Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ The title is too long to insert here. ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
Summary: Before his 40th B-day, Snape must acquire a potential spouse before the Ministry arranges one. Of all the people, he chooses Harry. Everyone seems to think it's a great idea, except Harry. Can Snape woo Harry's love before it's too late? SSHP Slash later.
Disclaimer: I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.
Chapter Five: “It's All Fun and Games until Someone Gets Hurt”
“I see you've return from your little adventures in London,” said Dumbledore.
Snape groaned. He hoped to sneak back into Hogwarts unnoticed.
“How did it go? I doubt that Harry was an angel the entire time.”
“He showed his Slytherin side like a true Potter.”
Dumbledore's eyes twinkled, “I guess it's safe to assume that pugnacity runs in the blood.”
“Forgive me, headmaster, but I believe I've procrastinated enough. The papers and potions will not grade themselves and I cannot afford to waste anymore time.”
“I understand. Good night, Severus.”
Snape slightly lower his head then disappeared down the hall.
Harry casually walked down the halls. It was still before hours, so he didn't need to be back in his dorm just yet. Once he reached the Room of Requirement, he inspected the area before he knocked on the door. A fellow student opened the door and then said, “About time! Where have you been, Harry?!”
He stepped aside for Harry as the boy walked in. The first thing that caught Harry's attention was the vibration of the ground. The music was so loud that the Gryffindors had to use silence charms to keep the noise in. The majority of the students were getting down and dirty with each other on the dance floor and several were standing by and talking. There was some food that some of the teens brought, and a few games… like Wizard's Chess for instance. “This is brilliant!” said Harry.
“Isn't it?!” Ron appeared besides Harry with Hermione, “Hermione didn't want to come!”
Even though they were right besides each other, they had to yell over the music in order for the other to hear. “Why not?!” asked Harry.
“Do you have any idea how many school rules we are breaking?! We will get in so much trouble if someone finds out!”
“Lighten up!”
“Have a Butterbeer!” Ron passed Hermione and Harry one.
Just then, a boy entered the room holding a Butterbeer that was nearly the size of a dog. “Now that everyone's here, who wants to play Spin the Butterbeer?!”
Another boy came in with a board and then said, “Come on you chickens!”
They set the board down and almost the entire House gathered around. Thank Merlin the Room of Requirement was able to fit everyone's needs. On the octagon shaped board, they set the Butterbeer in the center and then pulled out their wand. “Now, does everyone know how to play?!”
“No!” cried a few voices.
“Ok! Listen up because I'll only explain this once! This,” he pointed to the Butterbeer, “is a bottle. You spin this bottle and while it spins, so will the octagon board. When it slows down it will be pointing to a specific person over a specific side of the octagon board. You lift the black flap and read what it says! You may have something decent like nudging someone with your nose, or something a little more daring….”
The older Gryffindors chuckled as the younger ones gulped nervously. “If you agree to play, then there is no backing out until the game is over! Got it?!”
The Gryffindors nodded and the boy continued, “Now, who wants to go first?!”
Ron raised his hand and pulled out his wand. “Spin bottler, spin!”
The Butterbeer began to rotate to the right slowly, and then the board to the left. They sped around at incredible speeds before they slowly came to a stop. Ron closed his eyes and crossed his fingers. The Butterbeer pointed directly to this blonde girl named Haley Hanny. She was a first year who hiccupped as soon as the Butterbeer pointed to her. Ron felt like killing himself as he actually reached for the black flap beneath the bottle. He lifted it up and it read: Get past your fears. It's not so severe. Gently nibble on my ears.
Haley turned red as she coyly looked over to her friends who were giggling. Ron felt someone patting him on the back; whispering, “Pedophile.”
Ron stood up and slowly walked over to Haley who closed her eyes. It would all be over in a second, right? Ron moved her hair behind her ear and was about to gently nibble it, but someone pushed him so his lips smashed against Haley's ear before he got a chance to nibble on them. “That was so sick!” cried another boy, “Poor Haley!”
Ron was a bright red by the time he returned to his part of the room. “Good show, Ron,” said Harry. He was just trying to boost his friend's confidence.
“Bloody hell. I think I taste ear wax.”
Hermione grimaced as Ron tried to wash it down it water.
“Who's next?!”
Someone pushed Gregory Jims forwards and the bottle turned his way. It was his turn. “This is ridiculous,” he said as he took out his wand and said, “Spin bottle, spin!”
The bottle and the board rotated spun and when it came to a stop, it was pointing to Hermione. She gasped and shook her head. “No. I am not going to do this.”
“It's just a game, Hermione,” said Ron, “It can't be that bad.”
Gregory lifted the black flap and read it aloud, “Little geek, come here and kiss me on my cheek.”
Hermione augh-ed, stood up, and quickly kissed Gregory on his cheek. She then ran back to her side and humph. “See. It wasn't that bad,” said Ron.
Suddenly, someone with asthma began reading what the board said, “Hold me gently; hold me soft; hold me until I begin to cough.”
Two girls ended sitting together in each others arms while the boys chuckled around them. “Only if we had a camera,” said a perverted boy.
Neville was finally pushed forwards and with great anxiety and said aloud, “Spin bottle, spin.”
Surprisingly, it landed on a second year named Audrey Wilson. The boy cringed as Neville read what lied under the black flap, “This may sound a little gross but here it goes. I suppose you may kiss my nose.”
Audrey stood up and met Neville have way. The teens oo-ed as Audrey gently pecked Neville's nose, then ran away. “I think he likes you, Neville,” said. Ginny as she stepped forwards, “My turn!” she spun the bottle and grinned as it landed on another girl. She then read what she had to do aloud, “Ride me wild; ride me rough; ride me until I've had enough….,” Ginny suddenly looked petrified as a seventh year walked forwards.
“Get on your back, Ginny dear,” She teased as she straddled Ginny like a horse.
She moved her hips back and forth on Ginny wild the boys screamed. “Ride her! Ride her!” they exclaimed.
Dean Thomas then walked towards the bottle, took out his wand, and said, “Spin bottle, spin!”
It landed on Seamus Finnigan and he read what he had to do aloud, “Come here quick; forever we shall reminisce about this kiss.”
Seamus literally ran over to Dean and gently kissed his lips. The two boys held one another for several seconds as the girls went wild…
Now, it was Colin Creevey's turn. While most of the people were watching Seamus kissing Dean, Colin mumbled a small spell then said, “Spin bottle, spin!”
For some reason, the board didn't spin, but the bottle did. It landed on Harry, who was still watching the other couple going at it. “Harry Potter!”
Harry turned around and nearly jumped out of his pants when he realized that the bottle was pointing at him. He could've sworn he saw that cursed bottle grinning at him. Colin eagerly read aloud what he had to do, and everyone listened carefully, “Don't get low, but give them a tender show. Why? You shall soon know.”
Harry looked at Colin skeptically. “What does that mean?”
Colin walked towards Harry and whispered, “It means that we have to look like we've in love while we do this…,” Colin kissed Harry's cheek and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck. Not to upset the “bottle”, Harry reached around Colin's waist and pulled the boy in. Just then, the door to the Room of Requirement opened, but since everyone was so busy watching Harry and Colin, no one really took notice.
Colin looked into Harry's eyes and brushed his lips against Harry's, “Can we do this?” He asked.
Harry moved forwards a little so that their lips were pressed up softly against each other's. The girls awed only to gasp when they noticed that Dumbledore, McGonagall, Filch, and Snape were standing besides them. Harry and Colin took no notice as their lips moved soundlessly against one another's. Just then, Dumbledore said aloud, “Prefects and Potter shall remain here. Everyone else, return to your dorm.”
Harry nearly ripped himself from Colin when he heard Dumbledore's voice. He looked up and saw not just him, but the one person he never wanted to catch seeing him in this state. But Snape was not looking at Harry. He seemed to have his eyes fixed on the board game. His face didn't give any hints of what his emotional reaction was to this. He seemed a little too relaxed. Or maybe he was just tired.
The room cleared out within minutes except for the prefects and Harry. “Come with me,” said Dumbledore as he led them out of the room and down the halls. Harry deliberately lagged behind, trying to figure out how he was going to get out of this. This was the second time that Snape had caught him in that kind of situation. How many more times must he see Harry with someone else before he can hold him close? The very notion probably frustrated Snape.
Once they reached the office, Dumbledore said, “Have a seat everyone.”
McGonagall sat on a seat closet to the exit while the prefects sat on seats closer to Dumbledore's desk. Snape sat by the window just out of sight. Harry was the last to enter and so he decided to stand.
“Have a seat, Harry,” said Dumbledore.
“There aren't any seats left.”
Dumbledore's eyes motioned for Harry to look behind him. He did so and only saw Snape, who had his eyes closed in deep thought. “No…,” Harry whispered.
Dumbledore gave Harry that authoritarian look and the boy reluctantly walked over to Snape. The prefects didn't turn around as Harry waited for Snape to give him the Ok. Snape nodded and Harry sat on Snape's lap. Now Harry just felt like a big, immature kid. He had grown out of this state long ago. He couldn't even recall sitting on someone's lap ever. This was definitely a new and strange feeling.
As Dumbledore talked with the prefects about the party, Harry actually felt a little guilty about his irresponsible actions. It was just a game though. It didn't mean anything. And why do people always have to walk in during the “bad” parts? “Is he your secret boyfriend?” the tone of Snape's voice was a little quivery. That was never a good sign.
“We were playing a game,” said Harry, “It meant nothing.”
“Funny. You two sure seemed intimate. Is there more to your secret life besides Ms. Chang?”
“Colin is just a friend. Ok, so he's a little obsessed about me, but so what. We were just playing a game, Snape. The bottle landed on me so I had to go along with it.”
Snape lowered his head and then said, “Why do you do these things to me?” He pulled Harry around so that the boy was resting comfortably in his arms. Harry held back his gasp and Snape cradled him in his arms, “Quiet or they'll hear.” Harry felt like crying out `Pedophile!' but decided to spare Snape this one time; as well as they secret `relationship.' “I've had about all I can stand.”
“You've had about all you can stand?” Harry tried to keep his voice as quiet as possible so that the others couldn't hear him, “How do you think I feel?”
“Stop playing games. I've told you this before.”
Harry tried to rearrange himself, but Snape wouldn't let him. He moved Harry into a bridal position and then rested his chin on Harry's head. “Stop treating me like a kid.”
Snape sighed as Dumbledore continued to question the prefects. “Excuse me for being a little selfish when it comes to you,” there, he said it.
(Selfish?) “Damn straight.”
Just the, Dumbledore had finished his conversation with the prefects. Snape nearly pushed Harry off his lap as he rose. The prefects glanced over in Snape's direction as they left the room, and Harry sat on the floor trying to feign innocence. Dumbledore then sat up, straightened his clothes out, and then said, “I will be back within an hour,” he nodded towards Snape and then both he and McGonagall left; leaving Snape and Harry alone.
“Wait… I thought…. Bloody hell.”
“The only one you will be confiding in is me,” said Snape.
Harry sat down on the chair and nodded. Just let Snape speak his mind, agree with whatever he requests, and it'll all be over soon. “What more must you know?”
“If you knew what the game would require of you, why did you participate?”
“Merlin, Snape! I'm a teen still! I want to have fun! Can't I anymore?!”
“Your definition of fun seems to overlap with inappropriate activities.”
“Fine then. Why don't you make a list of thing I can freely do without being harassed! There sure seems to be a whole lot less!”
Snape felt a migraine coming on. “Do not raise your voice at me. Though I may not be your favorite person, I am still your teacher and you will treat me with respect.”
Harry grinned. “A teacher. That you are, Snape. And that is all you will ever be to me,” Harry cocked his head to the left and asked in a feigned polite tone, “Am I excused, professor?”
Snape waved his hand and the door opened. The boy was quick to leave as he always was after Snape finished with him, and this time he left the man with a major headache. The frustrations Harry has been causing him have been steadily mounting, and now they were crushing him down. What was he doing wrong? Not giving Harry the freedom to pursue a “concubine”? He was trying his best, but even that seemed not to be enough.
Snape was so far lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear Dumbledore coming back. When Snape heard the light foot steps approaching him, he quickly glanced up. “The door was open so I assume you were finished with Harry.”
“The boy is as wretched as ever,” Snape groaned.
“My, Severus, you have all the reason to be upset at him, but hear me out. Since this is an adolescent teen you are pursuing, may I suggest taking a more reasonable approach to this?”
Snape has already tried a few things. What more was there? “If you must.”
“I've noticed that you have taken a subtle approach to this, yet you have not done away with your moderately cantankerous attitude towards Harry's personal life. As a teenager, the boy will naturally want to flirt, date, and mess around. It's expected of the youth. What can you do?”
“Yes, oh wise one. What can I do?” Snape asked sarcastically, “Share your esoteric knowledge with me, for I am in great need of it.”
Harry had just entered the Great Hall the next day when his eyes quickly settled upon an abnormally large group of Gryffindors hovering over something whispering excitedly to each other. Apparently, it must've been something fascinating, because even Ron and Hermione were gathered there. Harry hurried over, and was nearly startled when everyone turned to him and grinned, “You lucky boy!”
“Got a rich girlfriend or something?”
“No,” Harry said as he pushed through the crowd. There was nothing much there really but a large packaged addressed to someone. `Harry Potter' it read. Harry reached for it and tore through the tape and paper until he had a clear view of what was in the strangely large package. A moment or two passed before Harry abruptly gasped and instantly looked up at Hermione and Ron who were both trying to peak in curiously. “What did you get?” they asked.
“Clothes…,” Harry quickly.
“From who?” they inquired.
“I…,” Harry didn't have to read the card to know. He just glanced up at the head table and quickly spotted Snape. The man was busying talking with Dumbledore at the moment; trying to keep a low profile. “Don't know.”
Harry levitated the package and had it follow him out of the Great Hall and into the Gryffindor common room. There, he finally took the opportunity to sort out the clothes. They were the exact ones Harry had wanted to buy when he was in London just yesterday. Who would have thought that Snape paid that close attention to him?
The projects had been turned in just the other day, and already Snape has announced that he has finished grading them and they will be ready for the students to pick up after class. As soon as that little hand reaches the `3', the students hastily pack up and then head for Snape's desk. They shuffle through the papers desperately looking for their own. Harry waited with Ron patiently as the students fought with each other like hyenas over a carcass. “How do you think you did?” Asked Ron after moans and groans could be heard from the bunch.
“I spent nearly the entire weekend on it, Ron. I never worked so hard on a damn potion paper in my life.”
Once the crowd died down, the two boys made their way to the front and reached for the only two papers left. Snape had a habit of writing the grade on the last sheet; therefore, respecting the students' privacy. Harry opened to the back page and gaped. From behind him, he could hear Ron moaning, “Another bad grade. What will mum say when she finds out?” Ron whimpered.
Harry looked up to Snape who was smirking and then winked. Harry gulped, took Ron by the shoulder, and led them out of the room. It wasn't until they were down the hall did Harry contemplate about Snape's uncharacteristic gesture.
A/N: I feel like I am making Snape out to be a villain. Please review! If I can get at least seven more reviews, then I'll update.