Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Wings ❯ Chapter 18

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

sylenctone- and the conflicts are just beginning, let me tell you. :D I'm glad you're enjoying the story!
GrayPheonix- thanks for your thoughts! Your questions really help me round out the supernatural aspect of all this chaos. (but I don't want to spoil anything!)
Dark Princess- haha, so many guesses >.< Red-tails are a bit larger then chickens, but I get your meaning. Quite the upheaval I've put him through, right?
BahBahBlackSheep- You probably found it on I recently remembered to update at that site *blush* It's on my list now so I won't forget.
Hikaru Itsuko- Thanks for your interest! More pairings will show up (in this chapter as a matter of fact) and a few will be shuffled around through the course of the story. I'll be playing with a couple of dynamics between the boys so it should stay interesting.
I love all your questions, guys! A note on Q's new spookyness is at the bottom of the chapter for those of you who can't wait to find out. Thanks for reading!
Chapter 18
The desert city erupted in flames at the stroke of midnight like some Cinderella fairy tale gone terribly wrong. Duo couldn't see it, but the explosion was more than enough to register on the seismograph in Deathcythe's feet. His radio crackled.
"Southeast gate, go."
More rumbles echoed through the hanger. The Trigos stationed at the gate would be swarming the sand from a hidden entrance to catch the OZ troops off guard. They'd engage for a while until—
"South gate, go."
The troops that OZ expected would join in.
"Sir, I've located the transport planes at the north gate!"
Duo responded affirmative and moved Deathcythe slowly through the hanger. It was supposed to be free of personnel on the ground but he wasn't going to be responsible for squishing someone because he wasn't paying attention.
The refugee civilians waved at him from their section of the hanger, far out of the way. Duo changed the screen to display his Shinigami playlist instead. He wasn't helping these people, he was running away. He didn't deserve their thanks.
He passed the dormant Sandrock and blocked that screen's view as well. Leaving packfem like this went against every instinct the wolf had... but packfem said to leave. Duo didn't want to leave. He didn't want to run away like some kind of coward. They had two gundams! A small handful of OZ Trigos weren't even a mild itch if Q would just let them fight!
Duo nearly hit the 'play' button for his music when an alert echoed over the radio that made his blood freeze.
"Unidentified access attempt on the Trigos visuals!"
"Well, track it!" Someone shouted.
"Yes sir!"
The pilot displayed his code onscreen and stared stupidly at the blinking curser. Still active. Mid hack.
This went beyond unacceptable. Duo snarled at himself and set his fingers flying across the keys. He backed out of the Maguanac system, tripled his access signature and sent the duplicates flying through network space. He dragged the server address through several off-planet accounts and loosely tied it to some poor OZ soldier out on the desert battlefield named Richard Numan. To confuse things on that end he sent a low-level alert to the man's superior
That should keep them all busy for a while.
But it never should have happened.
Duo couldn't make heads or tails of the last few hours. Even now he was battling a constant, vague arousal. Why the sudden surge in his libido? Why packfem?
Why him?!
Duo slapped the controls for his music and cranked the volume high. Cracking into the transport plane's system was a simple password hack. By the time Deathscythe was settled the music was blaring through the PA system and Duo was angry enough not to say good bye.
He didn't even look over the battlefield when a few badly-aimed shots streaked over the plane's viewscreens.
The transport shuddered across the sand. He put the den far behind him but Quatre clung to his skin like a bad case of fleas. He couldn't evict the pilot from his mind or the arousal from his body.
He set his landing point by arbitrary choice and tried to loose himself in music.
"Zero-Two, this is Oh-Three, do you copy?"
Duo barely heard the summons between strains of electric guitar. He turned down the music.
"Zero-Two, respond!"
If he didn't know better Duo would've said Trowa sounded anxious. He gave the signal what scramble he could with OZ's poor technology and replied.
"Copy Oh-Three, what's doing?"
"One's been compromised, I need your help getting him out. You'll pass over Indonesia in an hour, I'm south of Darwin."
"Affirmative. Contact me when you're grounded."
"Hey, don't I get a choice in this?"
"No." The line filled with static
Duo stared at the controls.
He reset his landing point.
Darwin Airport hailed him while he was still several miles out. Duo turned off his music before replying to it.
"Repeat; this is Darwin Air Base, Australia. Aircraft on course oh-two-seven please identify yourself."
The woman on the line sounded young. Duo flicked his audio on with a bullshit smile in his voice. "Copy Darwin it is so good to hear a lovely voice on the line. Do call me Josh. What can I do you for?"
The pause was slight, but it made Duo grin.
"Please identify yourself."
He managed not to snicker. She must think she heard him wrong. "You want my bio before the first date?" he purred, "Quite daring of you honey. I do like that." He traced the communication and slipped through the Airport's flimsy security like a dolphin through water.
The pause was a bit longer this time and when the woman responded her voice was a little less steady. "If you refuse to identify yourself we may take action against you. This is your final warning, please tell me who you are." She wasn't used to dealing with anyone who actually talked over the radio, Duo imagined. Just traded numbers and moved on. What a boring job.
He hacked the second level of security and sighed into the mic. "Don't get feisty on me, girlfriend—" he found the personnel list and began threading his way through the ranks. He needed a big wig. "I'm here on a delivery for... Lieutenant Noin." Not as high on the ladder as he wanted but hopefully it would work out. "Think you can clear me a spot to land, darling?"
"I... don't have any scheduled deliveries—"
Of course she didn't, Duo hadn't sent the notification yet. He tisked over the radio. "Then someone hasn't been doing their job."
"I'll have to contact—"
"Don't worry your pretty little head over it; I've already taken care of it."
"... oh. Oh, yes here it is now. Josh Woulf, is it?"
"In the flesh, baby... in the flesh."
"Ok, you're clear for landing on strip two. Welcome to Darwin."
"It's a pleasure..."
Three minutes south of the city, Australia became the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Duo was rather surprised at the abrupt shift from civilization to outback. His transport truck was the only thing on the road. The radio prevented him from thinking too much and a half hour he could set his watch by dropped him off at a building loosely surrounded by scrub and rock. The front door opened to admit Trowa into the sunlight as Duo pulled his truck up next to one that looked mighty similar.
Despite the summons Duo found himself happy to see the packmale. He hopped down with a grin and a wave. Trowa arrested mid-stride. A flicker of... some emotion Duo couldn't identify skittered across an otherwise neutral face. Anger quickly vanished under rigid control.
Duo paused, uncertain.
The standoff didn't last long. Trowa lunged forward almost faster than Duo could track. The braided pilot dodged away from the truck for more room, defensive.
"Heyoh! What's the big deal!?"
Packmale growled. "You fucked him..." Trowa circled, every deliberate movement tense.
Duo reeled. Was it that obvious? Better question, why did Trowa care?
"He is pard." The pilot growled, as if this made sense. To him it probably did. Duo narrowed his eyes but Trowa continued, "If you hurt him I will kill you." He circled the Deathcythe pilot with steady, deadly purpose.
Duo closed his eyes against the image of a flame orange tiger, then gasped. "Of course. Wolves have packs. Birds have eyries. Felines... you have a pard." Was it possible? Did packmale also have an animal side?
Trowa disengaged, startled; "What do you know about pards?"
Duo shook his head. "Nothing at all but're a shifter." He licked his lips, "You're a tiger—ah!"
Three lunged, dropping his human skin as if it were nothing more than a hologram. Duo fell backward and felt his shift trigger. His vision washed purple-blue and Trowa blazed holy orange.
The tiger never finished his attack. Trowa backed away, startled a second time, and rippled back into his human skin with effortlessness Duo was starting to envy. Did the man feel no pain?
Unfortunately, Duo was not so practiced and his racing heart prevented him from concentrating for a long moment. He rolled to his paws to free his wings and saw Trowa's eyes go wide. With a groan he pulled the wolf back into himself. It did not go willingly. Duo braced on hands and knees, panting with the effort and lingering shocks to his system.
Trowa's hand on his shoulder negligently pushed him onto his back. Duo let himself flop with a groan. Three perched over him. "What are you?"
"A shifter. Like you."
"Like Quatre?"
"No." For specific definitions of 'like.'
Trowa leaned close, inhaling. "What is Quatre to you?" He asked lowly.
"Packfem." Duo answered promptly. At Three's raised eyebrow he elaborated. "Someone to be protected, he's too important for his own good."
Trowa nodded, "And what am I to you?"
"Alpha." Duo felt his eyes go wide with Trowa's. That was a new development. He licked his lips. It complicated things. As if they weren't complicated enough. He could feel the pilot's heat suspended above him on strong arms to either side. Alpha... What was he supposed to do with that?
Trowa's green eyes gleamed and Duo felt the wolf in him settle. This was right.
The Heavyarms pilot swooped low and claimed him. Duo let his mouth fall open, pliant. A moan bubbled in his chest. His fingers scrabbled at Alpha's button shirt. The surge of arousal was familiar- he'd been dealing with it for the past twenty four hours or so. The urge that accompanied it was different, though.
With packfem Duo had felt the need to claim, mark, and announce his property. It was clearer, now that he was on the receiving end of it. The urge to fuck Quatre into the floor in front of a crowd wasn't because he'd suddenly gone insane. His wolf wanted to protect the packfem and scent was a good first step. Visual dominance was a close second.
Now, with Alpha suspended over him and the wolf completely accepting this twist in hierarchy, Duo didn't have any desire to screw Trowa into the dirt. It was exactly the opposite, in fact. He wanted to be taken; long, hard, deep, fast, now. He'd do anything. Anything.
How had Quatre fought this?
His fingers popped buttons off the shirt in absolute impatience. He was frantic.
Alpha grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the red dirt. Duo writhed and whined. He twisted his hands. Trowa tightened his grip. A litany of 'nonono' finally burst from Duo's lips and once he was speaking nothing could stop him.
"Please!!" He shouted, hooking Alpha's legs with his own and forcing the man closer. He arched against the washboard stomach and ground his ass into a cloth-covered erection. "Please, please, fuck me now, fuck me, please, please, please, please..." He tried again to free his hands. The grip turned bruising. He humped madly against anything he could touch.
Alpha unlaced the white pants one-handed. Duo came hard. Purple-blue vision. Strings of semen coated the hand and his stomach. Normal colors again. He screamed in frustration. The pants vanished. Duo flung his legs wide. A pair of slick fingers speared him. It wasn't enough, never enough.
"More, more, please!" The fingers stabbed his prostate. Duo bore down and moaned denial at the same time, "No, no. More. Fuck me! Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He latched onto the word. The repetition became a string of sounds when he couldn't enunciate.
Alpha finally entered him. Torturously slow. Duo shook with need. His muscles quivered. His legs jerked against Trowa's backside but the pilot was stronger. Nothing happened that Alpha didn't intend.
It was intoxicating.
It was impossibly frustrating.
Duo honestly thought he was going to implode, his need was so great.
The first thrust was just as slow. The second was no faster. The third was so smoothly controlled Duo couldn't get enough air to breathe. "Yess..." A sharp snap of hips drove the air from his lungs in a hiss. "Yes, yes, yesyesyesyes..." His mantra changed with Alpha's piston-like surge.
His vision shifted slowly this time. As if a filter lowered slowly over his eyes by subtle degrees. Brights became intense blue. Darks became deep purple. Distance was maroon. Alpha was a shifting mass of gold/orange. Climax made his eyes roll.
Trowa pulled out and jerked silently against Duo's hip as he came then thrust in again. Duo's spine bent. His vision flashed. He craved that full sensation on a fundamental level he didn't fully understand. Everything else was a pleasurable side-effect. Duo didn't care if he came or not. He didn't even care (somewhere in the back of his mind) if it hurt.
The only need was to be taken.
Their frantic movements eventually slowed, stopped. Duo panted. His legs locked around Alpha's waist to keep him there, buried as far as he could go. His vision bleed back into the normal realm of color. He blinked up at the pilot and saw possession there before it vanished under neutrality.
Trowa was in control again.
The Latin released Duo's wrists and pulled away as if every muscle Duo used to hold him in place were nothing more than air. Duo moaned. He squeezed his eyes shut against a pang of emptiness so profound it felt like a tear inside him. His feet fell to the dirt. He didn't hear Alpha walk away—he was too busy trying to breathe through the sudden urge to weep.
Did this rollercoaster never end? Duo pushed himself upright and pulled the wrinkled dirt-stained shirt over his head. He used it to wipe himself off. Angry again, because he wasn't sure what else to be, Duo grabbed his duffle from the truck, snatched the white pants from the dust on his way into the building.
He wandered, naked, until he found a series of bedrooms. All of them were empty. He located a common bathroom at the end of the hall and dropped his things there. A bit more rifling around located soap, shampoo, conditioner (finally!), and a huge two gallon jug of phosphorous bleach. Duo tossed his shirt, pants, and briefs in a wide sink, filled it with water, and added nearly a quart of bleach. He had to admit, as much as he disliked wearing white, it was mighty easy to clean.
He cranked the shower up to boiling hot and attacked his skin. Was it contradictory of him to want to be confused about this whole situation? Before he discovered Quatre was a shifter he'd been angry and frustrated and scared, but more or less in control of his life. Yes, he transformed without much warning and yes, he needed to eat an entire cow every few hours (speaking of which, he was getting mighty hungry), but his life was still his in any of the ways that mattered.
Now in the span of two days the wolf had someone to care for, someone else to submit to, and did both regularly without Duo's ability to get a word in edge wise. To add insult to injury Duo liked it. He liked the feel of packfem's sunlight hair between his fingers and pale skin below him. Open. Vulnerable. He liked being driven into the dirt and seeing that possessive gleam in Alpha's jade-green stare. Claimed. Protected.
And really the only point Duo could find fault with was weather or not this whole situation was the wolf's fault alone or if he didn't have some of these same urges buried inside of him to begin with.
Would he have ever found the urge to claim packfem's life more valuable than his without the wolf there to drag it kicking and screaming to the surface? Probably. Would he have ever told the blonde about it? Not a chance in hell.
He grabbed a towel from the rack.
Alpha's neutral face flashed in his vision. The pilot would never have acted on that urge to dominate if the tiger hadn't been there under the surface demanding supplication.
But did that mean the emotion wouldn't have been there anyway
Duo tossed his hair forward and bent to worry at it with the towel.
So when packfem claimed the scientists would die for tampering with them, could Duo really say it was all a bad result? He felt... comfortable with these strange relationships. They were true. Carnal, perhaps, but honest. Was that packfem's issue? The actions each animal drove them to were uncivilized somehow?
The door behind him slid open. Firm hands gripped his hips. A tongue plunged into him without warning. Duo gasped and dropped the towel. His hands twitched on the counter instead and he pushed back onto that flexible digit. "Oh, God yes. YES!" He spread his legs as wide as they would go without loosing his balance and rocked.
Sharp wind circled the room but it was a negligible distraction. Alpha's teeth sank into his right cheek and then that long erection was filling him again. It was fast this time. Fast, hard, deep, and over far sooner than Duo was ready for. A slim-fingered hand caught his climax and smeared it over his stomach. Alpha surged inside of him, filled him, and left the room without a sound.
The door snicked quietly closed. The wind died slowly.
Duo's hands shook against the counter. Semen dripped down his legs.
Yeah he could see packfem's point. Instinct didn't care much for propriety. But then again, neither had L2. Duo wasn't used to propriety, he was used to surviving... whatever it took.
He revisited the shower briefly then dug through his duffle bag for his black clothes. He pulled underwear out and paused. With a toothy smile he replaced the garment. He pulled his "Life's a bitch and then she has puppies" shirt over his head and donned familiar pants.
The idea of walking around commando excited him. It was time to find Alpha.
Don't read any further if you don't like spoilers! A bit of info on Quatre's new supernatural stint follows but it -will- all be included in the story at some point.
I feel a little bad about dropping a bombshell on Q and abandoning him right away so I'll give you all a little info about it. We'll meet up with him again but not for a while. His ability to sense Duo's every move/emotion is very acute at the moment 1: because it's just crashed to the forefront of his mind and 2: because he's focusing on it. He can't read minds but the stronger he focuses the closer the connection weaves and with his natural intuition it's essentially the same. It'll fade naturally with distance and, of course, lack of focus. Being unable to see Duo helps significantly but Q only figures that out after the pilot leaves. Since we don't get Q's version of the events that little tidbit was pushed off to be observed (by the reader) later... much later. After Libra kind of later. Lol
Boy do I have plans for this story XD
Anyway, I'm dying to get back to Wufei but we have to save Heero first.