Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Where Sunrays can't reach you ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8.

Lady had followed Treize to his office and leaned against his desk. "It's a good thing we have dealt with those questions now, don't you think so sir?"

"I agree Lady," he said while absently turning a pencil around.

She flipped through her papers and took out one from the bottom. "Lieutenant Yui Mikage has asked permission to refrain from participating in the strategy training."

The strategy training... great. Just what I don't need right now: a week in a summerhouse with Milliardo.

"I denied of course, all junior officers are obliged to go. Do you have any orders for me while you're away, sir?"

Treize had just contemplated making Lady head of the training camp, but disregarded that idea. Where he was specialized in strategy and long distance combat, she had specialized in security and explosives.

"No, Lady," he said, still turning around the pencil, with a worried look on his face.

"Sir, I know it's out of line, but are you alright? You have been so... different lately," she said softly.

He dumped the pencil on his desk.

"You're right, you're out of line," he said. "Leave me alone now."

Lady looked at him, startled for a second, but then the studied look of indifference came on her face.


He admired her for not slamming the door. Someone like Milliardo would have.

Curse it, that Milliardo again. Yesterday night he had hoped an end had came to his desire for the young lieutenant. After all that was what always happened after he had shared his bed with someone. He should have known better. The only thing he wanted right now was to grab him, throw him against a wall and take him again. Still... he also wanted to comfort him, to tell him it was okay, that he would take care of him. He smiled bitterly. Not that you would accept me of course.

He had never snarled at Lady before. I HAVE to leave him alone. It was an obvious sign of how he was losing it.

The house was not very big. Two sergeants even had to share a room. On top of it was a huge tower from which the movements down below were easily observable. There were huge hangars with Mobile Suits close by and different types of ground were made around the house. There was a mountain landscape, a dessert, a swamp and different types of lowland. The officers around him were obviously impressed, but Milliardo didn't seem to notice it. On the way over Treize had managed to avoid him. He sighed. The first two days everyone would get instructions. After that, there would be real battles. Each would get a turn on top of the watchtower to make a strategy, while he would supervise. This meant he was going to be alone with Milliardo once.

On the second day dinner had been simple, but alcohol had made the junior officers quite cheerful. Treize had taken only a glass of red wine. It had been cheaper than he was used to at home, but he enjoyed the merriment of his officers. Some of them were years older than he was, but his position prevented him from joining in the jollity. There was of course someone else who didn't participate. Milliardo had slipped away the moment he had eaten his last bite of cabbage. Treize sighed, but what else can I expect?

He was in no mood to be strict. Even when sergeant J. Winter jumped on a table to demonstrate a dance from his hometown, he didn't raise an eyebrow. Reports had to be signed and send back to Lady.

"I need a woomaaaan" a lieutenant twaddled. The present female officers remained undisturbed; they knew he was not going to harass them with Treize Khushrenada in the room.

When the officers made plans to continue the party on the watchtower Treize spoke, without raising his voice:

"It's time to go sleeping".

"Yes sir," everyone responded at exactly the same time, even Jeremiah Winter.

They walked to their quarters, but Treize stopped a staff sergeant. "You're first tomorrow, mister Muhamba. Come to the watchtower at 6 pm."

Then he heard a soft scream from one of the rooms and turned around.

"What's that?"

"That sir?"

The staff sergeant wasn't as intoxicated as some of them, but drunken nonetheless.

"That's probably Zechs Merquise, he sometimes cries out in his sleep."

"What? Why was that never reported to me?" Treize asked startled.

"Oh sirrrr, everyone has some little weirdness, Adam faints when he sees blood, Lydia throws fits when she can't find something, Rodrigue gets hysterical when he's in a small space and Zechs cries out in his sleep, I don't care as long as I don't have to share a room with him." Muhamba laughed and raised an imaginary glass.

"Gooooodnight sir."

Treize wondered what it was that made Milliardo do that. Was it because of what happened when he was trapped as a child? Or did something else haunt him? Something I know nothing about? There had been only one cry. Treize leaned for a moment against the lieutenant's door, wishing he could give him some comfort. Then he walked away.

Three days later, most of the officers had taken a turn commanding the others from the watchtower. Treize noticed how they all used Milliardo at the front and asked sergeant Chung why he did that.

"Sir, he can take on more Mobile Suits than the rest of them combined."

"Does he? Why is that?" Treize asked concealing his strange satisfaction at the sergeant's admiration.

"He's quick sir, like lightning!" the man responded enthusiastically.

Treize smiled. "You've done well, sergeant. Please ask lieutenant Merquise to come up next."


The dreaded moment was finally arriving, but he was not going to treat him differently from the others. Milliardo doesn't have to fear me anymore.

"Lieutenant Merquise reporting, sir."

Treize didn't turn around. Despite the fact that he had planned to do the same, Milliardo's formal manner infuriated him.

"Go over to the radio, you know what you must do," he snarled, still not facing the lieutenant.

The Mobile Suits started moving to new positions. Treize noticed Milliardo's strategy was a little different from the others. Instead of putting the fast ones in the front, he kept them in the middle. A group of Mobile dolls advanced. Treize disliked those. He rather saw a battle of soldier versus soldier. But it was unfair to test different trainees against different circumstances. He put up with it; it would do him no good to go against the orders from the top figures in the Alliance now.

When the Mobile Dolls advanced Milliardo made the quick Mobile Suits suddenly make a circle around them. The surrounded dolls were easily disposed of.

Treize took his arm from the rail and turned to Milliardo. The lieutenant was looking at him with a sad expression on his face.

"You did alright lieutenant Merquise," Treize said while nervously brushing his own hair.

Milliardo didn't leave yet and looked at him hesitatingly. When he finally opened his mouth, Treize interrupted him.

"You can go now, send Sergeant Soedarne upstairs."

Milliardo bit his lip and went for the stairs. Then he turned around and bowed his head a little.

"I am sorry, Treize," he said and disappeared.

Treize sighed. He felt an urge to follow him, push him against the railing, lick him, caress him, everything until the young man would surrender in his arms. He didn't know when it had happened, but because of Milliardo his primal instincts were breaking through his carefully cultivated veneer.

Sergeant Soedarne did quite well, using all her Mobile Suits to defend and later surround the Dolls. Only one Mobile Suit was following orders slower than was expected. When Treize looked at the paper with the division written on it, he found out it was Milliardo's. Good, at least I am not the only one who is affected by this.

It was lieutenant Wederay's turn. Treize knew him as a quite impulsive but brave officer. The lieutenant immediately gave the order to attack. The Mobile Suits charged forwards, taking out some of the Mobile Dolls immediately. All Mobile Suits charged through the line of Mobile Dolls and regrouped to attack again. Only Milliardo's Suit had not been able to make it. It struggled to reach the other Suits, but was blocked by the majority of the Dolls.

"Shit! What the hell is he doing?" Lieutenant Wederay screamed.

Treize looked at Milliardo's suit. No pilot could make that big of a mistake, something was wrong.

Milliardo took out one Doll by attacking its legs, but it became apparent his Mobile Suit was losing power. He attacked an advancing Doll with a barely working arm. Six Mobile dolls advanced on him, but by now his Mobile Suit was hardly able to move.

"Stop those Mobile Dolls!" Treize yelled.

"Sir, they have been programmed in advance, they will stop only when time is over," Wederay said half panicked.

"Then keep them from attacking him," Treize snarled.

" sir"

Wederay took his communicator and started giving incoherent orders. Treize snatched it away and ordered the pilots to make a ring around the helpless Mobile Suit. While he was speaking he saw how the Mobile Suit was pounded on... again and again and again.


It lay on the rocks now, shaking with every kick and slap it received.

At last the other Suits had reached their positions and attacked the Dolls. Treize ordered one of them to drag Milliardo's suit away from the heat of the fight. Officer Winter got out of his suit and climbed Milliardo's fallen one. He typed in a code and opened the hatch.

"Where's Lydia?" Winter screamed.

Treize knew she had gotten a thorough medical training. So he was somewhat relieved when she climbed Milliardo's Mobile Suit as well. Treize couldn't see what they were doing. He felt an urge to run down the watchtower and jump on the Mobile Suit to take things over. But he was no medical expert. It would make no sense for him to go up there. Wideray was probably already startled by his behavior and he couldn't threat Milliardo any differently from the rest of them without bringing him to danger again.

He squeezed the rail and leaned over. Please make it. The Mobile Dolls had finally stopped their movements when he saw Milliardo emerge from the Suit. His hair was covered with blood and he needed to lean on the two officers. Treize saw how he was gesturing angrily for them to leave him alone, but when they did, he immediately collapsed. Treize gasped and leaned so far forward that he almost fell over the edge. The officers picked Milliardo up again and more or less carried him down.

Dinner was quieter than a few days ago. All the trainees were exhausted and shocked at what had happened to their fellow officer. Investigations were being made as to what had caused the malfunction of the Mobile Suit. Treize was writing an extensive report to Lady about the matter. His thoughts however were with a certain lieutenant. After Milliardo had been brought inside, Lydia Sorona had treated him. He had a heavy concussion, a few broken ribs and a wound in his right leg. Treize turned around the pen he was supposed to write with. It could have been so much worse.

Most officers had left for their sleeping quarters at 9 pm. At 10 Treize was the only awake person in the entire building. The report still wasn't finished. But he decided to go to sleep as well and lay down his pen. Treize walked through the silent hall and couldn't help slowing his pace when he passed Milliardo's room. He laid his ear on the door. First he heard nothing, then a gasp and some incoherent mumbling

" I am sorry I.... no I didn't mean to father I..."

I will go to my room, take a shower and sleep. But Treize's hand was already turning the doorknob. The blonde was tossing and turning, trying to get away from something. Treize quickly closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed.

"Get away, I...where are you? They sister.... mother?.....rats get…. away." Treize couldn't take it any longer. He kneeled down in front of the bed and laid Milliardo's head against his shoulder.

"Shhhhh, shhh, it's alright, Milliardo," he said, as he cradled him like an infant. "Stop it please, stop it, wake up."

"I didn't want to kill them," Milliardo said as he was slowly opening his eyes. His breathing was still irregular. He looked around, slowly coming to terms with his surroundings.

"Treize?" He tried to push him away. "What are you doing here?"

But Treize grabbed his hand. "I heard you talk in your sleep, you seemed upset."

"Talk in my sleep? But... I never talk in my sleep," he said distrusting.

"I have been told you do it more often," Treize said softly.

Milliardo looked surprised and then stared to the ground "What did you hear?"

"You talked about your parents and your sister, about rats and people you didn't want to kill."

"....Oh." He pulled his legs closer to him and wrapped his arms around them to protect himself from the returning images. Forcefully Treize grabbed his hand again.

"Why don't you let me protect you?" he asked desperately.

Milliardo looked at him with a blank stare and then turned his head away. Treize growled angrily and started to walk away. But suddenly Milliardo's hand pulled at his jacket.

"Treize...sorry...I... Will you stay a little longer?"

The hand burned on Treize. He saw Milliardo's begging face and wanted nothing more than to comfort him, but was afraid to be rejected again afterwards. A few seconds he hesitated but when he saw Milliardo's lost expression he simply couldn't walk away. He slid into the small bed and laid Milliardo's head on his chest. Then he started caressing the pale strands of hair.

"Shhhh, just go to sleep."

Milliardo suppressed a moan when Treize's fingers touched his painful head and the duke immediately let go.

"I am sorry...... just sleep, okay Milliardo?"

The young man nodded and nestled his head in Treize's chest. Treize pulled him closer, careful that he wouldn't touch a sore spot again. Slowly Milliardo's breathing steadied as he sunk back to sleep. The duke's hands continued stroking his hair until long after he had fallen to sleep.

Treize awoke by a hand caressing his cheek. He opened his eyes wide and saw Milliardo smile at him as he stood next to the bed. He realized it was the first time he saw him do that. Unlike himself the young man never used a smile to hide his face; that was what his mask was for. Before he could respond to it, Milliardo had already left the room. A huge sigh escaped his mouth. Now I still don't know how we will continue. But... what a smile!

To be Continued.

This was one of my favourite chapters to write, hope you like.
