Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Window to a Soul ❯ Window to a Soul ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Trowa rules in this horror flick. As a Gundam fan fic writer this is the first time I have written a story using pilot 03 as the main character. The story takes place in episode Ground Zero one year after Gundam Wing. Our pilots are on a minor colony where Quatre has recruited Trowa and Duo's help in trying to convince Heero and Wufei to give up their Gundams. Everything goes along the main story except there's one little problem. Trowa has something on his mind and can't get rid of IT. There is a lemon warning.

Here is the standard disclaimer not the non-standard one, which would claim how I own this work and all that. "These Characters belong to Bandia and Sunrise and a brunch of other folks, not I. I'm not making any money off of this and it just for fun."

Window to a Soul

Chapter 3

AC 196, Two Days Before

It was getting stronger and little by little I felt It waking up and taking over. At first I lost only about 15 minutes of time. The next was 20. I began to realize that It was using me, actually manipulating me during those periods.

The group was going to leave when Wufei realized someone had tampered with his Gundam, Altron. That wasn't the only thing that was tampered with. The bay doors, the power cells on Duo's Gundam, Death Scythe and the Zero System Quatre used to strategically manipulate Heero's moves on the space station when he arrived yesterday were all tampered with. We were not going to leave with an unknown intruder. Heero had already agreed to give Wing over to Quatre to be destroyed, however he was not going to let it get into another's control. We started to search our perimeter looking for the intruder but I suspected our culprit was completely internal.

Duo used Sandrock and we went to check the outer doors. While Quatre stayed in the control room directing our efforts from there while working on the Zero program. Wufei went to work on repairing Altron and Heero scoured the space around the facility.

Duo noticed my distraction but thought it was due to worry about our alleged intruder. He was partially right. It had been over 11 hours since the bathroom incident and I realized It had taken control at least 3 times.

The first time was a few hours after I had discovered It. I had found myself awake sitting in bed staring at Quatre through the gauze. The gauze was still on but it was partially unwound. As soon as I became aware of my surroundings that other presence left me. Not completely It just retreated and became dormant. At the time I didn't know why but now I know It wasn't strong enough to stay in control still, It watched just watched.

The next time it happened was a few hours later. I found myself in the bay area. The last I remembered I was walking to the bay and the next thing I knew I was standing in front of the monitor panel for Duo's Gundam. I had lost about 20 minutes of time.

The third time I was in the control room when Quatre came in and noticed that the Zero system had been tampered with.

We didn't find any intruder and by the end of the day It had interrupted me 6 times. The last time lasted almost 30 minutes.

~ ~ ~

AC 196, The Day Before

That morning when I came to my senses I was standing in the middle of the room naked with the exception of the loose gauze around my forehead. Quatre had been calling me his face was pink with embarrassment. He had been calling me for quite a while.

"I didn't know you walked in your sleep," Quatre remarked trying to look anywhere but at me. "What was I doing?"

"You were looking at yourself and kind of touching your body."

He was blushing so hard he looked hot. His eyes were still not looking at me. I found that I was disappointed that he couldn't look at me. I had secretly hoped that he had found me as attractive as I found him.

"I hope I didn't bother you." I replied.

"Not at all you have a great body," Quatre answered giving me the briefest of glances.

I burned with lust at his comment and had to turn away so he wouldn't see. It was curious about my reaction to Quatre's comment. It was curious in Its own way.

No I said to myself trying to communicate my feelings to It.

I know It was aware of me as I was aware of It. I could feel Its indifference to my thoughts. It was self serving as It was alien. Since It had used up Its energy for now It soon left me and went dormant.

Later that afternoon was the first time It acted while I was conscious. I was in the bay with Duo when I felt disoriented and suddenly my perception expanded. It was awake and watching what I was doing though both Its and my own senses. Though Its peripheral vision It saw Duo bent over the bay door parts.

He looked like a king presiding over his court. His long braid swinging in a pendulum motion loose strands trailing after every pass. He was dropping gummy machine parts into an acid solution to help break up the grease. I could smell an orangey odor coming from the container nearby.

An electric shock ran down my arm and my left hand jerk towards him. It felt like a thousand ants crawling from the back of my neck to my fingertips. As I resisted the feeling intensified till I had to grit my teeth against the pain. My muscles refused to retract. If you ever had experienced a full scale muscle spasm or a Charlie horse you know what I'm talking about.

Even as I resisted I felt my fingers close on his hair tugging firmly and lifting it so It could see it better through the thin gauze wrapped around my forehead.

It could see quite well through the gauze. Unlike human eyes that needed moisture and would blink It didn't need to. While washing my face my finger brushed against It. The surface texture was smooth and hard like the enamel on your teeth. Curiously, I tapped It with a fingernail and felt blinding white pain shoot across my skull. It glared at me and I could feel Its alien fury. I sensed Its promise of retribution if I tried it again. I didn't tried again.

With a cry of indignation Duo spun around yanking his braid free. "Trowa, what's the big deal?" He looked only slightly annoyed but I could tell he was pretty mad.

Before I could respond my hand jerked out grabbing his face and pulling him close. It was curious about his eyes since they were such a usual color. My body leaned closer till our noses touched.

"Hey, what ever you're into guys…animals…Quatre, I'm not so back off," Duo growled his voice rising in volume on the last three words. I wanted to let go, I did but I couldn't however his tone and rudely spoken rejection annoyed me.

"I'm not interested in Heero's leavings," I snapped back.

"What! You're bent, get off or I'll make you." The last part was said pleasantly too pleasantly. I must have really pissed him off.

"Get off? Make me? I thought you said you were not interested in guys or is it you're just interested in one particular one."

"What's going on?" Heero said from behind us and we both sprang apart guiltily. The surprise of having him come upon me from behind allow me to break free of the Its hold on my arm. Heero gave us both a lengthy stare. Mine was just a tad longer than Duo's and I felt a wave of trepidation. He was suspicious.

"Nothing," Duo said lightly.

"Yeah, nothing," I mumbled and walked away my hands tucked safely in my pockets.

I was almost out of earshot when I heard Duo ask softly. "So what do you think? Strange right?" I didn't hear Heero's reply but that told me he wasn't the only one that was suspicious.