Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Dragons Story ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Dragons Story

**All standard disclaimers apply.**

AN: A great BIG thank you gose out gbheart for betaing!


Chapter 5
(Draco's POV)
I awoke to a loud banging on my door.
I snap, only to have my door thrown open and Ron Weasley to come barging in as if he owned the place.
"What have you done with Harry? I know he was coming to see you last night and this morning he's no where to be found."
Only then do I feel the body curled up next to me, buried under my plush comforter and I smirk.
"Will you shut up, Weasley I didn't do anything he didn't want me to."
The red head looked dumb founded. Then he sees the dark hair sticking up out of my blanket. Harry makes a soft moaning noise next to me and tightens his arms around my waist. I can't help but smirk wider at the disgust on Ron's face as the pieces click into place.
"Harry, honey, it's time to get up."
I whisper sweetly into his ear just to watch Ron’s reaction. Harry mumbles some incoherent words and pulls himself closer. For some reason I find myself thinking this action cute, but I soon push the thought aside.
"Harry, we've got company."
Again he just mumbles and buries his face deeper into my side. I sigh and decide it was time to take action and scare the shit out of Weasley. I quickly pull Harry up so that we're face to face, then I push him hard down into the bed with a forceful kiss. It takes him a moment to respond. But when he does he's eager for more. I pull back slowly and smile down at Harry. His face is flushed and his lips are bruised and swollen from my attack on them. I think I'm going to get a hard on if I don't stop this train of thought. Now why did I kiss him? Oh yeah Weasley.
"Now, that I've got your attention. Weasley's here to see you."
At first he looks confused, then surprised, then scared. Harry pulls the blanket up to cover his bare chest and looks to the door. (AN: The pj's they put on last night were just bottoms.)
"Ah…uh hi."
"Is that all you can say? I find you in bed with our worst enemy and all you can say is ‘uh hi?’ What the bloody hell are you doing here with him?"
"Honestly, Weasley, I'm sure you've heard about the birds and the bees by now."
"Draco, stop provoking him. Ron, I'm not sure what to say. It just kind of happened. You know I liked him last year. Did you think those feelings had just disappeared?"
"I don't know what to think all; I know is I'm pissed as hell."
"Ron, there’s no need t-"
"Don't you fucking tell me how to feel. You fucking slept with Draco fucking Malfoy, the boy who made our life's hell all through school."
"As amusing as it is to watch you to fight this out, we have company and I'd rather not have my personal life thrown about where anyone can hear."
I inject seeing the master of the house step in the door way.
Harry squeaks and tries to hide under the blanket, curled up as close to me as he can get.
"Does anyone care to explain what's going on here? You were making enough noise to wake the whole house."
When no one spoke, I decide to take the honour.
"Well, Harry spent the night with me and Ron here seems to disapprove of Harry's choice."
Black gave me look as if he were trying to read a book with very fine print in the dark. I just hold my head high and refuse to let anything show.
"Harry, is what Draco say's true?"
Slowly Harry pulls away from me and sits up beside me his eyes fixed on a non-existent stain on my bed and nods.
"Yes Siri, it's true."
The Dark haired man gives me a smirk befitting a Slytherin and turns to Ron.
"Come along Ron, you can talk to Harry later. Right now I'm sure he and lover boy have many things to discus."
'Lover boy'? Who the hell does black think he is. I'm not a lover boy. Well I guess technically I am, but where does he get off calling me that. Again I sigh he is right though, me and Harry have many, many things to discus. I look over to the other side of my bed to see Harry smiling brightly as if he's trying not to laugh.
"Oh nothing, 'lover boy'"
"Don't call me that. And why the hell did you have to stay here last night?"
I snap at him but instantly regret it as a look of hurt flashes over Harry’s face.
"You don't want me here?"
He asks me, his voice quivering. Why does my heart have to melt every time I hurt him?
"It makes no difference to me really most just leave as soon as there done."
"I thought I made it clear last night I'm not like the others. I don't want you just for sex."
"What else is there? I have no mass of money and you can't gain any power from Voldermort’s old whore so that leaves sex, which is the one this I can provide at the moment."
"Damn it Draco, don't you see I want love not the physical kind but the kind that lasts forever. The kind where you never want to leave your lovers side for a second. Where raw passion lasts forever. We could have that, I can feel it."
"That type of love only exists in fairy tails Potter, it's time to grow up and join the real world."
Harry looked at me, tears threatening to spill over and run down his soft cheeks. Slowly he pulled back and out of my bed, shaking his head, he walked to my bed room door.
"I can't believe you. I've tried all I know to do to tell you that there is more. I've felt it Draco, but you've got a problem. You’re too scared you'll get hurt if you open up to those feelings. I know how scary it can seem, but trust me if you do once you feel it for the first time you'll regret not doing it sooner."
"What do you know Potter? You've no idea what my life was like."
"Your right but only because every time I try to learn you lock yourself up tight as a clam and refuse to say a thing."
"You have no idea what it feels to be hurt by the ones who are supposed to help you. I'm sure you grew up being the pampered wonder boy that you are."
"I have no idea what it feels to be hurt? That's where you’re wrong Draco Malfoy. My family hates me. I lived in a cupboard under the stairs for nearly my whole life. I never got presents for my birthday or Christmas. All my 'tacky clothes' as you used to call them were my cousin’s hand-me-downs. I've was treated no better then a house-elf. My relatives hated anything to do with magic. I didn't even know I was a wizard until the day Hagrid came to bring me to Hogwarts. They told me my mother and father had died in a car crash and that's where I had gotten my scar from and made it a point to call me a freak as often as they could."
With that he closed my door and left. I really don't know if what he said was true or not, but judging by his voice I'd say he was telling the truth. Quickly, I jump to my feet and run for the door. Harry's only a few paces away.
"Stop, look me in the eye's and tell me what you just said was true."
Slowly he turned around and I could see the tears that had began to leak from his eyes.
"It's true they hated and lied to me. Their not the only ones who've done it but most do it because they think they can protect me."
