Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Window to a Soul ❯ Window to a Soul ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Trowa rules in this horror flick. As a Gundam fan fic writer this is the first time I have written a story using pilot 03 as the main character. The story takes place in episode Ground Zero one year after Gundam Wing. Our pilots are on a minor colony where Quatre has recruited Trowa and Duo's help in trying to convince Heero and Wufei to give up their Gundams. Everything goes along the main story except there's one little problem. Trowa has something on his mind and can't get rid of IT. There is a lemon warning.

Here is the standard disclaimer not the non-standard one, which would claim how I own this work and all that. "These Characters belong to Bandia and Sunrise and a brunch of other folks, not I. I'm not making any money off of this and it just for fun."

Window to a Soul

Chapter 1

AC 196, Three Days Before

Quatre had commissioned Duo and myself for a mission to try and convince Heero and Wufei to give up their Gundams. He believed that the only way to truly gain peace was to get rid of all weapons of mass destruction. I had met up with him and Duo at the abandoned colony and together we three prepared for the arrival of Heero and Wufei.

Duo and I were working on the docking area when I suddenly felt light headed and my forehead started to itch. It wasn't a bit gradual. It was like an electric shock. I mentioned it to Duo.

"So you picked up some bugs from the animals at the circus," he said grinning. "At least it's not down there."

"Our animals don't have lice, I' m not too sure about the handlers, " I quipped back. I touch my forehead and it felt perfectly normal just itchy. Real itchy.

Later that day I was in the facilities we had created. There were only three rooms since we didn't expect Heero or Wufei to stay, plus the control room and the hangar. My forehead itched maddeningly. If you have ever suffered though poison ivy or suffered with an infection, you may have some idea of the kind of itch I'm describing. It felt like live things were crawling boring in my flesh. I went into the toilet and looked at my forehead in the mirror. In the dim glow of the power saving lights I saw a small round-ish red spot right in the middle of my forehead.

It was in the shape of an almond only a little bigger. I ran my finger across it and noticed that the skin was slightly upraised. A feeling of dumb horror had risen in my throat, shocking and frightened. The flesh underneath the red spot was hot, feverish and the flesh was soft and gelid. I didn't like touching it and it worried me. Horrible and debilitating diseases were not unknown in the colonies. L-2 is a prime example of that. I was thinking of making a call to a physician when Duo interpreted my inner debate. "We were going to get company soon."

I went the rest of the day playing along with the roles we had prepared when Heero and then Wufei arrived. I had somehow managed to forget about the problem. Later when they decided to stay the night and we had to double up on rooms I stayed in the control room using the computer there to research my symptoms. The itch had intensified. It had deepened and seemed to emanate from the flesh itself. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I could hear the pitter patter of the guys moving around in the sleeping quarters. In the room that Wufei took I could hear the soft whisper of pages being turned from the book he was reading. In the room Heero was sharing with Duo I could hear the clicking of keys from his notebook and the clank of metal from the gears Duo was working on. From the room I would shared with Quatre I could hear the soft breathing of someone starting to fall asleep.

I was still seeing the door towards our room and realized that my eyes were closed. The realization crept on me, then sank home with a frightening rush. What I was seeing was not the portal but some monstrous hole, a fourth dimensional counterpart to the real world.

And I was not the only one watching.

I snapped my eyes open, feeling a constriction in my chest. The sensation subsided a little but not entirely. I was looking at the portal seeing the control panel next to it with my own eyes, perfectly normal everyday experience, and I was also seeing it from a different angle slightly higher through my hair. Seeing not a door but a gaping black hole monstrous and ominous in its vagueness.

I raised a hand to my view catching an eerie vision of my flesh. I nearly screamed.

I raced to the toilet and looked in the mirror this time I did scream but it was not the single gold eye that was open in the middle of my forehead and looking at me that made me scream but the vision of my own face.

~ ~ ~

AC 196, Present Time

Our Gundams propelled gently across the abandoned station. "I'll follow," he told me. The abandoned station had pockets of oxygen where the rooms were not compromised. The small hope that Quatre was in one of them was non-existent. It had attacked Quatre of that I was sure. It had attacked Quatre because of me I was also sure of. It had taken over my body and made me do things to him a dark horrible thing.

"Off to the right," I said. "By the garbage station."

When Duo and I had first gotten here there were a few rooms that were still intact and we were able to walk around with out being fully suited up. Now my gauges read that the room didn't have enough oxygen in it for a human person. Heero brought Wing up to the compartment and got out.

Like me he was suited up in a thin form fitting light travel outfit. It was not strong enough to protect him from long exposure and it definitely did not have enough air for an extended amount of time.


"Inside I'm not sure exactly where," I told him as I joined him by the entranceway.

He started to look around. I refused to budge. I wouldn't go in there and from time to time I looked to see him floating from one compartment to another. I knew long before he stopped searching that he was not going to find Quatre. It had moved him. It had been able to make me doing things. It could easily do things that I was not aware of doing.

"He's not here," Heero said flatly as he came out of the area floating gently over to me.

"It moved him," I said softly. "It's getting stronger. Taking more control little by little."

I had started to realize that I was missing time three days ago. I would find myself standing in front of an object or person not knowing how long I had been standing there. It had started to drive Duo mad. "The gauze may still on but It can use my other senses to learn and observe."

"You need to see a medical professional," he said succinctly.

"Then where is he Heero? Where's Quatre?"

"If you two are having problems in your relationship I am not interested," Heero said heading back to Wing.

"I would have expected such a comment from Duo." I followed behind Heero angry, very angry. Why did I think Heero would have believed regardless of proof? Then I stopped to wonder, why was I so angry of course Heero wanted proof. My reaction was so unlike me that the cold truth of it hit me hard. It was getting stronger and this wasn't my anger I was feeling. It was Its feelings towards Heero's. It had already learned enough from me to know that I was trying to expose It to Heero. I could feel Its hatred and revulsion for humanity.

The gauzed I had was not wrapped thickly enough and It was watching Heero. As he passed by I felt my hands reach out towards him. I felt my mind side away and in the next moment It was in control. It was going to kill him.

Heero was not caught off guard and my earlier confession about what It did helped him. As my hand connected with his shoulder he grabbed my wrist twisting it easily and breaking the grip. I turned with him keeping him from gaining purchase. Heero jumped away crouching in a defensive position. "Are you after me?"

In response I did a somersault over his head trying to get to his back. I had no control over my body. He rolled away placing his back against a wall.

"Or Wing?" he shouted actually sounding angry. "I told Quatre I would let Wing go."

He thought I had lied to try and trap him. He probably thought Quatre was in on it and that we wanted him out of the picture. We were military men we had lied and killed before. His Gundam was worth a lot.

"No," I tried to pant out. It was no use. I couldn't fight It.

I jumped again then dropped low swinging my legs across Heero trying to trip him up. Heero is strong and fast but I have way more agility. He managed to keep himself from getting entangled in my legs but lost the protection of the wall barrier behind him.

I jumped him from behind locking my arms around his shoulders in an unbreakable hold. I could feel an alien satisfaction in having caught him. In holding him helplessly trapped. My panic on Heero's fate was cut short when he decided to throw his head back and head butt me in the nose and forehead.

I felt blinding pain shot through my skull. I dropped limply to the ground and my alien vision closed tight. I was very groggy as I felt my body being flipped onto my stomach my arms gather behind and secured.

"Where's Quatre?" He asked flipping me onto my back.

I couldn't answer him even if I wanted too. He didn't ask again. He probably was starting to suspect I acted alone. He rolled me onto my side and I sensed him examining my face through the faceplate. Heero's head butt had forced It to retreat but that didn't stop It from using my eyes to see. I stared unblinkingly back at Heero my eyes were starting to burn. He frowned and hefted me over one shoulder easily leaving Heavy Arms and heading towards Wing.