Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When You're The Hunter ❯ Early Morning ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
All previous Author Notes, Warnings, Disclaimer, and Thanks apply!!

When You're The Hunter
Chapter 5: Early Morning

Written by: Scandalous Behavior (

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Waking up after an experience like that one she just had wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do. It felt more like she had woken up from a weird dream, too real to be a dream and yet with dream-like qualities, like the fact that it couldn't have happened to her. Not her, the preverbal nun. The one most likely to wait onto her wedding night and freeze up. Having a passionate experience like the almost intoxicating one she had last night had to go down as one of those bizarre twisted things that someone slipped into her drink, most likely Hilde to get her to loosen up. No way in this world that she had slept with a guy she barely knew in fact didn't know at all and enjoyed it. Actually reveled in it last night, like a cat in heat.

"Then why do I feel like I rather roll over and sleep for another twenty-four hours, feel every muscle that I used last for the first time screaming in pain, and feel relaxed down to my fingertips for the first time in months," Kestrel said sitting up on her bed, hugging her knees, "and why, Miss Know-It-All aren't you waking up on the stool?"

With that thoughtful thought out loud, she groaned and fell back on her bed.

~ ~

Trowa wasn't in much better shape than the female he had taken sweet advantage of last night. He stalked down the alley after he left her bedroom. The alley still lit by the sporadic placing of lampposts and streetlights. He passed by druggies, potential muggers and thugs with switchblades. Runaway teenagers with magic mushrooms and needles sticking out of their arms. It was like the innocence he had taken was just as unaware of this type of existence as he was sure he had never come in contact with someone as perfect and unique as Kestrel McKenzie. That she wouldn't have given him another look, would probably freak out if she knew the person who had taken what her true mate should have was no better than a murderer, a serial killer, or what he was, a demon. That he belonged in the slums, feeling the weight of no guilty conscience of what he would have done without a second thought a hundred years ago.

He was the killer. The wolf in the middle of a flock of helpless scared sheep. He had done things, seen things, and let his friends do things that not even the person with the deepest darkest dreams would ever conceive of doing. Had no idea the line between good and evil was a bare thread, easily cut and pushed aside like an in-the-way spider's web.

It didn't hit him until he felt the tip of a knife cutting away at the pale skin above his turtleneck, a red ruby of blood dripped from the small cut, as his arm was pulled behind him and the knife forced deeper into his throat, near his vocal cords, that he was being mugged. Three thugs, all in dark clothing as befitting one that was of the night, with dirty skin and hair and blood-shot eyes from some sort of drug. Muscles were seen on one, from his wife-beater t-shirt he wore and the tattoos that ran down his arm were that of a dragon.

Serpent, it fit. Unforgiving. Only caring about the simplicities of survival. Survival that is of the fittest, which not one of these three was.

Without so much as a single warning, Trowa moved his hand up, a blur of motion and caught the guy's hand that had the knife in it, making the arm straighten up as he lost his balance falling forward. A motion as Trowa's hand slammed the guy's elbow up and then sideways in a way that instantly broke it and displaced it so badly that even if it was placed back in it wouldn't heal right. Jerking the thug to him, he put the knife, thrown out of the thug's hand and into Trowa's waiting free hand to the thug's throat. The other two could only look in horror and awe at the guy they thought would be an easy two hundred bucks. Tracing the knife down the artery at his prey's neck, Trowa's eyes turned to those of his demon half, a pure gold that were cat-like and shown unholy menace at the two.

"If you wish to live," Trowa's voice a growl, "I suggest you leave. Now."

Without another word, the two ran knocking over trashcans filled with alley cats. Only one bothered looking back at his friend but only shook his head as if to say 'What would you do'.

"Seems you should find yourself better friends." Trowa's voice was more civil, less demonic.

The thug made a move, his arm limp at his side, blood flowing from it as the bone had broken out of the skin. It was a move to get out of Trowa's seemingly easy and relaxed hold, but only caused Trowa's hold to tighten on the thug's chest and cause the ribs to be almost on top of his heart in a precarious position.

"Do you honestly think that you are going to get out of this?"

"Mister….I don't know what you are…."

"I bet you do."

The guy stuttered in his fright as his face was turned to see the fangs drop down and Trowa's eyes add into the account that the guy knew exactly what Trowa was.


Trowa only half-raised an eyebrow, as if mocking the guy. He then looked clear into the brown eyes of his mugger and brought his fangs right down on his artery, being traced by the knife, which was now with a swift movement shoved into the mugger's leg, and drug up his leg almost into his inner upper thigh causing a scream of agony to pierce the night. Trowa only continued to feed on the thug, his fangs drawing the blood forth with faster need until his ears caught onto the rhythm of the heart stopping, pausing and throbbed until it was in it's final stages of shutting down. When he had drawn his last breath, Trowa let go, letting the corpse fall to the dirt and rain wet alley flow and used the corners of his fingers to take the blood off his lips.

Because after all, killing is what he did.

~ ~

Zechs was sitting back in a high back chair of Treize's mansion. Still clothed in the white suit from the night before, while Noin was upstairs sleeping the day away in one of the many bedrooms. He was in the parlor, the complete blackened room by automatic shudders shielding out the sunlight, a single lamp on one of the tables lighting the room.

"Mr. Treize will not be pleased that you are requesting this." Came the smooth as silk voice of the woman from last night, a simple black dress that was long sleeved, off the shouldered, and fell in a straight line to her ankles clothing her.

"You forget, my dear Midii, that I couldn't care less what Treize is pleased with. He stepped on my territory, him and his little protégée. A single hair is split on my daughter's head and as the saying hell have no fury as I will." Was the only reply Zechs gave, making the stately regal Midii Une nod.

"I wouldn't do anything so trivial as mess with your daughter, Zechs," Treize's voice flooded the room with all the warmth of a cobra's, "she is after all the only human you consider worthy of protection."

"And I expect her to stay human, without the interference of you, Heero or his cousin Trowa. Play whatever game you will with her friends to the extent of the game, but leave Kestrel out of it."

Treize walked around the chair which Zechs sat in that was turned with Zechs's back to Treize. He leaned against the mantle of the fireplace.

"But the purity would be a great addition to our kind, would it not?" Treize mused.

"Her purity has nothing to do with what you're interested in. You forget that I know you, Treize, and I know all about that little infatuation you have with causing other people misery for your pleasure. Like you have to Trowa, which backfired since he no longer associates with you much, does he?"

"He's coming around."

"And he would even more if you had to object of his current interest in your clutches, right? Tell me when I'm getting warm."

"I find his human half distasteful to my pallet. His cousin, on the other hand, is a rare treat to our breed. A true vampire's vampire."

"Yes, Heero is a true leech on the human species. Although his escapades have left need to have entire villages and towns destroyed in the 1600s, along with Trowa. Even if Heero is called a Prince to us, he is still not who you want, is he?"

"So you came here to discuss your daughter or my protégée?"

"My daughter. Believe me, nothing would give me greater satisfaction in ending your unnatural life than would such a reason arise concerning Kestrel that would cause me to do so. Yet I feel that this had more to do with Trowa than it did her," Zechs stopped, "unless you feel threatened by her?"

"Threatened? By an innocent child?"

"My conclusions are unfounded then. Make sure you don't do this to prove some point, cause it will not bring you any closer to Trowa if you alienate him more than you did when you made him one of us. Killing the girl he was in love with only tore him from you."

"His feeling anything now is an abomination to our kind."

"Not true, it can be an asset."

"Falling in love, then."

"Jealous?" Zechs asked.

"Of your daughter, hardly."

Zechs knew that vampire code on feeling anything other than lust or hunger for your mortal was out casting you, but he knew that Trowa was in love with Kestrel and that somehow Treize knew it. He was going to make somehow a move to prove it and it might come to it that he would have to step in and protect both from Treize. If Heero and Trowa were Vampire Legends, then Treize was the one who created the concept. Treize wanted and had claim on Trowa having made both him and Heero his childe. If he sensed that Trowa had feelings for Kestrel, felt love for her which Trowa could not and would never feel for him he would find someway to kill her. If not by him personally, then by some other measure and that was one thing even Zechs couldn't help her with. The only thing he could do was hope the two would find each other and find a way to rid the world of Treize. Cause if Trowa was a vamp, then Kestrel was the perfect match for him.

Who else to love a vampire, than someone who loved first and foremost?

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I know, I know!! Not smut in this part, damn it!! But I thought I would add some true vampire nature into it and add more plot. Don't worry the next part will be back to what we know you guys like best *wink.

April 13, 2001