Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Women Aren't So Weak, Wufei! ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 6: Women Aren't So Weak Wufei!

*warning* this story is definitely going to contain some mature themes, thus the rating. They are not so much about sex or anything...well, they are about the female sex...and some, uh, things we have to deal with *cough*time of the month*cough*, but it should be interesting, hopefully funny, eventually. It's my first fic, so be nice! Puh-leeeez!!

*disclaimer* I don't own any of the Gundam Wing characters or anything, got that?! I own nothing related to them! ...though I wish I did :(

WOW! Thank you guys soooooo much for all the reviews!! I didn't mean to re-submit this yesterday without any new chapters, I just wanted to take out that side note I had posted, and I got bombarded with reviews! Thanks also for any of you who reviewed to my Behind The Scenes idea. I will definitely be writing that fic, it seems people liked the idea, so be on the lookout for that story. But since I'm writing two fics, new chapters for this will be coming slower than usual. Just wanted to let you all know that. Sorry for the delay with this chapter, but here it is! Enjoy!!

That evening when the Gundam Gang returned home, they were anything but happy.

"You know, we don't have to go to this dinner. You could just say we couldn't make it, and Zechs will have five extra seats. No biggie, right?" pleaded Duo.

"Duo, my brother paid a lot of money to reserve places at this restaurant. We can't just leave five places empty." Relena replied.

Trowa snorted. "Oh yeah, I'm sure he's really in debt now, he being a Peacecraft and all, that family just doesn't have any money." He snapped. Relena, not having a comeback to that, just stared wide-eyed at him.

"Did Trowa just snort?" Midii whispered to Dorothy.

"Yeah, and then he snapped at Relena!" she replied in awe.


"Well its settled." Hilde said. "You guys are going, you don't have a choice."

"Wait a minute! We didn't settle anything." Wufei exclaimed.

"Your going Wufei, that's all there is to it." Said Sally. Wufei crossed his arms, "hmphed," and turned away. Midii, wanting to remove some of the tension in the room, suggested they watch a movie or something before going to bed.

"Yeah! That's a good idea." Said Hilde, and she immediately ran over to the TV and started searching the HBO channels. "Oh guys! Look! Titanic is showing! We could watch that, except it already started."

"Ohhh! I haven't seen that in forever!" cried Relena.

"No way!" said Duo. "Isn't that a chick flick?"

"Well, your a girl now, so you can deal with." Snapped Hilde.

"I think we should watch it." Said Sally. Dorothy and Midii agreed.

"Doesn't the main female actor in that...uh, show herself...indecently?" Quatre asked meekly.

"She sure does." Answered Relena.

"Ok then! What are we waiting for? Sit down, watch the movie!" exclaimed Duo. Then he paused. "Actually, that doesn't really excite me as much as I would have thought. Guess it's because I'm a girl. Oh well." He said more to himself than anyone else. The others just looked at him before turning the television.

"But, isn't it like, THREE hours long??" Wufei said in a last attempt to get them to watch a different movie. His comment went unheard, so he gave up and sat down.

About two hours, four bags of popcorn, and three liters of soda later:

Relena, Hilde, Midii, and Quatre were all out crying. Duo and Sally looked like they were barely making it, and Wufei, Trowa, and Heero were trying to be the tough guys who were never affected. However, if you looked closely, you could tell their masks were slipping because their eyes were all watery and an occasional sniffle could be heard from them. Dorothy was seemingly unaffected.

"I've never actually watched the whole thing, why did he have to die?!" Quatre bawled, and Hilde put a comforting arm around his shoulder.

"You guys are such *sniff* weaklings. I don't see why *sniff* you all are *sniff* crying." Wufei said, and then reached up to wipe away the tear that threatened to fall from his eye.

"Oh your just as bad as they are Wufei, so shut you trap!" Dorothy said, as she started picking up the stray glasses and popcorn bowls. Relena and Hilde got up to help her, while the others sat around trying to regain their composure. When they finished, Hilde looked up at the clock.

"Well, it's almost midnight, I'm off to bed. See ya'll in the morning. Oh, and Midii? I call first shower!" with that she dashed off up the stairs to claim the bathroom.

"Hey!" cried Midii and she went running after her.

"Oh, a shower sounds really good now, I need one of those." Said Quatre as he started walking upstairs. Then he stopped. "On second thought, I think I can go a day without a shower." He said suddenly looking nervous. The other guys looked at him, knowing exactly what he was thinking, and got a sinking feeling in their stomachs.

"Yeah, I think I'll wait until tomorrow." Said Trowa, who looked like he still hadn't recovered from the movie experience. He seemed almost too affected by that...

"Hn" said Heero, and the rest all went to bed.

* * *

The next day went by without any events worth writing about ( ^_^ ), and it was soon time for the gang to get ready to go to Zech's and Noin's pre-wedding banquet dinner thingy, even though the wedding isn't for another three weeks or so.

"Hey Relena, what are we supposed to wear to this dinner thingymabobber?" asked Duo.

"I believe it's supposed to be semi-formal, so you can just wear one of the skirts we bought you with a blouse or something."

"Uh-uh, no way, I'm NOT wearing a skirt or dress." Said Wufei. "You can't make me."

"You wanna bet?" said Dorothy.

"Look Wufei, it won't be that long, if you really don't want to wear a dress, you can wear dress pants or something." Relena suggested. "You just have to look nice."

"No matter what you wear, you cannot go with your hair looking all messy. This time we definitely get to do your hair, no question." Said Hilde holding up a brush.

"I think she wanted to be a hair dresser before she joined OZ" Duo muttered to Quatre. Quatre nodded in agreement.

It took a while, but after about an hour, (and a few pairs of ripped stockings) everyone was ready to go. Somehow, the girls had managed to pile the guys' hair on their head in various stylish hairdos. They didn't necessarily like it, but it was done none-the-less.

"Did you hafta put ALL of my hair in this bun?" complained Duo. "I feel like I'm going to fall over backwards any minute now; it's too heavy!"

"Shut up Duo. You're making my headache worse." Growled Heero as reached up to feel the many tight, small, extremely tight braids that had been put in his hair. Did I mention that they were tight?

"Trowa, uh, can I ask you something." Asked Quatre. When he didn't get an answer, he continued. "Is it different being able to see out BOTH of your eyes at the same time." He asked it with a serious face, but you could tell he was kidding around. Duo snickered as Trowa snapped his head around to glare at Quatre.

"Whoa, careful there buddy, too much fast movement and that...curly, knot thing on the back of your head is gonna fall out." Teased Duo.

"With all the hairspray and pins they put into my hair, I really don't think it's going to fall out. It'll be a miracle if I can ever GET it out."

"Tell me about it." Muttered Wufei.

"Would you guys stop complaining!" said Relena. "I have to put up with this all the time. The least you can do is deal with it ONE time."

"We shouldn't even have to deal with it once." Muttered Heero as he glared at Wufei out of the corner of his eye.

"Uh, can we go now?" asked Wufei, and without waiting for an answer, he walked out the door, his *skirt* blowing around his legs in the wind.

The group got to the restaurant a little late, but that was to be expected. As they walked in, the other people who were there greeted them: Lady Une, Noin and Zechs, of course, and some other Preventor workers whom they'd befriended. Zechs stood up to give his sister a quick hug before turning to the table to introduce the new girls to the others.

"Guys, I would like you to meet some of our other guests. You all know my sister Relena, and I'm sure you've seen Dorothy, Midii, and Hilde around," they all nodded and some waved, "and I know you know Preventor Sally Po."

"Where are the gundam pilots?" asked Lady Une. The group winced. Zechs' eyes widened.

"You mean you don't know?" Une shook her head. "Well, we were told you sent them on a mission." Now Lady Une's eyes widened.

"A mission?! They aren't even Preventors!" Zechs narrowed his eyes.

"They aren't?" he said. He turned to the group. "Care to explain?"

"..." was all that he got. "Well," started Sally, "they uh, they're, well...I can't say where they went. I promised I wouldn't. They'll be back in time for your wedding, but they'll be gone for about two weeks. They needed a... vacation." She quickly made up.

"Vacation?" Noin asked. "What do they need a vacation from? Their spring break is next week."

"Well who could stop them, they're gone, that's all there is to it."

"Irresponsible little..." muttered Zechs, and the others had to hold Wufei back as his eyes narrowed and he started mumbling about injustices or something. Heero's hand unconsciously went toward where his gun would be. All this went unnoticed by Zechs. "Anyway, would you like to introduce yourselves? I apologize, but I don't remember all your names. I believe your Helen." He directed at Duo who nodded his head. He looked towards the others.

"Mary" said Heero.

"Cathy" supplied Trowa.

"Meiran" mumbled Wufei.

"I'm...uh..." Quatre paled. 'Shoot! I don't remember which of my sisters' names I used.' He thought. 'Was is Rebecca? No...Amy? Nuh-uh. Susan? No, must have been-' "Maria." Quatre finally said. Noin looked at him oddly, and Duo smacked his forehead with his hand.

"I could have sworn you said Iria at the mall." Said Noin.

"Oh, uh, hehe, you must have heard me wrong."

"Hmm... well, why don't you all sit down?" suggested Noin. They all did.

The group was finally able to order their dinner, and soon they were all ready to eat. Too bad the gundam pilots were not used to eating lady-like.

"Ow! Damn it Hilde, that's like the third time you've elbowed me. What's up?" Duo whispered to Hilde.

"You need to slow down! You're practically inhaling your food!" she whispered back.

"But I always eat like this."

"That's the problem. When you were a guy, people could deal with it, but technically, you aren't 'Duo' anymore, and you want to give these people a good impression. You're a woman now and you need to act like one!"

"Fine." Mumbled Duo as he tried to eat his food more slowly. He didn't eat much more anyway because he suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore. 'Strange,' he thought, 'I usually eat a lot more than this. I'm not hungry though.' Duo frowned. 'But this is my favorite meal! Just one more bite.' He couldn't do it though, and he found that really disturbing. Midii was watching him from across the table, and chuckled quietly. Duo looked up and glared at her before snapping his head to the other end of the table where he thought he heard his name being said. "What?" he asked. Zechs, Lady Une, and a Preventor named Amy all looked at him. "I thought I just heard someone say my name." Duo said without thinking.

"Uh, no, we were talking about Duo Maxwell." Said Lady Une. "It seems one of our workers has a little crush on him." She said looking towards Amy who blushed slightly, as did Duo.

"Oh do you?" asked Duo, suddenly interested. "And just what is this Duo like?" he asked Amy.

"I've only seen him around a few times, but he's really cute and-"

"He's a stupid, lazy baka who thinks very highly of himself." Commented Heero from across the table. Amy looked surprised at that, and Duo glared at him.

"And where did you hear that from?" Duo asked dryly.

"I've seen him around school and Hilde has told me some stuff." Heero answered with amusement in his eyes.

"Well I think he's cute." Duo said indifferently.

"You would." Heero retorted.

"You don't?" asked Duo innocently. "Oh that's right, you like Heero!" he said in a sing-song voice. Heero's eyes widened.

"I do not!" he yelled.

"Don't deny it, you told me remember?"

"I did not!!" Heero yelled again, getting really pissed off.

"Fine, say what you want. Actually that's a good thing because he's Relena's guy." Both Heero and Relena blushed at that, and Heero didn't make any other comments. Zechs frowned at the idea of Heero and Relena together. "Actually, I think..." Duo looked around the table and grinned evilly. "Trowa's hot." On the other side of the table, Trowa immediately choked on his food and started coughing; Dorothy pounded on his back until he recovered. He then glared at Duo who smiled innocently at him. Noin regarded all this with interest.

"Oh really? Well if you ask me," Trowa looked towards Wufei who gave a "don't you dare" look. "Wufei's the cutest guy at our school." Sally held in her laughter as Wufei glared at Trowa.

"Wufei's a jackass." Said Quatre casually while still eating his food. Wufei jumped up.

"I-He is not!!" he yelled. Sally couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing, causing Wufei to glare at her. (A/N: there's a lot of glaring going on, isn't there? ^_^ )

"Do have some feelings for Wufei?" Lady Une asked...Wufei, amused at all that was happening. "Well your going to have to fight with Sally on that one." Sally stopped laughing abruptly and blushed slightly while Wufei's eyes widened in shock.

"What?" he asked shocked while falling back into his chair.

"Well, anyone for dessert?" Sally asked quickly.

"I couldn't eat another bite." Said Duo wearily. He was answered by a chorus of shocked "WHAT?!"'s from Hilde, Relena, Quatre, and Heero.

"My stomach hurts, I think I already ate too much."

"Your stomach hurts?" asked Midii. Duo nodded. 'Hmm...' thought Midii. 'I wonder, first with Trowa, now Duo...' her thoughts trailed off.

"Actually, if there's anything with chocolate..." Duo said, suddenly feeling better.

'Something's not right here.' Thought Noin as she looked around the table. 'Something's off...' she turned to start a side conversation with Quatre. "So, how are your sisters doing?" Quatre seemed genuinely pleased that she had asked, and started to reply without thinking.

"They're all doing good. Actually Kristen was just offered a job on L3 and-" he stopped, realizing what he had just done, and Relena, who was sitting next to him, slapped her forehead. "Shit." He muttered. Noin checked to make sure no one else had heard before saying:

"I had a funny feeling that might be you. Quatre, right?" Quatre nodded while blushing. "Oh weird, how did that happen? Let me guess. These are the other gundam pilots, right?"

"Yes, but it's a really long story." Quatre then proceeded to tell Noin in hushed tones why he was now in a girl's body. By the time he was done, everyone was getting ready to leave.

"Wow, that's weird. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But man, I wish you luck these next two weeks."

"Thanks." Quatre replied.

"Well, thank you all so much for coming. I hope to see you all again before our wedding. Good night." With that, Zechs led Noin away by the arm, but not before she turned to say, "Goodnight *guys*," emphasizing "guys," to the group. Heero and Trowa stared after them.

"What was that all about?" asked Wufei.

"She knows who we are." Answered Quatre.

"What?! How does she know?" asked Heero.

"She uh, she sort of guessed." Replied Quatre meekly.

"Um, guys we better get going." Said Relena quickly to save Quatre from any further questioning. "We have..." she stopped walking and talking, and paled. "Oh shoot, you guy! We have school tomorrow!!"

*music plays* Dun dun dun! School huh? Just how are they going to deal with that? Once again, sorry for the delay. Please review, and be on the lookout for the first chapters of my new fic!!! Thanks a bunch!! Ja ne! Oh, by the way, I know Titanic isn't the best movie, but come on, how many of you saw it more than once in theaters and cried during it? I know I did... C ya!!
