Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Thang ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Wild Thang (12/15?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairings: 6+2, 2+6, 6x2 (in that order)
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU, Yaoi, Yummy Lemons and Sexual Innuendos
Disclaimers: I do not own Duo nor Zechs nor Solo.
Slight reference to Tarzan. Hmmmm...loincloth anyone?

~Wild Thang - Part 12~

"Hai. And I want to know how she died." Duo replied.

"How about we sit somewhere to talk about this rather
than in the middle of the village?" another elder

Duo nodded in agreement. They walked to the elders
meeting hall. They sat around a table, eager to hear
what the elders had to say.

"Your mother, Helen Andromeda, was born into one of
the more well known families of the village. With
time, she would have became an elder with very high
regards. As a girl, she was well known for her
generosity and kindness. In her teenage years, the
elders at the time noticed her interest into the
supernatural. She would start asking questions about
demons, angels and other sorts of weird things.

"The elders at the time didn't bother much with her.
They thought it was just a phase that she would grow
out of. However, they made sure to keep tabs on her.
When she was 25 however, they noticed how she kept
going off into the jungle. Nine months later, you
were born. The elders looked back on the notes taken
from Helen's life and noticed that while she had many
admirers, she didn't have a lover of any sort." the
elder spokesperson informed them.

"So, she didn't have anyone that could be capable to
have a baby with?" Duo asked.

"Hai. That is correct." the elder replied.

"Continue, onegai." Quatre said.

The elder nodded, "Like I said, she had many admirers.
Seeing how she would bear a child without a lover
made them jealous. Every time the admirers would try
to follow her into the jungle, they would lose her
trail. It was next to impossible to find her unless
she came back. One of the admirers somehow got hold
of the notes taken on Helen. Jealousy is a very nasty
thing. Upon seeing your eyes, he proclaimed you to be
the child of a demon and must be destroyed."

The others gasped at the accusation thrown at the

"Why would he do such a thing?" Duo asked. "Why would
he want to kill me?"

"Because Helen's family was very strict on the rule
that if she should have a child, she must wed the one
she had the child with. The admirers would be turned
down. So unless they kill you before the wedding,
Helen would be marrying your father. Whomever that
may be." the elder explained.

"Why did he need to look at my eyes?" Duo asked.

"According to Helen's study, the eyes portray the kind
of power held within. Purple eyes are rare in the
supernatural sense and nonexistent in the human sense.
Seeing how you have purple eyes would make you a rare
find and many would mistaken you to be of demonic
descent." Dorothy explained.

"What happened after that?" Relena asked.

"Helen tried to make them all see that you weren't
demonic at all. However, some of the more envious
members of the village proclaimed her to be either
possessed or a witch and must be either stoned to
death or burned. With the proclamation of some
villagers as well as the notes they had on her early
years, they had no choice but to condemn her as a

"The villagers who were so envious of her took the
opportunity presented and stoned her first, then
burned her body. Gomen nasai, for bringing you such
bad news." the elder said, bowing his head.

"Can you tell me much about what Solo was like back
then?" Duo asked, letting all that information sink

"Solo was born into the middle class family. There
isn't much information seeing how he was fairly young
and didn't needed to be watched as closely. All we
knew about him is that he's a prankster and likes to
explore into the jungle. When there was no one else
to defend you against any harm, he stepped up to the
challenge and took you away into the jungle he loved
to explore so much. That is all we really knew about
him. After his 'betrayal' to the village, the ones so
bent on killing you took revenge on Solo's family. I
am very sorry." the elder said.

"I understand." Duo replied softly.

"This must be a lot for you to digest. How about you
sleep on it or think about it for a while. It might
help things settle down in your mind." Quatre

Duo nodded in agreement.

"Do you have a place for him to stay?" Trowa asked.

"We have a room especially prepared for him." Dorothy

Zechs frowned at the thought of not being able to hold
onto Duo during the night, while Wufei looked at her

"There's nothing in that room that will harm him. I
can't say the same for the villagers however. But
unless they break into that room, he'll be safe."
Dorothy reassured.

"And besides, I will be just across from him, Zechs'
room is to his right and Heero's room is to his left.
He'll be safe." Relena added.

"It's been a long journey, lets get something to eat
and then get a good night's sleep. We can show Duo
around more in the morning." Treize suggested.

"Agreed." Quatre replied.

Together, they walked to the eating area to get some
food. While Duo was oblivious to the looks he was
getting from some of the villagers, Zechs wasn't.
Heero noticed Zechs' foul mood and saw how some of the
villagers were looking at Duo. A protective instinct
got brought to the fore, making him want to protect
the fae boy. Judging those looks, he'd better have
one of the others be with Duo tonight.

Heero approached Wufei, "What are you doing tonight?"

"Sleeping." Wufei retorted.

"Think you can do that inside Duo's room?" Heero

"Why?" Wufei asked.

"The villagers may harm him during the night.
Besides, should he go for a walk to try and clear his
head, he'll be in danger. I trust you to be able to
protect him." Heero replied.

"But won't that look suspicious to Zechs?" Wufei

"I'll inform him if you agree to." Heero replied.
"Duo isn't knowledgeable enough to know what people
will do to him if they still have any ill intentions.
I can't exactly be within his room without being
suspicious to Relena and neither can Zechs."

"Ryoukai." Wufei replied. "Tell them."

Heero goes over to Zechs, "Wufei will be in the same
room as Duo to protect him if anything should happen."

Zechs nodded to show that he understood.

Heero sat down beside Duo, "Wufei will be spending the
night in your room. We think that it should be a good
idea if you aren't left alone on your first night. It
might be easier for you to sleep, knowing that you are
safe in a unfamiliar place. If you should need to go
anywhere, wake up Wufei. Okay?"

"Hai." Duo replied.

To Be Continued...

Ya know, this is starting to turn into another long
fic. *sigh*