Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ I Can Be All You Need ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Won’t You Please Stay With Me?

Summary: Before his 40th B-day, Snape must acquire a potential spouse before the Ministry arranges one. Of all the people, he chooses Harry. Everyone seems to think it’s a great idea, except Harry. Can Snape woo Harry’s love before it’s too late? SSHP Slash later.

A/N: Ok, to answer some questions, I did not start off writing about how Snape approached the Order with the news nor did I write too much on their reactions. As for why Snape chose Harry? I will get into that later. I promise! It’s just all part of my plan.

Disclaimer: I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.

Chapter Two: “I Can Be All You Need”

They were not two seconds into the beginning of the school year when Harry knew there were going to be some changes. He expected them, since after all he was engaged to Severus Snape, the head of Slytherin. However, he never anticipated what was about to happen. While Harry disembarked from the carriage, it was predictable that he would get his usual harassment from the Slytherins, but as they approached him, led by none other than Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy-yes, Draco-had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, “Hey, Pansy,” Malfoy walked right in front of her and her group, blocking their path.

“I missed you, Draco,” she threw her arms around him and stuck her tongue out at Harry.

“Do you think he’s trying to create a diversion?” asked Ron.

“It must have something to do with Snape,” Harry shook his head as he walked pass the castle doors. Upon entering, there was that familiar sense of security that Harry missed so much while he was away from Hogwarts. The feeling of nostalgia washed away from him as he took a deep breath and exhaled. “I’m home,” Harry whispered to himself as he walked towards the Great Hall.

“Get ready,” said Ron, “You know Snape’s going to be there.”

Suddenly, all easiness flushed out of Harry as soon as he remembered who else will be present. “Great. That’s all I need,” the three of them entered the Great Hall and quickly found their seats at the Gryffindor table closest to the exit. “I want to be as far away from Snape as possible,” said Harry as he sat down.

“Aren’t you going to wear the ring?” asked Hermione, “I’m sure he’ll be upset if you don’t.”

“If he really wants to marry me, he will put the ring on my finger.”

“Sounds like you’re mad at him for not doing so,” Ron chuckled.

“But if he does, I’ll slide it right off and toss it into the lake.”

“Welcome, everyone, to another year at Hogwarts,” Dumbledore had begun his speech, and Harry prayed to God that he wouldn’t bring up anything about him being engaged to Snape. “Now, after the first years get assorted into their houses, our caretaker has a few things he wishes for me to address…”

Dumbledore said a few more words about something, which Harry wasn’t paying any attention to. If anything, he was eagerly awaiting dinner. Once the first years were assorted and a few more announcements were made, the food appeared before them, and everyone dug in. Not once did Harry look up at the head table. He was frightened that he and Snape would make eye contact. “You know, Harry, Snape’s watching you."

“I’d figure. He’s probably making sure I don’t choke on anything. Bet he wants me to so that he has a reason to come down here.”

“Don’t say that, Harry. I’m sure he’s just looking out for you. You two are going to get married. He’s probably waiting for the right moment to approach you,” said Hermione considerately.

“I just hope no one other than Malfoy knows about this.”

As soon as dinner ended, Harry glanced over at the head table and saw that Snape was walking with Dumbledore. He quickly dashed out of the Great Hall with Ron and Hermione struggling to keep up with him, “Not so fast, Harry!” Hermione cried after him.

“Move into my quarters?” the corner of Snape’s lip curved, “Albus, do you want to scare the boy out of his wits already?”

“I did not mean now, Severus. In due time, when the two of you are properly acquainted, then perhaps as a couple, you both would like some private time.”

“Merlin, Albus, you’ll be sending the boy to his death,” said McGonagall who suddenly appeared from around the corner.

“Not if the feelings become mutual,” Dumbledore raised his finger, “I’m sure it’ll be quite convenient for them.”

McGonagall humph and walked away while mumbling, “When pigs fly.”

“A Muggle saying,” Dumbledore cleared.


The next day, after a short break, Harry and Ron were running towards their potions classroom while Hermione was darting for a different, more advanced class. As soon as they entered the classroom, Harry spotted Cho Chang sitting with this other girl. Cho immediately turned around and smiled. “Harry, over here!”

Harry approached her and she gave him a peck on the cheek, “This is my friend Lena,” she turned to Lena, “This is Harry, my boyfriend.”

“Of course,” Lena extended her right hand and said, “Pleasure.”

Harry shook it and turned to Ron, “This is my friend Ron.”

Lena just waved and weakly smiled. Ron turned red from embarrassment. As Harry faced forwards, he saw that Draco Malfoy was also in the classroom. And He had just heard everything that Cho said. He grinned and mouthed the word ‘girlfriend’ before he looked at Harry skeptical. He then shook his head in shame.

Once all the students were settled in their seats, the two entrance doors burst open and Professor Snape came in with his usual dour face. The man didn’t waste any time and immediately started the class. “Today you will be making an Ursinus potion. Does anyone know what that potion is capable of?”

No one raised their hands.

“With one sip, it will turn you into a bear. Instructions are on the board. Begin. And no sampling. The results may be irreversible.”

What the hell is the point of a potion that turns people into bears permanently? Harry thought to himself as he pushed himself away from the desk. As he got up, he noticed that Ron was already long gone along with Lena and Cho. Harry quietly cursed as he approached Snape’s desk. Please don’t see me. Please don’t see me. Please don’t see me. There wasn’t much hope for Harry, because he was probably the only person that Snape would pay any mind to. Regardless, Harry prayed that Snape wouldn’t acknowledge his existence.

As Harry approached Snape’s desk, Snape’s eyes darted up at him. It was going to be their first encounter since Snape arranged their engagement, and if anything, he was hoping that the boy would just continue on like any old day. Once Harry reached the intersection, he spun on his heels and walked towards the storeroom where the ingredients were. He didn’t even acknowledge Snape’s presence. Taking a deep breath, Snape relaxed into his chair and continued to grade papers.

Nearly minutes later, as Snape tried to focus on some student’s sloppy penmanship, his thoughts were quickly disrupted as Harry and Cho began to laugh at some joke Cho made. Snape looked up and noticed that Cho had her head resting on Harry’s shoulder. He smirked. Aren’t we friendly this morning? He thought to himself. Snape tried to resume his work, but then Cho said, “That’s why I love you so much, Harry. You’re just so easy to get along with,” Snape looked up just in time to see Cho running her filthy, potion stained hands through Harry’s untidy hair. This is going too far! Snape set his quill down.

He settled himself back into his chair. He wasn’t going to be able to concentrate for the rest of class. Probably not even for the rest of the day. His Harry-yes, he did consider Harry his-was flirting with a Ravenclaw before his very eyes. Is he trying my limitations? Then Snape looked over to Malfoy. Malfoy could lend him a hand. Snape stood up, folded his hands behind his back and strode over to Malfoy’s desk, “Did ya get all that?” asked Malfoy, “I think they have something going on over there.”

“Feel free to interrupt,” said Snape as he moved on. Almost the entire class was out of their seats anyways.

Malfoy grinned as he stood up and walked over to where Harry and Cho were. “Having fun, are you?” asked Malfoy.

Cho, Harry, Lena, and Ron all looked at him, “What do you want?” asked Ron.

“Your actions are not pleasing him,” Malfoy whispered to Harry.

The wicked smile on Harry’s face just got wider, “Tell him to fuck off,” said Harry.

“Who? What? Huh?” Cho and Lena looked confused.

Ron looked bloody scared. He knew exactly who Malfoy was referring to. “Watch yourself, Potter.”

“Go away, Malfoy.”

As soon as class was over, Harry turned in the sample of his potion, and left the classroom before Snape had a chance to talk with him. “Don’t worry, I have almost every class with him,” said Malfoy, “I’ll keep an eye on him for you.”

Snape looked up at Malfoy from behind his hair and said, “Do not take this too far.”

But, Malfoy wasn’t the only one who had almost every class with Harry. Cho Chang also had almost every class with Harry as well. By evening, Harry was pissed. He was pacing down the hall towards the headmaster’s office ready to tell Dumbledore that Snape wasn’t giving him any freedom and was treating him unfairly. However, as soon as he opened the door to his office, he saw Snape sitting down with the headmaster having a cup of tea. Harry froze dead in his steps. “Well, this is unexpected,” said Dumbledore.

Snape didn’t know whether it would be a wise decision or not to address Harry by his given name or sir name. “Oh, um, never mind,” Harry was about to leave, but then Dumbledore stopped him by saying, “Please stay.” Harry was drawn into the room, and the door locked itself. “Do you have business with Professor Snape or me?”

“You,” said Harry.

“Ah…,” Dumbledore looked over to Snape who looked like he was mentally beseeching Dumbledore not to throw him out. “Is it alright if Professor Snape stays, Harry?”

Harry shook his head, “It’s kind of private.”

“He is your fiancé, Harry. He has a right to know if anything is wrong.”

“Fine,” Harry said a little harshly, “I just want you to tell Snape to call off his dog. I have a life too, and I don’t want Slytherins budding in on it,” with that said, Harry left the room.

Dumbledore didn’t look too happy all of a sudden, “By referring to ‘dog,’ does he mean Draco Malfoy?” he asked.


“No one likes to be under constant supervision. Harry doesn’t like to be followed. Give him time, Severus. If you’re going to, I daresay, woo Mr. Potter, than you need to play by his rules.”

“If I play by Mr. Potter’s rule, he’ll be taking Cho Chang to the altar before I even hold his hand.”

“That will not happen, Severus. The Ministry already recognizes Harry as your fiancé, and neither Ms. Chang nor Harry can change that. He will be married to you unless he takes drastic measures to avoid the ceremony.”


Onc e Harry retuned to the Gryffindor common room, he quickly pulled out his text books, paper, and a quill. He set them on the large table and took a moment to decide which subject he was going to do first. Potions… no, History of Magic, Merlin no, Charms… maybe, Defense Against the Dark Arts… why not. Harry opened the text book and began to read about Sirens.

‘Usually spotted around the islands of Greece, the siren is a sea nymph, half-woman and half-bird, who was believed to sing beguilingly to passing sailors in order to lure them to their doom on the rocks she sat on…’

Harry had barely finished the first paragraph before his thoughts wondered to Snape. Maybe if I give him a hard time, he’ll give up on me. Or maybe, he’ll dispose of me once he sees me with Cho. Yes! I must give it a try! Tomorrow! I’ll talk to Cho. I’m sure she’ll do it for me.


“Yes Harry?” Cho asked once he pulled her to the side.

“I need you to do me a favor since I’m doing you one.”

“Ok, what is it?”

Harry looked around, then led Cho out into the courtyard where some students were doing their homework, “Ok, I want you to kiss me.”

“What? But Harry, we’re not really a couple. I’d feel bad if I did that to you.”

“No, I have a theory, and I need you to do that for me to see if it’ll work.”

“What’s the theory?”

“There’s someone that wants me, but I don’t want that person,” Harry chose his words carefully, “and if that person sees me kissing you, then maybe that person will understand that I already have someone.”

“I don’t know, Harry. I like to be discrete with my affections.”

“We can pretend to do that! We can hide behind the statue and pretend to flirt a little, and then when I notice that that person is watching, I’ll just kiss you.”

“Ok. Just tell me when you need it.”

“You bet!” Harry threw his arms around Cho and hugged her before he ran off while waving good-bye.

“I wonder who that person is that loves Harry so much,” Cho started to fiddle with her fingers, “I just hope I’m not going to regret kissing Harry.”


Harry knew exactly when he would have to summon Cho. Snape has class with the second-years right after lunch. So while he is walking towards his class, Harry would just have to be there by the statue, waiting for him to approach. But in the mean time, he could always do other stuff with Cho in front of everyone. Around 12:30 P.M., Harry was already in the Great Hall with Ron, Hermione, Dean, Neville, and Ginny. They were divided evenly on each side of the table talking about Fred and George’s achievements before Cho and Lena showed up. Harry immediately got up to hug her, then whispered, “Sit on my lap,” he pulled her by the hand and led her.

Cho hesitantly sat on Harry’s lap and bashfully smiled at his friends. Dean and Neville exchanged looks. Since when have those two been going at it? Ginny slowly tried to finish off her bread while she watched Cho nervously sit in Harry’s lap. Harry continued to talk to Hermione and Ron like it was nothing out of the ordinary. When Harry began to talk with his other friends, Hermione and Ron glanced up at the head table and quickly turned back around once Snape passed them a dirty look. He was definitely not going to let this carry on.

“Open wide,” Harry chuckled.

“Ah!” Cho did and Harry spoon fed her the smashed potatoes. “You’re so sweet Harry,” Cho stroke Harry’s face.

“I think Harry is going a little too far with this,” said Ron.

“He’s going to make you-know-who angry,” said Hermione.

“Is your stocker looking our way, Harry?” Cho whispered into Harry’s ear.

“You bet,” Harry said with a grin, “I’m always on that person’s mind. They must be so jealous of you, Cho.”

“Harry, can you at least tell me who it is?”

She’s in Slytherin,” it was a partial lie.

“Oh, you don’t think she’ll try anything on me, right? Slytherins tend to get malicious when things don’t go their way.”

“Don’t worry. She’ll never harm you. I’ll make sure of that.”

As soon as lunch ended, Harry caught eye of Snape walked towards the Gryffindor table. “Crap,” he grabbed Cho’s arm and said, “Hurry, she’s coming!”

Harry and Cho ran right out of the great hall and out into the courtyard, “She’ll be here any moment,” said Harry as he cupped Cho’s cheeks, “Are you ready?”

Cho nodded tensely.

Snape was still fighting the raging crowd of students that were desperately trying to get out of the hall. In all the chaos, Snape had completely lost Harry. He had seen him run out of the hall as soon as Snape came down the steps. Regardless, he needed to have a serious talk with Harry before this Cho issue got out of control. He didn’t know what he would do if Harry fell in love with her.

Snape thought to himself as he made it out of the Great Hall, and just his luck, the outer halls weren’t any more organized. To get around the students better, Snape decided to cut through the courtyard. Oh how this place brought back memories… He was viciously assaulted right after the O.W.L.S. by none other than James Potter and Sirius Black. Reminiscing about the past made Snape feel agitated and revengeful… just like now. Just then, something caught Snape’s eye. A pair of green eyes flashed his way. Harry? Snape started to walk towards the statue. He knew Harry was there, hiding from him. However, he wasn’t prepared to see the sight before him. Harry had Cho pinned against the statue, with his hands placed at her sides; he gently kissed her lips like they were delicate petals that would tear with the slightest hostility. Snape felt like a Dementor had vehemently sucked his soul and heart right out of him. It was truly like he would never be happy again.

When Harry pulled away, he nudged his nose against Cho’s affectionately. Snape snapped. He reached out and grabbed Harry’s hand, “Come with me, Potter,” he demanded as calmly as he could muster, “We need to have a serious talk.”

Harry didn’t even have a chance to debate as Snape nearly ripped him away from Cho, who was left petrified. Snape led Harry directly to the only place he knew where he could talk to Harry privately. The Room of Requirement. He opened the door and instantly, the room resembled an office. “Get in,” Snape instructed.

Harry went in, looking pale and scared. He felt like a cornered rodent in a game of cat and mouse. Snape had Harry sit on a chair, and then sat across from him. For a moment, Snape sat there absolutely silent. He looked like he was in pain, like he was struggling to select the right words to tell Harry. To make him understand that he didn’t want Harry to see anyone else, to try to get through to him that he was all that Harry needed. “Harry… I-”

“Potter,” Harry corrected, “I never gave you permission to address me casually, sir.”

Snape quickly resumed, “As ruthless as I can be I have been considerate, kept my distance and avoided interfering with your personal life. However, given the circumstances, I can no longer abide by such ignorance.”

“So you’re going to put a leash on me?”

“If it were only that simple,” the chair that Snape was sitting on suddenly turned into a couch. “Come here,” the order was clear and demanding. Harry stood up and walked towards the couch and sat down besides Snape as he instructed to do. Just then, Snape carefully wrapped his arm around Harry’s shoulder, and drew him in, “Listen to me, Potter, because my words are absolute,” with his other hand, Snape forced Harry to look him in the eye, “You will break off the relationship you have with Ms. Cho Chang or I’ll do it for you. It is not appropriate for an engaged man like yourself to have affairs with other people.”

“I’m not your fiancé,” Harry said forcefully, “I will do whatever I want with my life! I will pick the people I will love!”

“Don’t be so ridiculous, Potter. Not even in the wizarding world do we get to pick the people whom we will fall in love with,” Snape’s thumb began to stroke Harry’s cheek tenderly. Stay calm. Don’t frighten him. “If you would just give me a chance, I-”

“Give you a chance?! Don’t make my laugh, Snape! I will never love you!” Harry pushed Snape away, got up, and ran towards the door. He tried to turn the knob, but it wouldn’t budge. He angrily turned to Snape, “Let me out.”

“Our discussion isn’t over,” said Snape.

“What’s there to discuss?! I have a class to get to and you have a class to teach!”

“There’s still time,” said Snape a little too calmly.

“Damn it!” Harry kicked the door and turned around. “I’m not moving. I can hear you from here.”

Smirking, Snape stood up and slowly walked over to Harry, “I’m not very tolerant when it comes to games, Potter. So, if this is one of your charades, I suggest that you end it immediately,” Snape was now standing a little more than a foot away from Harry, “Because, whether you wish to accept it or not, you are my fiancé and you will show your loyalty and respect to me as I will to you.”

“Or what?” Harry asked boldly.

Snape grabbed Harry’s wrists, and forcefully pinned them to the wall over his head, “Do not try me, Potter. You will commit yourself to me,” he whispered viciously in Harry’s ear, “You will not seek another’s love. If you let me, I can provide you with all your necessities,” Snape released Harry’s wrists, “This will be your final warning, Mr. Potter.”

Harry was just about to leave, but then Snape picked up Harry’s left hand and asked softly, “Where is your ring?”

“I refuse to wear it,” Harry said harshly.

Snape forced Harry’s fingers to intertwine with his, “Please wear it, Mr. Potter. I cast numerous protective charms on it that will ward off hexes, curses, and other unfriendly spells sent towards you.”

“I don’t want the whole school to know I’m engaged to you.”

“They won’t know,” Snape showed Harry his left ring finger, “Because I have no ring myself.”

Indeed, Snape’s ring finger was as cold and barren as Harry’s. As Harry continued to stare at Snape’s ring finger, he noticed that the void between them was decreasing. Snape was moving in close to him. Before Harry could properly react, Snape had already settled his lips on his neck. Harry’s breathing hitched, and his head dropped slightly. He took in another lung full of air, only to completely exhale once the older wizard kissed his cheek. Snape completely pulled away with a satisfied smirk. He opened the door and Harry nearly fell backwards. Snape grabbed Harry by the wrist and forced him to regain his posture. “Snap out of it, Potter. I’ve barely touched you.”

Harry pulled himself away from Snape and ran with all his might down the hall.

A/N: Too long? Or just right? Any other comments? I placed Cho Chang in Harry’s year and in Harry’s potion class even though I know that she is a year ahead and that she does not take potions with Gryffindor and Slytherin.