Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Dragons Story ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Dragons Story

**All standard disclaimers apply.**

AN: A great BIG thank you gose out gbheart for betaing!


Chapter 8!
(Draco P.O.V)
I close the door behind Harry and place a silencing charm on it, wandlessly.
"Alright, Potter, straight to the point. I'm not one to just forgive, you’re going to have to earn it."
"I understand that, Draco, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I want you back, both of you, I love you."
"Don't say that, you can't possibly love me."
'…I'm not worthy of love' I finish in my head as I try to find someway to avoid his gorgeous eyes.
"Yes I can."
"No not even the great Harry Potter."
"Why not? I fell for you Draco, I fell hard and fast."
My old temper flares for the first time in a long time; it rushes through me like a breath of long, forgotten fire.
"No you can't! I'm not worthy of love, can't you see that? No one's love, especially not yours, deserves to be tainted by me and my baggage."
And for the first time since we entered my room, I let my eyes glance up to his beautiful face. Our eyes lock before I can bring myself to look away.
"I know life’s been hard on you, Dray, hell it’s been down right revolting. We've both had our hardships and rolled with the punches as best as we could but together we're stronger. Don't you see with each other we always know someone’s there to catch you when you fall and help you back on your feet."
I didn't even realize I was backing up as Harry made his way closer until I felt my back hit the cool, stone wall behind me.
"Back off, Potter, have you ever heard of personal space?"
But he just keeps moving forward. When our chests touch his eyes flicker to my lips and I know just what he's thinking. Although, I can hardly put two and two together with my heart pounding like this. Slowly his mouth comes closer to mine, giving me time to stop him, but I just can't seem to make the effort. Then time seems to stop as his lips softly touch mine and I know I'm lost. Just as he pulls away, I hear a soft giggle. I turn quickly to see Lilly sitting on my dressing chair. I hadn’t even heard her.
"Lilly, what have I told you about apparating into daddy's wards?"
Lilly jumped down to the ground and stared at the floor, swaying back and forth.
"That if daddy puts up a ward that means that something’s going on that's not meant for little girls and I could get hurt. But daddy, I just wanted to-"
Harry takes a step back from me, chuckling and shaking his head.
"No buts little missy and you know I’ve not quite forgiven you."
Just then Derrick pushed the now un-warded door open.
"Sean, she did it again I have no clue where-oh there she is. Lilly, you seriously scared me and uncle Nicky."
Derrick said just as his long term boyfriend ran up behind him, panting.
"I sorry. I didn't mean to scare you I was just worried about daddy."
"Well as you can see, baby, I'm fine. So please go and stay with Uncle Derrick and Uncle Nick until I come and get you."
"But, daddy, he could have hurt you. He had you pinned to the wall and nobody ever does that."
Both my band mates eyebrows shoot up and they give me a surprised look. It's a well known fact that I don't date or have any form of casual, physical relationships.
"If either of you say one word, being gay wont be the only reason you can't have kids."
I say beating Derrick to the punch, both pale and nod.
"What are you gonna do daddy? Hex them?"
"Something like that, sweetheart."
I nearly purr just to make my friends shiver.
"Ok, little princess, it's time for us to skedaddle so daddy can be alone with Mister Potter for a bit."
And then my little Lilly did just about the cutest thing I've ever seen her do. She squared her shoulders puffed out her chest and strode up to the now sitting Harry.
"If you hurt my daddy I'm gonna sick Mr. and Miss Benxs on you and you'll be sorry. Looky at what they did to my finger."
She said holding out her hand with her kitty cat bandage that covered where one of her pet ferrets had scratched her finger.
"Oh then I'll be sure to be on my best behavior, I promise."
Harry replied, trying not to laugh.
"That's right you'd better."
Lilly said, glaring at him before striding out my door.
"Uncle Nicky, Uncle Derrick are you coming? We gotta get to the ice cream place before they close."
As soon as they were out of hearing, Harry burst out laughing.
"Well she is most definitely your daughter."
I can't stop myself from smiling too. Harry seems to glitter when he's laughing, he looks so much younger. It wasn't until just now that I realize just how tired he really looks.
"Have you found a place to stay?"
I ask as he calms down.
"Well, not really, I came straight here."
"All the local hotels are booked. I guess you'll just have to stay with me, my room has a large couch."
I reply before thinking.
"That'd be nice, thanks."
I can't stop myself from thinking that this might have been a very bad idea, as I watch Harry walk out of the bath room in a pair of my silk pajama bottoms. His skin glittering wet from the shower he had just taken. My mouth goes dry and I have to force my eyes away before he notices my stare and takes it for more then my lack of sex over the past five years. I set a pillow and blanket down on the sofa.
"Here's a comforter and pillow. If you need more, I had the maid leave extras in the linen closet. I'm going to go tuck Lilly in over in the boys room I'll be back in ten."
I say, trying to keep my voice as cold as possible. I nearly scream when I feel his arms wrap around me from behind. He pulls his firm body up close to mine and I nearly go weak at the knees when he starts to kiss and suck the back of my neck. I can feel the proof that he still finds me attractive pushing against my rear; a small growl slips out before I can stop it. God, I can't remember the last time someone's touched me like this. I quickly get a grip on myself and push him away.
"No, I'm going to see my daughter and you still haven’t proven yourself."
I walk out not looking back, knowing if I did I wasn't leaving my room for a few days.
Lilly was already asleep when I enter my band mates’ rooms.
"So Sean, is there something you need to tell us?"
Derrick's voice is heavy with accusations. I can't help but sigh knowing I'm going to have to tell them everything.
"Do you have some tea? This could take some time."
Nick nodded and went into the small kitchen-like corner and poured us all some hot water from the coffee pot and grabbed some tea bags from his box on the mini-fridge.
"Thanks. Well I might as well start from the beginning and please try not to let this sway your opinion of me; I was a different person back then. I was born in the English countryside to a very wealthy family with a long and proud history. My real name is Draco Lucius Xavier Malfoy."
Both my friends gasp and I refuse to meat there eyes. It seems the name Malfoy is tarnished even this far beyond England’s borders.
"Mostly every member of my family where very prominent in the dark arts, something I excelled in thanks to my fathers intensive training. When I was very young I learned that in order to survive I must always look down on others. My father, he was very hard on me and used me as a pawn to get things he wanted. He, with the help of many of his friends, trained me to be the Dark Lord’s consort."
"By consort do you mean . . . ?"
Derrick couldn't seem to finish, his voice wavering.
"Yes, I was meant to be the Dark Lord’s whore. My father would have his friends come over and take turns teaching me how to properly serve both men and women. I fought them at first but not for long. There was no point in fighting so instead I did my best to learn from them, to make my father proud. But I never was good enough for him. I've had the Dark Lord himself begging me for more and still my father insisted I could do better. Whilst in school, my grades where second best in nearly everything but potions, which was taught but my godfather. School is where I met Potter; we were in the same class at Hogwarts. I tried to befriend him when we first met but it backfired and we became the two who couldn't even be in the same room without fighting. Finally, one day I'd had enough and I fought back when my father had decided to test my skills at…uhmm…rough play. He was just about to kill me when a loud crash from upstairs and someone yelling pulled him away. It was the final battle. My father took off to help his lord and I followed. I told my godfather, who was astonishingly good at mind control, to tell Harry that I was going to distract the Dark Lord so he could strike him down. I could only hope he'd trust me enough to pass the message along. I yelled at my father the whole room looked except Potter. I killed my father when he blamed me for the Dark Lord’s death."
I stopped, not really wanting to continue, but knowing I was going to have to.
"But that doesn’t explain Harry Potter being Lilly's father."
Nick pushed so I took a large drink of my tea and went on with a sigh.
"I tried to run away but Harry followed. He brought me to his godfathers and offered me a place to stay. With the years of my father’s repression and forced logic I just couldn't understand why they would take me in without question. Then I began to notice little looks Harry would give me and it didn't take long for me to assume that he was keeping me around for my body. So I seduced him. He whispered words of kindness and push tenderness at me. At first I refused that he could really care for me, after all I had put him through in school and why would anyone really want the Dark lord’s ex-whore? He almost had me convinced but then when his friends found out he was more concerned about Ms Weasley’s feelings. After that I refused to talk to him and it didn't take me long to realize that I was with child. It had happened dozens of times before but I was scared this time, I couldn't bring myself to take my abortion potion. I guess a small part of me really did care for Harry but I knew he would jump in and be the hero and I didn't want that so I ran. Well I'm sure you can guess the story from there. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, I know you have endless questions for me, but can they please wait until tomorrow?"
Derrick and Nick both nodded looking overwhelmed, as we said our goodnights.
