Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When black and white make Grey ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Part 6

Notes: he he I've had like no time lately to write but I'm trying >_<

Duo gave a sigh of relief as the door shut with a quiet click. He had forgotten that he was in Wufei's room when he had decided to strip out of his clothes hours before. Letting the sheets fall to the ground, Duo rummaged through the massive pile of clothes, searching for something to wear. After a few minutes of searching he finally found a comfortable looking pair of black pants and a long sleeved black shirt.

Throwing the clothes on the bed, Duo looked around the room in search of a brush and a hair tie. He found the brush lying on top of a desk and some hair ties in the drawer. Duo plopped down on to the bed and pulled his long hair over his shoulder so that he could brush it. Duo slowly ran the brush through his hair, gently removing all the knots and tangles from his hair. Once he was done he deftly braided his hair and tied it with the hair tie he had found.

With his hair done and out of the way, Duo pulled on the pants which were a little bit too large for his small frame but they were comfortable so he didn't mind how low they were on his hips. The sleeves to the shirt almost came passed his hands and the neckline was so wide that it kept slipping of his shoulder. Duo glanced in the mirror; satisfied with his appearance he gathered the sheets on the floor and put them back on the bed.

He didn't know what to do about Wufei just two days ago he would have claimed a person insane if they told him he would actually be helping a dragon. In the short two days that he had known Wufei he had gone from wanting to hurt him to instinctively protecting him when he was in danger. It didn't make sense, but the thought of someone hurting Wufei made his chest hurt. He didn't know what this strange feeling was but he didn't like it at all. The dragons were his enemies he should know better than to help them. A little voice in his head told him that maybe not all dragons were bad.
Duo shook his head in confusion; he would have to address the problem at a later date. The problem he had foremost on his mind was who had attacked the dragons. Normally, he wouldn't care but he had heard whispers that the 'old ones' were trying to wipe out the younger dragons. What he had heard at the meeting had only solidified his beliefs that the 'old ones' had been behind the attack. He was also certain that the 'old ones' had been behind the mass killing of those he had loved.

Duo walked over to the door and pulled it open Wufei came stumbling in and he let out a suppressed chuckle. Obviously Wufei had been leaning up against the door. With a cry of alarm Wufei fell backwards but managed to catch his footing before he fell to the ground. He glared at the laughing boy beside him who still held the door open with one hand while the other tried to cover his mouth to stifle his laughter. He was only able to keep the glare for a few moments before the humor of the situation got to him and a reluctant smile graced his face.

Gesturing for the door to be closed Wufei sat down in a chair hoping for Duo to do the same. Once the door was closed Duo walked the chair across from Wufei and sat down. Wufei briefly told him what had happened after he had left the dragons and what Wufei had been doing while he had been sleeping.

Wufei handed him a book and asked him read some prophecy when there was a knock at the door. Wufei rose and opened the door, a guard dressed in light armor walked in. The guard spoke briefly to Wufei before handing him an envelope. Bowing, the guard took his leave. Wufei walked back to where he had been sitting and sat down as he began to open the letter.

As Wufei opened the letter he gestured for Duo to read the prophecy he had came across. Instead of a letter, as he had expected, inside the envelope was an invitation to a party. An invitation he couldn't say no to no matter how much he wanted to. The Duchess of Kimiko was a brilliant woman. However, her interests in magic and science led her to find many ways to create different kinds of powders and scents that would stimulate the mind or whatever else she chose.

Despite her intelligence Kimiko loved to experience pleasure of any kind. Usually resulting in her notorious parties where the partiers reveled in the drunken stat of passion and pleasure whether it is of the body or the mind. Normally he would decline and Kimiko would not be insulted. However, this time she specifically asked to see him and for him to bring 'a servant.' Either news spread fast, for Kimiko certainly had not been at the meeting, or she had already planned this party before hand. The latter seemed more likely; putting together a party in five hours was impossible even for her.

Who knew what could happen at the party. Whatever pleasure drug she cooked up this time, could be in the drink or in the food. No matter what he did he couldn't decline because she had too much influential power among the dragon nobles. That and no one wanted to be on her bad side.

I looked up at Duo and found him totally engrossed in the book I had handed him. I watched him as he finished reading the prophecy and looked at me with confused violet eyes.

"What is this suppose to mean?" Duo asked.

"I don't know, but I thought that maybe you would know something more about it than I do." He replied.

Duo looked down at the book in his hands before speaking in a soft voice.

"As a kid I spent so much time on the run from hunting parties, other than the few years I spent with the kids at the church I grew up alone. So there wasn't really any opportunity to learn about my culture."

The silence after his statement seemed to fill the air, He didn't know what he was suppose to say and he knew there was nothing he could say to make everything better.

Silently Wufei handed the invitation to Duo, in hopes of changing the subject. Looking at the paper questioningly Duo read the paper and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Tomorrow night, we will have to go to Lady Kimiko's estate to attend her party. It will be much different from the meeting you attended as my slave. I will have the servants outfit you in something for the party. Until then we will have to go over what dangers there may be because of you being a demon and how other dragons will react. Also, you will not be there as my slave but as an companion."

As Wufei said this, Duo's face changed from questioning to disbelieving. Before Duo could open his mouth Wufei continued.

"I have decided this, for several reasons. First, some of the guests there will have been at the meeting and for saving everybody you deserve to be able to go without a slave's restriction. Also, Lady Kimiko doesn't approve of treating slaves and servants poorly and the last thing anybody wants to do is anger Lady Kimiko."

Duo stayed silent for a moment, contemplating what Wufei had said. His bangs had fallen into his eyes, hiding his eyes except for the occasional violet that peeked put from behind the screen of hair. Wufei watched as Duo brushed the bangs out of his eyes and gave him a wide grin, eyes flashing cheerily.

"I guess we have some work to do, I have no clue how I am suppose to act at some big party and we only have day to work on it."

I know this took a long time to get out but I have been swamped with work. The only time I get to work on this is when I have a day off. Part 7 is in progress as to when it will come out I do not know. But I did work this part in such a way that the next part will have a lemon in it.

Stephanie Maxwell

feedback please, I do find more time to work on my fics when I get feedback