Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Women Aren't So Weak, Wufei! ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4: Women Aren't So Weak Wufei!

*warning* this story is definitely going to contain some mature themes, thus the rating. They are not so much about sex or anything...well, they are about the female sex...and some, uh, things we have to deal with *cough*time of the month*cough*, but it should be interesting, hopefully funny, eventually. It's my first fic, so be nice! Puh-leeeez!!

*disclaimer* I don't own any of the Gundam Wing characters or anything, got that?! I own nothing related to them! ...though I wish I did :(

Thank you guys sooooooo much for all the reviews!! They really keep me going! I love to hear from you all, so please keep it up!

Heero, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei slowly made their way downstairs. They got as far as the kitchen door, but they didn't go all the way in. They stood outside of it for a while, listening to the girls talk inside. Relena, Hilde, and Dorothy were making breakfast this morning. Sure the cooks could do it, but every so often the girls thought it was fun to bake stuff themselves, even if some of them weren't that good at it.

"Damn!! I burnt the waffles again!!" shouted Dorothy. This was the third one she had burnt.

"I'm telling ya Dorothy, leave the cooking to us, you just mix the batter," said Hilde. Sally, who had stopped by for breakfast like she usually did, stopped what she was doing, and stood listening. She thought she had heard some voices outside the door, but it seemed no one else had noticed.

Outside the kitchen:

"I am not going in first!" said Wufei, as the others tried to push him towards the door.

"It's your fault we're in this mess, so you can go explain it to them!" Heero said as he and Trowa tried to push him towards the door.

"Hell no! I'm not going in there by myself to explain to them why I now have a weak woman's body!"

"Um...guys?" Everyone looked at Quatre. "Why don't we just all go in there at one time, that way no one gets too embarrassed." He suggested. Trowa and Heero looked at him like he was insane while Wufei started nodding his head saying it was a good idea. At that moment however, Sally opened the door.

"I heard you guys talking. Why don't you want to come into the kit-" she stopped. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. The boys, uh, girls could only stare back at her with wide eyes. Hilde came up behind Sally.

"Hey guys, we heard you yelling upstairs, but we figured that you could just" she trailed off and stared at the sight before her. Soon Relena and Dorothy were beside her with the same expression on her face. The only sound heard was the crickets chirping in the background and Midii bounding down the stairs.

"Sorry girls, I overslept." She then saw the four new girls in front of her. "Oh, I didn't know we were having guests over. What's wrong with you guys, and where are the boys?" she asked Sally and the others who were standing there with their mouths wide open. Surprisingly, it was Relena who broke the silence by laughing hysterically. She couldn't stop herself, and soon the others were joining her, except for the boys-turned-girls and Midii who still hadn't noticed who the new girls were.

"Oh man! This is too much! When that lady said she'd make you pay, I didn't actually think she would turn you into WOMEN!!! Hahahaha!!!"

"It's not funny Relena!" said Heero in a voice that sounded nothing like his own, causing the girls to laugh even harder.

"Wait a second," said Midii. "Are you telling me that these are the gundam pilots turned girls standing in front of me?!" The other girls nodded. Midii then joined them in their laughter. Finally, their laughter died down.

"If I'm correct," said Hilde, "I remember that woman saying something about two weeks being enough time. I'm guessing that means you guys are going to be in those bodies for the next two weeks." The boys stared back at her with wide eyes.

"You've got to be kidding?!" yelled Wufei.

"Just shut up Wufei! This is all your fault!" Everyone stared at Quatre in shock. He never spoke like that. His face reddened. "Oops, sorry, I'm not too pleased with the situation right now, that's all. Hehe"

"Well," said Relena, "I guess we'll have to make the best of this. Today is a Saturday luckily, so we can take you guys out shopping if you want. That way we can get you some clothes that fit." The boys looked scared at the idea of going shopping. It was bad enough helping other girls pick out clothes, but having to try them on their selves?!

"Uh...Relena, um...we can't go shopping would be a waste of money since we're not going to be women forever. Can't we just borrow some of you clothes?" asked Heero desperately.

"Its not a problem, I'm sure that some of us will be able to use any clothes we buy." Hilde answered with this gleam in her eye that made the boys shrink back and the girls nod their heads. "We can do that after breakfast. Why don't you girls, I mean, guys, come eat." Everyone followed her to the table and began to help themselves. "Where's Duo?" Hilde asked.

A grumpy Wufei answered, "The braided baka is still sleeping."

"No I'm not," said Duo as he slowly sat down at the table rubbing his eyes. It was obvious he hadn't noticed any differences in his appearance yet. If you glanced at him really fast, you probably wouldn't be able to tell because his hair was the same length and still in its braid. However, there were other differences that made you sure he was now a woman. Duo glanced around the table, his eyes widening. "Why didn't you guys tell me you were having friends over?! I wouldn't have come downstairs in my night clothes!" shouted Duo as he started to get up to go change. The girls rolled their eyes while the boys stared at him in disbelief. "Wait a second," Duo said, "you all look familiar, are you in some of my classes or something?"

"Stupid braided baka." Wufei started mumbling.

"Hey! You remind me of Wu-man!" said Duo smiling.

"Do not call me that, Maxwell!!" yelled Wufei.

"I wasn't calling you that, I was calling Wufei tha-" he stopped. "Ya know" he said slowly, "you look like him too." He continued looking around the table. "And you look like Quat, and you look like Trowa, and you look like Heero."

"By golly I think he's got it!" said Quatre sarcastically. Duo paled, suddenly remembering the events from last night.

"Don't tell me." He said. "It is you guys, isn't it? Only your in a woman's body." The others stared at him with a "no dip, Sherlock" look on their faces. Duo started laughing. "ha! Sucks for you all! Man, you really shouldn't have pissed her off Wu-man!"

"Did you think that you were spared Maxwell?" spat Wufei. Duo stopped laughing.

"You mean I'm a woman too?!" He pulled at his hair, which was still a long as always, and looked down. His eyes widened to see that his chest was sticking out farther than it should have been beneath his shirt. He could guess the reason why. "Heh, I guess I hadn't noticed." Duo said weakly. He started swaying back and forth like he was going to faint, and plopped back into his chair. "Two weeks?" he asked meekly.

"Yup." Answered Sally.

"Geez." Said Duo. It was silent for a minute while Duo sat thinking. "Well," he said slowly, "let's eat!" he said and started digging into his food. The others sweat dropped and stared at him in disbelief again.

Thanks for reading!! The next chapter will be out soon (hopefully). I'm still in the middle of moving and I have Spring Track practices too. Suggestions? Comments? Please review, or you could always email me!! Thanks a bunch!!


Next Chapter: We're going to the mall!! The Gundam boys finally find out what it's like to "shop till ya drop"!

They brought Gundam Wing back to Toonami!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! It's about time! Only it's on at 4:30 now.