Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Dragons Story ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Dragons Story

**All standard disclaimers apply.**

AN: A great BIG thank you gose out gbheart for betaing!


Chapter 6
(Harry's POV)
I look up at Draco and can't help but pray he believes me. I know he's had a hard life and it's killing him from the inside out. He needs to talk about it and get it off his chest before he can truly heal. I can see that now. Maybe I pushed him to much last night. I've just wanted him for so very long. Slowly he moves closer, his hand over my shoulders firmly but not so tight that I couldn't get away if I wanted to. Casually he moves his lips closer to mine as if he's scared I'll reject him. Just to reassure him, I close the gap and our lips meet in a slow, nervous first kiss. I know we kissed last night but this is our first real kiss. This time it's Draco kissing me and not the well trained puppet. He moans softly when I lick his lips, asking entrance, which he timidly agrees to. I think my heart could explode at this moment. Draco tastes like chocolate and caramel; I hadn’t noticed it last night. We brake apart at a scream.
"Ginny! ‘Mionie!"
"What the bloody hell, Harry?"
Ginny's voice is full of hurt. Dammit, I didn't want to hurt her but she just can't get it in her head that I'm not interested in her.
"Gin, it's not what it looks like!"
I say, before even thinking of the words coming out of my mouth. I feel Draco tense beside me before he shoved me roughly away from him and turned to storm back into his room. Merlin, what have I done to deserve this?
"Draco, stop!"
I shout and he freezes, before turning back to face me slowly. I can see no emotions on his face or in his eyes. I can't help but flinch when he begins to laugh a cold, cruel, empty laugh that sends shivers up and down my spine.
(Draco's POV)
I can't believe I let myself even start to trust that backstabbing, lying son of a heartless troll.
"What? What are you going to tell me? Oh please, just let me guess. 'It's not what it sounds like I promise!' or maybe 'Oh, Draco, that's not what I meant to say honestly. I love you.' Well you can just go stuff it where the sun don't shine, Potter, because I don't believe in second chances. I almost trusted you there for a moment, Potter, though I must commend you on your great acting. How did you ever manage to keep a straight face while I'm sure you were laughing so hard on the inside that you'll be sore for weeks? Now if you've had quite enough laughter at my expense, I'll just be going to my rooms where I can wallow in my self-pity privately."
With that said I turn sharply on my heels and walk on into my room - completely blocking out Potters complaints. This is for the better in the end, anyway, better to end it now before I had really began to trust him then later. I can hear Harry outside pounding on my door but I block him out as I walk into my bathroom for a nice long hot bath.
(Harry's POV)
"Fuck! Draco, Draco let me in this instant. Please Dray! I'm sorry I wasn't thinking, Draco please."
I continue to yell although I know it's pointless. I've lost him just as I had nearly won him over.
"Harry, what's the meaning of this?"
Oh yeah they’re still here. With a sigh I turn to face Ginny and Hermione.
"Ginny, I really don't want to hurt you but it seems to be the only way. I don't love you, Gin. I never have and never will like you more then just a friend so will you please, for the love of Merlin, move on. I can't keep this up much longer before I'm forced to shove you out of my life for good. I like guys, not girls. Now if you don't mind I may have just lost my one and only chance at Draco."
"But, Harry, we're supposed to get married and raise a family."
"That's not going to happen, unless you suddenly become a man, because other wise I'm not interested. Now leave me alone so I can see if I can get him back."
"I can't believe you, Harry Potter. You’re supposed to be the perfect guy. Your su-"
"Well, I'm not ok so just get lost!"
I snap, while still pounding on Draco's door.
(Draco's P.O.V)
It's close to midnight. Everyone should be in bed by now I think, as I slowly open my bedroom door. I had spent the whole day in this room and the thought of food sounds pretty good. I step out to find Har- I mean Potter asleep leaning against my door. With a sigh I slip past him and down to the kitchens. Yes! Leftovers! Wow I never thought that thought would ever pass my mind. Looks like Mrs. Weasley is a smart woman after all. She left a plate out for me with a warming charm over it and a note. Hum, what's this say?
"I had a feeling you'd come down a bit later for a mid-night snack so I've left out your dinner. There's some pudding in the fridge. Oh and I'll send someone up to leave a tray outside your door tomorrow for all the meals if you don't feel up to joining us. If you need anything else don't be afraid to ask, my rooms just down the hall. Mrs. Weasley.”
Hum, I think I like this woman.
I eat quickly and rush back up to my room. I shut and lock my door before I realize that the light's on in my bathroom and it wasn't before I left. I pull out my wand and shift a bit closer to the door. Just as I reach out to open it, the knob turns and I nearly jump out of my skin.
"What the fuck are you doing in here?"
I snap as soon as I see it's just Harry . . . I mean Potter.
"Draco, please just listen to me. I'm not now nor have I ever been with Ginny. She's got her mind set on marrying me but I'm not interested. I really want to give us ago, Draco, I really like you and would hate it if Ginny's obsession ruined our chance at happiness. So please Draco, say you'll give us another chance."
Hum, why does this sound so fim- oh right Pansy.
"Why should I? I don't tolerate people playing with my emotions, Potter."
"I know and I'm sorry but I'm not trying to play with your emotions. I just really hate to hurt my friends and Ginny is a good friend she's just she's a…"
"She's just in love with you and far be it for me to break up a happy couple."
"We're not a couple dammit."
"Language, Potter."
I snap back just to provoke him more. What I don't expect is for him to lunge at me. He quickly pins me to the wall; his lips locked onto mine. Oh god this feels so good but I can't let him know I'm enjoying this so I refuse to kiss him back and just let him do as he likes.
"Are you done now?"
I ask in a bored tone, when he finally releases my mouth. Harry pulls back and looks up at me. His eyes filled with hurt.
"Fine Dray, if that's how you want to be. I know your still hurting so I'm just going to go and give you some space but I want you to know that I'm in no way giving up."
With that he turned and left my room without looking back which, at least for me, was a good thing because he never saw the tears that started to slide down my cheeks.
