Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Wings ❯ Chapter 19

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

BahbahBlacksheep- I'm not trying to kill you, I promise :D See, a new chapter in two days!
GrayPheonix- Oh, that will be interesting, won't it?
Chapter 19
Duo's mental map of the building expanded with each empty room and silent hallway he found. It was some kind of abandoned military compound, probably used at one point for testing suits or running drills. The excessive empty space in every direction but north didn't help him identify much more than that. It could house at least a hundred men, double that if they didn't mind sharing rooms.
He found the commissary by accident and paused his search in favor of food. The choices were limited in selection but plentiful in volume. He didn't care. Once full, he moved on. A few meeting rooms he found were clearly large enough to hold several hundred people. It was the officer's wing where he found what he was looking for.
Duo walked in on Alpha jerking off in a mussed bed too large for one person. He saw the desire in those green eyes bump up a notch to need and he knew there was an answer in his own stare.
Trowa surged off the bed toward him. Duo met him half way. Any thought he had of talking to the pilot flew out of his head as if it hadn't been there at all. Duo's body throbbed. He fell to his knees before Alpha could reach him and briefly took control.
He licked the erection, laved the head, and gripped the Latin's ass without much of a concern for comfort. Alpha fisted his chestnut hair similarly and Duo distantly realized he never got around to grooming it out.
He'd probably just have to redo it after this anyway.
The hips in his hands thrust forward. Duo opened and swallowed as best he could. His fingers searched down the cleft in back. Every muscle under his hands tensed impossibly hard. Duo prodded the hole anyway, forced a single finger in and crooked it.
Alpha jerked and let out a surprised breath of air. That it wasn't a full gasp made Duo resolve to provoke a sound out of the man. Then he was swallowing an interesting taste and Trowa yanked him onto his feet.
"I don't know how to stop this—" the pilot broke off even as he spun Duo to face the bed. The braided pilot wiggled a bit as his pants were yanked to the floor. Alpha pressed a thumb into the bruise that formed from his bite earlier. "You're not wearing underwear." This seemed to be a point of concern.
Duo hissed at the localized pain, moaned when Trowa didn't do anything else. "Oh, Jesus in heaven, don't stop now." His muscles from knees to lower back flexed.
"Why do you want this?!"
"Yes, yes, I want this, want you, please fuck me, please, please."
"No!" But the cock slid between his cheeks and came to rest against his entrance. Duo moaned. "Tell me why you're not fighting me!"
"Fight? No. Fuck! Yes, fuck me! I want it. Wolf wants it. We want, we want, we want..."
And Alpha entered him in a long rough stroke, grabbed his hips at the end of it to hold him there. Duo didn't mind. He was full again, complete, satisfied. His breath left him in a rush. He shuddered.
"Are you lucid?" Trowa snapped.
Duo rolled his head to the side and glared one-eyed over his shoulder. His world was perfect, he didn't want to ruin it with talking. Alpha repeated the question.
"Y's." Duo half-moaned. "Y's, yes, what d'ya want?"
The fingers on his hips clenched. "I want to know why..."
"Why? Take a look at yourself and you'll have your answer. Why do you want it?" Duo challenged.
"You're mine—"
Duo interrupted hastily "Yeah, alright I didn't mean for you to verbalize it." Trowa seemed a bit surprised himself what had come out of his mouth.
"Then... why don't you feel the need to fight me for it?"
"You're bigger than me, Alpha. You're stronger, faster, have better control. They call it dominance. Why would I fight against that, you'd pummel me into the dust!"
"I wouldn't! I want—"
"To protect me, I know. The same thing happened to me with Quatre—"
Snarled; "If I found out you hurt him—"
"Don't be stupid!" Duo reached back and slapped Trowa's arm.
Alpha gripped harder and jerked Duo's body. The pilot dropped his hand to the covers and tilted his chin up, exposing his neck. The effect on Trowa's anger was like a bucket of water on a sand candle. It was gone in a flash and not coming back without some serious provoking first.
Duo talked fast. "Our positions were reversed. I took Quatre and he was the one begging for it." Well maybe begging was a little strong- the blonde put up quite a wall between his desire and acting on it
"But.... why?"
"Damnit, why do they have ranks in the military? Why do packs have an alpha? Violent creatures need a system of order to keep them in line or they'll tear themselves apart! Human beings have this stupid thing called pride getting in their way all the time—creatures don't. If you have the urge and the ability to protect me than why on earth wouldn't I want that?!" Duo nearly swallowed his tongue in surprise. Apparently the wolf had been doing some thinking on this subject for a while. But even as he lay there, comfortably filled, the logic held up against his attempts to poke at it.
He was a little embarrassed to admit it... but he wanted Alpha's dominance and everything it represented, in exactly the same way he wanted packfem's submission and every responsibility that placed on his shoulders.
It wasn't really all that complicated after all.
Trowa nudged him forward. They climbed onto the mattress in a slow coordination of limbs. The thrusts began before Duo could brace himself.
His throat worked on a groan. Trowa's silence only made the experience that much more acute. Each mile-long stroke drove the breath from his lungs. He was probably making some appalling noises but coherency along with care were quickly being left behind. There was only the rekindled need and Alpha's demanding thrusts.
Duo stretched his legs back and pushed himself roughly up on hands and toes. The new angle made him cry out. His knees nearly buckled to the blankets. His erection jerked in empty air but it didn't matter because his vision was bleeding into purples and each invasion drove him higher. He hissed. So close.
A rough hand left his hip and slid to his erection, moved down to the base in a slow counterpoint to the frantic thrusts behind, and suddenly gripped with ruthless intensity.
Duo choked on a scream. He fell to one knee. The pleasure tightened but his climax couldn't pass those iron-like fingers. Alpha drove into him once, twice, stiffened. He was claimed. Duo jerked but the fingers merely tightened. Trowa thrust again immediately, driving them both into a tighter spiral.
When the second climax hit his Alpha, Duo started hyperventilating. He lost count at number four. He started weeping at seven. Nine saw him incoherent with sensational overload.
When he was finally allowed his release the climax blazed through him like a tornado. He screamed. Every muscle seized. He shot semen hard against the mattress. His voice cracked and his throat worked on nothing but air. He curled into a ball and his only point of reference was the cock buried in his ass.
His entire body shook and occasionally jerked with echoed pleasure. He gulped air and didn't even try to focus his still-purple vision. When Trowa pulled back the sensation flung him into a second shaky climax.
Duo could only shudder. Trowa slid into him again, rigid, hot, needy. He didn't complain. The wolf wanted this, accepted this on a level Duo was finally beginning to understand.
"You're mine, do you hear?" Trowa's smooth glide forward was almost painfully sweet. "You are pard and the pard is mine... mine..." Each repetition was a surging thrust against his nerves that would have been gentle if his body hadn't already taken as much as it could hold. His muscles shook with exhaustion and intense use. He was limp in Trowa's hold, pliable to anything Alpha wanted of him.
His vision was so intensely ultra-violet it was almost painful. Trowa slid out of him. His body rolled. His back hit the blankets. Alpha blazed orange and entered him again. Duo didn't react. His vision doubled, focused, went fuzzy again. He couldn't concentrate.
The wolf continued to submit.
Duo woke to the sensation of a hand brushing the bangs away from his forehead. He blinked up at Trowa's neutral expression. The room was not-quite-dark and some ambient light made Alpha's green eyes gleam. He was, oddly, alone in the bed.
Speaking of which... Duo let his eyes flutter shut. Everything ached. He didn't think he could take another assault like that without at damn long time to recover. He didn't want to move... but he did want to eat.
The hand disappeared. Duo heard a water bottle snap open. Trowa put a straw to his lips. He drank. When he opened his eyes again the bottle was half-empty. Trowa finally spoke.
"I think it's over." And the neutrality that had frightened Duo from his very introduction with the pilot permeated every syllable.
Over? What did over mean?
"I feel... settled." The hand moved back to his forehead and stroked over his crown.
Duo shuddered. More than a few muscles protested that but he clamped down on a hiss. He made sudden decision. Duo pushed the blankets down and struggled to sit up.
"Bathroom." He interrupted.
Trowa stood and for a moment Duo thought the pilot would pick him up. But then the Latin shifted his chair from the head of the bed and gave Duo the room to move.
He staggered to the door on legs that barely held him up and jerked it closed behind him. His hand arrested at the last second, preventing the door from shutting completely. Something in him couldn't bare to be separated from Alpha even that little bit. He didn't turn on the light.
His amethyst eyes positively glowed back at him. Duo was surprised at the image he made. He expected his hair to be a halo of mess but it rippled over his shoulders with a dull shine. Alpha had brushed it. He expected to feel grimy, or at least a little mussed, but his skin was smooth... dry. Alpha had washed him
He felt clean. Cared for. Lov—
Duo yanked the bathroom door open. Trowa stood there, silently waiting for him to make a decision. There wasn't much of a decision to make. The wolf had been right. If Alpha had the urge and the ability... why shouldn't Duo fall under the other pilot's wing (paw?)
He pitched forward into Trowa's startled/relieved/thankful/disbelieving embrace and clung as if the world were ending. The wolf in his heart was pleased. Alpha folded him in silent acceptance. Duo himself felt a new sort of calm wash over him.
This was it.
This was home.
An eternal second later Trowa shifted to kiss him lightly, then turned them both out of the bedroom. "We've wasted a day already. Heero needs our help."
"A day?" Duo questioned.
Trowa shifted a green glance in his direction. "You slept through the night."
Then, abruptly, Duo realized he was still naked. His steps faltered. Alpha's warm hand was quick to land on his shoulder and correct him toward the canteen.
Apparently clothes were optional.
Duo wolfed down a breakfast that was sure to hold him over for a few hours at the least (if not until lunch proper) and absorbed every detail Trowa saw fit to give him.
"It was a joint mission. I infiltrate first for recon and intel, feed anything important to Heero. He was supposed to map out an angle of attack and be done with it."
"So what went wrong?" Duo managed around chewing a sausage and draining a mug of milk.
"Colonel Zechs Marquis."
Duo swallowed, "Gesundheit?"
Trowa made a brief, amusing face. "Your pronunciation is appalling."
"Nawt dun abou'it, watcher?"
The Heavyarms pilot let his fork and food rest back on the plate. "What on earth was that?"
"Not Earth. L2. Just a bit of the scrap you pick up as a gutter rat. Tell me about this Colonel character."
"There's not much to tell. The man's favored. Young. Six two or three. Blonde hair down to his ass. He walks around with a mask... helmet... thing over his head twenty four seven, and has more training, or at least better training, than the cookie-cutter recruits we've been fighting against so far. Everything was fine until he dropped in for a visit hours before Heero's attack.
"Everyone and their sister was running in circles trying to please him. All I could figure out was he's Kushranada's lap dog. He said jump and people didn't even ask how high. I didn't have time to warn oh-one without blowing my cover.
Alpha frowned, "It turns out that was useless anyway. I was made trying to get us both out so I left him there—don't give me that look I called you down, didn't I?"
Chastised, Duo returned to his meal.
"The base is...was testing out a new mobile suit design. They're on high alert now and copies of their research have been flung in every direction. It's going to be one hell of a cleanup if we can even manage it. Last I heard they had Heero in lockdown but I don't think they know exactly what they've got their hands on. Wing is safe- we didn't intend to demolish the place just c and c the info and get out with our hides."
Duo glanced up, "How did you two get a c and c mission without me involved from the beginning? Who are your orders coming from?"
Trowa frowned again and this time it stayed, "No one. We haven't heard a peep since OZ declared war. Heero and I flushed this one out ourselves."
"So much for laying low..." Duo poked his fork at the remainder of his eggs. Trowa's look was curious. "Packfe—erm. Quatre. Quatre told me to lay low. We couldn't even fight our way out of the desert, the Maguanacs did the dirty work for us. I just turned tail..." He dropped his fork on the plate with a clatter and kicked his chair to stand.
Alpha's hand dropped suddenly on his shoulder. Duo collapsed back into the chair and looked up at the pilot. His face was neutral again. "Masturbate."
Duo blinked. The non-sequitur was so far into left field he spluttered, "What?!"
"Jerk off. Come. La petit morte. Wank, should I spell it for you also?" Duo's hands dropped to his bare thighs, still confused but caring less with each word. Alpha leaned forward just enough to brace his other hand on the chair's arm. His green eyes bored into the purple tilted up at him. "Touch yourself, Duo, and listen to me."
The pilot groaned. Having Trowa lean over him and demand something was hard to resist. Trowa leaning over him to demand... well, Duo didn't really want to question why. It might stop. His head hit the back of the chair. He groaned again and his eyes fell shut. His fingers teased the interested flesh to life.
"Open your eyes."
Duo snapped them open. His vision was already half-purple. Alpha had a fuzzy gold outline but his green eyes were still piercing jade. His teasing became firmer.
"Are you lucid?"
"Yesssss." He breathed. Not for long... He stretched his legs out to either side of Trowa's.
And that neutral voice was so unaffected Duo wanted to scream. "Quatre instructed you not to fight, correct?"
Ah, wait, what? Back to packfem now? He jerked his head in a nod, eyes wide. His self-pleasure slowed.
"And you followed that order. Quatre knows what he's doing, doesn't he?"
"Yeah-" He breathed and was cut off when Alpha's slim fingers griped around his and forced him to continue, to stop thinking too deeply.
"Then you should be pleased with yourself, not guilty."
"Yes—no! I—" Duo found two of his fingers in Trowa's mouth, efficiently slicked. The hand on his erection cast a thumb over the crown and what was he arguing about again? "But..." Slim fingers urged his wet ones between his legs. A hot mouth latched onto his neck. His hand was trapped by another on his arousal and comprehension was starting to fall into a sea of blue-purple.
There was something about pain tangled in his leaving packfem but a collection of fingers stabbed at his prostate—not all of them his—and it flickered away. Alpha was pleased with him? Maybe? The mouth relinquished his collarbone and moved up to his throat, just under his jaw. Duo jerked and let his tattered thoughts slip away.
Then there were only fingers, hands and a hot, burning tongue. His climax slipped up behind him and rolled over like the incoming tide. It was slow and sneaky and there before he recognized it and gone between this heartbeat and the next. He slumped, breath deep.
Trowa collected the dishes quietly. "Pack your things. We have a long drive ahead of us and no more time to waste."