Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Wings ❯ Chapter 16

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jess- I imagine everything will be a lot different between figuring out their animal counterparts and still trying to function, lol
Princess- a hawk is a type of raptor. I've based Q's creature more or less on the Red-tailed hawks that live on my property. Yes, they're about the size of a chicken but their wings are much larger (since they can actually fly) and they sound much different. Their calls are very abrupt. If you're not used to it they can be quite startling sometimes.
Pheonix- lol, sex b/w animals is definitely awkward. Sex across species... well, I won't be going there. Don't worry. You'll see what's up with the others in due time XD
Chapter 16
The dune hopper launched off the peak of a sand dune in a perfect parabolic arc. Inside Rashid aimed his direction carefully. On the roof Duo howled. When the vehicle began to fall he dug his claws into the mesh top and tucked his wings close. Duo had never surfed before, but he imagined it must be something like this.
They landed. The cab bounced and Duo with it, then they were flying off another bump. A flash of orange-yellow caught Duo's eye. Quatre, circling high above. On the third leap Duo launched himself into the air and let Rashid fall back to earth alone. Quatre met him half way, spiraling downward with a loud cry.
They wove around each other, first playing tag, now showing off. Their antics brought them closer to the oasis Duo had seen from Deathscythe nearly a month ago. Duo banked left in a slow circle. He spotted the den, a small dot of black shadow in the distance. The dunehopper was a smaller movement his wolf eyes spotted with ease.
A gunshot startled him.
Protect the packfem!!
Duo was diving through the air before he recognized the sound of a bullet. He spotted the dead man and landed on him nearly simultaneously. His jaws cracked through bone like butter, his weight crushed the rest. Duo sprinted over the sand toward the small pond where Quatre was wading out of the water, human again.
His control frayed by panic, Duo tripped over himself when the creature he was suddenly folded inside and he became the human he was used to. Another tumble in the sand did very little to stop his momentum. The blonde's smooth sidestep had more of an effect. He went crashing into the water.
At least he wasn't covered in blood anymore.
"Duo, relax"
"No!" He caught the blonde just on the edge of the pond and ran his fingers through fine wind-swept hair, over cheekbones, down arms. "Are you alright, did you get hit?"
"No, I'm fine—Duo!"
He had to see for himself. The pilot yanked Quatre's white shirt off and ran his hands over an unmarred chest and stomach. He turned the blonde and checked his back as well then stripped the pants since they were in the way. He completely ignored Quatre's yelp of surprise.
No bullet holes. No blood. No broken bones.
He spun Quatre around again and enfolded him in a crushing hug. "Oh my God, I thought you were dead. I thought—I don't know what I thought, I was so scared."
The blonde stroked Duo's back gently. "I'm here Duo. I'm just fine. I was startled that's all—"
"He tried to shoot you!"
"I know, calm down. Shhh. I saw him. He wasn't wearing an OZ uniform so I thought I was safe—Ah, Duo, can't breathe"
Duo let go suddenly, breathing hard. "I don't think I can live like this..." He gasped.
"Live like what?" When the pilot didn't answer Quatre put a hand to Duo's face and pulled him close again. "Duo...?" The kiss was soft, tentative.
Duo's panic and adrenaline shifted abruptly into desire. He trembled. "I..."
Quatre kissed him again, more firmly this time and with a swipe of tongue.
Duo burned. "Oh God..." His hands came up slowly. "Stop me now or not at all." He whispered hoarsely.
"Not at all." The blonde responded without hesitation.
The pilot groaned and pulled Quatre against him. He threaded one hand in sunlit hair and crushed their mouths. Quatre gave as good as he got. "Packfem." Duo gasped, nipping jaw and moving to suck on a pulse point at Quatre's neck.
It drew a long thready sound from the blonde. "What?" he managed.
Duo tore his shirt over his head impatiently. "The wolf..." Kiss. "calls you packfem." He nipped Quatre's collarbone and moved lower to suck on a nipple. The blonde cried out. Duo stopped just as abruptly. "I think it stands for pack female." He returned to Quatre's neck and dropped his hands down his back. For a while the only sounds were panting breaths and the occasional moan.
Quatre finally formulated words. "I'm not female."
"Heh." Duo wrapped a hand around the significant erection against his hip. The blonde gasped. "I did notice that."
Then there were no words at all.
Quatre pulled at Duo's pants, pushed them down with an impatient sound in the back of his throat. Duo kicked them aside and was knocked back onto wet sand. He pulled Q down with him. The blonde straddled his knees and bent to lick at one nipple. He worried the other with his teeth before moving lower.
Duo cried out at the first hesitant touch on his erection, a high needful sound. Quatre grew bolder. He took the head into his mouth, suckled gently, laved his tongue over the end in a flat stroke. Duo arched, breathless. Quatre bobbed lower, took Duo as deeply as he could and wrapped his hand around the rest. When he sat up Duo very nearly screamed.
Then Quatre was kissing him again and easing back on his erection with slow, rocking strokes and it took everything Duo had not to grab the blonde's hips and thrust home. Inch by torturous inch heat engulfed him and when Quatre was finally seated he shuddered.
"Shhh..." Quatre stroked his stomach.
Duo grabbed the blonde's hands and arched, "Move..." he gasped.
Quatre moved. He eased upward. Duo met him on the down stroke with a groan. Quatre gasped on the second stroke. Duo engraved that angle in stone and refused to deviate from it. He thrust easily upward and threaded his fingers with Quatre. The blonde leaned forward and braced his weight on Duo's sure grip. They moaned.
Quatre's climax was a small cry of surprise and a gasp. Duo followed quickly afterward. His vision flashed briefly purple, Quatre was a golden flame within it.
Then he was trying to catch his breath and collected the blonde against him tightly. Above them, the sun blazed.
"Packfem?" Quatre questioned after their heart rates dropped and breathing returned to normal.
Duo grunted, "It has to do with the idea that females are the future of the pack. They can bear the pups and need to be protected so they can carry to term."
"I can't carry any children, Duo."
"Heh. I'm aware, Q. Go with it for a second. It's a concept, not reality. Anyway, you're the future of our... group. Such that it is. I think packfem is as close the wolf can come."
"I'm the future? Hardly. I think One would be better for—"
"No, it's definitely you. One is a soldier all the way through. He doesn't think about the future, he thinks about his next mission, how to finish it, and how it pertains to his over all goal of this Operation. He doesn't know anything beyond that. But you... you can see how our actions will effect OZ and the Alliance and the colonies. You can predict their moves and put us in the right place to respond before they even know what's coming."
Quatre smoothed his hand over Duo's chest, "I did a great job of that in the city—"
"That was a bad coincidence. You said so yourself... unless you think...?"
"No, I still stand by that. It was scary, but it was nothing more than oddly timed." He sighed, "We should get back Rashid will be wondering where we got to."
Duo groaned, "You got me covered in sand."
Quatre sat up, "I did? I think you're the one who told me to move."
"You kissed me first."
"Only because you stripped me naked looking for—" Quatre cut himself off.
They both stiffened. Duo rubbed his face, "Damn. I'd managed to forget about him."
"Likewise." The blonde rolled to his feet. "Come on, up you get." He helped Duo find his then nudged him toward the pond. "Let's get clean."
"What will we do about him?" The pilot jerked his thumb in the direction of the trees.
"I'll explain to Rashid. He'll have it taken care of."
Duo felt somewhat relieved at that. "Must be nice having so many guys devoted to you."
"It keeps me busy..."
They returned to find the den in subdued chaos.
Packfem was surrounded by concerned Maguanac soldiers before they dropped out of the air. Duo slid along the metal ramp in a landing not-quite smooth. His nails scraped the metal then he was too busy trying to concentrate to really focus on words at the same time. The wolf retreated reluctantly inward. A combination of general anxiety as well as an urge to keep packfem hidden away from the rest of the world shredded what little control he could muster.
He shouldered his way between men, thrust his nose forward to declare his presence, and forced himself into the tight circle the Maguanacs created. He flapped one wing out. His overriding concern was packfem's safety and this many people drove his anxiety higher. They were supposed to be friendly, he knew that, but the wolf was insistent. They'd only just come to an understanding (if one could call it that), and packfem had been shot at not long ago (something he was still reeling from), so any higher logic was failing to made a difference.
The blonde noticed him. Suddenly packfem's fingers were threading through his fur and something nonsensical muttered at his ear. But the soldiers were still close. Their legs pressed against him. Duo's hackles rose and he flung one wing out again. It struck someone in the stomach. He growled.
The circle expanded in a rush. Duo spun about in surprise, wings half-open as he debated fighting or fleeing. Then packfem's sunlight and wind scent surrounded him and he found his head caught in gentle fingers. Ice blue eyes locked with his violet ones.
Words finally cut through the instinct.
"Shh... Look at me, Duo. Listen. Focus." Slim fingers raked through the ruffle around his neck in soothing circles. "I'm here," Quatre said, "I'm fine. Take a deep breath and relax."
Duo shuddered and finally let his wings fall back along his spine. The tension leaked from his shoulders slowly and the change came over him like the tide easing out. Now-familiar pain laced across his skin. His tail slurped inward like a noodle, his hips realigned and his muzzle collapsed in on itself. The fur retreated.
He opened his eyes, unaware he closed them. Quatre was there, smiling softly.
Duo grunted, shifted, stood with some effort and twitched with a growl when a soldier stepped forward. The Maguanac retreated, wide-eyed.
"Duo." Quatre's voice was soft but the command under it was sharp as glass. "Stand down."
The pilot tensed against the order. Before he could rile against it Rashid stepped from the mass of soldiers with a frown. "Get a hold of yourself." The Arab snapped. "We don't have time for this."
Duo bristled.
"Master Quatre, now is not the time. He needs to get in control now and we need to leave." The Maguanac pointed a square finger at Duo, "If you can't handle it, I'll handle you."
The pilot snarled. "How dare you imply—"
"I'm implying nothing, I'm telling you. If you can't control the beast, it'll control you, and if you're not in control then what good are you?"
Duo jerked forward, a feint that Rashid didn't fall for. The giant of a man didn't even blink. Their glares locked and for a long moment Duo just trembled in place, furious and with no excuse to pin it on the older man. The pilot finally spun away- hating to admit defeat, hating even more that Rashid was right and so easily dominant.
The other soldiers quickly made way for him. Duo was in no mood for obstacles. He growled at anyone who so much as glanced in his direction and jogged toward Deathscythe. He could hear Quatre and Rashid bickering- probably about him.
He didn't care.
The belay line was too easy, Duo climbed his mecha the old-fashioned way and let his anger propel him up to the cockpit in record time. He was still furious when he got there, but the feel of synthetic leather under his fingers and the familiar glow of dormant screens comforted him.
He let his pads play over the buttons, automatically calling up his music list. He scrolled through the display and pulled several metal and rock songs into another folder. Angry guitars, heavy drum beats, a lot of vintage groups made it onto the playlist. He stabbed the button for his internal speakers and cackled at the eruption of sound. He labeled the thing 'Shinigami' with a dark snicker and settled down to add to it.
It wasn't long before curiosity got the better of him. He called up his external cameras and tiled the video streams across his many screens. The Maguanacs were running around like ants under attack. A slow stream of people Duo didn't recognize snaked from the canteen entrance to the back wall of the hanger where the dunetrucks were uncovered and quickly filling.
Rashid had said something about leaving, hadn't he? His shoulders tensed at the thought of the man. He quickly scanned the feeds and found him hauling a crate across the hanger and calling directions as he went.
A flash of movement cut across several screens. Duo spotted Quatre-as-hawk soar in Rashid's direction. The blonde started his shift before he even hit the ground, smoothly transitioning from bird to human and ending his flight with a few skipped steps. They spoke for a moment. Duo couldn't see Quatre's expression, the pilot's back was to his cameras, but his clothes didn't look any worse for the shapeshift. Well, any worse than Duo subjected to them back at the pond.
He felt his cheeks color unexpectedly. Had they really...? Duo put his face in his hands and groaned then jerked back in surprise. The lingering scent of sunshine and wind teased his nose. He looked back to the screen.
They'd really done it. He'd had sex with another man- a gundam pilot, no less. And enjoyed it immensely. He didn't have any concern over Quatre being male- it was more concerning that he hardly knew the pilot. Wasn't it?
Didn't he?
Duo leaned forward and targeted Quatre with a few button strokes. His cameras focused and zoomed. The blonde's hands were animated. Whatever he was speaking about was a passionate point. He briefly considered hacking into the wireless network between the Maguanac Trigos to utilize their cameras as well but tossed the idea on Rashid's presence. He didn't know how fluent the man was with the language of electronics, but chances were good Duo would leave some kind of trail with a quick hash job.
He settled for watching Quatre from behind and let his finger trace the screen in front of him. The pilot was caring, Duo could say that for sure. Perhaps too caring for his own good. He seemed almost nieve, he certainly looked it, but until that brain started predicting troop movements and political coups Quatre didn't come off as anything more than a wondrous child. Possession of Sandrock indicated he was anything but.
The blonde made a hard movement with one hand, clearly cutting off whatever it was Rashid was going to say. Duo smiled a bit. That commanding side of the pilot was intimidating at times. He knew what was right and refused to take 'no' or 'but' for an answer. He declared things and expected to be obeyed. Duo wasn't sure what would happen if the pilot didn't get his way.
Despite that stubborn streak Quatre freely submitted to those around him. Duo bit his lip. The pilot was so eager to please, sometimes. He was fragile, then, and subordinate to everyone Duo had come across, himself included. It hadn't been Quatre doing the taking back at the pond; packfem had been taken. Duo bared his teeth and fought the urge to drag the blonde away to the closest dark corner. His cock twitched and he amended that thought: the closest corner, dark or otherwise.
Duo stroked himself through the white-cream pants nearly everyone in the desert wore and began hacking the Trigos network one-handed. It took time but his attention was pleasurably split. Quatre was angry again, maybe still, and his shoulders were stiff with tension. Duo unknotted the lacing at the front of his pants and eased his rush with a moment of code.
When the small lift of pleasure fell back he flicked his attention to Quatre and stroked his erection firmly from base to tip. His breath shuddered out. Q crossed his arms and leaned into one hip. He wasn't quite tapping his foot but the idea made Duo chuckle breathlessly. He eased his pants down to the hip with a sigh.
The pilot's fingers were tapping through passwords when an image of Quatre's back arched in pleasure overlayed itself in his vision. He kicked the pants away. His hands abandoned the controls. Fuck the code.
He fell headlong into fantasy instead. The scent of sunshine and wind circled his lungs. Quatre's cream skin skimmed across his own. The pilot's aristocratic fingers tightened around his erection and teased his entrance. Duo arched in his seat and stabbed his own prostate with a shaky cry. He flung one bare leg over an armrest, let the other stretch over Scythe's peddles and pulled every muscle tense. His hand jerked faster. He thrust his fingers hard and came shouting.
Duo panted. Q's lazy sated smile echoed over his lips. His fingers stroked through lingering shocks of pleasure and only after his heart stopped pounding in his ears did the pilot fish his towel from the duffle under his seat
Alright, he certainly knew him well enough to jerk off over. Duo wasn't in love with the pilot, though he couldn't completely argue away in lust with him. Not to mention the wolf's desire to protect him from the world and screw the daylights out of him by turns.
Arousal coiled again. Duo ignored it in favor of contorting himself to fetch his pants from their wedge under the peddle. Scythe smelled like sex now rather than cleaning fluid and the desert. It was too bad Q hadn't actually been present to share the experience. Then it would be sunshine and wind Duo was distracted by.
He scowled at himself even as his cock swelled in off-white pants that were, again, too tight. He focused on the screens. Quatre was directing people into the hanger now; they looked like civilians. Duo wasn't sure what for nor sure if he really cared. The mere image of the blonde was enough to prompt his hand back to his crotch.
His breathing was heavy before he caught himself and forced his hands to Scythe's controls. "Fuck..." He muttered. This was getting out of control. He jabbed the release for Scythe's chesthatch with gritted teeth. His eyes found Quatre like a guided missile. The urge to be closer bowled him over like a bullet train. Protect the packfem... He gasped for a moment
Duo didn't think he could fight this.