Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When Angels Fly ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own GW/AC
Claimers: I do own Mohawk
Summary: You really haven't given her reasons to trust you
Ratings: NC-17
Pairing: Zechs x Treize
POV: Mystery POV
When Angels Fly
Chapter Eleven
Flash Back
“Come on!” I yelled towards her, grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her along, we were both greatly tired out yet we couldn't stop moving, not know. Not when they're after us, she was pretty badly injured at this point, but she was still able to keep on moving, “We're almost there, come on, just a little bit more” I kept on speaking to her, trying to get her to move faster. Gun shots were flying everywhere, yet we couldn't stop, not like this, the ground seemed to be working against us, large rocks would be in our way, making us trip in the dead of the night. Mud stained our clothing and our faces, all the while I kept on pulling her to her feet, we had to keep on moving, we couldn't stop, not like this, we couldn't be found.
It seemed like it was forever until we made it to the shelter where we could rest there for a little bit, covered in thick forest growth, not many knew about this place. Hell, I almost didn't know about this place, luckily we made it here in one piece yet she was bleeding pretty badly. I ripped my shirt in hopes to use it as a bandage for now, she was going to need a doctor yet we couldn't get to one, we had to hide out, she wouldn't make it through the night like this. She was shot in the side, along with the shoulder, blood seemed to be coming out from all corners, I knew she was panicking, she was nothing more then an innocent person until I cam along.
But I wasn't going to give up on her, not like this, doing what I had to do, I picked her up and kept on moving, I knew there was a town close by, somewhere where they had doctors, if she could hang on. I could get her there, I could save her life, but lady luck wasn't on our side, we were so close to the city, I could see the lights but we were stopped by him. He was the one that was blocking our way, the one that was stopping us, without much thinking, I bashed into him with my own body, she was still in my arms, I used my side to hit him in the chest.
But I wasn't excepting him to try and stab us, the knife seemed to melt into her, she was stabbed right through the stop, blood leaked through her mouth. He stepped back, watching us before his very eyes, I ended up kneeling down, holding her against my body. She was coughing up blood, tears ran down my eyes while I cried, she died just a few seconds later, within my arms, I ended up standing up, a death glare pasted on my face. “I shall get revenge on you Treize Khushrenada and when I do, you shall pay, you shall pay for all you've have done, I promise you that.
With that said, he shot me right in the left shoulder, he gave me a sigh and a shake of the head, while I fell down to my knees, shock was on my face. First he had to take her, now he tries to take my life, I promised myself there and then, I shall never give up until he is dead, until he is in pain. He shall know what it feels like to lose someone you greatly care about, he shall know the pain of watching that person die before you're eyes just like he did to me. As darkness slowly wrapped itself around me, he whispered into my ear, “I'm sorry dear-“
When I had awake, the sun was out, beaming it's happy beams upon me, she was still dead, it wasn't a nightmare, my wounds were bandaged up, he must have done it. Waiting to see what I can do, I shall show him what I am made of, I shall get revenge for her, and I shall show them all what happens when they mess with me. I buried her where she lied, said my goodbyes and told her what I shall do, that I shall make them all pay for what they've did. I shall hunt him down and when I finally get him where I want him, I shall make it slow and painful, releasing all of my anger and pain onto him.
I ended up just walking from there, into town, blood had stained my clothing, people gave me odd looks yet I seemed to not notice them, a look was on my face. A sadistic look, I felt more alive then I did before, everything seemed sharper, I was on a mission to kill, I shall not be able to rest until I fill full that mission and when I do. Then and only then will I be able to rest down my head and join her in the after life, then I shall know that whoever tries to mess with me, they will feel the pain ten folds that I had felt. They will beg for death, they will beg for mercy yet I shall not give it to them, no I shall not, because in the end, it's too good for them, way to good for them.
Flash Back Ends