Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4
I love you
Author's note: this chapter is kinda weird… and has lemon so if u don't wanna read it then don't.
Sage hummed to herself as she skipped happily to meet Ron at the lake. Only when she got there he wasn't there.
“Ron?” Sage called out but no one answered. The wind blew, causing Sage's hair to blow in front of her face. “Urgh.” She grunted and brushed her hair out of her face. She opened her eyes and saw Ron standing in front of her with Fred, George, Seamus, and a couple of other Griffindors. All of the were smiling and had their hands behind their backs. “Hey, what's this? How come all of you are out here?” Sage asked the group but none of them said anything. They only smiled and closed in on her. Then everything went black.
“Hey, Harry!” Ginny called out. Harry smiled and gave Ginny a hug.
“Hey Ginny, where's Hermione?” Harry asked suspiciously. Ginny shrugged then paused.
“She's supposed to go meet Ron by the lake right around now.” Ginny remembered and looked out the window.
“The lake?” Harry echoed and stared out the window as well. Ginny nodded then gasped.
“I saw Ron walking towards the lake with Fred, George and some of the other guys…” Ginny explained, then got quiet. “Harry…” She whispered and looked into his eyes. “You know Ron doesn't forgive someone that easily right?” Harry nodded then gasped.
“HERMIONE!” he screamed, grabbed Ginny's wrist and pulled her out of the room and made their way towards the lake.
----(WARNING: THIS IS WHERE THE LEMON STUFF APPEARS -so if you don't wanna read it skip this part-)
Sage groaned then blinked, everything was all blurry at first but got clearer eventually, she sat up only to fall back down. She groaned again and looked around her. A blinding light hit her making her groan again and squint her eyes. “Who are you? What's going on?” she asked as she tried to shield her face with her hands only to find that she couldn't more.
“You know something Sage?” a voice came and spat her name out with hate. “We're sick of you. You're a slutty whore who keeps secrets from her friends. You don't deserve to live. But before we kill you…”
Suddenly something entered her, it was big and hard, she tried to scream but nothing came out. It hurts.she cried in her mind as tears streamed down her face.
“Aww, look the bitch is crying.” A voice from above her said. She blinked and tried to see who it was who said that then gasped. RON!!! He pulled her up by her hair and showed her a mirror. “This is what you should look like you whore.” He hissed as she gazed at herself.
She was naked, bruised, cut up and was bleeding all over and her face was covered in white, slimy stuff. She looked up at the furious redhead who then smirked and stuck something into her face. “Open your mouth bitch and suck on this.” He commanded only Sage refused and he struck her in the face. “Hey, slam her harder.” He told someone in a bored tone. Suddenly she felt even more pain and screamed -or tried to and opened her mouth in the process- then Ron stuck his penis into her mouth. She tried to get away only she couldn't. More tears came down her face as Ron pulled her head up and down. Then he groaned as she swallowed his cum. Sage coughed and looked away.
“W-why?” she struggled to say. Then looked down and gasped once more. She was bleeding, her bloody was everywhere mixed with cum. She looked around to find familiar faces. Faces of her fellow classmates. “WHY?!” she screamed and tried to move again. Then before she knew it, Ron was on top of her, kissing her forcefully, her lip began to bleed then he slammed into her. She screamed in pain and began sobbing even harder. “S-stop. P-please.” She pleaded Ron but he just smirked.
“Because I love you.” He said sarcasticly then laughed as he continued to rape her.
(end of rape scene)
Okay yea… Ron's an ass
Please PLEASSSSSE review!
Chapter 5 coming up!