Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ Paranoia at Its Worst ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
Disclaimer: I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.
(1) Levicorpus: A spell that makes the victim dangle upside-down by their ankles
Thank you, my wonderful editor Amanda Saitou.
Chapter 13: “Paranoia at Its Worst”
“Mr. Longbottom, if you let one drop from that pipette sip, I won't hesitate to pour that potion down your throat and watch mercilessly as you convulse and shit blood,” Snape warned in a most unsympathetic, hardhearted tone.
A few Slytherins seemed thrilled enough as they moved to the edge of their seats in a most un-surreptitious style. Snape eyed Neville just a tad bit longer before he continued his leisure walk around the classroom. “If I discover anyone else trying to sneak in some ingredients a few steps to soon, then be prepared for the worst case of diarrhea ever.” Snape felt that detention was far too saint like for his part. He smirked as he imagined a few days, or possibly even a week without some of his worst students. That was, until he caught Harry trying to add the same ingredient in as did Neville just one step too soon. “Potter!” He bellowed from across the room.
He heard Malfoy snap his fingers just then and awing in protest, “So close,” Malfoy mumbled as he slouched in his chair.
Snape walked over to Harry and pondered on how he was going to go about this without scaring his fiancé senseless. “Did you not hear what just I said, Mr. Potter?”
Harry grinned. Dear Merlin, the boy had done this on purpose. Perhaps to capture Snape's attention? Oh, did the man ever wish. “Sorry, I was busy reading the procedures.”
“Two points from Gryffindor!Just two? The man was going soft.
As soon as Snape walked away, Harry didn't hesitate in getting up and following after him. Snape turned around and arched his brow as Harry whispered, “Will I be getting those points back soon?” before he walked towards the storage room to retrieve a forgotten ingredient.
Snape smirked and mumbled to himself. “That boy was meant for Slytherin.”
As soon as class ended, Snape rewarded himself with a piece of chocolate as the students filled out. They were half way through the day, and then, just when Snape thought that things were going smooth as far as he was concerned with his half of Hogwarts, the Dark Mark began to swell and burn.
Harry was on his way to Muggles Studies when someone's hand suddenly jerked Harry's shoulder, and forced him to turn around. Harry was about to slap that hand away, and was even more inclined when he found out whose hand that was. “Malfoy.”
Malfoy motioned towards the corner. “Trust me for once, Potter.” Harry followed Malfoy against his better judgment. Malfoy turned around and stuck his hands in his pockets smoothly. “I know this isn't my style, but there are some things that have reached my ears, and if they've reached mine then Merlin knows who else could've seen or heard something.”
“What are you on about?”
“You and Snape, Potter. I'm not a hundred percent sure what they saw, but it suggests something inappropriate for a student and a professor. I won't stand for putting my godfather in danger. So, whatever you two are publicly doing, you better cool it. I am not the only child of a Death Eater in this school. If word reaches the wrong ears, well, heh, let's just say it won't be all sunshine and rainbows.”
Harry's eyes never looked so scared. “Where did you hear this?”
Malfoy sneered. “Let's just say that when you're the most popular bloke in Slytherin, you know a lot.”
Crabbe and Goyle suddenly appeared from around the corner; they eyed Harry suspiciously. “Can't you just deny it?” Harry asked.
“Pssh. I can say all I want, Potter, but I'm not exactly the Golden Boy or Snape.”
“Can't you give me a hand?”
“You're bloody unbelievable, you know that? If you don't want rumours going about the school, then just watch yourself.”
“I haven't exactly done anything outside Snape's quarters.”
Malfoy smirk twitched. “Too much information, Potter. I'd rather you keep that to yourself,” Malfoy walked off. “Later.”
(I haven't done anything.) Harry thought. (The most that could've been seen was… of course! The carnival! Someone must've seen us either in the tent, or getting on that fairs wheel!) Harry shook his head. (but… Professor McGonagall was being escorted around the carnival by a couple of Gryffindors, and Professor Sprout was being escorted around by two Hufflepuffs.)
(But that's still more than one other person.)
(Neither of them looked like a couple with any of their students.)
(It was just Snape and me at the time.)
Harry tried to shrug it off.
But…Harry then felt like there were eyes watching him. He looked at the mass of students as a whole and though no one in particular was looking at him, he felt as if there were students murmuring ambiguous whispers that could only result in delusion. This mistaken notion would ultimately put his relationship with Snape in peril. What if Malfoy was right? What if there were other students that were children of Death Eaters at this school? If a word reached Voldemort's ears, Harry's life could be in danger; even worse, Snape's.
Harry couldn't have that.
He refused to allow it to happen.
But they were only half way through the day, and there were still many months to get by before the end of the school year. Harry would just have to be more careful, and if done as it should be, then everything should be alright.
Harry tried to give himself a reassuring smile.
Yet, even as he walked down the halls towards his next class, he could've sworn that he heard someone whisper his name. Harry looked towards the open windows where students were sitting; talking. “Harry Potter…,” they were talking about him. They all knew something that they shouldn't. They were starting rumours as Harry walked right pass them. The nerve of them.
Harry clenched his fists and tried to steady his breathing. He weaved himself through the crowd awkwardly until he reached his next class. He never considered how far away each of his classes were; before, he didn't mind the long walk from room to room, but now, it was torture.
It was quite curious how things could change in just one hour.
By the end of the day, things were worse.
Harry was sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, mixing around his vegetables as Hermione and Ron debated about the importance of Muggles Studies. “Honestly, if you live with Muggles, then there should be no need to attend a class about them,” said Hermione.
Harry looked up at the staff table to see what Snape was up to. He seemed quite at peace as he ate while the professor next to him ranted on about something.
Harry turned to the left and came face to face with an unfamiliar face. “Yes?”
Harry distinguished the boy as a Hufflepuff by his scarf. “I was wondering if I could ask you something personal.”
“Go on.”
“'cause we saw something just a while ago, and we,” the boy pointed to two of this friends that were watching the Hufflepuff back at the Hufflepuff table, “wanted to know if you were… friends with Professor Snape.”
“He's my teacher,” Harry responded, “I guess we are sort of friends, but better friends than enemies.”
“Oh…. Thank you,” the Hufflepuff smiled weakly and returned to his table.
How could Harry have not seen this coming? Of course the nosy students would inquire if they ever saw anything out of the ordinary happening between him and Snape.
“What was that all about?” asked Ron as he shot those Hufflepuffs a death glare.
“Um, Snape.”
Hermione's eyes widened for a second then she looked around the table. Mostly everyone seemed to be minding their own business. “What about Snape?”
Harry leaned in. “He wanted to know what was going on between Snape and me.”
“That can't be good.”
If a Hufflepuff was questioning Harry's relationship with Snape, then others must've noticed it as well.
Harry pushed his food away. “Maybe I'm just paranoid.”
After dinner, around the time when Harry was certain that no one would be wandering around the corridors except for a few staff members, he slipped over his invisibility cloak and slipped out of the common room without attracting any unwanted attention. He was on his way to Snape's quarters because he needed someone else to talk with besides Ron and Hermione about what Malfoy had said.
Harry checked the corridors extra carefully before he approached the statue and whispered the password. He checked once more for good measure before he entered.
Snape wasn't sitting down reading as he usually was when Harry comes to visit him. No, Snape wasn't even anywhere to be seen. “Severus?” Harry called out. Perhaps the man was in his potions lab.
Harry tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. “Alohomora!”
The door opened and Harry peaked in. There were a few potions going, but Harry wasn't looking for potions; he was looking for Snape and the man was not there either. Harry closed the door and decided to check the wizard's quarters until his victim was found. Harry looked in the lavatory; he checked the bedroom, and even the small closets. Nothing. The man was nowhere to be found. Sighing in defeat, Harry made himself comfortable on Snape's bed. He wasn't even sure if the man would be opposed to this, but Harry didn't seem to care as he pulled over the sheets and snuggled against Snape's pillow. The bed was warm and soft. The pillows cradled his head and shoulders like another's arms. But best of all, the place smelled of Snape. Harry was out like a light before he even knew it.
A secret door opened on the wall and Snape walked through looking more stressed than ever and beyond exhausted. His eyes were nearly bloodshot. You'd think the O.W.L.S. were coming around.
He removed his Death Eater robe and allowed it to plop down on the floor like disregarded waste. Snape washed his face a bit and then headed to his bed expecting to find it just as he left it. When he opened his door and found a lump beneath the sheets, he nearly jumped, but then it registered with him that that could be Harry.
He took back the blanket a bit and sighed in relief when he found a sleeping Harry. What had made the boy come to his quarters anyways?
Snape looked at the clock. It was nearly three in the morning and on a school night no less. So, here came the big question: To let him be, or to wake him up and send him back to his dormitory before someone discovers that Harry isn't around. Surely someone would realize that Harry was missing and naturally they would make a hug fuss about it. They would bring this attention to either McGonagall or Dumbledore who would then fuss about having him having Harry spend the night. It would be so much easier if Snape would just send Harry away.
Or would it?
Of course neither of his options were easier. Because Harry was a persistent teenager, he would refuse to leave until something was settled down. Snape usually wouldn't have much of a problem winning the argument, but since he was exhausted and ready to collapse, he just decided to climb into bed without putting up a fight.
All the rustling around woke Harry up before Snape could even find a comfortable position. “Severus?” Harry mumbled.
“Go back to sleep, Potter. I don't have the energy to deal with you right now.”
“But it's important,” Harry whispered as he tried to open his eyes.
“We'll talk in the morning.”
“No…,” Harry shook Snape's shoulder.
Snape felt like growling. “What is it?”
“First, where were you? Second, I think we have a major issue to discuss. And third, I'm not going to let you sleep until we have this figured out.”
If Snape put up a fight, then he wouldn't be in bed any sooner unless he just cooperated. “I was summoned if you must know,” one question down, “now, what is this major issue we must discuss now?”
“Malfoy told me that there are some rumours going about the school.”
“Is that all?”
“They are about us! Don't you care?”
“You are ridiculous. Just deny anything you hear.”
“Yes, but what if word gets around to a child of a Death Eater or one of Voldemort's spies?”
“You will leave that to me,” Snape pulled the blanket over his head and then said, “Now go to sleep.”
“I'm worried and you're not giving me an ounce of relief. I don't want something to happen to you.”
Snape turned over and the upper half of his torso pinned Harry down in such a way that the boy couldn't do more than listen to the older wizard. “If you just listen to everything I tell you, then there will be no reason to worry. If anything regarding our relationship is brought to your attention, then deny it. It's that simple. Throw up if you must; just make it look believable. Second, why do you fret about such petty things as my wellbeing?”
Snape smirk was discernible even through the darkness. He leaned in just a bit closer so that his breath tickled Harry's lips, “Or… is there something else you're not telling me?” Snape pressed on. “Is there something more to this?”
Harry tried his best not to allow his appearance to crumble beneath the older wizard. Yet, inside of him, Snape was melting away all his resistance; gradually undermining his strength. “Maybe… not…”
Snape turned Harry's face ever so slightly so his lips could kiss Harry's cheeks, “Good night,” he rolled over and dismissed the absence of an adequate response.
Harry was busy cramming as much information into his brain as he could while he turned the corridor that he didn't see the other two students come up beside him. The bigger bloke pushed Harry against the wall while the other talked. “Did I really hear right? Is the famous Harry Potter really a fairy?”
“Bugger off!”
The large bloke pushed Harry up the wall. If his arms weren't preoccupied trying to get the bloke to let him go, Harry would've already reached for his wand. “So it's true then?” asked the smaller bloke.
Harry tried to kick his attacker when suddenly he let Harry free. Instantly, Harry reached for his wand and yelled, “Levicorpus!” (1)
The larger bloke, whose name was Josh Mac according to his partner in crime, was suddenly dangling in midair by his ankles. The smaller bloke pulled out his wand, but didn't whisper an enchantment fast enough. “Expelliarmus!”
A wand went flying through the air and Harry watched as Ron caught it. Hermione was right behind him. She pointed her wand at the smaller bloke and motioned to Harry to let the other one go. Harry released Josh from the charm and the big brute was gone. Ron then returned the wand to the other bloke, who was also gone soon after. Instead of asking how Harry was, Ron inquired anxiously. “Where did you learn that spell?”
“Oh, it was a little something Snape taught me.”
“That was bloody brilliant!”
Harry grinned. Hermione shook her head. “Harry, what were you thinking taking on those two?”
“They attacked me first!”
“Yeah, Hermione. The man has to defend himself.” Ron gave Harry a pat on the back.
Hermione shook her head. “Harry, why did they attack you?”
“Don't know exactly. They said something about me being a fairy… and then they attacked.”
“We should report them to the headmaster.”
“Probably, but I'll have to do that later.”
“Harry,” Hermione insisted.
“Later, Hermione,” Harry picked up his bag, “I'm old enough to fend for myself.”
Harry sat in the library with his quill in one hand and his potions text flopped out in front of him. He had been on the same topic for nearly twenty minutes and had only read the first sentence of the first paragraph. The topic was a tedious three pages long and they had an up coming quiz on the subject yet none of this was registering with Harry. He just looked like a dazed lad sitting there staring into space.
Ginny was just passing by the library when she spotted Harry, and so like any good friend, she decided to see what was up. As she approached him, she first thought that he was looking out the window, but as she scrutinized him a bit more, she noted that he was just woolgathering… again. Sighing, she decided to snap her friend out of his day dream before he flunked another exam. She rearranged her bag on her shoulder and walked over to Harry. “You alive?” she waved her hand over Harry's face.
Harry just back from the unanticipated awakening call, and rolled his eyes when he identified his personified alarm clock as just Ginny. However, unlike a real alarm clock, this one couldn't be shut off, nor throw across the room in hopes that it will shatter against a solid boundary. “I was just thinking,” Harry said wearily.
“Well, aren't you supposed to be studying? According to Hermione, there's an exam coming up in Potions.”
Harry pulled out his notebook and asked Ginny. “Happy now?”
“Hardly,” Ginny set her bag besides Harry and pulled out a text book of her own. “Don't mind me. I'll just be studying.”
(Fuck this shit!) Harry thought to himself as he pulled the notebook onto his lap and turned it at an angle so that Ginny couldn't tell whether he was actually writing notes or just doodling. Harry had other things to think about… like Snape and when he would be able to spend some time with his easily irritated significant other. (Snape's been on my mind a lot lately) Harry thought to himself as he poked at his notebook with his quill. (I need to see him soon or I won't be able to do anything school relate,) Harry turned the text book page to convince Ginny, and the many other people watching him, that he was in fact doing something productive with his time.
Soon enough it was time for everyone to head back to their dormitories. Harry quickly packed up and was about to bolt out of the library, but Ginny called him over. “Hold on a second. I have to grab my notebook,” Ginny collected her notebook and chased after Harry.
“Umm…,” Harry looked around, “I need to see Dumbledore. My scar is hurting again, and I did promise him that I'd inform him every time it happens.”
Ginny rolled her eyes. She wasn't falling for that bull shit. “Don't do anything stupid to annoy Snape,” Ginny winked, “And don't get caught along the way,” she spun on her heels and skipped off to the Gryffindor dorm.
Harry should've known better. Of course Ginny would have known that Harry was off to see his fiancé.
When Harry passed through the entrance, he dropped the small smile he had on his face. Snape was standing by the fireplace dressed in his Death Eater robes. “What, might I ask, are you doing here again?” Snape inquired.
Harry plopped his bag down and came around the couch. “Were you summoned again?”
“Apparently so. Why else would I dress in these robes? Do you think I get amusement out of walking around my quarters dressed in these uber-emo garments?”
Harry pulled off Snape's mask and placed it on the table. “What does Voldemort want this time?”
“Do I ever know what the Dark Lord wants prior to the callings? No.”
“You'll come back, right?”
“If the Dark Lord has no motive otherwise,” Snape noted the genuine concern in Harry's eyes. “Stop brooding; you won't get rid of your potion professor that easily.”
“It's just…,” Harry bit his lower lip and looked at Snape hesitantly. Snape wouldn't push him away if he just casually leaned in and… too late. Harry kissed Snape's awaiting lips and then pulled away altogether. “Come back to me.”
“Giving in that easily? The Harry Potter I know wouldn't let me go,” Snape provoked.
“What am I supposed to do?! I can't risk your life, Severus. I don't want to give Voldemort a reason to think that you're on the opposing side.”
Suddenly, Snape swept Harry off his feet and gently set him down on the couch. “You've matured a lot since day one. I'm glad you are seeing reason,” Snape seated himself besides Harry, cupped the boy's cheeks, and kissed his lips. When Snape didn't pull away, Harry wrapped his arms around Snape and tried to pull the man on top of him. Snape, however, pulled away and shook his head. “You will have to wait,” Snape sat up and smiled at his Harry.
Harry pouted but didn't try to seduce Snape any further. “Go then and I'll be here waiting.”
Snape kissed Harry's forehead, retrieved his mask, and left through a secret passageway. Harry remained lying on the couch listening to the grandfather clock tick and to Angelus' gentle breathing as she slept on the other couch. Snape must've dosed her with something because that dragon was dead asleep. “She's gotten so big,” Harry smiled as the now three foot long dragon slept in a fetal position.
On the evening of the third day since Snape's untimely disappearance, Harry found himself back in Snape's quarters resting on his bed while trying to do homework. He was so sure that seeing Snape three days ago would satisfy him for at least a week, but being an adolescent boy, he discovered that he needed some of his “man” everyday. “Bugger,” Harry flopped over on his back and closed his eyes.
Angelus hopped into the room and onto Snape's bed besides Harry. “Woof.”
Harry raised a brow. When did Angelus learn that? “Woof?” Harry mimicked.
“Woof,” the dragon repeated.
Maybe if Harry roared like a dragon, the dragon would mimic like a parrot, “Roar.”
“Woof,” the dragon continued.
“Fine, be the only dragon that woofs.”
Suddenly, Angelus pounced on Harry and began pulling at his sleeve. The boy yelped when startled and tried to get Angelus to release him. “What's gotten into you?!”
The dragon then hopped off Snape's bed and ran for the door, “Woof!”
“Stop woofing,” Harry said as he jumped off the bed and followed Angelus who was now clawing at the entrance door.
“Do you want to go out?”
Angelus bit at the knob and tried to pull it off. “Stop before you hurt yourself,” said Harry as he turned the knob and walked out of Snape's quarters.
Angelus then scaled Harry's body and rested contently on his shoulders, “Where do you want to go?” Harry asked the dragon as they walked up the stairs.
Once they reached the top, Harry noticed that Hermione was running towards him. “Oh, thank Merlin I found you!” Hermione panted.
“What's wrong?”
“It's Snape! Oh Harry, he's in terrible condition! Come quickly!” Hermione grabbed Harry's hand before the lad could register what Hermione had just told him.
“Wait, what happened?!” Harry asked as Hermione pulled him towards the infirmary.
“Professor Dumbledore found him at the gates, and he was in bloody mess!”
They turned the corner and had to come to a sudden halt in order to avoid a collision with a mass of students that had suddenly gathered. They were mainly Slytherins with a few exceptions and Harry found it difficult to get through without too much questioning. The dragon woofed and Harry got a splendid idea. “We can't get through like this,” said Hermione.
“Hold on a second. I have a plan,” Harry pulled Hermione around the corner and looked up at Angelus, “I need you to do me a once in a lifetime favour.”
Angelus tilted her head skeptically.
Harry lifted his arm and asked, “Bite me.”
“What?! Have you gone mad?” Hermione looked at Harry as if the bloke had gone insane.
Angelus understood clearly, leaned in and then there was a scream.
The mass of students turned their heads and shrieked in disgust when they saw Harry coming around the corner with just Hermione. His arm was drenched in thick, dark blood that oozed out of the gruesome wound that appeared caved deep into his flesh. Instantly the crowd divided in order to allow Harry entrance. Madam Pomfrey wad busy attending to some body beneath the sheets and beside her stood several members of the staff. “Madam Pomfrey, we need help!”
Everyone looked up and gasped when their eyes behold the ghastly wound. Madam Pomfrey quickly rushed over to Harry and using her wand, she did a quick cleaning spell to clear away the blood. She then whispered another spell to cover up the bleeding opening before she closed the infirmary doors. “Would I be wrong to believe that the sudden wound was intentional?” questioned McGonagall.
Harry grinned and several staff members giggled. “I'm afraid, my boy, that Snape is in no state to leave the infirmary. He hasn't moved much since we brought him here,” said Madam Pomfrey.
“What happened?”
“We are not sure,” said Dumbledore.
Harry approached the bed and gasped when he saw the hideous bruises that colored his lover's face a brilliant violet, green, and a nasty black. “He looks better now only because Madam Pomfrey managed to clean him up a bit,” Dumbledore pointed out.
Harry pushed his way through and gently touched Snape's face. His fingers trembled as they caressed the serious wounds that were slowly healing at a painful rate and his lips quivered as he tried to hold back any sentimental emotions. Whatever caused this to happen to his fiancé must've been something terrible. Then possibly reasons struck at Harry. What if the Dark Lord found out about Snape's loyalty to Dumbledore and the Order? Or worse, what if Voldemort found out about Harry?
A/N: Sorry. I'm a junior in high school and I haven't had access to the internet for quite some time, but please do review so that I know my efforts to get this chapter out there weren't wasted time.