Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3
By the time classes began the next day, everyone knew that Sage Malfoy, ex- Hermione Granger, was Draco Malfoy's sister. Everyone was in shock and disbelieve when they saw the pale Malfoys walked to class together. No one dared to say anything to either of them. Especially to Draco because of a recent event which left a fellow slytherin in the hospital wing when he insulted Sage. The two literally owned the corridors whenever they went to class. Both were very happy and no one could ruin their happy reunion. No one but a certain redhead who followed them everywhere. Even the Griffindors and Slytherins were getting along for their sake. In a way, their reunion made both houses suddenly get along with each other. No matter how much they still hated each other. Even Harry and Draco were getting along… for the first time in like ever. The headmaster smiled to himself as he walked along the corridors.
“Professor.” Greeted a deep voice from behind.
“Greetings Blaise.” Dumbledore replied and smiled even more.
“Why did you tell me that Sage was really Hermione?” Blaise questioned the headmaster who only chuckled to himself.
“Because I know that you have a secret yourself, Blaise. A secret that if it were discovered earlier, it would've made you an outcast among your classmates. But now… you're only problem is your friendship with her brother.” Dumbledore turned and looked at the pale boy. “Are you willing you risk that?” Blaise nodded. Dumbledore smiled again and stepped aside. “Then go on Blaise Zabini. Go seek your love and make her fall in love with you. Then you will finally understand.” Blaise thought for a moment, confused, then looked up at the headmaster, nodded then walked to class.
Sage walked into the Gryffindor common room to find it completely empty. She sighed to herself sadly. She had been looking for him forever. She missed him dearly and even cried herself to sleep last night. Tears filled her eyes at the memory.
“Who are your REAL parents?” Ron wondered out loud.
“Please don't hate me….” She whimpered, looking down. “My real name is Sage. My parents are Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Draco Malfoy is my brother.”
“W-what??” Ron whispered, looking down slightly, shaking his head in disbelief his eyes even wider then they were moments before. “I-is this some kind of joke? Y-Your kidding me right? YOU'RE A BLOODY MALFOY?!!!!!!!!!!!” he roared and pushed Sage away. She fell with a thud, tears filling her eyes, and looked up at the boy she loved… who now hated her. “All this time… I've been snogging a MALFOY?!” he spat the name with pure hatred and disgust. He glared at Sage. “I can't believe this! Why didn't you tell me?” he whispered and looked at her again with sad eyes.
“I'm sorry!” Sage cried and buried her face within her hands.
“You're sorry?” came Ron's low voice. “I hope you're sorry. You just broke my heart here. Don't ever speak to me again! I mean it! I LOVED YOU! And you couldn't even tell me. I'm your boyfriend. I mean… I was your boyfriend.” Sage gasped and began crying even harder.
end of flashback
Tears streamed down her cheeks and she sadly whipped them away with her fingers. “Oh Ron…” she sobbed and slowly walked up the stairs to the girl's dormitories. Suddenly someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her down the steps. She squealed and fell back into someone. A pair of arms wrapped themselves around her waist and held her tightly. She looked up and gasped, “Ron!”
Ron smiled weakly and hugged her tighter. “I'm so sorry Hermione… I was just so… shocked…” he mumbled then turned her around and looked into her eyes. “Will you forgive me, baby?” Sage smiled and hugged him back.
Ron kissed her forehead then smirked, his eyes grew darker and he hugged the girl even tighter. Behind them, Harry and Ginny observed the recent event with a worried expression planted on both their faces.
“Ron!” Ginny called from behind. He turned around and looked at his panting sister.
“What was all that about Ron?” Ginny asked, glaring at her brother.
“What was what about?” Ron quizzed, scratching his head.
“Back in the common room! You don't just forgive people that easily.” Ginny accused, still glaring.
Ron smirked and nodded. “You're right. But you never know.” And with that he left his puzzled sister but the moment he thought she was out of earshot he whispered, “You never know what Hate does to someone… Especially when their out for revenge.”
He laughed and walked off not knowing that someone was staring at him as he walked away laughing.
Okie that's the end of that chapter…
makes pouty face
More comin' up!
And who knows it might come today! Yayyyyy!
still mentally gnaws on sister's hand