Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ An Aggravating Day in London ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Won’t You Please Stay With Me?

Summary: Before his 40th B-day, Snape must acquire a potential spouse before the Ministry arranges one. Of all the people, he chooses Harry. Everyone seems to think it’s a great idea, except Harry. Can Snape woo Harry’s love before it’s too late? SSHP Slash later.

A/N: You know, in all the Harry Potter fan fictions that I’ve read, I have never come across one that includes a Quidditch game. Now I know why…

Disclaimer: I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.

Quidditch terms: (1) Cobbing: Roughing the Chaser – Pushing, tripping, or hitting a Chaser from the opposing team. Loss of 2 of the 10 points from the offending team depending on the severity of the offense.

Chapter Four: “An Aggravating Day in London”

Snape glanced over at the clock. Only ten minutes left until school lets out. Snape switched his gaze over to the students. Most of them were done with this potion and just sitting there like zombies. Setting down his quill, Snape stood up and positioned himself in front of his desk. He crossed his arms and eloquently said, “Pay attention for I will only say this once,” the students looked up at him; not doubting that he would refuse to repeat himself, “For your next essay, you will compare and contrast the differences between nightshade, dogwood, and henbane. You will need to list five potions in which each ingredient can be used and what would be the consequences if you, for instance, added nightshade instead of dogwood. In addition, you will need to tell me if there is a potion in which these three ingredients can be used without fatal results. The essay should be a maximum of five pages and a minimum of four and a half. Dismissed.”


As Snape made a sudden appearance in the library, the small whispers emitting from the students hushed. They looked up him from behind their text books and once he passed them a death glare, they quickly looked down. There was tension in the air as Snape moved himself from the entrance towards the bookshelves. He needed to collect a few books for his next class and he knew just where he would find them. As Snape walked through the designated isle, he came across an unlikely students. “My, my. This is a surprise.”

Harry snapped his book closed and looked at Snape as if he had been caught in a misdemeanor. Could if be that the boy was looking at obscenely graphic magazine disguised as a text book? “What do you have there, boy?”

Harry looked like he was about to slip the book right back into the slot whence he pulled it. “Give it here,” Snape extended his hand.

Harry shook his head and then said, “It’s just a book I was looking through. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

“What’s the content?”

Harry bit his lip and then said, “Potions…”

“Ah…,” Snape wasn’t convinced. He snatched the book from Harry and flipped it open. He then smirked. His little boy was in fact looking through a potion’s text. “Decided to finally start on your potion’s essay?”

Early this week, Snape assigned a five-page potion essay that would be due the following Monday. It was Friday and finally Harry was doing some research, “This is a text on erratic potions I would only teach to those select few in my advanced class,” Snape slammed the book closed in his hand then slipped it into the gap between two larger books.

Harry looked a little red from embarrassment. He needed a book soon if he was going to finish and get a good grade on that essay. However, all the books that were on the list Snape distributed were already borrowed out. Then it hit him. As his “fiancé’” maybe Snape could help him. (Yes, Harry, use your connections.) “I know that, sir, but I was wondering…”

Snape nodded his head, “Go on.”

“If you could then help me.”

“Help you? This is an independent assignment,” Depending on what Harry meant by help could be a violation of school rules, but as his future husband, could Snape bend the rules a bit?

“Not like write my paper or anything,” (though that would be nice), “Just to help me find a suitable book.”

Snape folded his arms across his chest. “Follow me.”

Harry’s eye’s brightened. Snape was actually going to help him find a book, and what more? He was taking Harry to the restricted section of the library. Since Harry had learned of the restricted section, besides there being books that could be potentially dangerous in the hands of an ignorant student, were there also explicit lewd novels hidden among these shelves? Oh how a boy can wonder. Snape opened the gate and stepped aside for Harry, “Here, sir?”

Snape quickly read the authors then titles of the books before he selected a suitable book for a boy of Harry’s age. “The reading is slightly advanced for you age, but I’m sure you’ll manage. Careful now. Though this book contains unequivocal content on necromancy, it will be a reliable aid. Do not allow this to fall into the wrong hands,” He handed Harry the book and then Snape said softly, “If they give you a hard time checking out this book, then tell them that I recommended it for you.”

Why the soft tone? Harry wondered, but took the book from Snape none-the-less.

Before Harry walked out of the restricted section, Snape said, “Tomorrow Slytherin plays Gryffindor.”

Harry looked over his shoulder, nodded, then asked, “Who will you cheer for?”

Snape smirked, “As the head of Slytherin, I cheer for those I oversee, but as Severus Snape, I side with those whom are triumphant.”

Harry felt like saying, ‘Then you’ll cheer for me’ but decided against it. He knew secretly that Snape would be cheering him on during the entire game.


So there Harry was, positioned on the center line above the Pitch behind the three Chasers. In a blink of an eye, the referee had thrown the Quaffle into the air and the two opposing Chasers tried to tip each other off. The Quaffle ended up in Slytherin’s hands, and the game continued from there. Moments later, one of Slytherin’s Chasers scored ten points when he made a goal. The Slytherins cheered and stomped their feet as that Chaser raised his fist. Harry help onto his broom’s handle tightly. It was just the beginning. Soon, Gryffindor would catch up. They always did.

Fifteen minutes into the game, and Slytherin had already scored two more goals. They were winning thirty to nothing. “This is pathetic!” Harry maneuvered his broom to the side boundaries where the Bludgerers were positioned with their Bludgers. He looked across the Pitch to where Malfoy was, frantically looking for the Snitch. Then it hit him. Just besides him was the raised platform where the faculty were seated. Hesitantly, Harry cocked his head to the right and looked over to see if he could spot Snape. He was almost sure that the man would be looking his way, so he was relieved when he finally spotted Snape who appeared to have his eyes glued to the Chaser who had the Quaffle. However, just seconds later when Harry failed to avert his gaze, Snape’s eyes turned onto him. He looked at Harry skeptically before smirking. That did it. Harry pushed forwards on his broom and brought himself lower to the ground, just out of Snape’s range of sight. Then, he thought: (Is my hair messy?) Harry brushed his hand through his hair, then stopped short. He never, ever straightened out his hair. The very strains were meant to be free and untidy.

Now they were three hours into the game, and Merlin, the score was as pitiful as ever. Plus, there was no sign of the Snitch. Harry was beginning to wonder if they ever launched the Snitch. Just then, Slytherin was penalized for Cobbing (1). The Slytherins groaned and booed. Harry tried to ignore them as he scanned the Pitch for the Snitch. He pulled back on his broom and was hovering over entire game. From here, it was a lovely view, then Harry began to wonder if his clothes were looked too wrinkly. Removing one hand from the broom’s handle, Harry attempted to straighten out his uniform. He flattened out his shirt a bit and then his hair… again. He then looked down and his eyes effortlessly settled on the raised platform. It was almost an intuit act. He just looked down to the side, and he was doing it. Staring directly at the man in the dark robes. “This is not the time to worry about appearance,” Harry mumbled to himself. “I need to find that bloody Snitch!”

Harry lowered himself as he tried to figure out Malfoy’s whereabouts, but was startled out of his wits when suddenly he heard cheering like none other before from Slytherin. Harry turned his attention to the center of the field, and there, Malfoy hovered over the ground with the Snitch in his hand and a victorious grin gracing his face. Harry felt like grabbing the Bludger and launching it at Malfoy's head. The game was over, and Slytherin had won. Snape was definitely not going to let Harry forget this historical moment. As Harry dismounted his broom along with the other team members, Ron ran up to Harry and said, "It's Ok, mate! It was just one game."

"No. I should have looked harder, but I didn't."

"Don't stress about it!" Ron patted Harry on his back, which did little if not anything for him.

Just then, Malfoy walked right by Harry with his head held high and a very Slytherin smirk present. It took everything in Harry to restrain himself from throwing a thoroughly, vicious punch to that blonde boy's face. "Harry!" Luckily, Hermione showed up just before Harry's tolerance ran out, "I have a message for you," Hermione handed Harry a piece of parchment, "Don't know whom it's from though. The headmaster just told me to pass it on to you."

Harry quickly ripped through the envelope to get to the letter. On it was written:

(Meet me in thirty minutes by the library.)

It was not signed, so Harry assumed it could've been from anyone. Ron, who was just as dimwitted, assumed nothing but the same. Hermione was probably the only smart enough to know better.

Just then, two Gryffindors came swinging by with their arms locked together and saying aloud for the Gryffindor team members to hear, “In order to lighten up our team…”

“We’ve decided to throw a little party!”

“In the Room of Requirement of course!” said another as he passed out maps.

“Meet us there.”

“At nineteen hundred hours! Don’t be late!” the two boys skipped off and the team members exchanged grins.

Hermione shook her head, “No.”

Ron and Harry rolled their eyes, “You worry too much,” said Ron as he pushed Harry, “Come along, Harry, or you’ll be late for your appointment.”

After the boys showed and changed, Harry headed for the library at rapid speed. He was already two minutes late. (Damn Ron. He just had to get in the shower first). As he turned the corridor, he was sure it the anonymous writer was going to be some girl with a secret crush on him that wanted to console him about a lost game. Though that might sound a bit conceded, anything would have suited Harry just fine except for what was really waiting for him. "I should have known," Harry crossed his arms. He wanted to get this over with fast, "I doubt you called me here to console me. What do you need?"

"Watch your tongue," said Snape firmly.

"Why did you call me here?"

"Do I need a reason to see my fiancé?" the tone of Snape’s voice was stern and forbid Harry from further rebellion.

"If all you are going to do is waste my time, then yes; you need a reason."

"I will be leaving for London. I thought perhaps you would like to join me.”

Suddenly Harry didn’t have that sour look on his face anymore, “London?”

“Need I repeat myself twice?”

“Whatever for?”

“No particular reason. Interested?”

Harry has wanted to see London since he was a little boy. He was so eager to respond with a vigorous nod, but his pride wouldn’t bend so easily, “Can I bring Ron and Hermione along?”


Harry was about to protest, but then Snape raised his hand, “This is for us. What good will it do me if you allow you to bring along your pesky friends?”

Harry almost flinched. For them he said? Now Harry was ready to decline.

“We need to get better acquainted, and in order to do so, we need to spend some time together,” Snape paused, “Alone.”

“Fine,” Harry finally said. He just really wanted to visit London.



Soon, the train blew its whistle and began to move. Snape pulled out one of his many books and began to read. Harry rolled his eyes and rested his head against the window. Their little journey had barely begun, and already Harry felt like it was taking too long. He just wanted to get over to London and back as fast as possible.

Five minutes later, Harry was about ready to fall asleep on the window, but then his stomach growled. He blushed and tried to pretend that he didn’t hear anything. Snape, on the other hand, lowered his book and considerately said, “There are plenty of restaurants in London. We’ll have something to eat first.”

“Thank you.”

Just then, thunder could be heard roaring in the distance. The sun was hidden behind the grayish clouds casting a melancholy atmosphere to what was only thirty minutes ago bright and clear. “Do you think it’ll rain?”

Snape looked out the window and nonchalantly shrugged.

“I didn’t bring an umbrella,” Harry said as he pressed his hand up to the window.

Snape nodded. What was he so calm about? He probably anticipated this sort of situation and took advantage of it as the opportune time to ogle Harry as his soon to become drench clothes stick to his body. Pervert. Snape suddenly crossed his arms and then said, “Get your head out of the gutter, boy. I am not so desperate that I would take advantage of you in such a state.”

Harry’s eyes widened and then he blushed. Damn skilled Legilimens. “I… I… uh…,” great. Now he was at lost for word.

Snape slightly narrowed his eyes, “I do not seek to torment you in such ways.”

“I don’t know that,” Harry whispered to himself.

“Ah, but you will, my boy.”

His boy. Pssh. As if. Harry slumped in his seat and crossed his arms. He knew that bad posture got on Snape’s nerves. “Sit up, boy. That’s bad for your back.” Harry slumped lower and Snape’s eye slightly twitched. “

He was about ready to cross the two steps it would take to cover the distance between them and force Harry to sit up. However, he stopped short when the train began to slow down. They had reached the station. “That was fast,” said Harry who was looking mystified.

Since they were the only two riding the Hogwarts Express, it only took two minutes to disembark the train and just a minute to leave platform nine and three quarters. “Stay close. I wouldn’t want to file a missing report for your insensibility.” Harry humph and purposely decided to lag behind.

“Come along,” Snape said, “I may not as crowded now, but it will be as soon as we exit the station.”

Before Snape opened the exit doors, he waited patiently for Harry to catch up. As soon as he did, he pulled on the handle led Harry outside. This part the city Harry has seen before, just not as full and bustling with people as before. While Harry took this as an opportunity to really get to see what the area looked like, Snape leaned into his ear and casually whispered, “Perhaps you should hold my hand. I wouldn’t want you to get lost.”

Harry turned around and threw Snape a death glare.

“I’m serious, Harry.”

Harry turned around and pretended that he hadn’t heard what he had said. Turning just slightly, Snape reached behind him and nonchalantly wrapped his arm around Harry’s shoulders. The teen tensed beneath Snape’s touch, and hesitantly, Snape brought the youth closer to him. Harry gulped and then looked at the people behind him with embarrassment. He almost looked like a dog with its tail between its legs.

They walked like this for several minutes until they reached a small clearing. Reluctantly, Snape withdrew his arm in order to prevent further humiliating Harry. Not that he wasn’t having a splendid time doing so. “If I remember correctly, I promised we’d have ourselves something to eat before continuing with our tour of London.”

Harry nodded vigorously, and Snape led the way to a popular British restaurant. “They serve a variety of entrees here, so I’m sure you’ll find something you like.”

“Like what?”

“Anything from candy coated insects to the internals of a helpless baby.”

Harry froze. Snape didn’t sound like he was kidding. But surely, he must be. “That’s repulsive,” said Harry with a grimace.

“Hm…,” just then the waitress came along, “What is today’s special?” asked Snape.

“Baby back ribs; extra meaty, extra flavor-y,” she winked at Harry and then asked him, “How many?”

“Party of two,” said Snape who suddenly stepped in front of Harry.

The waitress nodded, grabbed two menus, and led them to their table. “I will be back in a moment,” she said as he set the menus down on the table then glanced at Harry before he left.

Snape considered leaving and selecting a more “fancy” restaurant, but neither of them were dressed for the occasion. Harry slipped into one of the booths, and expecting Snape to sit opposite him, he nearly squeaked when Snape slide in right beside him. “Don’t mind me,” said Snape as he pulled up his menu and occupied himself by choosing a most delectable meal. Harry reached for his menu and opened the thing. There were about four pages front and back of filled with a variety of appetizers, salads, soups, sandwiches, chicken, beef/steak, sea foods, desserts, and beverages. Harry fancied having some lobster with king crab legs, but then his eyes settled on the price. He gaped and felt like slamming the menu closed. Snape’s eyes glanced over to Harry. The boy seemed tense with those large, brilliant eyes staring widely at… perhaps the price of an entrée. “Order anything you like,” Snape whispered into Harry’s ears. Harry slumped down a bit and looked back at Snape who was once again reading the menu. Or was he? “Is there something wrong?” Snape asked who removed his right hand from the menu and settled it upon the cushion on the booth; uncomfortably close to Harry’s lap. While trying to read the menu, Harry occasionally would glance at that hand to make sure that it hadn’t moved. To his surprise, Snape was keeping his hands to himself, but for how much longer? “What would you like to drink?” asked the waitress who had returned.

“Brandy,” said Snape, “and he would like a fruit smoothie.”

Harry’s head shot up and looked at Snape. How did he know that that was what he had been staring at for a while now? “Would you like any appetizers?”

“Fried calamari,” said Snape.

“Ok,” the waitress left after passing Harry another furtive glance at the exact moment Harry looked up at her and then he hid his face behind the menu again.

At that moment, Snape felt like he was going to snap. He wasn’t supposed to be competing for Harry’s affections. He wasn’t supposed to be worried about someone else taking Harry away from him; especially a Muggle. He took a deep breath to calm himself the third time the waitress came around. He casually looked over at Harry and waved before she began to take an order from a near by table.

Near moments later she was coming back with the drinks. She placed Snape’s brandy bottle down then graciously handed Harry his smoothie. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around,” said the waitress. Dear Merlin, the woman actually had the audacity to speak to Snape’s fiancé in his presence. “Are you from around here?”

“Actually no,” said Harry as he took a sip of the smoothie.

“How is the smoothie by the way? It’s a specialty of the restaurant. Quiet popular among teens.”

Snape passed the waitress an annoyed glance. He wanted to ask Harry how the drink was.

“It’s delicious. Not too sweet,” he took another sip.

“Well, the calamari should be right about done, so I’ll be back in a moment,” the waitress waved and winked… again, before she left.

Harry then grinned and tried his best to ignore Snape. He could almost feel Snape’s jealous eyes burning on his flesh. So what if the man was a little selfish. Harry was his fiancé. Didn’t he have the right to lay a claim on the boy?

Or, maybe it was that the boy didn’t know his place. If so, then Snape needed to demonstrate in the most subtle way he can considering their situation. Perhaps he should give pugnacious teen a little preview of what it meant to tempt Snape until he was compelled to take matters into his own hands. Yes. Snape liked that thought very much.

Snape gradually lifted his still hand and allowed it to hover over Harry’s lap moments before he placed it on his thigh. A sudden jarring sensation registered with Harry and made his leg come alive as Snape gently massaged the tingling nerves through his jeans. Harry leaned forwards and pressed the side of his face on the table assuring himself that maybe the cold contact would pacify his sudden licentious desires. He didn’t want to make a scene, but needed to make Snape stop before he took this too far. So, Harry tried to move Snape hand away by pushing on it with his thigh. Big mistake. This move had only widened the gap between his legs, and made Snape’s hand move further into the inner parts of his thigh. Harry blushed as he felt the electric sensations emitting from the two men as Snape’s thumb stroked his inner thighs suggestively. “Snape…,” Harry whispered as his leg took on a life of its own. Slowly, his thigh began to spread out a bit more as if to welcome more of Snape’s domineering touch. To Harry’s surprise, Snape wouldn’t allow his hand to go any further in. Harry groaned. His nerves had gone into a state of frenzied need, and if Snape wasn’t going to appease him straightaway, then Harry had about as much as he could withstand. He reached down to arrest Snape’s touch, but was done in when Snape’s hand firmly grabbed onto his; intertwining and locking their fingers. Harry slumped forwards so that his face was hidden behind the menu standing up on the table. He seethed while Snape nonchalantly continued to read his menu.

Once the waitress returned; this time bringing the calamari. She set the plat on the table along with the sauce and then asked Harry, “Are you ready to order? Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

That was the final straw. “His name is Harry Snape,” Snape said snidely.

Harry was about to say something but then Snape forestalled him by squeezing his hand to the point of pain so he could place an order without further interruptions. Not surprisingly, he ordered for both himself and Harry. The waitress took the menus away and reluctantly refrained from asking anymore questions. Harry whispered, “I hate you.”

His Slytherin sides never failed to make an entrance. He loosened his grip on Harry’s hand and sincerely said, “I apologize. But by now, you should know better than to play with fire you prat.”

“She’s just being friendly.”

Snape rolled his eyes and forked a calamari, “Open wide,” Snape said as he brought the deep fried piece of squid to Harry’s lips.

Narrowing his eyes, Harry refused to cooperate with Snape, yet the man continued to hold the piece of squid to Harry’s lips. “Either you eat the piece, or I will forcefully mouth feed it to you.”

Harry obligingly opened his mouth and Snape fed Harry the squid. He then reached for another one and Harry reluctantly gave way to Snape’s objective.

Quite satisfied with his achievements, Snape decided to have some calamari himself; giving Harry the opportunity to feed himself. “You don’t have to make this so hard,” said Snape.

“Or you can just let me be.”

“And allow you to flirt with whomever you choose?”


Snape turned to look at Harry dead in the eyes, “I won’t have any of that.”

Harry pushed the plate of calamari away, “You treat me as if I’m your possession. Why are you selfish with me?”

“We are not having this conversation at this present moment.”

Harry crossed his arms and pouted.

Snape felt like chucking down the entire bottle of brandy.

“Here you go,” the waitress placed the entrées on the table and was about to ask Harry something, but Snape caught her eye first and then said, “That will be all.”

She left and Snape turned to Harry. He was still sitting with his arms crossed, but wasn’t pouting as much. Snape reached for Harry’s silver wear and personally took the meat out of the lobster tail, cut it up into pieces and then reached for the utensil used to open the crab shells and took the meat out of the legs as well. “This is what you wanted, wasn’t it?”

Harry nodded.

“Then eat,” Snape was about to spoon feed Harry again, but this time, Harry just turned his face the other way. From the corner of his eyes, Snape could see the waitress coming back around. “I can do far worst things to you.”

Harry decided to comply with Snape before he tried to do anything that would further embarrass Harry. If that was possible. Whoever heard of an average teenage boy being fed by a man nearly twice his age? Harry needed to devise a scheme to get back at Snape for this. It didn’t take long to do so either. Maybe if Harry just turned the tables a bit…

A large piece of lobster dipped in that butter sauce was heading Harry’s way. He opened his mouth wide and even licked the fork slightly before Snape could withdraw it. To add emphasis, Harry chewed slowly while he basked in its unique flavor, “Umm….,” Harry’s tongue then came out to slowly lick the mouthwatering flavor that was still lingering on his lips.

This cracked a smirk on Snape’s lips. He caught on right away. So, for the next piece of meat, Snape dipped it in the butter sauce a few extra times before he brought it over to Harry, who surprisingly leaned forwards to meet Snape halfway. The extra sauced dripped on the plate, on the table, and on the corner of Harry’s lips. Snape took his thumb and wiped the sauce away carefully, “You’re a messy eater,” Snape’s thumb lingered on Harry’s cheek for a few moments before Snape withdrew completely. Harry huffed, then reached for his fork. Snape decided to eat before his food got cold.

They finished their meal in silence until that blasted waitress came back around. She took their plates and then asked if she wanted some dessert.

Boldly, Snape wrapped his arm around Harry’s waist and drew the boy in closer, “I’m not sure,” he said to the waitress before whispering in Harry’s ear, “What would you like?” his nose slightly nudged the side of Harry’s face.

Harry felt his toes curl. Besides the fact that Snape was a little too close for comfort, there was someone to witness the embarrassing moment. “I… don’t… know,” said Harry, “What is there?”

“Just us,” Snape softly whispered in an almost inaudible tone.

Harry was blushing a fierce red why the waitress was having a hard time enumerating the many desserts on the menu. “Just give us a bag of saltwater taffy to go,” Snape caressed Harry’s sides, and this only made the boy lean into him.

The waitress nodded and returned shortly with the bill and a bag of saltwater taffy to go. Snape paid for the meal, and then led Harry out of the restaurant before they received anymore offensive stares.

“You’re evil,” Harry whispered.

“Hardly,” said Snape, “I did what I had to do.”

Harry felt like walking ahead of Snape, but he was his only guide through the city. “It wasn’t like she was going to do anything.”

“I beg to differ,” Snape took a hold of Harry’s shoulder and forced the boy to turn around; to look at him in the eye, “You’ve been with a girl, have you not? Surely you know how persistent the little devils can be.”

Harry shook Snape’s hand off, and walked into a clothing store. “Nice…”

“What would you like?”

Harry sighed, “The entire store.”

Snape looked over at the clothing section for children ages 6 to 12 and raised a brow. He would cast an Unforgivable upon himself before he allowed himself to desire anything that small.

Harry spent nearly an hour in the store trying on different things, but refused to allow Snape to buy anything for him; even these nice designer jeans that Harry nearly spent 15 minutes in alone just because they were that nice and comfy.

When they exited the store, it was pouring like nothing Harry had ever seen before. “You’ll catch your death in that rain,” Snape pulled out his umbrella and motioned for Harry to come closer.

Harry’s head dropped as he forced himself to align with Snape beneath the umbrella. “I’m afraid our little tour has come to an end,” said Snape, “You didn’t bring a sweater and you refused to allow me to buy one for you, and so, in order to avoid you catching phenomena, we shall return to Hogwarts.”

Snape and Harry walked in silence listening to nothing but the passing of cars and the trickles of rain that splattered on the umbrella. The streets suddenly weren’t so crowded. People had either taken shelter or boarded a bus. When they arrived at the train station, Harry walked ahead of Snape to platform nine and three quarters. He chose a compartment to sit in and would have locked it so that Snape couldn’t bother him, but the man could get in regardless. As the train grew nearer and nearer to their next stop, Harry decided to thank Snape out of courtesy. “Um, listen, I had a good time…,” that was about all Harry could manage to say.


“I appreciate what you did for me… and um… I guess I wouldn’t mind doing it again some time,” (just not anytime soon.)

“You sound like you are in pain.”

“What’s that suppose to mean?”

“It wouldn’t kill you to properly show me a little bit of appreciation.”

(You’d be surprised). “Thank you for everything you did,” said Harry, “There.”

“I said show,” Snape curved his finger to motion for Harry to come over.

What did he have to lose? Harry stood up and crossed the distance to sit besides Snape before the man tried anything. “What now?”

“Would it kill you to wear that ring?”


“I’ ve had about all I can stand. What more do you wish to see me endure before you finally give in?”

“I’m never going to give in to you, Snape.”

Snape’s eye narrowed as he reached forwards and brushed some of Harry’s hair away from his face, “In due time, you will, my boy.”


After biding Snape farewell… for the night, Harry returned to the Gryffindor common room only to find it completely deserted. Then, it hit Harry. “The party!”

A/N: Because I like you guys so much, I updated quickly. Now, do me a favor and review. Even if the review is just a word or two. I like it when you guys make it known that my work is appreciated.