Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Wings ❯ Chapter 17

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 17
Climbing down Deathscythe was painful pleasure. By the time he reached the hanger floor Duo's erection was rampant rather than dwindling. Some part of him knew he should be embarrassed about this but most of him didn't care. He strode through almost-frantic people in a direct line toward Quatre. No one got in his way.
His target turned before he reached him. "Duo, there you... are...?" The blonde's eyes flicked over him. Down, up, down again. Duo saw appreciation, hunger, a flare of desire that was willed away with a shrug of dismissal. He bristled; he couldn't be dismissed so easily. He refused to be.
Duo managed three more steps before Quatre figured himself out and spoke again. "OZ found us. Pack Deathscythe and help get these people sorted in the back of the hanger. We're evacuating the city."
OZ? Well shit. Duo hissed. His blood pulsed. The wolf wanted to hunt and adrenaline was the last thing Duo needed. It was too late, though. Duo opened his eyes, unaware he had closed them, and focused on Quatre. There was only one thought on his mind and it blazed through his stare.
"No." Quatre declared in a voice that demanded obedience.
Duo reeled. The wolf needed compliance. The urge to override the blonde's command and take him here in the hanger in front of so many witnesses, to claim him was nearly overwhelming. At the same time the wolf took pleasure in obeying the packfem and half the urge was a quest toward pleasure.
The paradox made his brain hurt.
Duo managed to wrest control of his own body while the instincts went to war inside him. He forced himself to turn away from the blonde and was struck simultaneously with satisfaction and pure need. He grit his teeth and walked away. It was probably the hardest thing he'd ever done. His breath was shallow. Duo's vision faded out for a moment then snapped back in again. He wanted to curl up and die.
His errant vision crossed Rashid. The man looked positively frustrated. His words about handling the beast came back to Duo in a rush and he forced his desire into anger. He pumped every ounce of his will into the feeling not because Rashid deserved it, but because anger was the only way Duo could think of to survive this. If he was angry he could focus again.
So, as pissed off as anyone had ever seen the pilot before, Duo set to work avoiding Quatre and packing for an evacuation.
It worked for two hours. For two tense, nearly violent hours Duo lifted crates, organized people, packed bags, found lost dolls and very deliberately avoided any area where Quatre or Rashid could potentially be. And for two agonizing hours where every movement was both pain and pleasure, where every thought was both needy and angry, Duo managed.
When he ran across the blonde in a hallway by accident he was struck with the full force of neglected desire. He flushed and his body boiled from the inside out. Quatre's bent form encouraged a young girl to... do something. Duo didn't care.
The blonde sent his charge on her way and turned. Froze. Duo saw the need in those blue eyes tamped down again and dismissed. Once was too much. Twice was impossible.
When the blonde turned away Duo planted a hand between Quatre's shoulder blades and forced him against the wall. He thrust his erection against any bit of flesh that remained still long enough to provide friction. Quatre's squirming drove the need higher. His blood rushed in his ears.
"Duo—Duo we don't have time for this, we need—"
Duo growled through the denial and pulled packfem's hips against him hard. "Fuck time. We're doing this." He was almost incoherent. There was no way they could not do this. "Find us a room in three seconds or I take you against the wall." Then to prevent any delay for even that long Duo cupped the erection he knew Quatre sported and worked it through white pants.
"Duo—damnit." Quatre squirmed again then Duo suddenly found himself gripping nothing but air. He fell against the wall with an 'Omph.' His hips jerked against empty space. Quatre-as-hawk jumped a few steps before he managed to get airborn. Duo sprinted after him, too burnt with desire to concentrate on changing himself.
Quatre banked around a corner and dropped into human form at a door. He managed to wrench it open before Duo was there forcing him inside. He yanked the blonde's shirt off before they fell against a broad desk. Duo nipped the bare shoulder beneath him and began working on pants. Quatre fought back only far enough to spin around and wrench Duo's shirt half-way up.
While Duo fought with the fabric he heard the door slam shut. Then he was free and clung to the blonde fiercely. "Need you." He gasped, thrusting through two layers of fabric against Quatre's hip. "Need to be in you now—"
He spun the pilot around back to face the desk and while Quatre didn't say yes in so many words, he didn't protest when Duo wrenched the white pants down to the floor and shucked his own as well. He didn't deny anything when Duo nipped his way down Quatre's spine. He didn't complain when the pilot spread those perfect tight globes and exposed the blonde.
He did cry out in surprise when Duo swiped a lick from balls to back. He did spread his legs wider and cant his hips for more. He did thrust back when Duo stabbed his tongue into that small hole and when two fingers forced inside a bit earlier than he was ready for, Quatre was already on the verge of begging.
Duo stood with another series of nips along the warm skin. He pulled the blonde's cheeks apart again and pushed relentlessly home. Quatre yelped. One leg jerked up over the top of the desk in an aborted attempt to get away or at least slow down. Duo didn't let him. He slid one hand around to Quatre's front and gripped his turgid erection, balls and all, for more leverage. "Push." He urged hoarsely, unwilling to hurt the pilot and just as unable to stop himself from jerking forward.
Then Quatre's body yielded like...
Duo didn't know and quickly forgot to care. Packfem made a small needy sound with every rapid slam forward. Duo's jerks inched him further onto the desk and Quatre finally pulled his other leg up to kneel on the wood and find his own leverage. Duo hardly broke stride following the blonde up to the new position. He knelt on the desk and his first thrust slightly downward thanks to packfem's arched back was quick, shallow, and hit the pilot's prostate with surprising accuracy. Duo shouted. Quatre very nearly screamed.
Packfem stretched himself on the desk, dropping paper left and right. He hooked his ankles behind Duo's bent knees for more of a pull and curled his hands against the hard wood high above his head. If he stretched he could hook his fingers over the opposite edge. He did so when Duo's jabs came a step quicker. "Oooohhh, harder. Harder!" With his ass in the air Quatre felt positively wonton and couldn't have cared less.
Duo's hand shifted randomly on the blonde's arousal as he tried to comply with his request to be pound into the desk. He felt packfem's muscles coiling. The rise and valley of strength over the blonde's shoulders shifted to immovable stone and when Quatre's entire body seized in a scream Duo found himself thrust into his own climax without warning or preparation.
His vision flicked to purple-blue. His fingers dug into Quatre's hip and fisted his erection. The sound that issued from his lips was more than half animal and when he ran out of breath he bent to sink his teeth into flesh where the back of Quatre's neck met torso. Packfem jerked against him. They rode through several shocks more than delirious.
When the urge tightened again Duo took his pleasure without hesitation. His hips snapped roughly forward, back, again. The second climax ripped through them. Duo thought he tasted blood but no two thoughts strung together coherently enough to find out. His thighs shuddered. He felt packfem's legs tighten around him.
The flesh on his erection gripped impossibly tight and Duo suddenly couldn't distinguish between climax and buildup, pain and pleasure, reality and fantasy. He was floating and falling at the same time, burning and freezing to death simultaneously, his heart pounded in his ears loud enough to deafen him yet he couldn't hear a thing. There was definitely blood on his tongue but he couldn't taste it, he was beyond every sense and shackled to them without any way to escape.
The flame orange of Quatre's shoulder and hair were the only things he could identify and even those shapes were slipping in and out of focus. He couldn't breathe and couldn't comprehend his body clearly enough to fix that. Quatre writhed impossibly beneath him.
Duo slid what he thought were his hands over sunlight skin. He suddenly knew Quatre's heartbeat like a fish knows the tide. Someone gasped. His hands slipped down and he knew the blonde's breathing like a bird knew how to fly. Quatre twisted about. Duo's jaw sagged to let him free and he was suddenly acutely aware of the blood. The blonde landed on his back on the desk. Duo straddled his hips, abruptly lacking any contact. His vision flared into the normal spectrum. Quatre's shoulder was covered in crimson.
"Oh my god—" What in the hell had just happened? "Quatre your—" Duo reached down and the first touch of skin made them both hiss in pain and pleasure.
Quatre moaned deliciously, "Do you see it?" The blonde asked, "Look, can you see?"
Duo couldn't see anything but the mess of blood spreading across the desk with every involuntary twitch.
"It's stunning, I can feel you here..." Quatre rubbed his chest over his heart, "I can feel you in me..." The blonde's eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. Duo belatedly realized the pilot couldn't focus at all, not even when he waved his hand about above his head.
"Hey, Q... Q-bean, you're scaring me. Snap out of it... Quatre!"
The blonde gasped. His ice-blue eyes snapped to Duo's face and the pilot only had a moment before his arms were suddenly full of shaking blonde.
"Whoa, shh. I'm right here. Christ Almighty are you alright?"
"I... think so."
"Well you better be a damn sight surer than that before you can convince me to leave, I think I took a chunk out of your neck." Speaking of which, his mouth still tasted like blood.
"... what?" the blonde pulled back and winced. His fingers came up to wipe the blood from Duo's chin. When that only served to smear things further he leaned forward and licked the skin clean. "There... that's better."
Duo sucked on his teeth, "Maybe but your neck is still torn up."
"Oh..." Quatre touched one shoulder with hesitant fingers and finally decided; "That's not a problem."
"Not a prob--?!" Before Duo could finish the thought Quatre was a hawk. He saw a flash of white feathers in a vaguely crescent shape on his high back before Quatre was human again and nothing but scar tissue remained.
Ok, that was cool. "I was bedridden for a week when I could have just shifted to fix it?" How irritating was that?
"No." Quatre shook his head and tried to disentangle himself, "You needed to re-knit muscle. Changing fills the gaps with scar tissue so it'll only be useful for surface wounds you don't mind having shiny scars for. No broken bones and no deep-tissue wounds."
"So... what happens if the moon forces you if you're injured?"
Quatre looked up, eyes serious, "Don't take risks and you won't need to find out."
Duo helped the blonde slide down off the desk. "No risks? You remember we're gunda—woah!"
As soon as his fingers broke contact with Quatre's skin a jolt shook through him. The blonde stumbled back against the wall, hyperventilating.
"Hey, Q! Don't—"
"Stop! Stop right there don't take another step closer or I swear by all that is holy I will kill you where you stand!" Quatre had his eyes shut tight.
Duo froze. "Ummm... Quatre...?" What the fuck?!
"Just... just don't move, Allah save me, don't move."
"Not moving." but his leg was going to cramp in just a moment and he was beyond confused. "Care to explain?"
The blonde twitched with every word. "You're disorienting me—"
"Right." That helped.
"You're in here." Quatre tapped his heart roughly but didn't open his eyes. "And you're up here." He tapped his head. "And I just need to sort out what is you and which is me—"
Duo stared. He had to be joking.
"Not kidding." Quatre muttered.
Duo jerked in surprise, "You can read my mind?"
Quatre hissed until Duo controlled his movement. "No... no not really but it's close enough."
"Ohhhkay." He said slowly. "My leg is about—"
"—to cramp." Quatre finished, "I know. I can feel it."
And if that wasn't just downright freaky Duo didn't know what was.
"Sit down very slowly." The blonde continued.
Duo inched his way toward the desk chair.
"No! No, just sit where you are- don't touch anything you don't need to."
Since Quatre still had his eyes closed Duo was at a loss to explain how the blonde knew what he was doing. He stopped shifting and knelt to sit, then aborted his automatic reach for the floor when Quatre barked about that as well.
Freaky didn't even begin to cover it.
The two of them didn't move for a very long time. Quatre's breathing slowly evened out from near-panic to almost normal. Duo watched the blonde collect himself and those ice blue eyes finally fluttered open, closed, open again with considerable hesitation.
"Ok, that's weird." Quatre commented blandly.
Duo lifted an eyebrow.
Quatre giggled. "That is so strange. I can feel you do that, I can see you do that, and I can see myself through you and understand why you did that." Another giggle. Duo wasn't sure if the sound was close to hysteria. Quatre took a deep breath. "Heh, ok. Try standing up again. Not too fast..."
Duo shifted and very deliberately used his right hand against the floor to help himself to his feet. He saw Quatre's right hand made a brief fist in response.
"Oh that's better." Quatre muttered.
A loud pair of feet and a semi-panicked voice raced down the hall. They both flinched. Quatre flinched again at Duo's movement.
"Quatre..." Duo's voice was mostly warning. "We don't have time for th—"
"I know." The blonde snapped. "I'm trying as hard as I can. I don't even know what in the world happened. Get dressed."
Duo circled the desk for his pants. "You don't seem to be in shock or panicking, so it can't be that bad."
Quatre splayed his hands on the wall at Duo's first movement and fought to keep his eyes open. His voice was bitter, "When you're in charge of twenty nine sisters, forty maguanacs, and a Gundam you tend to get over the 'oh my god' phase rather quickly."
Duo winced.
Quatre echoed it. "I'm sorry."
"No, I deserved that." Duo laced his pants and didn't look up.
"You think you did." Quatre agreed, "But you're right. We're out of time and I'm stalling because I don't know what happened or how to handle it and—" the blonde cut himself off abruptly enough for Duo to glance away from his search for clothing.
"And?" Quatre shuddered against the wall. Duo suddenly realized the pilot was shaking and leaning into the support like it was his only lifeline.
"And I'm scared..." whispered.
Duo moved instantly, cursing himself for loosing patience with the blonde. He ignored the half-protest about touch and pulled Quatre away from the wall into a fierce hug. They both trembled at the contact and Duo felt the ghost sensation of hugging himself.
Yeah, freaky was not a strong enough word. They needed something more like... strange beyond all coherent imagining.
"It's like... like having two bodies." Quatre whispered "But I can't control one of them... and it's hard to tell which one is which."
"So what do we do now?" Duo asked quietly. He rubbed his hands over Quatre's back and tried not to think about the welts the blonde would have in a few more minutes from his teeth.
Would have had if the hadn't shifted... damn this was getting complicated.
Another frantic shout down the hall made them wince.
Quatre took a deep breath. "OZ will have found the south gate by now. They've rigged bombs in the city to detonate at midnight so we had to evac everyone. Rashid told me they don't have a clue the Gundams are here but I can't come up with any other reason for them to attack the city like they are. Anyway, we're not allowed to fight this one."
"What? What do you mean?"
"All their support had to fly in here somehow. We're going to steal a few transport planes and escape."
"Duo." Despite the blonde's lingering tremors his voice was firm. "Remember the plan to lay low? That hasn't changed. Until the colonies make their move, we get new orders, or OZ slips, we need to stay out of sight."
The braided pilot sighed, "I know... I just... I hate waiting like this."
"Despite what our predator counterparts believe, we are not the top of the food chain."
And Duo didn't have much to say to that. Quate pulled back slowly. Duo was reluctant to let him go. He enjoyed the feeling of skin on skin and the sensation of being wrapped in sunlight and wind. But it wasn't smart to linger here any longer, either. He released the pilot. Quatre let his fingers trail on the back of Duo's hand for a long moment, the last contact. When he pulled away the expected jolt still left them gasping. Quatre flinched hard.
Duo rubbed at his face. "Jesus, I hope that'll stop."
Quatre wrapped his arms around himself tightly and ducked his head.
"Q... you ok?"
"Go, Duo! Make sure Deathscythe is ready, we won't be taking the same plane. The southeastern gate opens at midnight, you need to be ready before then."
"Christ, Quatre will you just—"
"Leave me alone!" The blonde's shout cracked on the last word. "Just leave me be..." he whispered.
Duo winced. He couldn't just leave Quatre like this, whatever this was, but the blonde clearly didn't want any help. Duo wasn't even sure he could help. He didn't like it but he followed the directive.
He left.
The wolf nearly tore itself apart as he crossed the door jam. He obeyed the packfem... but packfem was in pain.