Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Proper Valentine's Day ❯ A very Improper Saturday Morning ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Someday I will own something of great importance. This will not be Harry Potter, as it is already owned by J K Rowling.
An Improper Saturday Morning
Hermione woke up early on Saturday, out of habit. She figured it was all those years of studying non-stop, every day that did it. Even though she was relaxed enough to have a little free time now, she still planned to spend the day reviewing her Transfiguration notes on Animagi for the test on Monday.
Being a good little girl, the events of Valentine's Day earlier that week notwithstanding, Hermione always started her day with at least a small breakfast. Dressing in a little pink skirt of her own and a fuzzy purple sweater, she made a quick trip to the washroom to tidy up and force her hair into a ponytail, and walked cheerfully down to the Great Hall.
On Saturday, breakfast was served from 7 to 10, magic keeping the food hot and fresh for the late risers. It was just a little after 7 now, which meant that the Hall was almost entirely empty. In fact, she'd eaten almost her entire breakfast, just down to a handful of grapes, when she was suddenly aware of a presence at her elbow. “Ryua!” she yelped, jumping slightly. “Don't sneak up on me like that!”
“I didn't sneak up,” Ryua said, grinning. “You were very engrossed in your grapes.”
“And what are you doing sitting at the Gryffindor table anyway?”
She shrugged. “I finished eating, and I was bored. Wondered if you wanted to study for that Transfiguration test.”
Hermione choked on a grape. Coughing, she managed to swallow it, her cheeks pink as she looked up at Ryua. “St… study?”
“Yes,” Ryua said, amused. “You know, reading notes, studying books, quizzing each other…”
“Oh. I, uh…”
“Oh, come on. We both know you wanted to study today anyway. A little company wouldn't be such a bad thing, would it?”
Hermione swallowed, blinking in disbelief at how completely normal sounding Ryua was. “I… I guess. If you promise to be good.”
“Good?” Ryua's cocky grin flashed across her face. “I'll be the best I know how.”
Later, Hermione thought, upon reflection, that she should have phrased that request differently. They were sitting in front of the fireplace in Hermione's study, an enviable luxury the Head Girl got. Ryua had abandoned her books a while ago, saying that it was better to read over Hermione's shoulder. And as her fingers crept slowly up Hermione's back, she claimed she was just giving her a rub, to release tension.
The light pressure of her fingers was causing more tension than it was relieving, and Hermione said so. “I'm not sure if you're very good at this.”
“Hmm? Why not? I'm getting the results I was looking for,” she murmured against her neck.
“What? What happened to studying?” Hermione said shrilly.
“I got bored.” Ryua said simply. “You're much more interesting.” She'd slipped her hands under Hermione's soft sweater now, caressing the soft, warm skin.
Hermione bit back a groan, partially of exasperation and partly of arousal. “You really should stop that.”
“Why?” Ryua asked, nibbling lightly on her ear as she talked. “If you can give me one good reason, I'll stop.”
“Because… because I said so!”
“Oh, honestly…” Ryua chuckled. “That's not a good reason.”
“Yes it is!” Hermione yelped.
“You aren't fighting very hard…” she pointed out, running her hands along Hermione's unresisting body, pulling her back against her chest. “Now quit pretending you don't like it, and enjoy yourself, hmm?”
Hermione might have protested, if Ryua hadn't twisted her head sideways to kiss her. Even though she was pretty sure this wasn't something she was supposed to be doing, there was just something about the other girl, her confidence in what she was doing…
Ryua grinned triumphantly, pulling away slightly. “My my, Granger. I haven't even done anything yet.” Hermione had gone limp in her arms, her breath coming shallowly and her heart racing. “Would you like me to do something?”
Hermione nodded, wishing she had better control of her body. It, however, was having none of her mind's foolish prudishness, and was currently overriding the last of Hermione's restrictions. She turned around, so she was kneeling over Ryua's lap, and could much more comfortably kiss her.
Ryua relaxed happily, sitting back on her feet. Her hands were now splayed across Hermione's lower back, lightly holding her close. Hermione's skin was warm and soft, curving out generously from a soft, enticing waist into round, sensual hips. “You have the best body, Granger…” Ryua murmured, pulling away to nuzzle her neck. “It makes me want to do all sorts of terribly lovely things to it.”
“R…really?” she gasped, a little surprised. She, like too many muggle girls her age, thought she was too fat.
“Really,” Ryua replied. “You feel so good…” She pulled the unresisting girl tight against her, pressing their bodies hard against each other, and nipped her neck softly. “I could just eat you all up…”
“Oh…” Hermione said faintly, her skin burning where Ryua was pressed into it. And that was about all she had breath for, as Ryua seemed bent on thoroughly exploring every patch of skin on her neck, with lips, tongue, and teeth.
When Ryua pulled away slightly, Hermione surprised herself by clinging onto her, a slight whine of protest escaping her. Ryua chuckled. “I'm not going far, dearheart,” she murmured as she slipped Hermione's sweater over her head, ducking back down to kiss the top of one breast, tugging the shirt over Hermione's arms to drop on the floor. Ryua had a bit of a taste for bondage, but figured Hermione wasn't up to being restrained yet… “You actually wear a bra on Saturday morning?” she chuckled, running her fingers along said garment.
“I'm dreadfully uncomfortable without one,” Hermione pointed out. “Since I was 14…”
“Well, I'm afraid I'll have to make you uncomfortable then,” Ryua murmured, her lips pressed against Hermione's skin, hands reaching up behind her to undo the clasp. “Because it's in my way.”
Hermione didn't seem to mind much as Ryua slipped it off her shoulders and ran her fingers over the newly freed skin. And she especially didn't mind when Ryua pushed her backwards to the floor, moving down to lick slowly, spiraling around one to the tip. She very lightly nipped at it, pulling up quickly and letting the nipple slide from her teeth. Hermione yelped, jerking.
“A good yelp or a bad?” Ryua asked, her hand softly rubbing Hermione's other breast.
“Uhh… good…” Hermione whispered, licking her lips.
“I thought so,” she said satisfactorily. She darted forward, catching Hermione's tongue and lips in a kiss, tasting her sweet mouth. Pulling away, she grinned down at the girl. “You are absolutely irresistible when you do that…”
“Really?” Hermione asked, blinking up at her. And then, completely unexpectedly, brought her own finger to her mouth, almost absently nibbling the tip of it. Only her twinkling, falsely innocent eyes betrayed that she knew exactly what she was doing.
Ryua stared, mesmerized by Hermione's sweet, innocent mouth, sucking on her finger. Her tongue flicked out over it, just a little hint of pink under the finger, making Ryua groan softly. A flicker of a grin crossed Hermione's face, and she reached slowly for Ryua's hand, bringing it up to her mouth instead. Ryua could feel Hermione's wet fingertip on the back of her hand, and then was completely absorbed by the hot mouth working on her fingertips.
Hermione's tongue flicked over her two first fingers, drawing them slowly into her mouth, her lips caressing the skin. Her tongue teased around them, tickling them. In an inexplicably erotic move, she forced the two apart, licking along the centre of their entire length.
Ryua felt a sudden rush of damp heat between her legs, her eyes closed slightly. “Oh, you naughty little girl…” she moaned, pulling her hand away, breathing heavily. “That wasn't very typical of you.”
“So you liked it?” Hermione chuckled.
“Desperately,” Ryua growled, bending over to kiss Hermione hard, pushing hard into her mouth, seeking some kind of release for her very sudden arousal. Hermione squeaked slightly at the sudden change, but welcomed Ryua's mouth anyway, feeling slightly suffocated and loving every minute of it.
After some time, Ryua was surprised to discover that Hermione had gotten her hands under her shirt, and was pulling it off. She broke the kiss long enough to let the girl slip it over her head, disordering her short, silvery hair. Ryua, being barely large enough to fit on the bra scale at all, wasn't wearing anything under it, leaving her skin completely bare.
Hermione ran her hands curiously along Ryua's back, feeling the tight muscles from playing Quidditch. She had a very light figure, athletic and spare, with just the barest of curves where they should be. Two pale, parallel stripes arched across her shoulder, between her small breasts, and faded out around her hip. Hermione was vaguely going to ask what the unusual scars were from, but was rather distracted by Ryua dropping down to nip at her collarbone, sucking the tender skin. She'd ask some other time…
Ryua was careful not to linger in one spot, unwilling to leave a betraying mark on Hermione's visible skin. She quite liked having the girl to herself, and didn't want to think what McGonagall would do if her favourite Head Girl were found out at it. It was just as fun to explore her whole body anyway, teasing every inch of skin she could reach.
Hermione's whole body was exquisitely soft, with enough flesh that Ryua couldn't easily feel the bones under her skin. She knew her own were visible, almost to the point of being unhealthy, cushioned only by the muscle she'd built through Quidditch. Everyone, male or female, in her family was that way, and Ryua was drawn to softer women to counter her own hard body. It'd be too uncomfortable if Hermione was as bony as she was…
The Head Girl moaned as Ryua's hands slid down her sides, over her hips, down her legs. Ryua's mouth followed behind, nuzzling her soft belly, licking delicately at her bellybutton, tugging playfully with her teeth at Hermione's skirt.
She chuckled as Hermione's hips twitched in response. “Hmm… were you wanting something?” she asked, kissing softly just above her waistband.
“Y… yes…” Hermione said quietly, biting her lip.
“What would you like?” Ryua murmured, her left hand running lightly along her thigh, teasing at the hemline.
“I…” Hermione whimpered softly, sending another rush of heat between Ryua's legs. “I want…”
“Yes?” Ryua taunted her mercilessly, brushing her hand over the skirt, brushing very lightly over the sensitive place between Hermione's legs, making her gasp.
“Oh! Oh, do that. Do whatever you were doing before, please…” she moaned, pushing against Ryua's hand.
“Before? Like on the 14th?” Ryua chuckled.
“Yes!” Hermione whimpered again, a sound that didn't seem to stop delighting Ryua.
She chuckled, moving forward to kiss her again. Ryua pulled up, looking playfully down at her. “Well… what if I don't want to do it again?”
“Wha…” Hermione said, her eyes bewildered and disappointed.
“Get up on that couch, girl,” Ryua said, pushing her backwards until she was resting against the furniture. Hermione did, and sat very primly, as if she were going to study. “Not like that,” she growled, pulling her legs forward and apart, until she was nearly hanging off the couch, laying on her back and shoulders, her feet spread wide on the floor.
“Hey!” Hermione squeaked at the sudden jerk. The squeak turned into a gasp as Ryua kissed her inner thigh, very high up. “What… what're you doing?”
Ryua looked up at her, slightly surprised. “You really are innocent, Granger,” she marveled. “I thought you'd have come across this at least once in your various books…” Grinning, she lowered her head again, her hands creeping slowly up her legs as she kissed farther and farther up, until she was brushing the cotton of Hermione's panties. Once she reached that point, her hands curled over the top of them, pulling them down, closing her legs to be able to pull them off and spreading them again.
Hermione wasn't entirely sure what she expected to happen, but she was still somehow surprised when Ryua's tongue flicked lightly over her clit. She gasped at the sensation, feeling her body twitch.
Ryua smiled a little at her very quick success. She'd been just a little worried Hermione wouldn't enjoy a little oral, or would think it was moving too quickly. Apparently, this wasn't a problem. The girl was already wet, the heady, thick scent of her washing over Ryua, and she leaned forward, licking delicately at her clit again, then pushing on it steadily, moving her tongue in tiny, tiny circles, picking up drops of the juices already starting to leak from Hermione.
Hermione moaned, not having any real idea what Ryua was doing to her. It felt wonderful, but that was about the extent her brain would absorb. She moaned as she felt the pressure slip from her clit, pushing aside the fleshy lips of her entrance, probing delicately around it. She wasn't at all expecting to feel what had to be Ryua's tongue push gently inside, a sensation she hadn't ever felt. It made her yelp softly, her body stiffening slightly.
“Did that hurt?” Ryua asked, her lips brushing along Hermione's most intimate of parts, making her shiver delightedly.
“No… I just wasn't expecting it…” she whispered. “I haven't felt that before…”
“I won't make you hurt,” Ryua reassured her. “And I'll stop if you think I'm going too far.” She didn't really wait for a response, but went back to teasing Hermione's clit again, sucking lightly on the tiny, incredibly sensitive nub.
Her breath caught in her throat, unaware of anything else but Ryua's unfamiliar but oh-so-very-welcome attentions. She felt just the ghost of teeth on her skin, and her tongue rubbing firmly over her clit, making her groan aloud. She felt a very gentle pressure inside her, and decided this time that she liked it.
Ryua chuckled inwardly, thoroughly enjoying the sounds Hermione made. She very much doubted the girl had any idea she was vocalizing at all, but Ryua happily used them to judge how she was enjoying it. There was a part of her that was almost impatient with being so gentle, wanting instead to ravish her, take her body and do with it what she wished. But there was something about the sweetly innocent little Gryffindor that made her want to keep the girl around. And that wouldn't happen if she scared her off.
So she kept her attentions light and gentle, her fingers lightly stroking Hermione's hips and thighs, but not moving anywhere else just yet. She didn't stop until her tongue was sore, and her neck was stiff from the angle she had been holding it at. By that point, Hermione was mostly a quivering heap on the couch, absolutely mind-blowing beautiful, her tongue flicking over dry lips, her cheeks flushed a delicious pink, her thick curly hair tousled uncaringly. “Now, wasn't that better than Transfiguration?” Ryua chuckled, kneeling over her to kiss her forehead. The taste of Hermione was fading from her mouth, but still intoxicatingly there.
Hermione just grinned breathlessly, reaching up to pull Ryua down in a kiss much more satisfying than the peck on her forehead had been.
Author's Note: There! Chapter two! I'm exceedingly proud of myself now.
Please leave a review, if you have the time. It really makes my day!
And I'm Canadian, so I spell favourite with a `u' So there!