipped into a sleep too deep to wake from.
“You know full well who I mean!” The commander accused, “Where are the Gundam pilots!?”
“Lady Une, you should know as well as I, that there are no pilots any more.” The younger woman frowned. “They died at the end of the war and were reborn as citizens of the UESN who are currently working as Preventers.”
“Quite playing games with me, Po!” Une growled, grabbing her subordinate roughly by the arm and shaking her. “Now tell me where those murderers are! That is an order!”
Anger flashed through the doctor's eyes, “Murderers!?” She gasped, flabbergasted that the other woman had the audacity to say such things.
“They may have been able to escape the court system after the war, but believe me; they'll be getting the sentencing that they deserve, even if I have to administer it myself!”
“You're insane!” Sally sneered, jerking her arm out of the other's grasp while unconsciously moving between the delusional woman and her sedated patient that slept vulnerably in the hospital bed behind her.
“Is that your professional opinion?” Une scoffed, drawing her weapon from her waist holster and aiming it at the crystal-eyed woman. “I'm sorry that you feel that way… But if you're not with us, then you're against us and that makes you a traitor. Now where are they?”
“Like I'm really going to tell you!?”
“Very well.” The commander shifted her aim from the doctor to the unconscious teen. “Then I'll administer his punishment now. I had wanted him to suffer more without his `Precious Little One'; but seeing how it's rather pointless when you're going to keep him drugged, I have no problem sentencing him to death.”
Like a symphony playing with frantic fervor, the storm raged on, drenching them with the force of its music. Lightening struck at random followed but the resounding crash of thunder. A steady, oppressive rain beat down on them, mocking the dreamer's grief.
“Quatre…” The banged teen murmured, cradling the lithe form close to his body. “Please, my love… Don't leave me…”
“Don't you get it, Trowa?” The lifeless tone of the pale blonde chastised, “I am already gone. It's too late to save me.”
“No… You're not! You're here! With me- Now!
You shouldn't keep coming here.” The smaller teen frowned disapprovingly. “It's pointless. I'm just a memory... A dream… The boy sighed sadly, “It's over. They won. I couldn't save you. I couldn't save the others.”
Emerald eyes blinked in confusion. “Save me? From what?”
“I couldn't fight them… not against them and Zero…” The pale vision began to fade into nothingness.
“No! Quatre! Don't leave!” Trowa begged, tears of desperation flowing down his face mixing with the rain drops as he tried to cling to the vanishing body, futilely trying to keep it from disappearing. “Please…”
“You need to wake up. It's too soon for you to die.” Quatre whispered as his translucent form diminished. “Wake up, Trowa.. And live for me…
“No! Quatre!”
Panicked emerald eyes flew open.
To find a gun pointed between them.
To be continued…