Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5
“Hey Potter!” Draco called to the running Gryfinndor. Harry turned, panting still holding on Ginny's wrist.
“What?” Harry called back, irritated that he was stopped.
“Do you know where my sister is?” Draco asked, scratching his head and looked around. Harry began coughing like crazy and Ginny made an expression that said, “You shouldn't have asked that.” Draco began to fume; he stomped up to the boy-who-lived and grabbed his robes. “WHERE IS SHE?!” Draco roared. Harry took hold of Draco's hands and yanked them off then looked away almost in shame. “Where is she?” Draco repeated more calmly.
“She's with Ron…” Ginny began to explain but Harry gestured her to stop.
“We think that something might've happened to Hermione.” Harry continued.
“You mean Sage.” Draco interrupted.
“Yea, Sage. Sorry, I can never get used to calling her Sage… It's just-“ Harry laughed nervously but then a pale hand landed on Harry shoulder, gripping tightly.
Harry turned and saw Blaise Zabini standing behind him.
“Where is she?” Blaise asked quietly, looking into Harry's eyes.
“I-I'm not really sure…” Harry began but stopped when Blaise's grip hardened.
“Blaise…” Ginny said, pulling him off of Harry then took his arm and began leading the three boys down the corridor. “I think I know.”
Sage lied there, motionless, cold, terrified and heart-broken. Tears streamed down her face endlessly as she was violated more and more. She had given up fighting long ago when she realized she didn't stand a chance. Her eyes where no longer the deep blue they once been, but had turned cold and lifeless.
“Hey Ron, what do we do now?” Fred and George asked after they finished doing Sage. Ron smiled darkly and turned to the immovable figure. Ron walked to Sage and bent down, he grabbed a fistful of her dirty black hair and yanked her up. Sage flinched as Ron began to lick her neck. He smirked even more then bit her neck.
Suddenly Ron and the others were thorn into the wall and in came a furious looking Blaise, Draco, Harry and disturbed Ginny.
“RON! HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING TO HERMIONE?!!!!” Ginny screamed at her cracked up brother who only giggled. Suddenly the furious Blaise stormed up to the trapped demented redhead and punched him in the face.
“YOU BASTARD! DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON SAGE EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!” Blaise roared angrily, while the other three slide back from the fuming form of Italian hotness. Ron just giggled even more then grabbed Blaise's arm and threw him to the ground. Ron broke the spell that had him and the others stuck to the wall and looked down at Blaise who glared as he got up.
“And why should I listen to you? You're nothing but a filthy slytherin! Just because your mother's extremely good looking doesn't mean you can tell me what to do!!!!!!!! SO DON'T GO AROUND TELLING ME WHAT NOT TO DO!” Ron screamed hysterically. Ginny looked at her brothers with disgust.
“How could you do this to Hermione?” Ginny whispered, tears filling her eyes as she covered the wrecked body of Sage. Ginny looked at Fred and George. “And you two! Why did you do it? WHY?! ALL OF YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO HER FRIENDS!! YOU'RE ALL A DISGRACE!” Harry and Draco nodded in agreement. Ron laughed wickedly.
“Easily!” Ron giggled only to get punched in the face by Blaise again.
Thus a fight broke out. Blaise attacked Ron who would only laugh whenever he got hit but eventually passed out. Just like the other guys who suddenly fell to the ground, exhausted from raping Sage so many times. Ginny tied them together with a binding spell then kneeled down to Sage.
“Oh Hermione…” Ginny whispered sadly. Then heard Ron giggle again. Ginny turned and looked at her brother to find Draco, Harry and Blaise standing over the group of naked men. All of them fuming and looked like they were about to kill. I understand why Harry and Draco would want to dunk Ron's head… But why does Baise-I Ginny thought but was interrupted by Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall marched in the gasped at the sight.
“What on earth happened here?!” McGonagall asked Ginny then saw Sage trembling. ”Oh dear.” McGonagall rushed to Sage's side, lifted Ginny's robe slightly to see Sage's body then gasped. “Headmaster.” McGonagall looked at Dumbledore, her lower lip trembling. Dumbledore nodded and flicked his wand. The binded boys disappeared just as Blaise was about to punch Ron again.
“Professor!!!” Blaise cried out in shock as he fell to the ground with a thud.
“Now is not the time Blaise.” Dumbledore dismissed then looked at Ginny and McGonagall. “Minerva, Ginny, please assist Ms. Malfoy out of here and on to the hospital wing.” The two nodded the helped Sage to her feet. The wizard looked at the other three and said, ”Don't worry. I'll deal with those boys later. You should go with Professor McGonagall and Ginny.” They nodded and followed Ginny and the Transfigury teacher. Blaise glanced back at the headmaster as he walked out the door. They looked at each other, Dumbledore's eyes filled with sadness. Blaise nodded to the wizard and began to walk away.
“Don't forget Mr. Zabini.” Dumbledore said only so Blaise could hear. He looked back, smiled, nodded and followed the wrecked form of his love with a heart full of despair. He ran up to her, put his arm around her shaking self and looked at her.
“Don't worry Sage.” He began to say then kissed her head lightly. Sage looked at Blaise as if he were drugged with her weak blue eyes. Blaise smiled and held her tightly and whispered, “You're safe with me. I'll never hurt you… ever.” Sage smiled softly and mouthed a thank you. Blaise smiled back then looked up with determination.
I want to protect her forever.
Yay me got reviews! THANK YOU!!! :)
That's the end of Chapter 5