Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When You're The Hunter ❯ Secret Love ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: I know, I know. You all told me about your thoughts on Chapter 5, so I apologize (cough, wink) for the lack of lemon in it. Hey, I thought vampire's needed more to life than a good **** (thought I'd say it, didn't you?), they also need that blood stuff and a little violence never killed anyone, wow was that an oxymoron or what?

All Disclaimers and Warnings Apply.

Thanks again to all my loyal reviewers for the high number of reviews I have on this story. I appreciate your input.

When You're The Hunter
Chapter 6: Secret Love

Written by: Scandalous Behavior (

~ ~ ~ ~

Zechs didn't find it too hard the next day to get his 'daughter' to give him a call for him to find out if his suspicions about the night before had been correct. He had called her first early that morning so that her head was still in sleep mode and he could get direct answers from her, he had learned this trick a couple of years ago because it always seemed to him that women told the truth easier when they were caught off guard.

The phone rang, and a head peeked from under a pillow a hand coming out to reach for the annoying sound and pulling it under the pillow next to the head and a small muffled sound came from the head into the annoying object in the hand.


"Good morning, Kestrel. Sleep well?" Zechs's voice came from the other end.

"Sleep well?" she repeated and picked the pillow up off her head and tossed it next to her and laid her head flat on the mattress, "no, not really. I'm tired," she paused and yawned, "and I feel like every muscle in my body is screaming at me."

He had smiled, wondering if she even realized how insightful that remark was. So, Trowa had gone to her place last night just like he thought.

"Too bad, I was hoping you would like to join Noin and I at the house for a little night time pool party. Casual and relaxing, sounds like you could use something like that."

"Um…..sure, okay."

"Wonderful, I will expect you at the house at seven."


"Right, seven tonight. Get some rest and I'll talk to you later."


"Goodbye, Kestrel."

Zechs hung up the phone and glanced down his body to where Noin's head rested on his chest, her tongue coming out to trace his abs and a very mischievous look in her eyes as she glanced up at him.

"You are a very bad man."

"Really? And I bet you like me that way."

She only continued down his body and stopping at the object she had been so searching and in trawl with this morning so that no words, only soft sounds came from between Zechs clenched teeth.

"Invading her privacy and making her come here when she's not fully awake yet this morning, very very bad of you." Noin said, licking around his balls and rubbing the head of his erection with her other hand.

His only sound was a moan and she decided they could finish this conversation later. Much, much later she realized as his penis hardened even more in her hand and she set about with her lips to see just how harder she could make him this morning.

~ ~

Trowa hadn't returned back to the mansion yet that morning and when he did, he slammed the front door shut seeing Dorothy in a silk robe coming down the stairs with a hot cup of coffee in her hand with Duo behind her already dressed in a black outfit for the day. He barely glanced their way and sent out his senses to those of a blond and without an acknowledgement that they were even there; he went to the library door and entered it. His eyes took in the small compact blond guy in one of the large leather chairs and felt his hand itch to slap the smile off the blonds face as he turned around and saw Trowa.

"Trowa, what a ….." Quatre's voice stopped as Trowa's hand locked on Quatre's throat and picked him off from the sitting position into a standing one and then pinning him against the oak bookcase, not letting Quatre's feet touch the floor and barely letting up on the vocal cords that were steady against the palm of Trowa's hand to let him speak.

"I am going to say this once," Trowa's eyes glinted with dark reds and golds in the green depths, "if I catch you around Cathy again, in some vain attempt to get my attention or use her for your own pettiness know that I will have a stake with your name on it ready for you." Was all Trowa told him, his hand was removed and before even Quatre could see the tormented green eyed vampire was gone from the room, like a ghost.

Quatre was rubbing at his throat, feeling like his vocal cords that been bruised on the inside as Dorothy and Duo stood in the doorway with obvious questions on their faces.

"Just don't piss him off today." Quatre told them, his voice off-key and he coughed.

~ ~

Kestrel cursed under her breath at Zechs's timing of waking her up when she wasn't yet ready to face the world. He had that skill to get her to agree to things by catching her when she wasn't completely coherent. She tossed more things out of her dresser drawer in search for her bathing suit and almost growled when a knock came to her bedroom door and she saw Logan's head peek around.

"Someone's in a mood this morning." Logan stated, taking in her room and the disaster it was with clothes coming every inch of it and Kestrel in a wrinkled long t-shirt and her hair pulled up on her head with a pair of chop-sticks through it hadn't looked even brushed yet.

"If you don't want to die this morning, Logan, shut up." She replied to his comment.

"Hey, just trying to state the facts," his amusement clear in his voice and face that she threw the blouse she pulled out at him.

"Why are you so happy? Did you run over a small child or something?"

"Good idea but no," he teased, "I had the most unforgettable night last night."

She turned her glaze at him, noticing the self-satisfaction that radiated off of him like a living thing.

"You got laid by Dorothy, I take it?"

"Laid is such a mild term for it. I think of it as a religious experience."

"I am sure your god will be pleased with your piety on it."

"Ouch, someone is PMSing this morning."

Standing up, with the item she had been searching for in her hands, she glared down at him.

"Why is it every time a girl has a bad day it's a PMS comment that comes out of the mouth of the nearest male?"

"Cause that's usually what it is."

"Go away, Logan. I don't have the patience to deal with you today."

"So what's got your panties in a twist this morning?"

"None of your business."

"Is it the fact that your favorite step-daddy has invited you to the pool party tonight?"

"He invited you too, huh?"

"Exactly. And as how it seems it is three in the afternoon and you have yet to shower or even look like a normal human being," for that she stuck her tongue out at him, "and as much as I would love to see that tongue do more for me than that, you need to shower. Hilde, Relena, and Cathy will be meeting us outside of Zechs's house in two hours."

"The party isn't until seven."

"And it never fails to amaze me that you have no sense of mingling and helping out before the party."

"Bite me."

"I would but I am afraid you'll poison me with how you're acting this morning."

Deciding that she wouldn't beat him to a pulp and that she should go take her shower, she ignored him.

Leaving Logan alone in her clothes tornado of a room, he glanced around.

"And that leaves me to clean up your mess." He mumbled.

~ ~

Showered, dressed in a mesh top and a pair of shorts over her bikini, she pulled her hair back and grabbed her sunglasses off her dresser, noticing that Logan had cleaned up her room and even made her bed. That got her attention and seeing as how he was in the living room, she pulled back the blankets and caught sight of the two single blood drops on her sheets, a symbol of her lost virginity and she prayed that Logan didn't know if he had seen them what it was from.

Going into the living room, she tossed him a small bag of her stuff and he caught it.

"What's this?"

"After pool party clothes. So, are we going to meet them or what?"

"As it took you longer than normal to get back to normal," he mused and she glared at him, "I guess. Zechs's place is an hour away."

"So let's go if we're gonna go."

"What's the hurry?"

"No hurry."


The drive was quiet, as Kestrel wasn't in the mood to talk her emotions still in chaos about what happened last night and so she had tossed her c.d. of Poe into the c.d. player and let the lyrics float around her and fill her ears.

"Hey, pretty don't you want to take a ride with me…" she sang softly and then caught herself on a yawn, staring out at the endless trees that filled in the space of no housing and only small shops every three miles.

It was starting to get dark just as Logan pulled his car up to the gated drive and pressed the button to enter and continued to drive the half-mile to the two story remote house that was practical and comfortable. Kestrel had been there many times during and after Zechs marriage to her mother and found it to be a small oasis of relaxation.

Getting out she saw that four other cars, two she recognized were already here. Getting out she went up to the front door and let herself in, seeing the big open space of the house that was set up to be big and open. She went down the two small steps into the living room and found herself staring out the sliding glass doors at the outrageously huge wooden deck that had a pool that had a temperature always at eighty and a spa along with a sauna off to the deck. Already Hilde and Relena were in the pool and it was still an half an hour till seven, since Logan and her had stopped up on the way four times to get soda and other things they thought they might contribute to the party.

Cathy and Dorothy were curled up in a lounge chair talking while Heero, Duo, and Quatre from last night were standing discussing something on the deck.

"About time you got here," Noin called from the overlooking railing of the second floor behind Kestrel.

"Hey, we're a half an hour early, Noin." Kestrel told the black clad bikini woman.

"So you are," Zechs said coming from the kitchen in a white t-shirt and swimming trunks.

"Someone wanted to stop four times to get stuff," Logan explained as he came in from the front door with five bags of food and extras in his hands.

"I see," Zechs laughed, "let me show you to the kitchen."

As Logan glared at Kestrel who was only holding her bag, she blew a kiss to him and he rolled his eyes at her.

"I see that Logan is still your servant," Noin told Kes.

"Always," Kes said, "so what is this? A private gathering of people I barely know and my three best friends?"

"They are our friends, Kes and I am sure they will become friends to you as well."

"Right. So I should go be good and mingle, huh?"

"Let me take your bag and go for it, I promise they don't bite," Noin said and then had to keep from laughing at Kes's expression.

"You're sure? I mean, I might look like a tender meal or something….."

"Scaredy cat. Go on before I get Zechs and he throws you into the pool."

Kes sighed and snapped her fingers as if that was what she wanted.

Noin watched Kes open the door and the greetings she got were warm and friendly. The door closed.

Well, Noin thought, I hope they don't bite cause Zechs might have to yank out some fangs if they do.

~ ~

After two hours, Kes was in the pool alone, resting her eyes and sitting in the shallow end. The cannon balls, splashing and other things had died down and most of them were inside or off on the grounds.

A pair of eyes watched her from the second floor window and then narrowed when a shadow came out of the darkness and centered itself behind her at the pool. So relaxed and calm, now that Logan and Zechs had finally backed off throwing her in and had been half an hour since they ate dinner she didn't register the water moving the slightest movement around her until she felt hands on her arms in front of her and opened her mouth with a cry rising to her lips and quickly swallowed it.

"God, Trowa you scared me." She said, exhaling.


"I didn't know you were here." She said after a moment, moving uncomfortably.

"Just got here."


Trowa saw how goose bumps broke out on her skin, that weren't there a minute ago since the pool was a steady eighty degrees. He confirmed as his hands on each of her arms drew circles on them that it was being caused from her reaction to him.

"I don't think…."

"Good, don't think," Trowa told her and leaned down taking her lips with his.

He had thought about this all day. He hadn't been able to figure out what was wrong with him, the littlest thing set him off and now that he saw her, could touch her again he realized it had something to do with her. He was calm again, peaceful even.

He moved his lips in the littlest of caresses against her own, then moving to her cheek kissing it and then to her ear, the tip of his tongue licking the canal and then kissing the area just below her ear, causing a shiver to travel down her body and center in a throb under water between her legs. Only he did this to her and she was letting him. Whatever had gone on last night, she had craved all day and not even her most remote concerns about this not being right were pushed away as her arms went to his shoulders and she kissed him back.

Taking that as a good sign, he kissed down her throat, lifting her up to stand on her feet and skimmed over the gray bathing suit covered breasts. The way down her navel and then down to the bikini bottom from the more spaghetti shirt bathing top. He swiftly undid the ties on it and drew it away from her, letting the material rub against the sex lips between her legs as he did so and a small puff of air left her mouth that he quickly recovered with his own.

His hands moved over her exposed area and picked her up easily as if she weighted nothing and set her on the side of the pool, so that her legs and sex were on the edge right in his eye level as he sat on his knees in the shallow end and brought his head to between her legs, kissing the inner thighs and then with a quick lick licked the slit between her swollen and wet lips that had nothing to do with the pool water cascading off her form.

Again he repeated it and then when her legs wrapped around his back and her hairs laced in his hair pulling him and holding him to her, the bewitching sounds she made making him smile he continued his seduction of her sex, twisting and twirling his tongue deeper and deeper, nibbling her nub of pleasure and licking at all the cream that came forth from his efforts. His hands went to her buttocks cheeks holding her in place as he deepened his kiss on her swollen, moist and hot sex until she was clutching his tongue with the tiny muscles inside her as if to prolong the sensations and keep him in her he was satisfied that she was ready for him again as she had been last night and with a movement of his arms grabbing the edges of the pool pulled himself and pulled her against the wood deck and with a swift movement thrust into her silken walls of her inner vise of sensations and had her breath hot against his throat as she panted as he thrust over and over building on each of her sensations again and again, letting her feel just how deep he could go till he was up against the mouth of her womb and she was sobbing, contracting on him so tightly that he felt confined and so heavy with need of her that his hands came over her, as if mesmerizing her body and making her become the other puzzle piece that fit to him perfectly and then as her legs, almost savagely clung to him and coaxed him to finish what he had been so hotly demanding that she match with him, he let go and filled her again and again making her orgasm come so suddenly that she wept and cried out for him.

High above them, in a single window in the house a pair of dark blue eyes narrowed at the girl and thought jealousy that the boy was his and someway he was going to rid that girl from him, forever.

~ ~

At the after math, he redressed her, like she was a china doll infinitely precious to him and then kissed her and took her into the house, ignoring the stares he got from the others and saw that Quatre was playing with Dorothy, rather than Cathy. He knew that it might hurt her but she didn't need Quatre in her life, especially when his feelings for her weren't sincere.

His were, Trowa thought, his feelings were completely sincere and honest for Kestrel that for a minute he was scared. A new feeling for someone who was used to putting fear into others didn't realize he was still capable of feeling it himself. He was afraid to lose her because….he loved her.

As if this amazed him, the same emotion crossed his features and Zechs, having watched Trowa keep Kes close to him thought it was about time.

Now if only the whole vampire thing didn't get in the way.

~ ~

Kestrel had never been so happy in her life after that night, she spent all her extra time the next two weeks after school and work with Trowa and with her friends, who came along and were a big part of the things she did with Trowa and his friends.

She was getting ready for a date with Trowa when she went downstairs in her slinky form fitting blue dress with silver stars all over it and found Trowa, or whom she thought was Trowa going into the alley next to her apartment building. Looking around the corner, she did see him but as she went to call out to him she saw that he wasn't alone but had someone in his grasp. A mean looking guy with a scar on his face and then she saw what was imprinted on her mind from then on, Trowa's mouth next to the man's neck and the blood that sprang forth from the fangs that came out of Trowa's mouth and the almost demonic gleam that came into the man she loved eyes.

Startled as Trowa let the body drop to the ground that Kestrel had seen him, he watched her run and followed. She went to her apartment and slammed the door shut, tears running down her face that she couldn't feel and saw the door open with Trowa's hand on the knob, it broke the locks and even the little chain lock on the door so that he stood in the doorway.

"Stay away from me." She called to him.

"Kes, I can explain…"

"Explain," she sobbed and threw the television remote at him, causing it to hit his chest and turn on the TV. at the same time, "how are you going to explain what I saw?"

As she kept her distance from him, the news came on with a report of the man just found in the alley with two marks in his throat, that was the same for a man found over two weeks ago with the same marks and the broken and bleeding body.

"You….you're the one doing this…"


"Don't Kes me. You, you're a vampire. How could you… didn't I know," she asked herself, "I knew there was something about you and I loved you….you who kill people…"

At hearing that she loved him, the first time she had ever said it he moved to hold her.

"Stay away!! Just, please, stay away." She cried to him, "I don't know what to think but I know I can't be around you right now, Trowa. So please, don't and go away."

Dropping his arms he looked at her tear filled eyes.

"I love you, Kestrel. Just remember that."

She looked away from him and sobbed as he closed the door behind him, the locks broken but it still shut.

"How didn't I know?" she asked out loud to the television sounding room.

~ ~

Treize had observed from on top of a building across the street what Trowa had done and the incident inside the apartment of his 'beloved'.

You just made this too easy for me, Treize thought, seeing his protégée leaving the building and leaving the girl he had come to love to become easy prey for Treize.

And then, my dear sweet Trowa, you will come back to me.

~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry it took me so long to get this part out, but I was in the process of getting into my other GWAU story 'Seasons Change' and my other stories 'Differences In Class' and 'Denied Passions' that I put this on the back burner. After this part there will be 2 more chapters and then it's done. So enjoy and let me know what you think!!

April 27, 2001