Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Hell Are We? ❯ Pilot Pile, Revised!!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Where the Hell Are We?

"Trowa, entertain Duo while I wake Chang up. I have an idea." Heero said, even he was beginning to harden from the stimulants. Trowa nodded then turned to Duo.

"In the middle of the bed. On your back." Trowa ordered. Duo licked his lips, then crawled onto the bed, his legs spread wide as Trowa approached. Trowa began to torment him with pleasure, giving Heero the time he needed. By the time Duo was whimpering, Heero had awoken Wufei.

"There's something strange about this. I have a plan to find out exactly what." Heero said, and then whispered the plan to the others. When they were done, Heero turned to where Trowa and Duo were to begin the plan.

"Mmmm, Trowa," Duo moaned, Trowa's head bobbing around his erection, teasing him horribly, "Please, Trowa, mmmmmmmore!" Duo said, bucking into the other man's mouth. Trowa detached his mouth then, leaving Duo lying on the bed, begging for more. Heero came up to Duo, placing the Deathscythe pilot's knees on his shoulders. Heero placed a lubricant slick hand to Duo's opening, earning a tortured moan from the other man.

"What do you want, Duo?" Heero asked, putting slight pressure on the puckered flesh.

"Ooooh, you, Heero, I want you." Duo replied with a moan.

"And where do you want me?" Heero asked, gently slipping the tip of his finger into Duo, earning a gasp.

"I-in me! Please, Heero! I want you in me! Oh, gods!" Duo said, thrusting on the finger. Heero let the entire finger slip in, and Duo let out a cry as Heero stroked his prostate.

"Do you like that, Duo? Do you want more?" Heero asked again, sliding his finger in and out to stretch Duo.

"Nnnnn, yes, morrrrrrre." Duo moaned out. Heero added a second finger, quickly burying them in Duo. He was rewarded with a gasp that melted to a moan.

"What would you do for more, Duo?" Heero continued to question the other man. This was proving to be a *very* effective way to interrogate the braided baka.

"Anythinnnnnng. Pleeease, mmmmmmore." Duo moaned out, his head back and eyes closed. Heero thrust the third finger into Duo, who bucked in response. Heero gently applied lube to Duo's erection, preparing the other man.

"Hump my fingers, Duo. Hump them like you would my cock." Heero said in a cold voice, despite the fact that he was now fully erect. Before he began adjusting Duo, Heero was doing the same to Wufei. Wufei, however, managed to stay silent except for a few gasps. Duo obeyed Heero's orders, completely lost in his lust. Heero gently removed his fingers, leaving Duo humping the air. Duo let out a sob for the loss, his hands clutching the sheets as his desire raged. Heero coated his cock with the lube, and then gently put himself to Duo's opening. Wufei positioned himself above Duo, so that Duo's cock rested at his opening. Duo gasped at the double sensation, his eyes flying open at he realized what was going on.

"Are you ready, Duo?" Wufei asked, leaning down to place a kiss on the other pilot's lips. Duo moaned and nodded in response, and Wufei slowly slid onto his shaft, so that the head was within him as Heero inserted his head into Duo. Both Duo and Wufei gasped at the sudden intrusion. Slowly Wufei slid down, eventually taking all of Duo at the same time that Duo was taking all of Heero.

"Damn, Duo, you're tight. Nh." Heero said with a grunt and a hiss.

"Oh, gods, and you're big, too." Wufei moaned, gently lifting himself up and sliding back down. When he did this, Duo hit his prostate, causing Wufei to let out a cry, "Oh, Duo!" It was then that Heero decided to begin thrusting into Duo. He began gently, causing Duo to gently buck into Wufei, all of them moaning as they did this. Soon, though, the pace picked up and Heero was slamming into Duo, who, in turn, slammed into Wufei.

"Shit!" Heero yelled his eyes going wide as a finger was thrust into him. Heero moaned as the finger brushed his prostate, seeing that Quatre was inserting one of Wufei's fingers into himself, 'So, they've come to join the game, have they?' Heero thought, a small smile gracing his lips, 'And to think, all this over one, little blow job.' Heero's thoughts were banished as Trowa thrust another finger into him, Wufei doing the same to Quatre. Heero barely noticed when, a few seconds later, a third finger was shoved deep inside him. All he knew now was pleasure, all the sounds he could make were grunts and moans, and all he could do was thrust.

"That's a good Heero. Are you ready for me to be in you?" Trowa asked in Heero's ear, only getting a moan in response, Trowa slowly began to enter Heero as Quatre began to descend on Wufei. Heero threw his head back against Trowa's shoulder as Trowa buried himself to the hilt in the perfect soldier's rear with a grunt. Quatre sighed happily as he clung with arms and legs to Wufei, who was now fully sheathed in the younger pilot. Quatre contented himself with nibbling, sucking, and licking at the Chinese pilot's neck as he adjusted to the rather large package buried within himself.

"Mmm, Wufei, has anyone ever told you how *good* you taste?" Quatre asked as he indulged in the other man's flesh. Wufei gave a gentle thrust before he replied, causing Quatre to gasp.

"No, no one's ever tasted me before Duo did, and you're the first to talk about my... flavor." Wufei said, giving another thrust, this one harder, causing him to thrust himself onto Duo. Three moans rose from the bed as a result. Trowa gently thrust into Heero, sending short thrusts all the way through the group to Quatre. Slowly, Trowa began to build up the pace, thrusting harder and faster with each thrust. Soon, they were all slamming again, moans and grunts filling the room as the orgy continued. Wufei began to gently stroke Quatre, hoping that the Arabian pilot would be the first to cum. Quatre began to suck at Wufei's neck like it was air, his hands gripping the other's back fiercely as his legs tightened around Wufei's waist.

"Oh, Wufei! I'm so close! Make me cum! Please!" The blond begged, his head thrown back and his eyes closed. Wufei began to rub Quatre's manhood harder as he thrust deep within the other man. Duo was clutching Wufei's thighs; guiding the Chinese man's decent with every thrust. Heero was gripping Trowa's arms, which had a hold on Wufei's waist. Seemingly out of the blue, Quatre let loose a scream, cumming onto Wufei's chest and clenching his muscles around the other man. Wufei thrust hard and deep into Quatre and cam, Quatre leaning heavily onto his shoulder. When Wufei clenched around his cock, Duo screamed in pleasure, his seed exploding into Wufei's bowels. This, in turn, caused Duo to tighten around Heero, who buried himself as deep as he could before pouring his essence into the braided baka. Trowa grunted at the pressure, then his warm semen flowed quickly into Heero.

The large, sweaty pile of men slowly disentangled themselves, each curling up by the next to sleep their lethargy away. Duo was on the center of the bed with Wufei clinging to his right side, and Heero resting his head on the left side of Duo's chest. Quatre was spooned against Wufei, and Trowa had curled into a fetal position with his back against Quatre's. One by one, the men began to fall asleep, Quatre first, followed by Wufei, and Trowa shortly after. When Heero was sure that he and Duo were the only ones awake, he decided to find out exactly what was going on.

"Duo, why and how did you set this up?" Heero asked, licking some of the sweat off Duo's chest.

"I didn't, and I don't know who did." Duo replied, his eyes half closed.

"What? I thought you had set this whole thing up." Heero said, his eyes wide.

"Nope," Duo said with a yawn, "Wasn't me. It was a good idea, though. Wish I had thought of it. We should do this more often."

"I have to admit, it was a great experience." Heero replied, looking up at Duo. Duo was fast asleep, his mouth slightly open. Heero smiled and put his head back down on Duo's chest, allowing sleep to overtake him.


TM: So, did you like the lemon? It's one of my best, actually, not to be arrogant or anything!

Duo: Man, that was the best fic you've ever put me in! I get to screw Heero AND Wufei!

Heero & Wufei: *Death Glare*

Quatre: How did you know how I act in bed?

Trowa, Duo, Heero, & Wufei: O.O *Blink*Blink*

TM: Oh, I have my ways. *Evil Grin*

All Pilots: O.O *Run Away Scared*