Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Window to a Soul ❯ Window to a Soul ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Trowa rules in this horror flick. As a Gundam fan fic writer this is the first time I have written a story using pilot 03 as the main character. The story takes place in episode Ground Zero one year after Gundam Wing. Our pilots are on a minor colony where Quatre has recruited Trowa and Duo's help in trying to convince Heero and Wufei to give up their Gundams. Everything goes along the main story except there's one little problem. Trowa has something on his mind and can't get rid of IT. There is a lemon warning.

Here is the standard disclaimer not the non-standard one, which would claim how I own this work and all that. "These Characters belong to Bandia and Sunrise and a brunch of other folks, not I. I'm not making any money off of this and it just for fun."

Window to a Soul

Chapter 2

AC 196, Three Days Before

My own face had been like a monster. I don't know how long I was standing there but suddenly I realized I could hear Quatre knocking on the door. It couldn't have been long. Soon Duo joined him but unlike patient Quatre he went to kick the door in. Fortunately, Heero's timely intervention gave me a few more precious seconds.

I could hear their heated debate, Quatre was worried that kicking in the door could cause me more harm. Duo thought it was irrelevant if the door could do me in then I was already gone and Wufei agreed. Heero was quiet I could almost hear his thoughts. I realized that I was not the only one listening that thing inside me was listening. Hearing them through senses using my understanding and knowledge, becoming filled with trepidation. It was frightened as much as curious about them about me.

I resisted Its pull instinctively knowing that Its seeing them would not be a good thing. I reached into the medicine cabinet and grab a roll of gauze. It was thin the type that needed to be used with a pad and I had to wrap it around several times before the eye was hidden. While I was tightening the binding I accidentally brush against the eye and a wave of pain shook my body. I stood trembling over the sink as two guns shots tore off the hinges of the door. Heero had made his decision. Before the noise of it had finished resounding in my ears he was next to me.

"Are you badly wounded?" he asked blandly. His face was as blank as his tone.

I nearly started laughing but I stopped myself. I knew that if I started I wouldn't be able to stop. I glanced at the doorway and found the other pilots watching me.

Duo's face was an open mask of curiosity, Wufei's was frowning his eyes laced with a bit of scorn, however Quatre's face was filled with honest concerned. At the time I appreciated his caring heart and openly let myself enjoy the feeling it gave me.

The intruder was suddenly quiet as if the events of the past few seconds were too much. Yet little did I know how much my feelings, my very soul was open to It.

~ ~ ~

AC 196, Present Time

When we arrived in the hangar Heero unceremoniously dumped me on the ground next to Wing's docking mechanisms. Then without further ado he ripped off my helmet and the light gauze wrapped around my head. The thing inside was panicked, It was frightened, truly frightened. Heero had defeated It and he was now in control of not only my body but It as well. He was scrutinizing my forehead when Duo's voice sounded from behind him.

"Are we under attack? What happened is Trowa hurt?"

Heero spun around drawing a gun on Duo. He wasn't taking any more chances I guess getting attacked twice now would make anyone jumpy.

"Should I run and get an aid kit or a gun?" Duo asked not intimidated at Heero's aggressive stance or the gun pointed at him. He even walked up a few steps towards Heero, peeking around him to look at me, something I would never have done. I never envied Duo's being paired up with Heero even though he is the best of pilots.

"Lift up the bangs in front your face," Heero commanded.

Duo complied with only a curious expression. He waited until Heero signal his acquiescence before approaching fully. "What happened?" This time he was more subdued in his question.

"I think you were right, he's been acting weird. Was this also part of Quatre's plan?" Heero asked still unsure if this was part of the hoax we had used to convince him and Wufei to come to this abandonment facility in order to give up their Gundams.

"If it was, those two didn't let me in on it. What has Quatre to say about this?" Duo asked Heero as if our plotting behind his back was not very alarming. His nonchalant attitude with Heero's expressionless demeanor made the conversation sound like they were discussing axle grease.

"I don't know he claims to have attacked Quatre also."

"What?" Now Duo sounded surprised. "I thought it might have been the two of them." Duo mumbled out loud. "So what really happened?"

"I'll explain just help me get him secured somewhere that can serve as a med room."

By the time I was secured Duo and Wufei were treated to Heero's plainly spoken rendition of what I had told him. Not surprising Duo seemed only curious while Wufei looked doubtful. Heero was still as impossible to read as ever yet he made his intentions quite clear when he grabbed my face in both hands and asked Duo for a skin clamp.

The three looked down at me on the table. The entity inside me still had yet to let go of my voluntary functions. I was completely paralyze and watching the group through dry itchy unblinking eyes.

"I know you can hear me so Trowa you tell this thing to open itself up or I will do it myself." Heero threatened reaching for the skin clamp Duo passed to him. It panic I could feel it trying to retreat further into me. If Heero pried the skin on my forehead apart now he would have access to it. It knew it. It was terrified or the closet thing to human fear.

Heero hands were like steel bands and my eyes were burning from being open so long without blinking. Do it, I screamed silently and It quailed in terror.

"Last chance," Heero said clamp in one hand the other like a steel band across my forehead.

Suddenly I got control of my senses and my eyes snapped shut tears poured from beneath my eyelids. I knew my eyes were closed but I was still seeing the group their faces twisted and horrific. It had opened and they were seeing It. They were seeing It.