Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When You're The Hunter ❯ Why You? ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
All previous Author Notes, Warnings, Disclaimer, and Thanks apply!!

When You're The Hunter
Chapter 4: Why You?

Written by: Scandalous Behavior (

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It went unnoticed by Kestrel that while she and Logan were talking about Trowa and Dorothy. They were also the ones being discussed.

Trowa made his way around the crowd of dancers, druggies, and vampires on the prowl to where the seductress in red stood, surrounded by her own little group of potential victims or play toys. A raise of her hand, in the most casual of gestures made the boys leave so that she could see what it was Trowa wanted in some type of privacy.

"Having fun?" she asked, an eyebrow rose in mockery.

"I want you to do something for me." He told her bluntly.

She tipped her crystal wine glass to her lips and peered over the top of it at him, coyly.

"And why would I do that for you?"

"I think you'll find your quarry more than adequate to your needs, whatever they might be."

"Sounds intriguing, but like I said if I didn't make myself clear, what's in it for me?"

"Just say I'll owe you a personal favor."

She inclined her head in the recognition of what he was offering.

"And everyone knows you like having a favor owed to you."

"You do me too well, darling Trowa."

"So, you'll do it?"

"Of course," she set her glass on one of the passing by bus-boys trays and picked up a fresh wine glass, "so whose this quarry that needs my undivided attention?"

He moved his head in the direction of where the gray eyed innocent and her strawberry blond male companion danced in the crowd. Dorothy's interest was obvious as she looked over the male in the arms of the property that Trowa had obvious claim on.

"Shall I go see what he thinks of my dress?" Dorothy asked, handing her glass to him and smoothing her dress to cling even tighter to her body.

"What dress?" Trowa remarked, raising the glass to his lips.

"Exactly." She winked.

~ ~

Kestrel was dancing in the arms of Logan, her head resting on his chest as they swayed to the soft slow dancing music. His arms wrapped around her waist and hers were around his.

"Hey, Kes?"

"um.." she mumbled.

He laughed softly, as she was obvious too comfortable to be forming words.

"And you said you weren't going to enjoy it?"

She looked up at his amused brown eyes and moved her glasses from the fallen position in the middle of her nose.

"I didn't say that. I just aren't exactly the social butterfly and I rather listen to loud music in the comforts of my room."

"Ever the social cynic. Must be the effect your mother left on you."

She moved out of his arms.

"Don't bring my mother up, Logan. Not if you don't want me to leave you alone on this dance floor."

Logan sighed.

"Sorry, relapse. Forgot you and your mom aren't exactly chummy."

She put her arms around his neck lightly.

"That's putting it mildly. We are as different as night and day.."

"As different as the coyote and roadrunner in the cartoons?" he offered and she laughed.


As Trowa saw Dorothy insert herself closer to the pair, he honed his ears so that he was hearing all of their conversation.

So Kestrel and her mother don't get along, he thought, interesting.

"Mind if I steal some of your friend's time?" Dorothy asked, when she was next to them and the music had stopped.

"Sure, he's all yours." Kestrel told the other woman, as she winked at Logan who mouthed 'thank you'.

She went to off the dance floor and wrapped her arms around her waist, a smile on her lips. She did love Logan, but as a brother. Not the way her social-status is everything mother wanted her to. Logan's family ranged from middle class to extremely rich, the poorer half of his family living in Washington State. That half was into witchcraft, Satanism, and such unlike Logan's family of devote Catholics. Logan and her had practically grown up together, because her mother had gotten a huge house from her first husband, which was Kestrel's father, when he died and then continued to gather her wealth and status by marrying wealthy people. Right now she was on husband number seven, last time she heard. She moved out when she turned sixteen and her mom was on husband number four, who had been her favorite out of all her step-dads.

Her mother had met and married multi-billionaire twenty-one year old Zechs Marquise when Kestrel was fifteen. Her mother was thirty-five. Zechs had long white-blond hair with deep blue eyes that her mother could never bring herself to look directly into. He was the one to make sure she had enough money to get out on her own, knowing how much she detested her mother's life. He even had a huge amount of money put into the bank in her name, that she didn't touch. She refused to live off other people even if she had taken the little sum to get out on her own. For which, she was entirely glad her mom had finally married someone who cared about more than just money. She was dependent on herself and that was how she was going to keep it.

She was so deeply intuned to her thoughts that she didn't hear Trowa's words, as he got closer to her.

"Would you like to dance?" he offered, his hand palm up open to her.

She blinked and looked at him, his stature towering over her but not so much as to dwarf her, only make it noticeable that he was indeed all guy.

"Sure." She placed her hand in his and he led her onto the floor, turning her so that she rested infinitely right against him. Her legs against his and her chest rubbing against his silk shirt.

A D.J. played the music, the band having left a half an hour ago since it was almost one in the morning, and it was some kind of almost salsa type that required the bodies dancing to get a little freer with their limbs. Kestrel's whole body seemed to be seeking Trowa's instinctively and was making her head swim with feelings she had never had before. Rationally she realized that she should stop dancing right then and there, but was compelled by something she couldn't name to keep dancing.

Trowa felt it; the heat of her lightly strawberry scented body moving with his with grace letting the music move her. Her unspoken wondering of what was happening to her and the want to keep doing what she was. All of it seemed to at war with her mind, as he watched different emotions spread over her face. He had to remind himself that she was a virgin, that she was untried and if he did something rash now, like he so desperately wanted to it would only cause pain that shouldn't be even remotely in the picture. Her legs moved against his pant legs, like a cat, his hands moved over her back skimming her sides until a hand rubbed the outside of her bottom then motioned her towards him so that the place between her legs was against his aching erection. Her eyes flickered open and he saw the innocent passion in her eyes as realization hit her and she moved away from him.

"I'm sorry, Trowa. I've got to go." She spoke calmly yet he could sense her fear and wonder.

"If you must."

She only looked up at him, seeing his one green eye, the other hidden by the sweep of his hair and then walked off the dance floor.

She only knew she had to go somewhere, anywhere, where these overwhelming feelings could be thought of. Rationalized. That's when she caught Hilde coming towards her, with a braided guy behind her and then she saw Cathy coming down the stairs, her arm linked with that of the blond guy. Then out of nowhere Relena came, a satisfied look on her face with the ice-cold Heero.

"I've got to go, guys. It's getting really late." Kes gave as an explanation.

"Where's Logan? I'll get him to drive you." Relena said, moving to find Logan only to have Kes shake her head.

"Believe me, he would not thank you if you interrupted him with Dorothy right now. I'll just call a cab."

"And just where are you going to get a cab at this time and when the mansion is so removed from the City?" came a lightly authority voice that Kes knew instantly, and sure enough at the top of the stairs standing with Treize and the blue-black haired Lucrezia Noin, that was his girlfriend was Zechs Marquise in an impeccable white outfit.

Moving past all the people she went up the stairs and hugged the older man, who returned her hug and his eyes missed nothing as he saw the glare of Trowa Barton at the bottom of the stairs. Cathy was also smiling as she let go of Quatre's hand and moved to go up the stairs.

"Mr. Marquise, it is so good to see you again." She said as Kes moved out of his arms and received a grin and hug from Noin.

"I haven't seen you in too long, Kes, you look great." Noin told the girl that Zechs thought of as a younger sister/daughter.

"Thanks. What are you two doing here?"

"Partying? What else? But I think Zechs would rather see you home before we do anything else." Noin told the young girl.

"I did not know that this was your step-daughter, Zechs. What a small world." Treize said with no amount of amusement in his voice.

"Are you alright with me taking you home, sprite?"

"Thanks, Zechs, if you're sure it's not an imposition."

"Like you could ever be an imposition to me. Treize," Zechs voice was low, "I will be back to talk to you and your protégé." Zechs's eyes sought out Trowa's fierce green one.

"Come on, Kes. Would any of you ladies like a ride home as well?" Zechs offered, looking to Cathy, Relena, and Hilde.

"We're fine, Mr. Marquise. I'll see you at home, Kes." Cathy told her best friend.

"Tell Logan I said goodbye, if you find him."

Hilde grinned and Relena only nodded.

With that Zechs, Noin and Kes went out the front door. Trowa glared up at his creator and cursed. He had not known that Kestrel McKenzie was Zechs's stepdaughter, or even ex-stepdaughter. She was even under more protection than he could ever have thought.

Heero only glanced at his cousin, as Quatre passed by with Cathy on his arm. Trowa's look at his childe was not a good one, foretelling that he would be having words with him later since it was obvious by the scent of them both they had just come from fornicating. As had Duo with Hilde and Heero with Relena.

Even Dorothy was getting it on with that nuisance Logan in the corner of the room, he thought disgustedly, while I had to pick a girl that was so protected he wondered why that didn't make his resolve waver. If anything it made it firmer. She was going to be his, in every way possible. Because there was nothing that he loved more than a challenge. And Kestrel was defiantly that.

~ ~

Kestrel thanked Zechs as she got out of the limo, having received another hug from Noin, who was not known for being so affectionate. She stood outside the limo was Zechs.

"Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

"No, really I'm fine. I have everything I could need. But thank you anyway."

"Sometimes I wonder how someone like your mother could have someone like you. You are a gem, Kes."

"Compliments, why Mr. Marquise you keep talking like that and you are liable to turn my head." She teased.

"Sleep well, sprite." He said kissing her forehead.

"Night, Zechs."

As she went into the apartment building his eyes glowed gold and he went back into the limo. As he signaled the driver to drive back to the mansion, Noin looked at him.

"You really care a lot about that girl, it's sweet." Noin said, her voice spoke the trueness of the words.

"She's the closest I've ever come to having a child of my own, even if she thinks of me as rather a big brother." He said with amusement, "Having a seven hundred and twenty year old brother isn't so bad, is it?"

"Not for her. She is very special to have you watching out for her. To think what might have happened to her spirit if she had to remain in her mother's house."

Zechs's face showed the anger and disgust he felt for Kes's whore of mother.

"Priscilla doesn't have a motherly bone in her body and was determined for Kes to marry Logan, like some business deal."

"And they call our kind cold-blooded." Noin mused.

"Now I have even more things to worry about for that girl."

Noin sighed, "I saw Trowa, his obvious possession of the girl."

"Possession, nothing. He's in love with her and doesn't realize it."

Noin showed her obvious surprise.

"Didn't Treize kill the girl that Trowa was in love with before he was turned?"

"Right. Treize saw Trowa's attraction to Kes, he wants to end it. Seems we showed up just in time. If Treize's lays one hand on Kes, he'll have a morning meeting with sunlight."

"What are you going to do about Trowa? He will find a way to have Kes."

"I am sure he will, but I don't think he'll hurt her. His heart doesn't work that way, unlike his cousin Heero's. If he does get a claim on Kes, she's more protected than if she is just the object which Treize can play with. Trowa will protect her, of that I am sure. He couldn't do it to Heather cause she was already under Treize's spell. Kes is too strong willed to fall that easily."

"And just like a true daddy you're going to make sure she stays healthy and alive."

"What kind of parent would I be if I didn't? The girl needs some parental role in her life and I don't think Priscilla qualifies."

Noin kissed his lips, softly.

"You are a great person, you know that?"

"Don't let it get out, it'll ruin my reputation." He said and kissed her back.

~ ~

Kestrel had no trouble getting to sleep the minute she came into the apartment, she locked the front door and went to her room, shutting that door behind her. Flinging the wrap, dress, and her bra off she pulled one of her to the knee length night t-shirts that showed one shoulder and went over to her spot by the window, pulling one of her blankets with her and fell into a deep sleep.

~ ~

Trowa had left right after Kestrel left with Zechs and Noin. If they wanted to talk to him they could do it later today, since it after two in the morning at the moment. Sunset was in three hours, if he wanted to do what he thought of he needed to get it done.

This time he was closer to her apartment, on the fire escape outside her open window where the moonlight hid nothing to her features and he could hear her deep rhythmic sleeping pattern. He went over to the window and opened it more so that he landed in her room without a single noise; thankfully her position was by the unopened part of the second window so he didn't even brush her. Shutting the window behind him, he bent down and picked her up from the position she was in and let the blanket fall unheeded to the floor, setting her in the middle of her bed.

He could only stare at her, moving a hair out of her face as she slept so innocently on her bed. He wondered if he should do what he contemplated. It didn't seem right for him to just think after all this time it was his right that she was his for the taking. She should have somebody who loved her, to save her virginity for her husband that would give her perfect children and a house with a white picket fence. Just thinking about someone else taking what he had thought of as only his for so long was enough to make him what to break the neck of the man, who only existed in his mind.

He moved, to half-on and half-off the bed. A single fingertip moved over her shapely legs left uncovered by her nightshirt or the blankets he had pushed to the end of the bed. He moved closer, a breath away from his lips meeting hers as her eyelids flickered. He used the hand he wasn't using to lean on, to trace the unclothed protected shoulder and let his finger move to her neck and then used the back of his hand to caress her cheek.

She turned her head just at that moment and he felt her breath on his hand, sending chills up his arm. Having had enough, he kissed her lips softly. A gentle brush of his against hers, until her lips parted in an intake of breathe and he let his tongue enter her mouth. Her eyes opened and her drowsy sleep let her wonder what was going on. Her mouth was filled with warmth that was not only her own and making her use her tongue ever so slowly against the object in her mouth, which she discovered was another tongue.

He flicked it inside her mouth, making her retaliate by thrusting hers at him, like swordplay. The whole while he was slowly inching her nightshirt up and using his other hand to pull her underwear off, tossing them onto the floor. She gasped into his mouth, eyes wide open as he circled the outside of her sex with the tiniest of touches before he let her mouth go and pulled her hands up jerking the nightshirt off of her so that she laid on the flat sheets of her bed in nothing but her skin. He took the time to glorify her as one of the most beautifully put together females he had ever seen, and he had seen more than most.

He set about worshipping her with his tongue, his lips and every so often his teeth, drawing her fragrant skin into his mouth and gently sucking on it. He came to her breasts and used his vast knowledge to get them so stiff that a mere breath on them cause ripples of sensation in her. He put her hand to one of her breasts.

"Feel how hard they are, how much they know what it is you want, what you need." He told her, whispering.

She groaned at this unwanted yet welcomed feeling of wanting something she couldn't name and didn't know.

He continued to move down her body, her hands in his hair holding him to her as he came to the place he sought. The crest of her sex, a beacon of where no man had touched. He looked up at her, his eye seeing her waiting, her hips moving out of the way to make room for him. He let the tip of his tongue circle her protected nub of pleasure and she cried out. So intense the feeling she felt dizzy. He took her instant response as permission to continue and used his finger to enter her. She felt a foreign presence, not hurtful but causing a filling sensation in her. He moved it back and forth, side to side in her till she bit her lip in frustration. He added a second and then a third finger, testing her tolerance and was rewarded with a bath of her scent nectar. He pressed his mouth closer to her and licked at the proof of her arousal and want.

Her hips moved, agitation in her every moment and her body glowing with desire. He moved up her body, his mouth taking hers as he longed to take her body. Completely, eternally. So that her fingers dug into his shoulders needing him closer, to end his torment and hers. He kissed her cheek, her neck and then brought her hand to his ramrod erection.

She moaned at the feeling of it in her hand, hot and wanting. She touched the tip and felt liquid. He stilled himself, not expecting such responses from her. Not being able to let her do more, he moved so that it was between her legs and her hands were grabbing the sheets on each side of her.

He entered, gently and then locked his lips with hers as he thrust cleanly through the barrier of her virginity. The pain came and caused her to tense and dig her nails deeper into his shoulders. He didn't feel it, he couldn't. The only thing he felt was how right it was, now snug and perfect she felt to him. As she began to relax he moved and drew her legs around his hips so that he settled into the pattern of entering and withdrawing easily then with more force as she clung to him wanting and needing the sensations he invoked in her. Gasping, sobbing, and moaning in time with his thrusts until he came faster and harder into her welcoming warmth and then it hit her. She was sent into the stars as he went with her.

It wasn't until a few minutes later, did he roll to his side off of her as she went back to her even breathing. He couldn't bring himself to leave her just yet, so he only stayed on his side with her and still inside her. Feeling himself getting infinitely aroused by her muscles tightening on him, as if seeking that compelling sensation and rapture again he pulled a leg of hers over his hip and thrust in a circular motion in her till she was again breathing raggedly and sobbing his name. As she came again, she clutched him to her and whispered his name into his ear.

"Trowa, oh Trowa."

With that, he held her until he knew the sun was going to rise and only then did he get up, untangling their limbs from one another and left without looking back.

~ ~ ~ ~

I got so inspired I decided to finish Chapter 4 as well. What do you think? Let me know!! Review!

April 12, 2001