Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ Fainting Harry ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Won’t You Please Stay With Me?

Summary: Before his 40th B-day, Snape must acquire a potential spouse before the Ministry arranges one. Of all the people, he chooses Harry. Everyone seems to think it’s a great idea, except Harry. Can Snape woo Harry’s love before it’s too late? SSHP Slash later.

Disclaimer: I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.

Chapter One: “Fainting Harry”

No one was quite sure how it happened. Nor did anyone know how to bring it up with Harry, who was still fast asleep in his world of dreams upstairs. If he only knew the nightmarish news that awaited him downstairs, then maybe he would never wake up. Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Mad-Eye Moody, Tonks, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley all sat down together by the hearth with their hands planted firmly on either laps or their arms cross. Each one seemed to be in deep thought. Their faces no so enigmatic as troubled.

Everyone was brought back to reality as they heard creaking upstairs; the tension tenfold. Mrs. Weasley reached for her husband’s before she renewed the anxiety, “We’ll just have to be truthful with him. It’s the best way.”

“But he’s going to think that we didn’t even put up a fight and sold him like a piece of meat,” Sirius was frustrated and distressed that he couldn't even save his godson from an adversity .

“It’s for the best, Sirius. His safety will always come first,” Remus reached out and rubbed Sirius on his back, “If you morph yourself into a dog, I’ll give you a belly rub.”

Sirius growled.

“Well,” said Moody, “Who’s going to be the one to break it to poor Harry?”

Everyone remained absolutely silent. All that could be heard was the crackling of the fire as it burned the wood and the running of water upstairs. Today was going to be Harry’s first day back at Hogwarts, and the adults didn’t want to give him a reason to panic. “Maybe we shouldn’t tell him,” Tonks suggested.

“And wait until he approaches him?” Mrs. Weasley stood up, “The poor kid will have a heart attack!”

“He’s not a kid anymore. He’s become of age,” said Remus.

Suddenly, the door creaked open and all the adults gasped and stood up. When Hermione and Ron entered the room they could feel the uneasy tension present. They noticed that the adults looked relieved just after nearly having a heart attack, “What’s with everyone?” asked Ron, “The lot of you look like you’ve just seen You-Know-Who.”

The adults chuckled a little and sat back down. There was that tension again. Hermione and Ron exchanged looks. “What’s going on?” asked Hermione.

“Is Harry up?” asked Sirius.

“Yeah. He’ll be down soon,” said Ron.

The adults looked at each other as if answers were written over their faces. Hermione and Ron sat down on the table and then Mrs. Weasley said, “I’ll fix breakfast,” she walked away from the group and began her daily routine of preparing the food. Just then, the door reopened and every looked pale. Harry had just walked in with his usual untidy hair and yawned, “Morning everyone!”

When everyone mumbled their greeting, Harry looked at them suspiciously. “Is something wrong?”

“Harry, I have eggs and bacon ready for you at the table,” Mrs. Weasley pulled Harry away from the group and had him seated at the table where she served him breakfast.

While Harry dug into his eggs, he noticed that everyone was watching him with concern. “What’s with them?” asked Harry.

“Don’t know. They were acting like this when we came down too,” said Ron, “I think they’re hiding something.”

“And whatever it is, it can’t be good. Just look at Sirius’ face. He looked absolutely mortified when you walked in,” Hermione commented.

After Harry finished eating breakfast, he decided to address the issue, but then Sirius said, “Well, get your trunks. We’re going now. Don’t want to miss your train!”

Tonks, Remus, and Sirius all ran upstairs to fetch everyone’s stuff, leaving the three friends completely bamboozled. “Maybe it’s just in our heads?” asked Harry.

Once they retuned downstairs, the quickly loaded everything into the bus. Remus then pulled out what Fred and George called an incognitus hat and placed it onto Sirius’ head. Instantly, Sirius looked like an older man dressed in a suit; not like himself anymore. “Like the hat?” Sirius asked Harry. His voice even sounded old, “We bought it from Fred and George at their joke shop.”

“It’s bloody brilliant!” Ron gaped.

“Now I can see you off!” Sirius threw his arm around Harry’s shoulder and guided him out of the house. Remus followed behind with Hedwig’s cage under his arm.

Once everyone got into the large, purple, triple-decker bus, it sped off, nearly throwing Harry half way across it. He smashed himself against one of the beds, and somehow managed to cut his cheek. Against what? Something sharp that was poking out of the handle bar. “Ow,” Harry smeared the blood onto his finger and then grabbed a tissue. He patted his cheek gently, and then Sirius, Tonks, and Remus came running towards him, “Are you Ok?” asked Sirius, “Oh no,” he ran his finger against Harry’s cut.

He’s not going to like that,” whispered Remus.

When they said he, Harry thought they were referring to Dumbledore, but why would he fret about a little scratch on Harry's cheek? “What?”

Once again, there was that anxious aura. Having quite enough of all of their secrecy, Harry asked, “What’s going on. What are you lot so worried about?”

“Maybe we should tell him. He’s bound to find out anyways,” Remus took a seat next to Harry, but then Sirius shook his head, “If anyone is going to tell him, it’s going to be me. I’m his godfather after all.”

“Of course,” Remus and Tonks walked away.

Sirius began to pace back and forth in front of Harry. Never before had Harry every seen his godfather act like this. “Sirius?”

“Ok, I’ll just tell you straight,” He sat down next to Harry and took his hand in his, “Now, what I am about to tell you might be a bit of a shock. Promise me you’re going to take it like a man, Harry. (Harry nodded) Well, I’m not sure how to break it to you; I haven’t rehearsed anything comforting either for after the shock. Well, here it goes. Last night, while you were sleeping, we had a visitor. It… eh… was Severus Snape (Harry winced). But, that’s not the worst of news yet,” Sirius reached into his pocket and took out a small green box which on the top was engraved in silver writing ‘Harry Potter.’ He opened the box and inside was a white gold ring with several emeralds implanted on it. Sirius could already see panic in Harry’s eyes, but continued, “I guess you know the rest.”

Harry’s eyes rolled back and he fell onto the bed. Everyone else had been watching, and from Harry’s reaction, they could guess that Sirius told him. Ron and Hermione, who had no idea what was going on, just saw Sirius dismissing everyone, Sirius taking Harry’s hand in his, Sirius giving Harry’s a talk and Harry looking scared, and then Sirius taking out a small box with a ring inside and Harry fainting. “Sirius?!” Ron and Hermione ran over to him, “Did you just propose to Harry?!” They looked sick, “You’re his godfather!”

“Calm down,” said Remus who just appeared from behind them, “It’s not what it looks like.”

“Psh. Please. Would I ever give Harry a green and silver box? And look at this ring. Do you think I could afford that?”

Hermione looked struck when she took a good look at the colors. “Slytherin? A Slytherin proposed to Harry?!”

“Was it Pansy?!” asked Ron.

Remus and Sirius shook their heads.

“Crabbe or Goyle?”

They shook their heads again.


“Nope,” said Remus.

“Someone we know?” asked Hermione.

They nodded vigorously, “Oh yeah. You know him alright.”

So it was a him. Hermione took into account the price of that ring. It must’ve been someone with money. And if it wasn’t the Malfoy’s… then…. “Please, if I’m right, say nothing… Did…was it… Snape?”

Remus and Sirius remained silent as Hermione asked.

Ron fainted himself and Hermione appeared on the verge of vomiting. “How could you just give Harry away to him like that?”

“He offered Harry security, Hermione,” said Remus, “Because You-Know-Who is back, we’re not sure how long we’ll be able to protect Harry ourselves. Snape is a gifted wizard who has outstanding knowledge in all the arts. He has a safe home that’s away from all of this, he will treat Harry well, and he’ll give Harry what he never had.”

“But will he love Harry?” asked Hermione.

“Severus never speaks the word,” said Sirius, “But I’m sure he’ll show Harry that he loves him in some way… that is if he does.”

“Yes, but does Harry love Snape?” asked Hermione, “Last time I checked, they were sworn enemies.”

“It doesn’t matter whether Harry loves him or not,” said Remus, “Right now, we just need to know what he’ll be secured while war rages on.”

It took about five more minutes before they arrived at the train station, and once they got there, they unloaded their stuff and headed for platform nine and three quarters. “Is he still asleep?” asked Remus.

“Nah. He’s awake, but refuses to move,” said Sirius as he carried Harry through the entrance to the platform.

The Hogwarts Express was whistling while stream emitted into the air. There were just a few more minutes before the train would depart, and even fewer minutes left for Sirius to say his goodbyes to Harry. He pasted Harry to Ron and then said, “Don’t forget to write, Harry. I have nothing else to look forwards to other than your letters. After all, Dumbledore keeps me cooped up in that small place all day long.”

“Don’t you worry; I will,” mumbled Harry.

Sirius nodded with a smile, “Well, off with you now. I wouldn’t want you to miss your train.”

Harry gave a weak smile while Ron carried him onto the train. “Wake up already, Harry. You’re making us look ridiculous.”

“Do you think he’ll be Ok?” asked Remus as he secretly reached out to hold Sirius' hand.

“As long as Snape doesn’t try anything extreme.”

“Now, let’s hurry back. That disguise is starting to annoy me. I miss your good looks already.”

“Remus, Remus,” Sirius playfully shook his head.

Roughly, five minutes later, Harry was sitting in a compartment with Ron and Hermione. No one had said anything since they boarded the train. Harry was in deep thought; wondering how he was going to avoid Snape. He could just not look at him, not ask him for anything, put forth more effort in his class so that Snape doesn’t hold him in after class or make him attend detention. “I’m… engaged to the greasy git,” Harry slumped forwards, “I never asked for this. No one ever asked me if it was Ok.”

“Remus and Sirius said it was for your own good. He’ll offer you security and a home, Harry. Snape isn’t poor. He can give you what he never had.”

“Still… I’m going to be his….”

“Bitch?” chuckled Ron.

Harry picked up one of the pillows and chucked it at Ron. He then pulled the box out of his pocket and opened it. The ring was most definitely beautiful and sparkled in his eyes. “I wonder if I can give this ring back to Snape.”

“You wouldn’t! That’s so rude, Harry!” said Hermione.

“I know, but I don’t want to marry him! I want to pick my own spouse, and I’m not gay!”

Just then, there was a knock at the door. The three turned to see Malfoy waving at Harry with that usual smirk. The door slide opened and Malfoy made himself right at home next to Harry, “Nice ring,” he pointed at the obvious item.

Harry closed the box and stuck it back in his pocket.

“You know, I think my godfather would appreciate it if you wore the ring. He spent a fortune on it, I heard. He must really love you, Harry,” after Malfoy said what needed to be said in that usual sardonic tone of his, he stood up after giving Harry a few pats on the back and left the compartment.

“It’s Potter to you, Malfoy!” he yelled after him.

“Bloody hell! Malfoy’s going to be a new addition to the family!” Ron laughed.

“All the more reasons to give Snape back his ring.”

“Do you think he’ll address you casually, Harry?” asked Hermione, “And do you think he’ll let you address him as ‘Severus’?”

“Even if he did, I wouldn’t allow him to.”

“Um, sorry to interrupt, um, can I talk with you, Harry?”

Cho Chang had suddenly appeared in the compartment. “Um, sure. I’ll be right back,” he left the compartment with Cho who looked rather nervous as she fiddled with her fingernails. “I want to ask you for a favor.”


“Well,” Cho gave the impression that whatever she was going to ask for would definitely sound either really stupid or difficult, “You see, over the summer, my friends tried to get me to hook up with Perry Meek, and I really didn’t want to so… I sorta told them that I already had a boyfriend.”

Harry swallowed hard. Oh Merlin! She told me that I fancied her, didn’t she?! “Go on.”

“I sorta told them that it was you. No, Harry, please understand!”

Harry started to roll his head as if he was annoyed with what Cho was saying. “What on earth have you gotten yourself into?”

“Nothing big really if we just played the parts.”

Harry nodded. He knew that he definitely liked Chang Cho before… Like last year… Maybe, if he was really fortunate, he could summon up those feelings again so that he could truly go out with her. “Alright. I’ll do it.”

“Thank you so much!” Cho threw her arms around Harry and ran down the hall.

“What was that all about?” asked Ron.

“I just agreed to be Cho’s pretend boyfriend until she gets rid of this bloke.”

“What?! What if Snape hears about this?! Do you have any idea how that might affect him?!” asked Hermione.

“Relax. I told you. I’m going to withdraw from the engagement anyways.”

“Anything from the trolley, dears?” asked the lady at the door, “Is that you Harry? (Harry nodded) I have a message from Professor Snape. Order anything you like. He’ll gladly pay for it.”

“No thanks, I can pay for my own stuff.”

“You’re not going to be the one harassed about this later. Pick a few things and sit back down.”

Finally giving in, Harry picked out a few snacks for himself and several things for his friends. “Might as well make good use of my new privilege.”

Thirty minutes passed before the Hogwarts Express pulled into its station. Once the train stopped, the students poured out of it and onto the platform. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were some of the last students to disembark. Harry wanted to make sure that there were plenty of students swarming around in order to make it harder for Snape to spot him just incase that he was looking for him. “Come on, and remember, keep your heads low,” said Harry as he dashed through the open gaps to blend in with the crowd. He knew that if Snape was in fact looking for him, he would try to pick out the distinctive aspects of his friends.

Once again, like last year, they had those demon horse-like creatures pulling carriages. Harry quickly got into one of them and shut the door. He could’ve sworn he saw greasy hair moving around.

From outside Harry’s carriage, Snape, along with McGonagall and Dumbledore were waiting patiently to greet Harry, but not one of them, except Dumbledore of course, had spotted the boy. “He’s probably already on a carriage, Severus,” said McGonagall.

Snape cleared his throat and nodded.

“You need to give him time, Severus,” Dumbledore graciously placed a hand on Snape’s shoulder, “After all, it’s not everyday that you wake up to find that you were engaged to someone you thought you would hate forever. I also suggest that you keep a distance from him so that he has time to adjust. If you suddenly start pampering him, he might get scared.”

“Of course, headmaster,” the three of them boarded one of the carriages before all of them were filled up.

A few carriages away, Harry sat nervously with his two friends. This year was not going to be like any of his pervious years. He hadn’t even set foot inside the castle walls and already, he had an idea of what was in store for him.

A/N: This is my first ever Harry Potter fan fiction. How did you like it? Would it be too much to ask whether I should quit or continue?