Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ Ill-Mannered Disposition ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Won’t You Please Stay With Me?

Summary: Before his 40th B-day, Snape must acquire a potential spouse before the Ministry arranges one. Of all the people, he chooses Harry. Everyone seems to think it’s a great idea, except Harry. Can Snape woo Harry’s love before it’s too late? SSHP Slash later.

Disclaimer: I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.

Thank you for all the wonderful reviews.

Chapter Three: “Ill-Mannered Disposition”

Several hours after Snape felt he had more-or-less put the rebellious teen in his place, Harry was returning to his Gryffindor common room while everyone else was either at the library, or out somewhere. After throwing his bag down by his bed, Harry was about to throw himself on his bed, but stopped short when he noticed a rather large bouquet with an assortment of Apple Blossoms for promise, Anemone for fragileness, Delphinium for boldness, a few Daisies for innocence, a few pink roses for friendship, a violet Tulip for faithfulness, a white Tulip for forgiveness, and a Lilac for… first love! Though Harry was certain that Snape’s feelings were, if anything, unrequited, he blushed. A furious, deep red blush. Maybe it was just the notion that he might be Snape’s true love, if it was possible for the man, or that there was someone in this world that cared for Harry that deeply.

Harry sat besides the bouquet and took in its deep, sweet aroma of fragrance. He didn’t have a moment longer to enjoy the bouquet before Ron and Dean walked in. They both refrained from their discussion of Quidditch once their sighted the large bouquet that only a girl would get lying besides Harry. “What the bloody hell?” Ron gaped.

Harry switched gazes from Ron to Dean, then to the bouquet and back. “Secret admirer.”

Dean had that playboy look in his eyes before he said; “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

Harry smiled a bit and Ron tilted his head and mouthed ‘Severus?’ Harry gave a furtive nod as Dean walked over to his bed. “Man, Harry. I can smell those things from way over here!”

“Do you have a vase or something that I can put them in?”

“Why don’t you transform Neville’s toad into a vase?” Dean suggested while lifting his head from the pillow.

Harry shook his head then began to dig through his trunk. Then gave up and ran down stairs. A moment later, he returned with one of the vases from the common room. “It was empty anyways.” Harry plopped the flowers in it, then filled it up with water. He then sat down on his bed and admired it. It was then that he noticed the note. And so did Dean. “Who’s it from?”

“Don’t know,” Harry said instantaneously.

“Well come on! Read it already!”

Harry ripped the envelop open and took out the small letter. Inside it read:

Dear Harry,

My discussion with you just hours prior to this sudden discovery
was not intended to inflict fear. I want you to know that I would never
hurt you Harry James Potter. Forgive me if I’ve imposed alarm.

Severus Snape

Though much was not said, Snape’s letter washed over Harry like a rive cleansing him of trepidation. “Snape…,” Harry whispered to himself. Damn, he was giving in too easily. Before Dean could look over Harry’s shoulder, he folded the letter and stuffed it in his pocket. “Aww, you’re not fun!”


Snape sat with the headmaster in his office drinking tea. He hadn’t said much of anything since he arrived. He had hoped that Dumbledore would carry on the conversation as always, and as anticipated, he did. “Yes, but I’ve always believed that they could make the brownies more chocolaty; don’t you agree, Severus?”


“And the pumpkin pies… If they would just add a bit more cream on the top, I think it would be even more delectable!”

“Of course.”

“Oh, Severus, you must have tried the every flavored bean cheese cake that the house elves prepared. If I remember correctly, my first sample had a bit of vomit mixed in with a new flavor, honey. It was… bitter sweet.”

Snape looked like he was going to be sick, “Never touch the stuff.”

“I developed a phobia in my earlier years when I came across a vomit flavor bean. A most horrible first experience.”

The edge of Snape’s lips curved.

“What’s the matter, Severus? Are you just going to let the old man speak his mind?” Dumbledore chuckled, “Something must be on your mind. Shall I first ask what’s wrong, or shall I just start probing?”

Harry must’ve found that bouquet by now.

To keep Dumbledore from entering his thoughts, and possibly discovering something humiliating, Snape confessed, “I sent Mr. Potter a bouquet.”

Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled, “Did you really? Why, Severus, that is awfully romantic.”

Snape cheek twitched. If the man dared to go on, Snape was right about ready to walk out before Dumbledore could finish his sentence.

Dumbledore, who never missed a sigh, asked, “You will not allow me to harass you any further, will you?”

“Speak one word of this to anyone-”

“What did you do to him?”

Snape felt like slouching in his chair like a stubborn boy, “We had a talk.”

“What could the two of you possibly talk about that would result in you sending him a bouquet?”

“About his inappropriate relationship with Ms. Cho Chang.”

“You don’t say!” Dumbledore took a big gulp of his tear and then continued, “I wonder how this has managed to escape my notice. Since when might I ask?”

“We’re still in September, Albus, if this isn’t a continuation of the previous year, then this must’ve been recently brought about.”

Dumbledore nodded then said, “Let me assure you, Severus, this will not slip by if it is to happen again.”

Snape nodded appreciatively. He really hadn’t heard what Dumbledore had just said. He was still damn worried if Harry found the bouquet he sent him, which cost him a fortune, and if he did, what in the devil’s name did he do with it?


It had been nearly a week since Harry and Severus had had much of any interaction with each other besides in class. During which time, Snape would sit at his desk as before, but this time, would watch everyone. The main figure of his attention was, not surprisingly, Harry. Harry had quickly grown to loathe a silent Snape who paid attention to everyone until class was over. What more, just recently very strict rules were enforced along with the already long list of rules in action in Snape’s class. One of the rules Harry was the least fond of was the no talking unless permitted rule. Of course this rule has always existed, only Snape wouldn’t do much if he caught a group of students whispering amongst themselves. Now, however, Snape was deducting points by the minutes because of his chatter-y students.

Despite it though, Harry always had a way around these sorts of things. As Snape continued to grade potions at the front of the room, Harry wrote down on a piece of parchment: Harry: Why does the git have to be so stubborn?!

He passed the piece of parchment to Ron who wrote: Ron: I don’t know. He’s your fiancé. He’s probably just mad at you for going and kissing Cho behind his back.

Harry: Well, we are supposed to be going out.

Ron: That’s exactly it, Harry. Snape does want you to be with anyone else. He wants you to only see him.

Harry: But I don’t! I feel nothing towards Snape! He’s just my teacher, and I don’t want any sort of relationship other than that! How can anyone stand to even be friends with a git like him?

Ron: I guess I can’t blame you. I-

Before Ron could finish his sentence, Snape had appeared behind the boys and snatched up the piece of parchment. Ron and Harry both exchanged looks of fear while Snape read what they had written. “Five points from Gryffindor,” Harry was surprised that he deducted so few points, “For exchanging notes.”

He then limited his eyes from switching between them two to only looking at Harry. It was clear as the lake’s waters what Snape was trying to convey. Even though his face remained emotionless for the most part, his eyes were asking him if he really meant every word that he had just written. Harry wanted more than anything right now to just pack up and get out of Snape’s sight. Which is just what he did. He tossed his books into his bag, left his potion incomplete, took his quill in his hand, threw his bag over his shoulder, and walked straight out of the room, pushing Snape aside in the process. “Running away are we?” Snape asked as he rotated to watch Harry flee.

“Anything to get away from you!” Harry shot back coldly.

That stopped Snape dead in his tracts. He didn’t even bother to continue watching Harry as he boy ran right out of sight. He took a few moments to regain his posture then turned around; his was face just as unmoved and unreadable as ever, frowned at his students who all were watching attentively. “Get. Back. To. Work."

Snape took his seat, and lean forwards on his desk so that his hand was supporting his forehead. “When will the day be over?” he wanted nothing more than to just take a long, maybe everlasting nap, on his own, cold bed.


Harry was already on the other half side of Hogwarts, as far as he could be away from Snape and still be within school boundaries, once class was over. “I fucked up,” Harry told himself while he rested against a tree, “I don’t need my potion’s grade to drop anymore.”

It wouldn’t if you didn’t pay Snape any mind.

That’s kind of hard to given the circumstances.

He would never force you into anything.

He forced me into this engagement! Who said I ever wanted to be with him?!

It’s for the best! He can protect you!

He’s a death eater!

Ex-death eater!

What am I to gain if I stay with him?

Everything you need and more…

Harry’s eyes snapped open. He didn’t know who he was anymore. Now he was having debates with himself. “I’m losing my mind.”

“And your grades are plummeting. Mr. Potter, it is far too early in the year to allow your grades to slip.”

Harry stared at Snape as if he had some deformity. “I need some time alone,” said Harry once he averted his eyes.

“Did you mean what you wrote?” Snape as in the softest, most calm voice he could muster.

Harry nodded and Snape slowly closed his eyes. Once. Twice. Then nodded. “Come have lunch with me,” he suddenly suggested.

“I want to be alone.”

“I will leave you alone, if you come and have lunch with me,” Snape extended his arm, knowing fully well that Harry wouldn’t take his hand.

Harry pushed Snape’s hand away and said, “I’ve been able to get to my feet without your help after worst situations,” he said as he stood up.


Once Harry was standing tall on his own two feet, he asked, “Where to?”

“My private quarters,” Snape moved himself closer to Harry and placed his hand on the shoulder furthest from him.

“Don’t touch me,” Harry tried to pry Snape’s hand off his shoulder, but the man held tighter.

“This way,” Snape forced Harry to turn around as they headed for the halls.

Just then, Harry realized how crowed the halls were at this time, and how odd it would be to see their greasy, potion’s professor who is very reserved and touchy about personal space with his arm around Harry Potter, the boy who lived. He could just hear their whispers now. The head of Slytherin possibly showing some affection towards a Gryffindor…. The idea was repulsive. “Let go. I don’t want anyone to see us like this.”

Snape’s free hand clenched itself into a tight fist; driving his nails into the skin of his own palm. As they entered the halls, Snape deliberately pulled Harry closer to himself. Was it to show that Harry was his and that he had the obligation to protect him, or to make more room, Harry would never know. They slipped into the dungeons, and Snape whispered a password to a statue of a gargoyle. “Locomotive.”

The gargoyle sunk and a door appeared behind it. Snape opened it and stepped aside for Harry. Once Harry walked in and Snape closed the door, he felt vulnerable and at Snape’s mercy. He didn’t even take a moment to admire the decor. “If it’s alright with you, Mr. Potter, I would fancy some turkey sandwiches with tea.”

Harry just nodded. He hadn’t moved a foot since he took two steps into Snape’s chamber.

Sighing to himself, Snape offered Harry a seat on his leather, black couch. Snape sat down on the loveseat opposite Harry after placing an order with a house elf. “Lunch should be here soon,” said Snape, “In the mean time, I think we are well over due for a civilized conversation,” on account of their previous chats Snape deliberately stressed the ‘civilized’ part.

“I guess,” said Harry.

“Why don’t you tell me something about yourself?” Snape relaxed against his seat.

“Like what?”

“Anything you feel comfortable telling me.”

Harry found this to be quite strange. Surely engaged couples already know everything there is to know about their mate. Not trying to get acquainted. At least Snape wasn’t being his usual sarcastic and spiteful self. He was being considerate and trying to understand Harry. “What if I don’t feel comfortable telling you anything?” Harry, on the other hand, didn’t want to get acquainted with Snape. He didn’t care to learn anything new about Snape, and he definitely didn’t want Snape to know anything about his personal life.

Snape remained silent for a moment as if to carefully arrange his next sentence. “It doesn’t have to be personal, Mr. Potter.” It was as if Snape was reading Harry’s mind, “If it would make you feel better, we can talk about something other than you,” … for a change.

Like you?
Harry thought to himself. How open are you about yourself, Snape? Harry kept quiet. He wanted to prolong the silence. Snape sensed what Harry was trying to do, and quickly said, “The purpose of this meeting is not to sit and stare.”

“Who’s staring?” asked Harry nonchalantly.

“Why don’t we talk about Quidditch?”

“You mean you actually know a thing or two about Quidditch? I thought you were the worst player Hogwarts has ever seen,” the comment was rude and uncalled for however left no sense of guilt on Harry’s nerve.

“I’ll admit that I’m not an exceptional player such as yourself,” the subject was a difficult one for Snape to discuss knowingly fully well that it would call for more humility and ridicule. But would Harry be so cruel as to put him down for his attempts? “If given the chance and time though, I would have excelled.”

“I’d like to see that,” Harry suddenly had that look.

“If you want, I could have a Quidditch field built for you,” Snape regretted his words once he noticed how tense Harry was. He obviously didn’t want to discuss a life with Snape at the moment.

Now Snape was the one at lost of words, and if he didn’t say something soon, then there would be no discussion. This was his chance to get to know Harry and he was already wrecking it. What more, he didn’t know what else to include in their mostly nonverbal conversation. “How are your grades in your other classes?” Now Snape had to resort to small talk. Though not much, it was better than nothing.

“Fine I guess.”

“How many are you taking?”


“That seems about right.”

There is was again. Silence.

“What do you like to do during your free time? Nothing productive I assume?”

Harry shrugged. He did whatever he felt like doing. Nothing special. Usually he just hung out with his friends. He wasn’t like Snape who probably spent his leisure time making potions, grading papers, and reading extremely long and difficult books. “When’s the food going to get here? I’m starved.”

As if on cue, an elf appeared with a tray of turkey sandwiches and some tea. The elf placed it on the table, bowed and vanished. Snape reached for the plates and passed one to Harry. He then offered to serve him tea, but Harry insisted that he pour his own tea. Now it was going to be difficult to get Harry to talk to him. He was preoccupied eating his sandwich, drinking his tea, and paying Snape no mind. Snape had hardly touched his food, but did finish one cup of tea. “I need to ask you something,” the question had been bugging Snape since he read the note that Harry and Ron were exchanging just an hour before.

Harry looked up from his plate and responded, “What?”

“Do…,” the words were there, they were ready to be said, but did Snape really want to know the answer? “Do you hate me?”

“Hate’s a very strong word, sir. I prefer the word loathe. It’s still hating, just not quite as powerful.”

“Then, do you loathe me?”

The absence of a response assured Snape that the answer was ‘yes.’ He placed the plate with a barely touched sandwich back on the table. He couldn’t eat anymore. He had lost his appetite. He had even lost the will to keep a conversation going with Harry. He felt like he was going to be sick. He couldn’t go back and continue class. He needed some alone time now to think things over. Maybe he had been too rash. “Don’t you loathe me, professor?”

Did the boy not have common sense? If Snape loathed him, why on earth would he have considered him as a potential mate? “Harry James Potter, how would you like me to answer that just after admitting detestation towards me?” Though Snape tried to hide it, Harry could see that he had hurt Snape in some way. He must really feel something for the boy if he was affected this much.

Harry finished off his sandwich and then slouched on the couch, “It’s a simple question, sir. Either a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ would be acceptable.”

“What are you playing at, Potter?”

“I just want an honest answer.”

Snape rose from his seat and said, “You need to leave.”

Harry narrowed his eyes at the older wizard. He invites him for lunch, controls the conversation, and then dismisses Harry before could get a question of his own answered. “What if I don’t want to?”

“Of course you want to leave, Potter. No one in the right mind would want to spend some quality time with their potion’s professor. Especially you.”

“So then you do loathe me? Why then did you ruin both our lives by arranging an engagement?”

Ruin? So that’s what you think I did? “I didn’t invite you here so we could argue, Potter.”

“You must’ve anticipated it though! I’m a Gryffindor, not a Slytherin!”

“Those are just mere titles, Harry. They don’t determine who you will be or the decisions you will make in life.”

“There you go again! Stop trying to get familiar with me! My name sounds so vulgar when you say it!”

Vulgar…“Please leave,” Snape whispered softly.

Harry grabbed one more sandwich and ran straight out of Snape’s chambers. It wasn’t until he reached the top of the stairs did he did he regret every word he spat at Snape. He was just trying to get to know you! I’m such an idiot!

Snape had once again seated himself on his chair. “Vulgar you say?” Snape smirked.

A/N: Please review ^_^