Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Women Aren't So Weak, Wufei! ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1: Women Aren't So Weak Wufei!

*warning* this story is definitely going to contain some mature themes, thus the rating. They are not so much about sex or anything...well, they are about the female sex...and some, uh, things we have to deal with *cough*time of the month*cough*, but it should be interesting, hopefully funny, eventually. It's my first fic, so be nice! Puh-leeeez!!

*disclaimer* I don't own any of the Gundam Wing characters or anything, got that?! I own nothing related to them! ...though I wish I did :(

The Gundam Gang sat around the living room doing various types of homework. Actually, they didn't have a lot of homework tonight, surprisingly, mainly math and health. They had a lot of homework in Health because the class was starting a new that most of the guys dreaded...reproduction. They were going to learn the whole spiel, and personally, none of them really cared about it. Naturally, Wufei was leaving this part of his homework for last. They had to read the section about women's reproduction systems and answer some questions, and he didn't really want to learn all about stupid onnas. Relena and Hilde, however, were already reading it, because they personally didn't care, after all, they were females. Quatre was also reading it blushing the whole time. Finally Duo spoke up.

"Quatre, what is so embarrassing about that that it causes you to blush? It can't be that bad!" Quatre looked up startled, and even more red-faced.

"Well, uh... Its just that they explain a lot, and there's all these...ah...p-pictures..." he trailed off. Duo's face lit up.

"Wow, seriously?!" he shouted, obviously having the wrong idea.

"Duo you baka" said Heero. "Not the type of pictures your thinking of, they're... diagrams... or something."

"Haven't you guys read it yet?" asked Hilde from across the room.

"No, and I'm not going to!" Duo shouted back.

"Well why not?" asked Hilde as she and Relena walked over to them carrying their books. Wufei was the one that answered.

"We're not reading it because we do not need to learn about you weak onnas and how you reproduce!"

"Geez Wufei! You are so narrow-minded." Said Sally as she walked in the room.

"What are you doing here?" asked Wufei, trying to look clearly annoyed.

"I just decided to stop by and say hi. What were you all talking about?"

"We were just talking about our health homework." Answered Dorothy. "We're learning about the reproductive systems in women, and Wufei seems to think we're too weak to read about." Sally looked amused at that.

"Well Wufei," she said, "If you actually read the book, you might not think us so weak anymore."

"Nothing would make me think that onnas are not weak!" Wufei growled.

"I think you guys are just scared to know what we go through" said Midii slyly from across the room.

"Hey!" yelled Quatre defiantly. "I read it!"

"Well you've got 29 sisters, so you should already know some of it." Said Dorothy. Quatre glared at her.

"I'll read it." Said Heero monotonously.

"Yeah, same here, it doesn't bother me" said Trowa. Duo didn't say anything but when Hilde gave him a look, he quickly said,

"Oh! uh, yeah, me too, I'll read it. Sure no problem" He had started mumbling towards the end. He picked up his book and slowly flipped to the pages he was to read. The first thing he saw was a picture of a naked woman, not detailed or anything, but still naked, and in big, bold words, Going Through Puberty: As A Woman. Duo gulped and started to read.

OK, I know, lame and slow going, but I'm working on it, so please bear with me. It WILL get better!!
