Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Supernatural Fan Fiction ❯ Immortal Raven ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Not mine.
Chapter 4
Harry grabbed Bobby as the older hunter swayed. He'd never really tried that on a muggle before and it had surprised him how open a non-wizards mind was. Bobby's mind had been an open book to him and he'd quickly skipped over anything not related to hunting. Seeing Sirius in Bobby's memories had been interesting, they had gotten pretty close over that short period of time. Pushing past that time period had been hard but he'd forced himself to do that. He saw Dean going to Bobby when Sam vanished, them finding the Roadhouse, Sam's death at Cold Oak. He shivered when he saw Sam showing up alive and well with Dean, the fight at the graveyard and then every hunt since.
“Shit. You okay Bobby?” Harry asked softly and Bobby nodded dazedly.
“Sorry, never done it to a muggle before. If you want I lend you books on shielding your mind. You'll never be able to fully shield like a wizard but you should at least be able to tell if someone is searching.” Harry offered.
“Thanks kid. Can you do anything to help?” Bobby asked and Harry shrugged.
“Don't know. Not like the wizarding world admits the existence of demons usually. But I'll ask my account manager to see if they can find anything for me.” Harry offered and Bobby nodded.
“At least now I know why activity's been so high lately. Want me to stick around and help or should I be heading out?” Harry offered and Bobby thought about. Having a wizard around, especially an immortal one could be a big help, but only if Harry was okay exposing himself.
“You stay then the boy's will end up knowing about you. At least the magic bit if not your immortality.”
“Long as they don't shoot me it's fine.” Harry answered.
“So how'd you get into hunting?” Sam asked and Harry looked up at him from his plate.
“My godfather knew Bobby. I needed a place to get away from some trouble back in England so I came here. Bobby wasn't exactly keen on my helping, even by research.”
“Keen? If I remember correctly I threatened to lock you in the panic room.” Bobby argued and Harry shrugged.
“Then he goes and sneaks out, saving my life by doing so.”
“You knew Sirius; did you expect anything else from me?” Harry asked with a grin and Bobby smirked.
“Anyway I stayed with Bobby for a year and then hit the road; I don't do well cooped up. I come back every few months; someone has to make Bobby eat the occasional healthy meal.” Harry finished and the brother's exchanged a look.
“You mean you willingly jumped into all this?” Sam asked in disbelief.
“Well, yeah. Why not?” Harry's innocent question made Bobby laugh.
“Most hunters start because someone they love was killed or at least attacked by something supernatural. Boys are having trouble believing you started because you were bored.” Bobby explained and Harry shrugged.
“Not like I had anything else do to.”
“Why?” Sam was having trouble accepting that someone would actually want to hunt without being pushed into it.
“Why not? It's the right thing to do.” Harry answered and then looked at Bobby. Sam and Dean exchanged a look at the silent conversation the other two hunters seemed to be holding.
“What does your family think about you hunting?” Sam asked, breaking the silent conversation. He almost flinched as suddenly shadowed grey eyes focused on him.
“No clue. My parents were killed when I was fifteen months old. My godfather when I was fifteen. My aunt and her family actually threw a party when I became old enough they could kick me out, didn't like the `freak' soiling their reputation.” Harry stated flatly and Sam winced. He really appreciated his Dad more since meeting the other psychic kids and now Harry.
“Why did they think you were a freak? Because you were an orphan?” Dean asked and Harry looked at Bobby before extending his hand over his coffee mug.
“Because of this.” Harry stated and both Winchester's jumped as the cup turned into a kitten and then back into a mug after licking Dean's face. Both hunter's staggered back from the table, hands automatically going for weapons.
“Sit your asses down!” Bobby ordered.
“Bobby?” Dean growled.
“Harry's no more a threat than Sam is you idjit.” Bobby answered and Sam shifted uncomfortably before sitting down, Dean was slower but he did sit down.
“That's not a psychic gift Bobby.” Dean stated and Sam frowned.
“Actually it could be, we could have been made to see the kitten and think it was real. How old are you Harry?”
“He isn't like you Sam and he's twenty seven, too old to be one of the demon's kids.”
“Besides it's genetic to some degree. Both my parents could do the same thing but my aunt can't.” Harry answered and Sam nodded.
“So how...?” Dean prodded and Harry took a deep breath.
“I'm a wizard.” Harry answered.
“That went better than I was expecting.” Harry drawled and Bobby smirked.
“Yeah, at least you didn't get shot.”
“No, they only threatened it. Glad we finally got them to understand I did not make a deal. Are all hunters so narrow minded?”
“Most. I nearly shot Sirius too.”
“Then I'm glad you met him first cause getting shot sucks.” Harry informed him.
“At least it won't kill you.”
“True. I'll go contact Gringotts, I'll be back tomorrow.” Harry informed him and then vanished.
“You really trust the kid?” Dean asked and Bobby nodded.
“He lived with me for a year Dean and I knew his godfather. Harry's had a rough life, I don't know all of it but I know enough to want to shoot a lot of people over in England. Wizards are just like everyone else, some are good, some evil and the majority simply don't really care what happens unless it affects them. Harry lived through the last war they had, he was on the front lines. After that it's not surprising he took to hunting like a duck to water.” Bobby answered.
“And he's not a kid Dean, he's only six months younger than you.” Bobby pointed out.
“Could have fooled me, he looks younger than Sammy.”
“Wizards live longer than us, aging slows after puberty.” Bobby answered and Dean frowned.
“How long?” He asked and Bobby grinned.
“Average is over a century.”
“So there's nothing?”
“Our apologies but no. Demons and demonic deals are not a well written subject in our world. We are searching muggle sources but it will take time.” The goblin answered.
“Thanks. Let me know if you find anything.” Harry left the Chicago branch of Gringotts and then apparated back to Bobby's, nearly giving Sam a heart attack in the process.
“Sorry.” Harry said and Sam nodded.
“It's okay. Um, are you okay with me?”
“I had psychic visions due to a demon Harry, I don't think I can really say anything.”
“Visions huh? Did you get head splitting pain with them?”
“Sucks doesn't it? I had visions for a few years, they were a real pain.” Harry commiserated.
“You sure you're not one of the demons kids?”
“Sorry Sam, too old and it wasn't a demon that gave me the visions. It was the mass murderer that killed my parents.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“Not your fault. He's dead now anyway.” Harry told him, sitting down on the porch beside Sam.
“How did he die?” Sam asked and Harry shrugged.
“I killed him. It was a war and he was trying to kill me at the time.”