Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When angels die. . . ❯ ...will he find peace? ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thanks a bunch to Kai-Li
For the excellent beta job!
(Not once but twice)
Seriously without her suggestions,
This chapter would have royally Sucked!
You are the best!
…will he find peace?
“It's about time you got here!” Dorothy hissed at her visitor, “Do you have any idea what I've been through? Get me out of here!”
“I can't do that.” The person declined, adjusting the glasses on their nose, “I've come to inform you that Quatre Raberba Winner died a little more than twenty minutes ago. You're looking at murder.”
“They'll never find any proof.” The blonde smirked smugly, flicking her eyebrows haughtily. “I'll be out soon enough, even if you don't do anything.”
“It may be better for you, safer for you… if you were to remain in prison.” The guest mused, “The Gundam pilots are bound to be on a war path in order to avenge their friend.”
“They haven't worried me in the past; I'm not worried about them now.” Dorothy dismissed.
“I don't think you comprehend your situation… You killed one of their own.”
“I'm not going to comment on that.” The blonde rolled her eyes. “There's no proof saying I did.”
“Is there any saying you didn't?”
“I hope you know what you're doing. You aren't just messing around with fire; you're playing with it in a room full of explosives!”
“Then stand back and watch it burn.” Dorothy smiled, “This is gonna get hot.”
“How is he?” Hiiro whispered from his seat on the couch. Beside him huddled Duo; pressed as tightly as he could to the Japanese boy who offered a soothing sanctuary. The braided boy's eyes were hollow with grief and he seemed a shadow of his former self.
“Sally had to sedate him.” Wu Fei sighed, sagging into the chair opposite his friends. The normally strong Chinese boy looked like he was at the end of his rope. His shoulders sagged with his own mourning and the self-appointed duty of taking care of their banged comrade. “He's not going to last.”
“Mm!” Duo whimpered, his eyes growing as his body started to tremble.
“Ssh…” Hiiro whispered, tightening his hold around him. “You won't be alone. I promise, you won't be alone…”
“Hiiro…” Wu Fei frowned, “We can't go on like this. It's only been two days, and we're already falling apart!”
“What do you suggest?”
“We go back to work.” The Chinese boy stated, “We find the proof needed to convict the ones who are responsible.”
“And we make them pay.” Shinigami growled, his fist clenching as those darkened violet eyes glimmered with the promise of retribution.
“We'll make it our mission.” The Japanese boy agreed, watching the braided teen carefully. This was the most animated Duo had been in the last two days, and even though that was a relief to him, the menace and violence that laced his partner's tone concerned him.
“Lady Une will not approve.” Sally cut in, sitting on the arm of Wu Fei's chair. “She'll say that you're too emotionally involved and bias.”
“She can try to stop us.” Wu Fei's eyes narrowed.
“She'll fail.” Hiiro agreed.
“Quatre deserves to be avenged.” Duo shuddered, as the angelic face flashed in his memory with the mention of the name.
“I advise you, Sally…” The Chinese warrior warned, “Don't cross us.”
The doctor looked at each of the teens, defiance storming beneath deceptive placidity. Given her position in the Preventer's organization, it was her duty to keep their top agents from doing something foolish, and Une would have her head if she failed. Yet, the united look that each gave as well as the heavy silence, left no room for argument. These teens would defy every order, break any law, and kill any person that stood in the way of avenging one of their own. She knew to try and interfere was foolishness that would only cost her life. Something she was rather fond of.
“I've said this before…” She began, her tone serious. “As long as I follow you, I know I'll be doing the right thing. To be honest, the likelihood of convicting the suspects is almost nil, and something like this cannot go unpunished. I won't cross you, and I'll do my best to help keep Une out of your way.”
Three looks of appreciation flashed across each of the teen's faces before shifting into the `Mission-modes' that they had adapted during the wars.
Gentle music flowed around, dancing with the sunspots on the floor. The sense of peace and tranquility emanated from the violinist in the center of the room as dainty fingers drew the bow across strings. Although pale, the musician glowed with life and feeling. His happiness lit up his eyes, making them shine.
Joy filled Trowa as he watched the blonde play. How long had it been since he had last heard the heart-felt notes? He couldn't remember. Unwilling to disturb him, the banged boy settled against the wall, satisfied to admire the other teen's talent and beauty.
As the song reached a crescendo, the mood began to change. The once shining light faded into dark shadows as the notes became wild and abrasive. Quatre's skin began to blotch with faint bruises while the bow sliced into his fingers, causing them to bleed. Despite the obvious pain, the blonde did not stop.
“Quatre…” Trowa called pushing away from the wall, reaching out to the boy, concerned. “Quatre, stop… let me see your hands… Quatre!?”
But the other ignored him, playing faster and faster while his body darkened with bruises and bled. The blonde never even flinched.
“QUATRE!” Trowa shouted, trying to get his lover's attention.
The shadows began to enfold around the musician, making him hard to see. Scared for the blonde's safety, Trowa yelled his lover's name again. This time, the angel blinked, and paused in his frantic playing. Lifting his listless eyes to meet those of his lover, Quatre slowly shook his head. `It's too late…' he mouthed silently as the lingering light of life in his eyes died, leaving them cold and distant.
Frightened, Trowa reached out to the blonde, “Quatre! Don't say that! QUATRE! TAKE MY HAND! QUATRE- PLEASE!”
The physician looked worriedly at the boy who, despite the tranquilizers in his system, couldn't lie still in the bed as he tossed around and screamed silently, though the movements of his lips told the two observers in the room exactly who he was screaming for.
“I can't keep sedating him.” Sally sighed, running her hand through her hair.
“Is it safe not to sedate him?” Wu Fei countered.
“No.” She shook her head. “It isn't. I suspect that he would commit suicide given the first chance.”
The ebony-haired boy sighed. He had suspected as much, but the pain of hearing it confirmed was heart-wrenching. “What can we do?"
“I honestly don't Know, Fei…” Sally said sadly, “Maybe you can help him…”
“ME!?” Wu Fei shouted, “Are you out of your mind, Woman!?”
“Wu Fei, you've gone through a similar situation when your wife died. You can relate!”
“No, I can't!” The Chinese boy denied. “I was thirteen! I didn't love Meiran the way Trowa loves Quatre. She didn't give up- She fought her hardest! I-I didn't… I didn't pull the plug ending her life! It's not the same at all!”
After a moment of silent analysis of her friend's words, the doctor began to understand. “Do you blame him?” Sally asked quietly. “Do you blame Trowa for letting Quatre go?”
“I blame him for giving up.” Wu Fei visibly wrestled with his emotions with every word came out, “I blame him for not being as strong as I thought he was! For not coming to us when he knew he needed help! I blame him… for dying! For doing this to Barton-to the rest of us… We were a team, Sally… and our leader forgot that!”
“If you don't want to lose another of your teammates, I suggest giving Trowa a reason for living. Be it: Revenge, Responsibilities, A home, Family, Friendship- Anything… Just a Purpose that will give him the motivation to keep going.”
“We have a mission.” Wu Fei stated, “We will complete it.”
“I have no doubt that you will.” She answered, clearly showing her support and belief in them. “It's what's going to happen- To Trowa? - After you've finished, that I'm worried about.”
Trowa tossed and turned, his sheets twisting around his fevered body. “Quatre… Quat…” He moaned, lost in his nightmarish delusions, “I'm sorry… Come… Come back… Quat…”
To be continued…