Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 7
Dan -part 2-
Blaise, Sage, and Draco sat in the head's common room. Sage was lying on Blaise's lap while listening to Three days grace's never too late and singing to the music softly while Blaise and Draco sat enjoying a simple Saturday night with no homework. Only to be intruded by Harry and Ginny.
“Malfoy!” Harry called as he burst threw the door. Draco and Blaise looked up in surprise while eyed Harry for a second then turned her head.
“Yes?” Draco simply answered looking bored.
“We have a transfer from Dumstrang!” Harry exclaimed and jumped down the steps.
“We do?” Draco asked. Harry looked at Draco wondering if he was just joking or extremely stupid.
“Yes.” Harry answered and nodded at the same time.
“Oh… I knew that.” Draco grunted then went back to staring at the ceiling. Then he sat up suddenly and looked at Harry with wide eyes. “A TRANSFER?!!!!” Harru rolled his eyes while Ginny and Sage giggled.
“Yes, Malfoy. A TRANSFER.” Harry recited for the idiot named Draco. Sage sat up and began leaning on Blaise's shoulder.
“What's his name?” Sage asked who had finally opened her eyes and stopped listening to her music.
“Dan.” Harry answered.
Narcissa sat in her library reading, Lover's potions when her husband, Lucius Malfoy stormed in.
“Narcissa!” Lucius cried. Narcissa sat up, shut her book and set her cup of tea aside and looked at her tall husband.
“April 13… That boy…Dumstrang!!!! HOGWARTS!!!!” the tall, sinister wizard cried out almost in fear. Narcissa stood up.
“I guess it's about time to go pay our Sage a little visit isn't it?” Narcissa looked at her husband then took his hand and led him to the fireplace.
Sage was on her way to the Dumbledore's office when the tall, dark brown haired, green-eyed ex- Dumstrang stopped her. He smirked at her and lightly touched her crescent shaped neck scar. Sage shivered then glared at him.
“What do you want… Dan.” Sage asked softly, taking a step back from him.
“Oh nothing.” Dan replied with a cold smile then began to examine her. Sage pulled out her wand and pointed it to him.
“Move.” She said while continuing to glare at him. Dan grabbed Sage's chin and licked his lips then bent down to her ear.
“Make me.” he whispered coolly into her ear. Suddenly he was up in the air, dangling upside down. Sage smirked then walked away.
Narcissa and Lucius stepped out of the fireplace to be greeted by Professor Dumbledore.
“Good evening Narcissa. Lucius.” Dumbledore greeted them then gestured them to sit. “I was expecting you to come by later but I guess now is good as well.”
“Headmaster,” Narcissa began then paused and looked at her irritated looking husband. “Are the rumors true?” Dumbledore nodded and Narcissa gasped. Suddenly Lucius shot up and began pacing back and forth angrily. Narcissa sighed and looked back at Dumbledore. “Headmaster… Is there nothing we can do to stop him attending Hogwarts?” Narcissa questioned. But sadly the headmaster shook his head. Narcissa sighed in defeat.
“I'm afraid not Mrs. Malfoy… There is nothing I can do about Dan. But I can do everything in my power to keep him away from Sage.” Dumbledore reassured. Narcissa smiled brightly and Lucius stopped pacing. He marched up to the headmaster's desk and slammed his fist down.
“Are you positive, sir?” Lucius demanded. Dumbledore nodded and smiled then looked at the door. The couple turned and a moment later Sage came in. She was even more beautiful then before. Her hair had grown longer and darker. She looked up with her deep blue eyes and gasped.
“MOM!” she cried and leaped into her mother's arms.
“Sage!” Narcissa cried back and wrapped her arms around her 17-year-old daughter. They let go of each other and began to gush about each other's appearances.
“You've gotten taller!” Narcissa exclaimed in surprise. “Oh dear, if you keep growing like this, you'll become as tall as your father.
Sage giggled, “You're the same height as dad.” Lucius smiled the turned to the headmaster and bowed.
“We leave our daughter in your hands. Please take care of her headmaster.” Lucius pleaded. Dumbledore smiled and nodded.
“And I shall. I'll make the boy's schedule so that they will never be in the same classes and that they will never come across each other in the halls. And I'll notify all of my staff about their situation.” Dumbledore confirmed. Lucius bowed once more and Narcissa curtsied. Lucius turned to Sage and patted her head.
“Make me proud daughter.” He whispered softly and smiled again. The couple turned and made their way towards the fireplace. “Take care of your brother!” Lucius call out over his shoulder as he stepped into the fireplace. “Malfoy Manor.” He cried out loud and clear. A burst of green flames surrounded the blond man and he disappeared. Narcissa smiled at Sage one last time and stepped in the fireplace after her husband. Green flames began to surround her as well as she said, “Malfoy Manor.”
And with that she too disappeared after whispering, “Take care, Sage.”
“What?! Mom and Dad came?!” Draco yelped while jumping on Sage's bed. She nodded then looked at him, annoyed.
“Draco, will you stop that? I'm trying to do my homework.” Sage complained and pinched his butt. Draco screamed and fell on the floor. Sage giggled but then Draco shot up and began tickling her sides. She laughed uncontrobaly and smacked his head and back playfully. “D-Draco s-stop it!” Sage gasped between laughs. Draco smirked and stopped only to get smacked in the face with a pillow.
“HEY!” Draco cried then looked at Sage with wide eyes then pointed to the window. There was a dark barn owl, peering at the two. Attached to the owl's leg was a small, rolled up piece of parchment. Sage walked over and opened the window. The owl stuck out its leg and she pulled it off. She walked back over to the bed and unrolled it.
It read:
My dear Hermione,
You may have escaped once
But this time,
I'll make sure you don't
I sent a special friend of mine
Time flies my love
On April the 13th
Your death awaits
Your life shall end
As said 17 years ago
I will take your life
And I will take mine
We shall die together
When the hand strikes at midnight
We shall be at peace
No even your dear Blaise can save you then
Sage began to tremble while Draco stood up and yelled out angrily, “WHERE IS THAT BASTARD?! HOW DARE HE THREATEN MY SISTER?!!!!!!!!!!” Tears began to fill Sage's eyes, she hiccupped and dropped the note. Draco bent down and took the note. Sage stared at it. On the back it said:
He loves you Hermione. And you know it.