Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Women Aren't So Weak, Wufei! ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7: Women Aren't So Weak Wufei!

*warning* this story is definitely going to contain some mature themes, thus the rating. They are not so much about sex or anything...well, they are about the female sex...and some, uh, things we have to deal with *cough*time of the month*cough*, but it should be interesting, hopefully funny, eventually. It's my first fic, so be nice! Puh-leeeez!!

*disclaimer* I don't own any of the Gundam Wing characters or anything, got that?! I own nothing related to them! ...though I wish I did :(

Man, did you all notice that I have been saying WOMAN this whole time in the title instead of WOMEN?! I can't believe that. The stupid grammar check on my computer didn't even pick it up either! Argh!!

The guys looked at Relena like she had grown an extra head or something.

"Relena," said Heero slowly. "We can't go to school tomorrow. We aren't even registered. Five new girls just don't suddenly show up to school!"

"I know that Heero," Relena replied exasperatedly. "I was just wondering what excuse we are going to use when all of our teachers start wondering why you five were out of school for a whole week."

"We can just say they all came down with a really bad case of the flu," Sally suggested. "I'll write a note or something."

"I don't think we should leave them home for a week by themselves," said Midii doubtfully. "I mean, what if something happens?"

"What could possibly happen?!" exclaimed Duo. Midii looked over at him, and then back at the girls.

"More than you realize," she replied, sharing a look with the other girls.

"Well," started Hilde, "Sally can probably check on them from time to time, and we just have one of us stay home each day this week. That way the rest of us can go to school." The others contemplated the idea.

"Yeah," said Relena. "That'll probably work. Hilde, you can stay home first, since it was your idea."

"Sounds good."

"You know, we don't need a babysitter, we aren't going to burn down the house," complained Wufei.

"Oh shove it Wufei," Sally said, smacking him lightly on the arm. He glared at her in return, and Sally just laughed.

* * *

The next morning found Wufei, Quatre, Duo, and Heero all lounging around the living room doing various things. Wufei and Quatre were playing chess, and Heero stood behind them watching the game, while Duo lounged lazily on the couch searching through channels on the TV. The girls, aside from Hilde and Sally, had gone to school much earlier.

Trowa trudged into the room with a pale face looking a little sick. He leaned up against the wall ignoring the weird/concerned looks the others were giving him.

"Guys," he said wearily, "I think that there is something seriously wrong with me."

"What's up T-man? You ok?" Duo asked, seriously worried.

"I don't really know." Trowa answered slowly. "I just know that I feel like crap, and I think...well, uh..." he paused, and had this strange look on his face.

"Go on." Quatre urged, looking up from the chess game.

"Well, I think I'm...bleeding internally... or something."

"WHAT?!" the others all shouted.

"Bleeding internally?? What makes you think that?" Duo asked. Quatre remained quiet; he had a thoughtful look on his face.

"I, well...I mean, I," Trowa said looking flustered, "I can...see it, I guess, on my, uh know..."

"Trowa, I-" Quatre started, but was cut off.

"Come on Trowa man! We gotta get you to a doctor or something," yelled Duo as he grabbed Trowa's arm and prepared to drag him out the door.

"Trowa you don't understa-" Quatre tried again.

"Duo!" Heero yelled, cutting him off. "Sally and Hilde are in the kitchen. Sally will probably be able to help him."

"Good thinking Heero! Come on Trowa! Let's go." Duo then proceeded to haul Trowa into the kitchen with Wufei and Heero following, and Quatre still trying to tell Trowa something.

"Trowa!! If you would just listen!"

"Not now Quat, this is an emergency!" Duo said, and then pushed open the door to the kitchen. "Sally! You are just the person we were looking for! Trowa's in trouble. He's bleeding internally!" Sally looked up from her conversation with Hilde with a shocked look on her face.

"What? Bleeding internally? How do you know?"

"I dunno, but Trowa said he was and he can see it and stuff. His stomach's probably damaged or something and it's leaking into his intestines and is coming out, and he really needs help or he's gonna die!!" Duo blurted out. (A/N: Ok, that sounded nasty, leave it to Duo to come up with something like that. Sorry 'bout that.) Trowa smacked his forehead with his hand, trying to hide his embarrassment, while Wufei muttered about how disgusting that sounded. Hilde glared at Duo before looking over and catching Sally's eye. They both had an amused smile on their faces.

"Um, excuse me. But just what is so funny about this? Trowa's dying here man!" Sally and Hilde chuckled.

"He's not dying Duo. Just let me ask him a question. Trowa, do you have pains in your lower abdominal area. Around here." Hilde said gesturing towards her stomach.

"Yeah I do. How did you know?" Trowa asked confused.

"See, it IS his stomach. He's going to die!" Duo wailed.

"He's NOT going to die Duo! I get that way once every month, and I'm not dead." Hilde said slowly, hoping at least ONE of the guys would catch on. She had no such luck.

"You get internal bleeding once a month?" Wufei asked.

"Ewww! Sucks for you!" said Duo.

"No! Not internal bleeding. You guys are sooo clueless." Hilde muttered. The guys just looked at her with blank faces, aside from Quatre. "I get that way EVERY MONTH, you know, and when I do, I refer to it as 'My. Time. Of. The. Month.' " Hilde said punctuating the important words. Realization slowly showed on each of the guys' faces.

"You mean..." Heero started.

"He has..." added Wufei.

"Oh no way!! You can't be serious!" finished Duo with a disgusted look on his face.

"I TRIED to tell you." Quatre said, crossing his arms.

"How would you know about it?" Wufei asked, turning to Quatre.

"Wufei, I've got 29 sisters. There's like, 30 days in a month. There was not one day when I was growing up that at least one of them did not have their period." Quatre answered. It was quiet for a moment before Trowa yelled out:

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I do NOT have my period! This is NOT happening to me!" He looked at Hilde and Sally with a panicked face. "Tell me this isn't happening!"

"Sorry babe, it's happening." Sally smirked.

"Well, I guess your gonna need some certain things, aren't you." Hilde said, taking him by the arm. "Come on." With that, Hilde practically dragged a panicked and totally out of character Trowa out of the room.

"Wow," started Duo, "that is too weird. Oh well, sucks for him."

"I wouldn't get too cocky Duo." Said Sally. "You four still have over a week left as girls. I bet all of you will eventually get your 'time of the month.' This is probably one of that weird lady's ways of saying, 'ha! See, women AREN'T weak.' " With that, Sally walked out of the room, leaving behind four shocked, and now worried "soldiers."

"You don't think that could really happen to us, do you?" asked Duo in a panicky voice.

"Well, it happened to Trowa, so I guess it could happen to us," Quatre replied, sitting down at the table. The others joined him, looking as if someone had just died. Almost twenty minutes later, Hilde and Trowa came back into the room, with Sally trailing behind. Hilde set two packages down on the table.

"Ok, I figured that since there is a slight possibility of this happening to all of you, then we should have a little talk so that you know what to do." The guys looked anything but excited at the idea. Before any of them could say anything, Hilde started talking again. "Now," she began, picking up the smaller box that had the word Tampax written across the front. "These are called tampons," she then picked up the other package, "and these are maxi-pads." Hilde then started to explain briefly what each was for, before Quatre interrupted her.

"Hilde, I really don't think you need to explain all this, I mean, I'm sure we know what to do with those." Both Duo and Heero blushed slightly.

"Well Quatre," Duo snapped, "not all of us have 29 sisters, and we don't exactly know what the hell is going on!" Quatre looked apologetic and got teary eyed. Duo immediately regretted snapping at him. "Hey, Quat, I'm sorry! Look, don't cry, ok? I really didn't mean to snap at you. I'm sorry!" Quatre sniffed.

"No, it's ok Duo, I keep forgetting I'm the only one here with sisters. I'm the one who should be sorry." Hilde looked up at Sally.

"Duo just went from angry to apologetic in like .2 seconds," she said.

"Yeah, and Quatre got all upset because he was snapped at." Sally replied.

"Well," Hilde sighed, looking down at the package in her hands, "I think we might want to buy some more of these."

"Hey Trowa," said Heero, finally speaking up. "Which of these are you using?" Trowa reddened and looked away.

"The pads," he said quietly. "I wasn't quite prepared to do what the directions said for the other thing, despite how uncomfortable these are." Heero and Wufei nodded in silent understanding, while Quatre and Duo kept apologizing to each other in the background. Suddenly Duo gave up on apologizing, and spoke up.

"Hey Hilde, how can we tell if we're about to get our, uh, well, you know?"

"There are lot of signals," Hilde answered. "You might begin to get cramps and pains in your lower abdominal area, you might have a strong craving for certain foods, such as chocolate, um, let's see, there's often vary obvious mood swings. Some people even get headaches, nausea. There are all sorts of things." The guys look positively horrified.

"That sounds horrible," Wufei muttered in shock.

"That sounds like everything that is happening to me!" Duo groaned.

"Hey guys, I have an idea!" Sally said, trying to get their minds off of that topic.

"Well that's new," Wufei said. Sally glared at him.

"Let's go to the park or something. It's a nice day out and it'll get your minds off that topic." Reluctantly, they agreed, and thirty minutes later, the guys found themselves dressed in some of their new clothes, and walking to the park.

Hilde and Sally were walking a little ahead of the guys, and talking quietly. Quatre and Trowa were behind them, walking slowly and discussing various things. Heero, Wufei, and Duo followed behind. The sun was high with no clouds blocking its warmth from pouring down, the trees were beginning to get their leaves again after the long winter season, and it was generally a very pretty day. Duo looked around observantly. There weren't to many people in the park, he noticed. Most kids were probably in school. Every so often someone would jog by listening to music from their portable CD players. An older couple was walking in the distance, hand in hand. Just up ahead there were some college guys fooling around. They were throwing a Frisbee back and forth, while a dog ran in between them trying to intercept it. Their skin glistened with sweat in the sun, and their shirts, which had been discarded earlier, lay off to the side. Next to them were some parents walking with strollers- 'Hold up!' Duo thought, snapping his head back to look at the guys. He stopped in his tracks, causing Wufei to run into him.

"Maxwell! Watch where you're going!" Wufei yelled, despite the fact that HE was the one who wasn't paying attention.

"Oh, uh yeah, sorry Wufei." Duo muttered, not taking his eyes of the guys ahead. Wufei looked at him oddly.

"What are you looking at?" he asked. Following Duo's eyes when he didn't get an answer, he saw what he was looking at. For some reason he couldn't quite place, his heartbeat sped up, and his jaw dropped slightly. "Oh wow," he said quietly. "They are so..." he trailed off, not able to finish the sentence.

"Hot," Duo finished for him. Wufei nodded his head slowly.

"Hold up, what?!" Wufei shouted, realizing what he had just said. That also brought Duo to his senses.

"I-I, I meant," Duo stuttered, "uh, hot! It's HOT out here." He looked at Wufei, knowing that he didn't believe him, and smiled sheepishly.

"It's this body," Wufei stated. "It has to be, it's the whole affect of being a woman." He and Duo looked at each other.

"I won't tell if you won't," Duo said.

"Agreed," Wufei replied, and they ran to catch up with the others. They'd only gotten a few feet when a bright red Frisbee landed at their feet. Duo bent down to pick it up. When he stood up, he found himself looking into a pair of chocolate brown eyes that almost made him melt on the spot.

"Sorry about that," the guy said with a smile that made his eyes twinkle. "My friend over there has really bad aim," he added and looked over his shoulder at his friend who came walking over. Duo and Wufei stood frozen, and found they couldn't get their mouths to form words. These were those guys they had just been swooning over! A dog barking brought them back to their senses.

"Oh, th-that's ok. Don't worry about it," Duo said, smiling brightly and handing over the Frisbee. Wufei bent down to pet the dog, not knowing what else to do.

"I don't think I've seen you two around here before, what are your names?" the one who had thrown the Frisbee asked. He had bleached blond hair that stood out against his tan skin, and clear blue eyes that told you everything about him.

"M-my name? My's uh, um... my name is...Helen! Yeah, that's right, Helen."

"Helen," the guy with the blue eyes said. "Well my name's Dan. Nice to meet you Helen. This here is Trevor," Dan said, jabbing a thumb in the other guys direction. He then kneeled down to look at Wufei.

"Teddy seems to like you." Wufei looked up startled.


"Yeah, that's my dog's name," Dan said, and started scratching the dog behind his ear, causing it to thump it's tail. "So what's your name?"

"My name's...Meiran," Wufei said, almost as if he were in awe.

"Meiran, huh? That's pretty," Dan said, standing up. He offered a hand to Wufei who accepted it after a slight hesitation, and pulled her up.

"So where are you girls from?" asked Trevor. He ran a tan hand through his dark brown hair that matched his eyes.

"We live he-" Duo started, but Wufei cut him off.

"We live in the colonies. We were taking a vacation to the Earth and decided to visit the Sank Kingdom."

"Oh cool, so do you like the Earth? I've only been to the colonies once. I personally don't like them too much, I'd rather have natural sunlight," Trevor said.

"I think it's beautiful here," Duo replied. He couldn't take his eyes off this Trevor guy. He was gorgeous! 'Ack! Stop that thought Duo! You are NOT gay! Right, I will not think thoughts like that.' Duo thought. He looked at Dan again, and noticed his skin was shining in the sunlight because he was still a little sweaty. Duo swallowed unconsciously. 'Ok man, Wufei's right. It's just because I'm in a girl's body, I do NOT like guys. I know I don't, I've never even looked twice at a guy like that before, I mean, I have a girlfriend!! Just calm down, and deal with this. I will not think dirty thoughts! I'm a guy! I do not think of other guys like that...But I am a girl right now, so...NO! Stop it! Argh!! He is so cute though...AHHH! I am NOT having this conversation with myself!' Duo groaned inwardly. He looked over at Wufei. Apparently while he was having that argument with himself, they had still been talking, because Wufei had said "Sure" to something, and now they were walking away to... an ice cream stand?! Duo caught up with Wufei and whispered into his ear, "Wufei! What did you just say yes to?" Wufei looked at him sheepishly.

"Well, they asked if we would like an ice cream cone, and they offered to buy it so I figured..." Duo looked at him in shock. "Ugh, ok! I know I shouldn't have agreed, but I figured it was ok. Besides, I suddenly have this urge for chocolate ice cream..."

"Chocolate?!" Duo said, and suddenly remembered why they had come to the park in the first place. "Hey Wufei, where are the others?" Wufei looked around.

"Oh, I completely forgot about them. They're probably fine, don't worry about it.

"Hey! Are you girls coming?" Dan yelled from up ahead. Wufei and Duo looked at each other. Duo shrugged.

"What the heck, let's go," he said, and he and Wufei ran to catch up with the guys.

Heero watched them run off with an amused face. He had seen them talking with the guys, and was kind of shocked that Wufei and Duo had gone with them. 'That's a little out-of-character,' Heero thought. 'Oh well, it must be the affects of being a woman. They'll regret it though...' Heero turned back to the conversation he had been having with Trowa.

"You ok Heero? You kind of spaced out there for a minute." Trowa commented.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I was just watching Duo and Wufei." Trowa raised an eyebrow.

"They're not with us anymore?"

"No, I just noticed that too. They're getting ice cream with two college guys."

"Oh ok-what?!" Trowa turned and looked back where they had just come from. Sure enough, Duo and Wufei were standing at an ice cream stand behind two taller and quite attractive guys. "Hey they're pretty cute." Trowa slapped his hands over his mouth immediately after he spoke and his eyes widened. Did he really just say that?? Heero snickered. 'Wait a second! Attractive? Cute?? Did I just think and say that? I guess that might explain why they are with them. It's this whole being a woman thing. Ugh...' Trowa thought.

"Why are you guys just standing around?" Sally yelled back at Trowa and Heero. Trowa just looked at her with his eyes still wide, and Heero pointed towards the Ice Cream stand. "Do you want ice cream or something?" Sally asked, not quite getting what they meant, until- "Is that Duo and Wufei?!" she asked, her eyes widening. Heero nodded, smiling slightly. "I don't believe it," Sally muttered. "How did they pick up the hot guys around here?! They're supposed to be men!" Trowa and Heero were about to nod in agreement, but opted for sweat dropping instead.

Hey guys! I was thinking... *glares at those who started clapping and congratulating her* Anyway, I have some ideas about what to do with the guys-turned-girls in this fic, but I would really like some suggestions or something as to what you would like to see. I'm leaving it up to you all. Anyone who has something particular that they want to see happen, just e-mail me or put it in a review or something. I'll try to include a lot of what you suggest if I like the idea, but I probably won't be able to include everything. Like I said, I have my own ideas, but I want more to happen to the GW guys, so if you want something to happen to them, just tell me! You know, something you think would be funny or something. I'll be sure to say whose ideas I used too. Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing!! Till next time, ja ne!!
