Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Window to a Soul ❯ Window to a Soul ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Trowa rules in this horror flick. As a Gundam fan fic writer this is the first time I have written a story using pilot 03 as the main character. The story takes place in episode Ground Zero one year after Gundam Wing. Our pilots are on a minor colony where Quatre has recruited Trowa and Duo's help in trying to convince Heero and Wufei to give up their Gundams. Everything goes along the main story except there's one little problem. Trowa has something on his mind and can't get rid of IT. There is a lemon warning. ***Please note I have edited this chapter to Fanfiction standards, you can find the full unedited story as a one-shot on my site\anianime101

Here is the standard disclaimer not the non-standard one, which would claim how I own this work and all that. "These Characters belong to Bandia and Sunrise and a brunch of other folks, not I. I'm not making any money off of this and it just for fun."

Window to a Soul

Chapter 4

AC 196, Present Time

"Trowa." I heard Duo gasp out while the group stepped back from me. They were seeing It and It was seeing them. Their welcomed and beloved faces were distorted and hideous to look upon. I could feel Its alien fear and hatred for them and their alieness.

"Is it real?" Duo asked still standing a ways back from the table. He and Heero looked at each other and an unspoken message was passed between the two.

"Tell It we are not going to hurt you or It," Heero said approaching with the skin clamp.

Everything was a haze after that. I know at that moment I completely lost control of my body. My body tugged so hard at my bonds that the skin on my wrist tore. I managed to free one hand and backhand Heero across the face. He stumbled back for a second but he rushed me in the next breath catching my free arm to re-secure it. My back arched up off the table forcing Wufei to hurl himself upon me to keep me from breaking my own spine. I tried to speak and nearly swallowed my tongue. He's choking I heard Duo shout then I could feel something cold and hard being shoved into my mouth.

I fought them trying to keep my mouth free. I could feel It weakening. It had been in control for at least an hour since It had taken over my body and it was not strong enough to continue fighting them and myself.

"The skin clamp," I mumbled passed the object Duo was trying to force in my mouth. "It's afraid."

"The clamp?" I heard Duo repeat. "The clamp! Heero drop the skin clamp."

At the clatter of metal hitting the floor everything stopped. It was so sudden that the three of them practically fell on top of each other and me.


It was Heero asking if I was back and in control. I swallowed and mumbled a yes past swollen and bruised lips. My whole body felt bruised.

"Is it gone?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied softly.

"Gone?" Wufei said skeptically. He looked at my face and frowned. He didn't like what he saw. He was sporting a bruise on his chin I guess Heero wasn't the only one I nailed.

"It can't control me for longer than an hour but that time is increasing," I told them. "You can untie me now."

Neither Duo nor Wufei moved to comply but Heero undid both my wrist without hesitation. He then tossed me cotton balls and an antiseptic for my wrists. It stung but I welcomed the pain. They three waited as I bound my wrists.

"How long till It's awake?" Heero asked when I was done.

"That time keeps getting shorter but I would say less than two hours," I told him.

"Fine then we have an hour and fifteen minutes to research your condition after that I will restrain you." Heero then turned to Duo telling him to find Quatre, dead or alive. Duo's brows knitted together and a determined look flashed across his face. He would find Quatre.

Heero then glanced at Wufei. He told him to guard the perimeter although they knew it was me, he still needed to make sure nothing else snuck up on us. I saw Wufei give Heero a nod of approval. He didn't look happy. He probably would have preferred to abandon me, us to our own fate.

~ ~ ~

AC 196, The Day Before

That night I decided I was not going to go back into the room I shared with Quatre. It was too dangerous. I needed to leave without further incidence. The longer I stayed the less chance I had of ridding myself of this thing. I wanted to get rid of It on my own. I was worried that Heero's solution might be a bullet to the head, Duo a small explosive in the ear and Wufei a swing of his katana across the throat. Quatre I trusted but he might panic and reveal my situation to the others. I couldn't have that.

After I had walked away from Heero and Duo I thought maybe I could slip away before my next episode. It was a passing thought but when I sat into Heavy Arms I decided it was the best thing to do.

I couldn't go into the control room and release the doors they were being watched. I would have to blast my way out and make a run for it. I would have to be quick once I was out. The only problem was I needed to wait till the others were gone. I sat in heavy arms and ran one analysis after another. I was so into the check that It didn't do much but watch when It became active after that It went back dormant without incidence.

I was so into the bogus check that I didn't notice when everyone left. Without a moment to lose I closed the hatch, flipped on my thrusters and fired off two missiles at the bay wall. In amazement I watched Altron spring to life and block my strikes using its shield and force field. Bomb fragments rained around the bay leaving piles of twisted metal.

"Going somewhere?" Wufei said to me through the com.

"What happened?" I asked surprised at his being there. I voice sounded genuine since I was truly surprised at his intervention.

"That's what I want to know."

"I was running checks. I guess I was tampered with also," I lied. "I'm glad you were prepared."

He didn't answer right away. He was quiet. I held still waiting to see if he was going to accept my excuse.

"Disengage your thrusters and open your hatch," he told me. His voice was laced with suspicion. "I'll make sure your Gundam doesn't do anything else untoward."

I complied with good grace but internally I seethed with resentment. I should have expected that. Wufei never trusted me after I had pretended to changed sides during the war. He always thought my acting was too good.

"Thanks I'm going to get some rest I'll be back soon." I slipped out and headed to the rooms. "Let me know if you find anything." I shouted as I left.

The room was quiet and dark and at first I thought I was alone then I noticed Quatre sleeping on the small table in our shared space. I slipped in quietly making sure not to wake him. I sat on the bed hoping I could slip back out before It became active again, no, such luck. It wasn't long before It was in control again.

I saw Its sights glance toward Quatre as It came awake. It had wanted to examine one of the others and now It would have Its way. I rose from the bed my body lurching towards Quatre.

It reached out with my hands skimming Quatre's hair and running down my hand down his back. I pulled Quatre back resting his head on the back of the chair. My hand then skimmed down the front of his shirt. It wanted to examine him and my body throbbed in reaction to the thought.

I watched myself gently ease Quatre out of the chair laying him gently on the ground. My hands reached for the buttons on his shirt and slowly undid them stopping only to examine the thread in the eyeholes. I pulled his shirt open and examined his chest my fingers ghosting across his chest examination his skin texture. It paused over his nipples and squeezed and examined them rolling the pale dusty tips between my fingers. He moaned at the action and the tips became hard and aroused. It was fascinated at the reaction and repeated the experiment till he moaned and licked his lips. When It couldn't get any more reaction than that It continued on. I undid his pants and slid them off. He was fully aroused.

It froze staring at his member but It wasn't interested in his erection just the hair surrounding it. Like Duo's braid it found the soft springy strands fascinating. It fingered the hair till It noticed a white droplet of fluid leaking from Quatre. I watched my hands wrap around his hardness and squeeze and pull. It was more like the motion used to milking a cow but It must have been right since Quatre moaned even more.

It wanted to know where the fluid was coming from so I felt one hand pry Quatre's legs apart rubbing and feeling in between his legs. Quatre opened up to my administrations and I could tell he was no longer completely asleep.

"Trowa," he moaned. "We shouldn't."

I couldn't speak and I could barely move my head but I could see him clearly from my peripheral vision. He looked awesome with his head frown back in ecstasy as he panted in pleasure. I wanted to join him but It was not interested in Quatre's orgasm only the fluid he was releasing.

Quatre's motion became frenzied and he cried out. I felt something warm and wet splash across my cheek. It continued to milk him squeezing every drop out of him.

"Why Trowa? Why now?"

Before I could answer him there was a faint tapping at the door. "Quatre are you alright? We heard something." It was Duo. I was so wrapped up in Quatre's pleasure that I totally forgot that they could probably hear us.

The door cracked a bit but he didn't step inside. It was like he knew what we had been up to. "Heero was becoming a bit concerned but I told him I would check on things." He whispered to us confirming my suspicions. "Actually he was going to barge right in. I persuaded him not to. I didn't want him to interrupt your sweet good bye."

The last comment was said in a slightly mocking way. Duo might be perceptive and thoughtful however he was still quite irritating. I still didn't have control of my voice or I would have answered him. Thankfully Quatre did it for me.

"Maybe you were afraid that if he likes what he sees he might decided to try it with you."

"What!" Duo nearly squeaked. "Yuck! Look if you wanted me to leave you should have just said so," he huffed closing the door and leaving us.

"He means well but he can be so irritating," Quartre said softly. "But he's right about one thing I don't want to have any interruptions. Let's continue this another time but first."

I didn't know what he intended to do but he pushed me back and reached my pants. I was hard, very hard. He made a soft yummy sound as he pulled me free. It watched him and as he took me into his mouth. It got the idea of what he intended to do. It was not interested. I felt my hands grabbed him by the shoulders and push him away. I wanted to scream in frustration.

"Why am I doing something wrong," he sounded so vulnerable. I wanted to answer him.

It didn't let me answer It had something else in mind. I felt my body stand up pulling him after me. Before I knew it we were heading for the door.

Dear Reader:

I hope this part wasn't too much. Please let me know what you think? The rest is coming soon.
