Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Women Aren't So Weak, Wufei! ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3: Women Aren't So Weak Wufei!

*warning* this story is definitely going to contain some mature themes, thus the rating. They are not so much about sex or anything...well, they are about the female sex...and some, uh, things we have to deal with *cough*time of the month*cough*, but it should be interesting, hopefully funny, eventually. It's my first fic, so be nice! Puh-leeeez!!

*disclaimer* I don't own any of the Gundam Wing characters or anything, got that?! I own nothing related to them! ...though I wish I did :(

Wow, ok, I know that the whole weird lady idea in the last chapter was odd, but work with me, I had to have a way for the guys to be... oh wait, never mind, you have haven't read that part yet. :)

The night went by without anything else weird happening, and morning rolled in. Wufei was sleeping peacefully, and he should have been for about thirty more minutes, but there was suddenly a heavy weight on his chest and he was finding it hard to breathe. He then realized that he couldn't breathe because there was a pair of around his neck shaking him back and forth. Wufei's eyes flew open, and he found himself staring into the Prussian blue eyes of Heero Yuy, who was always awake earlier than anyone else. Wufei was about to ask him what the hell he was doing when he suddenly noticed something different about Heero, but he couldn't place it since he didn't have his contacts in yet and everything was slightly blurred. (Wufei really has glasses, but he never wears them, so I'm saying he has contacts.) It was around this time that Wufei noticed Heero was repeating the same thing over and over again. Something about it being all his fault.

"This is all your fault, Wufei!! Omae o korosu!!! You are going to die, and if not by my hands, then I'm sure Trowa, Duo, or Quatre, well, maybe not Quatre, but someone would do the honors!!!!" Wufei just stared blankly at him for a couple seconds before saying,

"Do you have a cold or something?" He stopped, "Do I have a cold or something??" Wufei had noticed that his voice seemed significantly higher than it should. He looked at Heero, who was still on top of him but no longer shaking him, again and realized what he had noticed was wrong. "What the hell happened to your hair?!?" Heero didn't answer; he just glared at him. 'Hair shouldn't grow that fast overnight,' thought Wufei. (he's still waking up) He looked at Heero again. His hair was past his shoulders by about four inches, and it looked very messy the way it was flying everywhere. "Why is it so long?"

"How the hell am I suppose to know? Whatever you did last night really pissed that woman off," answered Heero.

"What are you talk-" Wufei stopped, he really didn't like the way his voice sounded, plus he just remembered what Heero was talking about. "Would you mind getting off of me?" Heero stood up and waited for Wufei to get out of bed. Wufei sat up and reached over to his nightstand to put his glasses on. He then looked over at Heero who was wide-eyed and staring at him. Actually, Wufei noticed that he was staring more at his chest, and he never slept with a shirt on. He also noticed that Heero had taken a very feminine body figure. Wufei had a very bad feeling about this. Very slowly, he looked down and stared at his chest. He stared, and stared, and stared some more. Finally he yelled out, "KUUSSOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" He stared wide-eyed at Heero who stared right back, and then back down to his chest again. He had breasts, and they were NOT suppose to be there! Heero had pulled a T-shirt out of Wufei's drawers, and Wufei caught it and quickly put it on as he threw it to him. He then calmly got out of bed, put his contacts in, and stared at his reflection in the mirror. His facial features looked softer, with no trace of facial hair. He then turned around to look at Heero.

'Oh great, here we go, he's gonna start yelling,' thought Heero. But before either one of them could say anything, they heard someone screaming down the hall.

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The voice sounded strangely like Trowa, but they had never heard Trowa yell like that before. They took one look at each other and took off running down the hall to Trowa's room. Of course, he was already running to their rooms, so they ended up in a big pile on the floor. After he recovered, Trowa sat up and started screaming,

"What the hell happened?! Why am I in a girl's body!!!!!!" Heero glared at Wufei and Trowa suddenly understood what happened. He then started cracking up.

"I think he's going insane," muttered Wufei.

"Wrong, he already WENT insane," replied Heero.

At that point, Quatre sauntered out into the hall, already dressed for the day - kami knows wear he got the clothes, he does have a lot of sisters. He also had his hair up in a half ponytail. Trowa finally stopped laughing, he couldn't get over the fact that they were girls, and the three on the floor stared at Quatre. He started to blush.

"Well, uh, you see, when I woke up, I sort of figured out what had happened, and I know how to do hair and stuff thanks to my sisters, and I found some of their clothes in the back of my closet, so I decided to make the best of this..." he trailed off. "However," Quatre started speaking again, "There were some things I did not have." Blushing, Quatre gestured towards his chest, where you could tell he wasn't wearing a bra. The three on the floor made no comment. Trowa finally spoke up,

"You know, it figures that we had to be turned into good looking women." He said. The boys turned girls looked at themselves. It was true, they had been given very nice figures, and big enough bust sizes to match any popular Playboy model.

"Well," said Heero, "the girls will find out sooner or later, so we might as well go tell them now."

"What about Duo?" asked Quatre.

"He'll come down when he's hungry," replied Trowa. The four boys slowly made their way downstairs, not wanting to be in the hell that would surely arise.

OK, I think this chapter went much better than the others. Don't worry guys, Duo will be in the next chapter. :) Please review!!!!
