Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Thang ❯ Chapter 18

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Wild Thang (18/25?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairings: 6+2, 2+6, 6x2 (in that order, maybe an odd
hint of 3x5, 13x4, and 1x?)
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU, Yaoi, Yummy Lemons and Sexual Innuendos
Disclaimers: I do not own Duo nor Zechs nor Solo.
Slight reference to Tarzan. Hmmmm...loincloth anyone?
Note: About that little addition to the Zechs and Duo
pairing, I felt that the others could use a bit of
romance to...spice things up so to speak.

~Wild Thang - Part 18~

"When are you going to tell me about braiding?" Duo
asked, inanely curious.

"When we return to your room." Zechs replied. "Ah!
Here we are! Heero-kun, be a dear and get my brush
from my room."

Heero glared at Zechs, "Hn."

However, upon arrival to Zechs' room, Heero
discovered...visitors. Quickly dispatching swift pain
to them, leaving them unconscious, Heero retrieved the
aforementioned brush and returned to Zechs and Duo.

"You got visitors." Heero informed Zechs. "They're
out cold."

Zechs nodded in understanding. Taking the brush from
Heero's hands, Zechs sat Duo onto the bed and gently
brushed out tangles. Duo started to melt under the
gentle touch and was soon dozing off. Heero moved in
front of Duo to keep him from falling.

Zechs continued his ministrations until the long
chestnut hair was silky smooth and tangle-free. Zechs
himself was relaxed as he brushed Duo's hair. The
motions soothed any worries off his chest. Parting
the hair into three, Zechs plait the long hair. Tying
it off with the string of the charm, tucking the charm
within the folds of hair, Zechs wrapped his arms
around Duo and allowed him to rest up against his

Heero watched the couple carefully for a moment.
Heero watched the steady slow breathing pattern of a
sleeping Duo.

"When are you going to tell him?" Heero asked, once
sure that Duo would not awaken with the conversation
going on.

"I don't want to rush him." Zechs informed Heero. "I
know you mean well, but I want to make his first time
special. He is innocent and I will not take

"Even though your body desires him?" Heero asked.

"That too." Zechs sighed.

"You do realize he cannot wait for you forever." Heero

"What do you mean?" Zechs asked, alarmed.

"I have seen the way he looks at you. He has feelings
for you. He is just confused by what he's feeling.
He's been secluded for so long now, he doesn't
recognize emotions as easily." Heero explained.

"Not like you?" Zechs retorted sarcastically.

"Hn." Heero snorted. "Go slow, but not so slow that
you lose his interest. With everything going on, you
won't have much time together. There is alway the
possibility that he stays with his father's people."

Zechs considered that for a moment, "No matter where
he is, I want to be with him. That's how deep my love
for him is. I will do ANYTHING for him. I hope he
will accept me. That's all."

"Why are you telling me this? Shouldn't you be
telling HIM your fears?" Heero questioned.

Zechs glared at Heero, "You know as well as I that it
is easier to speak with one who talks non-stop about
his missions than the one you love. The fear of
rejection is too strong. Besides, you're a good
listener. I think I might be explaining most of what
I tell him to him."

"Although your fears are accurate, you must tell him
before your time runs out, before it's too late."
Heero reasons. "I think you're underestimating his

"Am not!" Zechs defended.

Duo stirred restlessly. Zechs and Heero stilled
immediately. Brushing back Duo's bangs, Zechs watched
as Duo relaxed in his sleep once more.

"Then why do you treat him like spun glass?" Heero
asked. "Why do you treat him like he's too dumb to
understand a normal conversation?"

"He is fragile and innocent! He's been in the jungle
for so long. I was even surprised that he could speak
and understand!" Zechs informed Heero.

"Obviously he can pick it up with ease. He takes
everything in and sorts it out. Once he fully adapts
to living in a village, he'll fit right in as if he
never lived in the jungle for his childhood." Heero
stated. "Treat him like a young adult and you'll see
a change."

Zechs' eyes narrowed, "And how would you know this?"

"Because I have seen the way he navigated through the
jungle. He survived the jungle remember? Within that
place, only the strong survives. One must be strong
AND intelligent, ready to adapt to anything. Keep
that in mind." Heero retorted. "We need to get

Zechs nodded. Shaking Duo slightly, Zechs attempted
to wake the boy.

"Duo. Time to wake up." Zechs said softly.

"Nhhhnnnn!" Duo groaned, swatting at Zechs lightly
with his hand, pouting.

"We need to get packing. It's not safe for you to be
alone and asleep like this." Zechs whispered to him.
'Though I wish you were in my bed.'

Duo blinked at Zechs, fighting sleep.

"We can nap later. We need to get ready." Zechs said.

Duo stretched his body out, letting blood circulate so
that he can awaken more fully. Zechs drooled at the
muscle rippling beneath soft skin. Heero, smirking,
handed Zechs a piece of cloth to hide the evidence of
drool. Blushing, Zechs wiped his mouth, hoping that
Duo didn't see that.

Unfortunately, Duo did, smiling to himself, he plotted
to find a way to get Zechs to show how he feels in his

To Be Continued...