Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ One Forbidden Magic ❯ Just spit it out! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warning:YAOI content; Lemon content; Harry/Draco pairing also: Gryffindor bashing, and POSSIBLE SPOILERS, but mostley just character usage
Disclaimer:I do not own Harry Potter, nor any other associated characters or places. All credit is owed to J.K.Rowling. Enjoy, Read and Review please.

Harry yawned as he stretched the weariness of sleep from his cramped muscles. Lately potions classes had gotten to be too easy, and thus, utterly boring. When Harry walked into the dungeon that morning for double potions, the assignment on the board mortified him: select two potions from the first five chapters of your text book and complete them before the end of the class. It wasn’t that the assignment was going to take all class, it was that it was so God-foraken easy that he was done in half an hour. So all that was left to be done was catch up on some sleep.

"Napping in MY class, Potter? That'll be FIFTY points from the Gryffindor House, and a week’s worth of detention for you. Report to my dungeon after classes and be prepared to scrub culdrons till your fingers are black and blue. Dismissed." Snape(or Snake, rather) issued punishments lately like it was as natural as breathing.... oh, wait, for him it WAS as natural as breathing. He'd even taken to punishing...

"How dense can you be, Potter?" Malfoy sneered. But strangely, it didn't bother Harry as of lately. In fact, not much did. He was too distracted by dreams and fantasies of a seemingly inaccessable someone by the name of...

"Mr. Malfoy, they'll be none of that in MY classroom, from MY star pupil, from MY house. You'll be serving your detentions WITH Potter all week starting today. Dismissed." ...Draco. Yes punishing DRACO. Odd, isn't it? Harry smirked as he left the potion masters dungeon. Draco had gotten what was coming to him, it was just too bad that he had to be stuck Harry... or was it?

'Oh, well. Less work for me,' Harry thought. Whilst his thoughts were being consumed by a certain sexy.... someone, Harry found himself falling to the floor. Throwing his arms out to catch himself, he looked up to see Draco... however, the usual entourage was not any where to be found(Crabbe and Goyle, that is). Just as Harry was about to toss Draco a crude remark, Draco extended him a helping hand.
What the hell?!?' Distrusting his every instinct, and instead following his heart, Harry took Draco's hand.

"Erm, thanks, Malfoy...eh, Draco, I meant." Harry tried not to sound too awkward as Draco's storm cloud eyes dug into his own emerald ones.

"No problem, Potter. You know, you should really watch where you're going." He sneered as he walked away. By now the halls were cleared, and Harry had a free period next, so he could take his time getting to the Gryffindor common room.

Wondering why he had tried to be so nice to his worst enemy, even though he wanted to be so much more to Draco than a potential punching bag, he came up to the Fat-Lady painting and uttered his password, "Chocolate Slugs." Whatever teacher came up with that password really had too much time on their hands.

"Oh! Oh, my... Dear Godric, rest your soul! Students these days, bringing up things like that! Are you REALLY going to bring THAT into HERE?" she asked appearing horrified.

"What on earth are you going on about?" Harry asked, rather annoyed by the rambling painting.

"In your bag, you daft boy. That note with the seal of Salazar Slytherin on it.... you REALLY going to bring that into the house of Godric Gryffindor?"

Harry looked down to see a folded piece of parchment with the silver seal of Slytherin on it hanging halfway out of his bag. Harry figured it must have been
planted by Draco. "Yea, I'm going to burn it in the fire place, in the common room," Harry lied.

The Fat-Lady's face split into a wide grin. "That's the Gryffindor spirit, my boy!" she cheered, swinging her portrait open, and allowing him entrance into the Gryffendor tower. Once Harry was inside he was overjoyed to find that he was alone... Hermione was no doubt in the library, studying, and Ron was probably infiltrating the kitchens in search of Dobby. How one person could eat so much and never gain an ounce…

Seating himself in a winged armchair by the fire place, Harry carefully removed the metalic seal from the letter, and cast an everlast spell on it. It was true that he was a Gryffindor, but he'd found the sorting hat to be correct in its assumption that Slytherin would have been best for him. Gryffindor's were too loud, boastful, cocky for his taste. True; Slytherins were darker, and more demeaning, but Harry found himself ever more attracted to the mystery shrouding them.

Unfolding the parchment, Harry began to read the long, graceful letters in shimmering forestine ink.

"Harry, we need to talk as soon as we can; Tonight during detention would be best. Snape often leaves me to tend to his detainees while he goes and does whatever the Hell he wants, so we'll have time to talk alone. Don't worry, I don't intend to kill you, but it is imperitive that you don't skip detention. I need you there.

-Draco Malfoy"

Not only was this mindbending in it's strangness, but it was also one of the most alluring things Harry had ever in his life read.
'I need you there.' Harry re-read it at least a dozen times to make sure it wasn't a trick of the light. To his relief, the words didn't change.

"This can't possibly be as seductive as my mind is making out to be." It was true, his mind was twisting the simple words in to a dirty daydream that Harry was far too disappointed to tear himself from. But he had to, because unfortunatly, someone was coming through the portrait hole.

Quickly placing the small silver seal into his pocket, and the letter, however reluctant he was because, after all, he couldn't have people finding letters from Draco to himself in his things, into the fire, he sat back and tried to act natural.

" 'Ello 'Arry," Ron greeted through a mouthful of pumpkin tart. Just as Harry thought. Ron swallowed audibly, "What's going on?"

"Not much, you?" He asked, sounding a little to fake to his own ears.

"Snacking..." Ron said cheerfully. "Want one?" He offered Harry a pumpkin tart happily. He took it to be polite, but in truth he wasn't hungry. He nibbled the edge of it a bit.

"What's wrong with you? You've barely eaten anything lately, and you're already a twig as it is. You'll be looking like some crazy anorexic girl next." Ron was one to talk about eating habits. It amazed Harry at just how much Ron could scarf down without getting any bigger. No, he just kept getting taller and lankier lately.

"You’re starting to sound like your Mum." Harry mumbled."And besides, you're asking 'What's wronge with me?' Ron, what's wronge with you? Hermione's a beautiful girl, and she’s not going to stay single for long. If you dont make your move NOW, you may never get the chance." Using this tactic DID make Harry feel bad, but it seemed to be the only way to keep attention off of what's wrong with him.

"Yea, I know...” Ron’s face became downcast, making Harry feel worse. “But how am I supposed to just come out and say, 'Hey Hermione, wanna go to the Three Brommsticks sometime?' It isn't that easy." Ron whined.

After a moment, Harry blurted out, "Ron, I'm gay.”

"Uh, seriously?" Ron asked doubtfully.

“It’s as easy as that,” Harry nodded.

"That's great man, but it dosn't help me much." Ron said as if oblivious to the fact that his best friend of six years could possibly have the hots for him.

"You're not surprised?" Harry asked amazed.

"No, he doesn’t seem to be, but I’m a little surprised at both of you.” The two boys turned with neckbreak speed to see Hermione standing by the portrait hole. “Why didn't you just come to me and ask if I wanted to go out with you? You're far too nervous for your own good." Hermione scolded Ron as she stepped from the shadows.
And they say that Slytherins are sneaky and connivng? Man, they have no idea about this girl.

"Hermione!" Ron nearly yelped as his face invented three new shades of scarlet. "How long have you been standing there?" Ron asked, obviously not ready for her to have heard him.

"Since before Harry came in, you two are soo oblivious." Harry nearly broke out into a sweat. Hermione almost definitly saw the seal, and the letter. But a look from her told him that she had nothing to worry about: his secrets were always safe with her.

"I'll give you two some space." Harry said grabbing his bag and heading up the spiral stair case. He paused just long enough to hear Hermione tell Ron that she'd love to go out with him that weekend on their next trip to Hogsmeade.


Harry dragged himself out of his final class of the day: Transfiguration. The day had been long and tedious. The only thing that seemed to keep him from going insane from boredom was the idea of seeing Draco later that day. Although insanity from curiosity was knocking pretty heavily on his door. He clutched the seal of Slytherin that was now chained around his neck as he bounded to the tower to drop off his bag and grab his Dragonhide gloves.

He suddenly found that he aquired an inexplicable amount of energy that hadn't been there moments before. Anticipation.

He ducked out of the portrait hole, and into the hall. Harry had to force himself so slow down and appear natural. After all, there was no need to get excited. For all he knew, Draco's talk could be nothing more than a verbal attack. But, maybe.... Stopping into a restroom on his way, he splashed cold water onto his face and tried to tame his hair slightly.

But to no avail, it appeared that the 'messy look' was all he'd ever manage to acheive. He stepped back into the hall only to find it empty. Taking advantage of his solitude, he began to once again jog his way to the dungeon, if only to take the edge off of his giddyness.

Once he arrived at the door to the dungeon, he shook himself off, put on a stone cold face, and stepped through the door. Spotting Snape at his desk he said, "Good Evening Professor. What do you need me to do?"

"Another week of scrubbing culdrons for being ten minutes late, THAT'S what, Potter. And you can join him for sniggering, Mr. Malfoy." Snape piqued without looking up from his paperwork. Harry's eyes snapped to the left, where he saw Malfoy already scrubbing and polishing a large black culdron.

Harry grabbed a bucket of hot water and a rag from next to Snape's desk and began to scrub a crusty culdron on the far side of the classroom. That is, as far from where Draco was working as he could get... after all, he had to maintain the image that he positivly loathed, not loved, Draco Malfoy.

Ten or fifteen minutes later, Professor Snape stood from his seat. Harry nearly sighed from relief, it was about time the ruddy old piece of shit left them alone.

In the short time Harry had been furiously scrubbing at culdrons, he had decided that if Draco didn’t start something between them, he would have to stir something up himself. He would have to tell one of his worst enemies that he was actually one of his only sources of happiness.

His family didn't give a damn, Ron and Hermione were rather wrapt up in one another lately, trying to figure out how to tell eachother about their feelings(thank God it was over with, but now that they would be going out, they'd be TWICE as oblivious to anything but one another). Dumbledor had been distant, or absent from Harry's life entirely as of late.

It was lonely without the grandfatherly figure in his life. So where did that leave the sixth year with no one to turn to? Moaning Draco's name while he *Cough! Oh, pardon me* in the Room of Requirement on nights when he could sneak away from his nosy, prying house-mates.

"Mr. Malfoy, I trust you can keep Potter under a close watch while run my usual errands?" Snape asked(more like commanded) in his usual icey tone. He was answered with a nod from Draco.

"You can count on me, Sir." Draco answered, with HIS usual hint of sadistic sarcasm, planting a shit-eater’s grin on Snapes face. Harry gulped reflexivley, but felt no inner turmoil at being left alone with Draco. In fact, he felt...bouncy? Giddy....like a muggle school girl....geesh.

"Very well, keep working, once they're all clean you boys are dismissed. I'll see you back here tomorrow. Good night." He left through the dungeon door swiftly, letting it slam shut behind himself.

Harry was alone, and not with just anyone.... he was FINALLY alone with Draco Malfoy. Harry tried keeping his breathing under control, but he felt that it was so loud Draco could probably hear it all the way on the other side of the dungeon.

Turns out he could.

"Nervous about something, Harry?" Harry looked up to see Draco staring at him...intently.

To avoid answering, Harry said, "Did you just call me by my first name?"

"It's revenge for you calling me Draco earlier." Harry went back to scrubbing, but he could still feel Draco's eyes staring holes into him, although the feeling wasn't all too unpleasant.

"Honestly, Harry, don't you know any magic? Quit scrubbing, already." There it went again, calling him by his first name.
'What a turn on...' Harry thought as Draco raised his wand. Not surprisingly, the culdrons were clean instantly.

"Er, thanks. Hey, earlier, when I called you Draco, that wasn't intended as an insult, you know..." Harry tried to explain himself, but he sounded more like he was babbling.

"Did you get the note?" Draco asked, cutting him off.

"Uh, yea, I did. W-what was it that you needed to talk to me about?" Harry asked trying to keep his nervousness to a bare minimum.
This was it; if Draco didn't do something then Harry would admit it...

"Yea," Draco took a long moment, "Did you um, I mean..." Draco had never sounded so flustered. "Do you mind if I say.... Would it be alright..." Draco began to walk twards Harry keeping their eyes locked togeather. "If I told you something unbelievably personal?" he finished in a whisper, gripping Harry's wrist. So close it hurt.

Harry looked down to see Draco's hand on him, touching him gently, just like he did in the fantasies. Not trusting his voice to work properly, he nodded, eyes wide.
Instead of saying anything more, Draco leaned forward, while pulling Harry to him and catching his lips in a kiss. At first Harry was so amazed that he could hardly believe it was real. He felt Draco began to pull away, probably because of Harry's lack of response.

Harry couldn't let it end, so he deepened the kiss. He moved his left hand, which wasn’t pinned by Draco, to cradle Draco's head, twining his fingers into the soft, silvery locks.

Harry was enthralled when Draco slid his tounge across his lips. Harry parted his lips and dove his tounge into Draco's mouth before Draco could claim him. Harry felt Draco smile into the kiss, and then whisper, "Damn Gryffindor," while he paused to catch his breath.

Harry moved his head closer to Draco's neck, "Am I imagining things, or were we just making out?" Harry asked huskily, his mouth close to Draco's ear, his breath teasing the sensitive lobe. Harry leaned his head even closer and took the earlobe into his mouth, giving it a nibble.

Harry smiled to himself when Draco shuddered harshly. But when he felt something cold and metalic slither up his arm, the smile faded. *CLICK* Harry looked down to see his wrists bound by manacles, a chain running form each cuff to connect to one another, and again, gulped. Yet still, he didn't feel threatrened. "Mmmm, how I do love bondage. Harry, I'm afraid you'll need punishing for that little act. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll come to love my torture." Malfoy purred.

Now, Harry felt threatened.

'Oh, God. What have I gotten myself into?' Harry asked himself as he felt his clothes all disappear, revealing his tanned skin, his scars, and his....HUGE....

"Ahhh good, you know what to expect." Draco said in a voice that was both evil, and utterly seductive. He began to circle around Harry, much like a predator appraising the worth of it's prey. Coming closer to Harry, he began to run a delicate finger across Harry's collar bone, around a shoulder, and dangerously far down Harry's back, before tracing back up the muscles, and to the other shoulder.

Stopping in front of Harry, he put his hands around the trim waist, he pulled him closer, almost into a kiss but stopped devistatingly short. Harry nearly whimpered from the lack of contact.

"Everything satisfactory, Master?" Harry asked Draco, almost mockingly.

"Not quite, actually," Draco answered him. A collar appeared around Harry's neck. It was connected to the chain that linked Harry's wrists.
"Much better, now there'll be no escape for you at all." He said before pulling Harry into another passionate kiss. This time when he broke away, he continued trailing butterfly kisses down Harry's neck, his shoulder, his collar bone....

"Whose was supposed to be running away again?" Harry asked, nearly breathless from the sweet contact that had needed for so long, and was finally recieving.

"Can't take any chances with you wiley Gryffindor's." Draco placed a silencing spell on the dungeon. "Now, I do believe it’s time for that punishment. Your orders are simple: Do not to move, or make a sound, until I say otherwise. Or else you won't like my next punishment at all." Without awaiting a reply from his ‘slave’, Draco dropped to his knees and took Harry's bulging cock into his hot and hungry mouth.

Harry nearly screamed in ecstasy, but remembered what Draco had told him. He suddenly realised that it would be much more difficult not to move since he was still standing. Draco sswirled his tounge around Harry as he plunged his head back and forth, picking up pace as he went. He could tell Harry was having a time not bucking into his mouth. Before Harry could come, Draco released him.

Harry nearly sobbed.

"Now, this time, you’re allowed to scream for me," Draco said devilishly, as he pulled off his robes in front of Harry.
Draco noted how comical his lovers bulging eyes were as they danced across him as he slowly revealed the milky flesh. Dropping his clothing to the ground in a pool of black silk, he sauntered behind Harry.

Grasping Harry’s shoulder, he bent the boy’s knee and forced him to drop down. "All fours, my bitch." Despite the crude remark, Harry bent over for the gorgeous blonde. When he felt Draco at his entrance, the boys breath was suddenly on his ear as Draco bent his head to whisper, "No one but me can hear you scream for mercy, so don't hold back. I want to hear how much you need it."

Draco forced his way into Harry’s entrance without even stretching him out first. Harry screamed in pain. Draco grasped Harry's shoulder with one hand and his waist with the other for leverage, while he slid into Harry.

Thrust after excrutiatingly beautiful thrust, Draco's precum lubricated Harry's ass, making it a smoother ride. At first Harry thought it was painful, but the harsh pain was overcome by the pleasure of the rythmic dance. Almost like a heartbeat...

Then draco hit his sweet-spot.

The low, gutteral moaning from deep in Draco’s throat was thoroughly drowned out by Harry’s screaming, "DRACO! Ahh, please.... mmm, don't stop... oh, fuck me!"
Grasping Harry's cock with the hand previously used to grasp his waist, Draco began to stroke Harry in time with his final, hammering thrusts.

When Harry shuddered one last time it was followed by a final earsplitting scream, before he came all over Draco's hand. Draco thrust and slammed Harry’s G-spot again, causing Harry to come a second time. At the same time, Draco convulsed and spread his hot seed into Harry's ass.

When their love-making came to it's climax, Harry's chains dissappeared into a flash of shimmering light. They collapsed into a hot, sweaty, shuddering heap. When Draco finally caught his breath, he cast a cleaning spell on them, and summoned their clothes.

"So that's what you wanted to talk about?" Harry laughed, pulling a pair of tight black jeans over his boxers.

"No. This," Draco answered as he pulled a silver ring from his pocket. He tossed Harry the ring, which appeared to be a snake that wrapped around his finger, it's eyes made of emeralds. "I want you to wear it. Call it a branding, but you're mine now, so you’d better get used to it."

"Damn Sadist. You always gotta have me branded?" Harry asked pulling Draco into a quick kiss that was almost painful to break. But it was getting to be extremely late, and they both had a full day of classes and Quiddich practice the next day. "You do know that I'm going to have to brand you too, you kinky little Slytherin." Harry informed casually.

"You can try,"Draco challenged him.

"Fine, let's bet on it. On the next Quiddich match. I win, I get leave my mark on you. You win, and I keep the ring, but you get off home free. Deal?" Harry proposed.

"You've got it, Harry. You better start practicing begging for my mercy." Draco tormented playfully, only fueling Harry's fire for payback.

"Oh, Draco! Please forgive me for beating the snot out of you at the Quiddich match!" Harry begged sarcastically. "That good enough for you?"

"It'll have to do, we've got to leave before Snape comes back to check on us." Draco warned. The two finished dressing and made their way to the door. They shared one final kiss before they both exited the door, Harry going right, in the direction of the Gryffindor Tower. Draco turned left, in the direction of the Slytherin Dungeon, beneath the Great Lake.


Snape made his way to his dungeon in hopes of the two detainees being gone. He needed some space right now. And some tea, his private wind down, but no one knew he wound down, so it was a secret. That daft woman in Hogsmeade didn't know the difference between Newt Tails and Bat Bogies.

'Waste of magical ability that twit.... What the bloody....?' Snape stopped. He heard voices coming from within his dungeon.

"I'll see you again as soon as I can, I promise." *smack(as in lips, not backhand)*

"I can't wait," Both voices were male, and shockingly familiar. As his dungeon doors opened, Harry Potter took off in one direction, and Draco Malfoy in the other.

'It can't be...' Snape waited until both of his students were gone, and then made a mad dash for the potions dungeon. Once he was inside, he immediatly noticed a trace of several spells that were not his own.

"Draco...what would your father say? I won’t tell him, but he’s bound to find out. What would he say to this? You'd better hope he's more open minded than he lets off to be." Snape vainly warned, and secretly prayed.


End ch.1
A/N:I hope you liked it, please review.