Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Mate of the Forbidden Child ❯ Ch. 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 2

Disclaimer: Same as before, I don’t own, so please don’t sue.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed so far and for waiting so long. Writing this chapter was like pulling teeth. I ran into severe writer’s block. Plus, I’m not good at dialogue. Also, thanks to that e-mail from a reviewer whose native tongue is Spanish and had to use a translator. They still read my fic, and I say thank you. Oh yeah, ::blah blah:: means talking mind-to-mind and :blah blah: means talking to themselves.

Harry woke up to a pair of strong arms around his waist. When he tried to move, they tightened around him, not letting go. For a second he panicked, not remembering where he was, but then last night came back to him. He blushed crimson at the memory of what he and Hiei had done. He looked down, seeing Hiei curled protectively around him, and he smiled. He leaned down, softly kissing him on the forehead over his Jagan Eye.

Hiei’s eyes opened and he smiled as he met Harry’s. “Good morning my mate. Did you sleep well?”

“Surprisingly well. I haven’t slept that good in ages. So what are we doing today?”

“We are going to properly outfit you. Then I’ll give you a tour of our home. No demon around here will bother you since you are now a higher class demon. Especially since you’re also my mate. Now, let us dress my enkou anta aisu (Japanese for flame of ice).”

Harry quickly dressed in the clothes Hiei handed him. An emerald green silk shirt that was tight until you got to the cuffs of the sleeves, then it was really loose and hung three inches down. His pants were a pair of tight black jeans that hung low on his hips. Hiei handed him a pair of black knee-length boots that buckled all the way up and were made of something tougher than Dragon hide. When he was finally dressed, he looked in the mirror, seeing Hiei’s reflection beside his own. Hiei wrapped his arms protectively around Harry’s waist.

“Hmm, you look good enough to eat.”

“Didn’t we do that last night?” Harry asked innocently. Hiei chuckled. He knew Harry wasn’t as innocent as he appeared. That was just an act to fool those around him and Inari he loved it. He led Harry outside and gave him a tour of the grounds, many of the lesser demons running like hell when they saw Hiei coming. They knew better than to piss off the Jagan Master.

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When they were finished touring the grounds, Hiei led Harry back inside and to a dining hall. Laid out were Harry’s favorites; Yorkshire pudding, steak and kidney pie, roast beef, leg of lamb, and the most important of all, the seven-layered chocolate ice-cream cake.

“Bloody hell,” Harry breathed. Hiei smirked, he knew all of Harry’s favorites. They sat down to eat, Hiei practically inhaling the cake. Harry knew he had a sweet tooth. When they were almost finished, a knock came at the door.

“Hiei! Yo! Let us in man!”

“Hn, baka detective. Wait here Harry. I’ll be back in a minute. Those simpletons will probably want to meet you.” Hiei stalked off to the foyer where the Reikai Tantei was gathered. Standing there was Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, and Shuuichi Minamino a.k.a. Kurama or Youko Kurama. “What do you fools want now? It better not be another mission. I’ll kill that fucking little toddler if it is.”

“No Hiei, it isn’t another mission,” Kurama answered softly. His long red hair was a striking contrast to his emerald green eyes. He spoke to Hiei mind-to-mind.

::Hiei you didn’t tell me you’d found your mate.::

::I didn’t have time baka fox. I needed to get there as soon as possible::

“Yo Hiei, Kurama come back down to Earth so we can all talk. You know me and Kuwa can’t do that telepathy shit.”

“You don’t have the brains for it you idiot. Now, why are all of you here?”

“Geez shrimp don’t get so bent out of shape,” Kuwabara said. Hiei looked up at the 6’ oaf. His hair was bright orange and his muscles stood out impressively from under his tight navy blue hoodie. But, Hiei was never impressed by anyone except Kurama and he still would stubbornly deny being impressed.

“Now now Kuwa, don’t start anything with Hiei. Hiei, don’t you start anything either,” Kurama admonished.

“I won’t if he won’t fox. Now come in if you’re coming in. I’m not holding the damn door open all day long.” Hiei led them inside and to the kitchen where Harry was finishing up his cake. He looked up at them, fork still in his mouth with chocolate-smeared lips. Hiei growled softly, forgetting the Reikai Tantei were even there, and pulled Harry out of his chair and kissed him breathless. Yusuke just stared, gob smacked, as he watched Hiei practically devour the young wizard.

Hiei growled softly under his breath once he and Harry had come up for air. He spoke so that only Harry could hear him. “Should I kick them out so we can go fuck or should I let them stay and talk so they don’t bother us later?”

“The second one,” Harry gasped.

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” Hiei grunted in acknowledgement and turned to his teammates.

“Well sit down if you’re going to,” he grumbled. The Tantei moved quickly, knowing Hiei had a short fuse when he was impatient, or as Kurama knew, sexually frustrated.

“So shrimp who’s your guest?,” Kuwa asked.

“My guest is my mate you simpleton. This is Harry Potter. He’s a wizard.”

“You have a mate? Really? I thought you and Kurama were, well, you know.”

“No you idiot we aren’t. Really, the fox and me? Pfft! We’re more like brothers if anything. And yes, all demons have mates before you ask. We do not find out who our mates are until they are of legal age if they are not a demon.” Harry sat there, watching with amusement the exchange going on. He doubted that Yusuke and Kuwa could see it, but there was a kind of warmth in Hiei’s eyes that would be very hard to see unless you knew him and were paying very close attention. He knew that Kurama could see it when they locked eyes and he gave a little wink.

****************************************************************** ****** I’m sorry I haven’t updated sooner. Doing this chapter was like pulling my teeth. Painful and slow. I’m suffering from a small amount of writer’s block and it’s really annoying. But thank you to those who have been waiting impatiently for me to update. *hugs* Anyways, I should start working on the next chapter when I get at least three more reviews with people telling me what they want to see. I’ve had a few people tell me what they’d like to see, and it helps stimulate my muse, the incredibly sexy Sirius Black.