Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ I Won’t Stop You ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
Disclaimer: I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.
A/N: Believe me, this is not a pointless chapter.
Chapter Eleven: “I Won't Stop You”
Dumbledore sat on his desk with his hands firmly planted on his thighs while he carefully studied Snape. The man before him sat up straight while anxiously awaiting Dumbledore's decision. “I am not so sure, Severus, that a rash action such as that would be the wisest decision.”
“Perhaps if we mislead the students into believing that Harry has been bestowed the privilege of acquiring a private room, then there will be no inquisition.”
“Of course his friends will want to see proof of that,” Dumbledore said as he drank his tea, “And Merlin knows that we can't reserve a room just for Harry's benefits.”
Snape sat, quietly seething as Dumbledore began to write away on a piece of parchment. “No one should suspect if no one knows.”
Dumbledore chuckled lightly, “After the other night, Severus, I'm sure that more than half the school knows that there's some relationship going on between you and Harry, which means we will have another matter to tend to.”
“Quite right,” Severus admitted.
“I know you are aware of this and so is Harry, but nevertheless, I will remind you that if your relationship with Harry reaches the wrong ears…”
“Then there will be grave consequences,” Snape finished.
Dumbledore nodded with a firm agreement, “Now, Severus, until you can brainstorm a decent subterfuge, you are not sharing a room with Harry,” Dumbledore led Severus towards the exit, only to turn to face him before he showed him out, “Was Harry aware of your intentions?”
“The boy is rash, Albus. He would've moved in the second I proposed the idea.”
“True,” Dumbledore chuckled, “Harry's always acted on impulse. Well, Severus, have a good afternoon.”
“Thank you, Headmaster,” Severus said as he left Dumbledore's office.
As soon as the Quidditch game was over, Harry raced down to the Gryffindor locker room to change. As soon as that was over, Harry raced over to Snape's chambers. He wasn't surprised to see that Snape was sitting on the couch, already engaged in a most fascinating book. “Don't you ever give it a break?” Harry asked as he plopped his bag down besides Snape.
“Immature brat,” Snape snorted.
“Ungrateful git,” Harry rustled through his bag to get out his text books before he settle himself on the floor.
“What, might I ask, are you doing?” Snape inquired.
“What does it look like? Homework.”
“It's about time you did something productive with your time.”
Harry stopped writing and sighed. There was no way he was going to be able to get his assignment done with Snape there constantly making sardonic remarks. “Are you saying that I waste my time?”
“Not only. I think you don't know what to do during your leisure time. Besides bothering me, that is.”
“I am not a bother!”
Snape arched his eye brow at Harry. “Really? I beg to differ.”
Harry had to force himself to keep his mouth shut tight, and for the next thirty minutes, he resisted the temptation of distracting himself from his work. Of course, all will was gone once Snape suggested, “Don't you want to lie on my lap?”
Harry raised his quill to give some emphasis to his upcoming phrase, but stopped short when he realized that he wasn't going to win. He curled his finger and went back to work. “Resistance is futile,” Snape grinned.
Merlin, if Snape only knew how right he was.
Nearly an hour later, Harry had finally completed his last assignment and slammed his text book close. Snape looked over from behind his book as Harry stuffed everything back into his bag, and then stood up. “Leaving already?”
Harry climbed onto the couch and made himself right at home. His feet hung over the edge while his head rested on Snape's lap. Snape didn't seem the least bit bothered by the contact; in fact, he secretly welcomed it. Harry snuggled down as he listened to the crackling of the fire near by and Snape's deep breathing as he read quietly from his book.
After nearly a week of nothing but brutal work, Harry was exhausted and delighted that Snape didn't object to the contact. He really missed his Snape and has anxiously been awaiting the weekend, when he knew he could visit Snape while everyone was busy minding their own business. As soon as Snape turned the page, Harry shifted so that he was looking up at Snape. The man seemed so lost in his book that it was almost as if he didn't even know that Harry was gracing him with his presence. Desperate for some attention, he was going to get it at any cost. “Severus…,” Harry called for him in a playful whisper.
Harry had half expected his whispers to fall death on ears, so he was surprised when Snape ran his hand through his hair. Slightly a bit more content, Harry pushed his head against Snape's hand to feel the exhilarating pressure of a larger, stronger hand massaging his scalp. When Snape's hand suddenly became immobile, Harry nudged it. Snape once again started to work magic on Harry's head, but once again, the hand became still as Snape lost himself in the book. Frustrated with the lack of affection, Harry stood up, then startled Snape when he suddenly straddled his lap and forced Snape to disregard his book. “Yes?” Snape feigned annoyance.
Harry couldn't believe he was about to say this, “It's not everyday that I get to spend time like this with you.”
“I know.”
“So stop going about you daily activities and pay me some mind.”
“I am.”
“Excellent,” Harry said as he boldly traced Snape's lips with his finger; delighted at the fact that Snape didn't wince nor push him away. “May I kiss you?”
Snape took in a deep breath and then said nonchalantly, “I wouldn't stop you.”
Harry tilted his head to the side and then in a suspiciously sweet voice asked, “Will you kiss me?” he needed the reassurance.
“Do you want me to?”
“Do you want to?”
Snape picked up on what Harry was on about quickly. “Only if you want me to.”
“So, then you will kiss me.”
Snape arched his eye brow.
“You said you would only if I wanted you to, and I do.”
“You want me to kiss you, Harry-dear.”
Snape leaned forwards, and Harry slightly closed his eyes; awaiting Snape's lips only to be dissatisfied when Snape gently kissed Harry's cheek. “Happy?” who knew the man could be such a tease.
Harry narrowed his eyes at Snape. “That's not what I meant!”
“Really?” Snape asked in a sarcastic tone.
“I want you to kiss me, Severus.”
“I did.”
“Not like that… What I meant was, I want you to kiss me kiss me,” Snape stood up and brought Harry along with him. He then set Harry down and started to walk away. Harry stood there dumbfounded for a moment or two before he called after Snape, “Wait!” Snape opened a door, and Harry rushed up to Snape's side, “Ok, we don't have to kiss right now if you don't want to. It's just that I've wanted to for a while, and I thought that now would be as good a time as ever. If you're not ready to, then I guess… I understand.”
Snape walked into a room that Harry had not seen before while completely ignoring what Harry had said. Snape flicked on the lights and moved towards a cauldron that was bubbling like crazy. Harry had no idea that the Potions Master had a secret lab all to himself. “If you could, Harry, hand me that green bottle over there.”
Harry leaned against the door frame and sighed. “Fine. I see how it is,” Harry walked over to where the green bottle was, picked it up and brought it over to Snape.
Snape took it and added a few drops into the potion. “It's a remedy, Harry. I've been commissioned to make several galleons of this remedy for both Hogwarts and several hospitals. If I do not tend to this potion with care, then I will have to restart the project.”
Harry felt like kicking that cauldron over. (So, if it wasn't for the potion, we'd be on the couch snogging right now?) “Unless you want to help me with this potion, then I suggest you come back a little later this evening.”
Harry frowned and crossed his arms. His breathing deepened a bit as frustration nearly overwhelmed him. “Around what time exactly?”
“Perhaps around seven.”
Harry glanced over at the clock. That was a couple of hours from now. “Fine. Whatever,” Harry turned around nonchalantly, placed his hands behind his head lethargically, and walked out of the room. “If I'm not busy, I'll be back around seven.”
“Of course you won't be busy, Harry. There are only so many things a boy of your age can do at Hogwarts on a weekend.”
When Harry opened the door to Snape's quarters, he felt like slamming it close, but after ruminating about it, he quietly closed the door. He only did those things when his aunt or uncle pissed him off. He didn't want a reason to reflect on those memories now that he was at Hogwarts.
Once Harry had left the room, Snape finished adding ingredients to his potion while he seriously regretted turning Harry away like that. He was nearly done with it. The potion will probably be finished in another ten minutes. On the other hand, it was giving Snape time to think.
For a while now Snape has been wondering whether Harry was really ready to take their relationship just a bit farther. Of course he's kissed Harry a few times, but it had only been subtle kisses on the forehead, cheek, and once the neck. Nothing passionate. Today Harry had tried to inveigle Snape into a bit of mouth on mouth, which made Snape's cheeks feel fiery and his limits of concentration lessen. He tried as hard as he could to finish the potion, and did it quite nicely. He just had to set his mind to it, and now that he no longer had to worry about the first potion, his mind was free to wonder… to Harry. Snape plopped down on the couch and massaged his temples. He then moved his hands down to feel his cheeks. His hands were probably just as warm as his cheeks, so he wasn't making any progress with the comparison. Snape then sighed and rolled his head back to relax on the couch. He wanted to kiss Harry then. Why didn't he?
It was nearly seven, and after spending the last few excruciating hours in his dorm, he desperately wanted to see Snape so he could get his appetite back. Harry skipped dinner and when his friends asked him what was wrong, he just told them that he had a huge snack and wasn't ready for anymore food.
He slipped off his bed and wondered out of the common room and into the halls. By now Harry already knew the direction of Snape's quarters by heart, so he didn't even have to pay attention as he walked the dim halls. His feet practically took him there instinctively.
Harry whispered the password and slipped into Snape's quarters. When he entered, he was flabbergasted to see a little table set up in the middle of the room in front of the hearth. What was on the table was a little more curious. Snape had set the table for two with a cognac bottle in the middle and on the edge a small, thin vase of red roses. “Severus?” Harry finally looked away from the table and was startled when he saw Snape there just leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “I wasn't expecting you for at least another ten minutes.”
“I got bored.”
“You weren't in the Great Hall at dinner, so I thought that you would like something to eat now.”
Harry titled his head, “What's this?”
“Just sit down, and the elf will bring the food in a moment or two.”
Harry continued to stand where he was.
Snape rolled his eyes and disappeared for a moment. Before Snape could return, two house elves showed up with two platters filled with food. They placed it on the table and vanished. Harry approached the table and felt his mouth watering as he took in a deep breath. “We didn't have that for dinner,” Harry said loudly enough for Snape to hear.
“How would you know? You weren't there,” Snape pulled back the chair once he reappeared and had Harry take a seat. “Fine. Perhaps I wanted something a little different,” Snape admitted as he pushed Harry's seat in.
Harry furtively licked his lips while Snape popped the cork and poured him a glass. “You're giving alcohol to a student?”
Snape smirked, “No. To my fiancé.” He lifted to Harry.
“It's very good,” Harry said after taking a sip.
“Don't drink too much. You need to leave this place as sober as when you came.”
Harry began eating his food in silence as Snape ate his. Once the two finished their meal, a house elf promptly came to take it away. Harry made himself comfortable on the couch as Snape vanished for a split second to wash his hands. Once Snape returned he sort of paced in front of the hearth for several seconds before he looked over to Harry. The boy sat there looking at Snape skeptically before he motioned for the man to join him on the couch.
“What was that earlier?” Harry asked before the man had a chance to get comfortable on the couch.
“What was what?”
Harry frowned and shook his head disapprovingly, “Look, I think we need to have a talk.”
“Whatever for?”
“About… personal space I guess,” Harry crossed his legs on the couch and patted the cushion next to him. Snape sat down hesitantly, and awaited Harry's assessment about their earlier incident. His voice quavered a bit as he fiddled with his fingers, but all in all, he spoke his mind, “I remember having a group discussion about setting boundaries, and if this will make you feel more comfortable, Severus, then I guess it would be a good idea to set some personal boundaries so I don't go humiliating myself again.”
“I don't feel that I need to set any personal boundaries while we are alone, Harry, unless you can think of something that will nettle me to no end.”
“I was referring to something a little more suggestive,” Harry purposely allowed a little cough to slip, “If you know what I mean.”
“Ah…,” Snape smirked, “There is no need to go brood yourself senseless with such hesitation. If there is something you absolutely must have then enlighten me. Now, if you are still distressed about today's earlier incident then allow me to apologize. I shouldn't have turned you away like I did.”
Snape reached out and lulled Harry by caressing his cheek. “I know. You shouldn't have,” Harry smiled.
Snape scooted closer and used his free hand to comb his hair behind his ear. For a moment, Harry just sat there immobile as he watched the fire's reflection flicker on Snape's face. “I won't stop you, Harry.”
Harry then found himself leaning forwards; his heart's throbbing pace accelerated with each passing second till the moment before his lips distinguished Snape's. He gasped almost instantly as a million little nerve cells tingled against the warm mouth that fitted itself against his. Only a moment later, Harry withdrew before the stimulatingly, libidinous feelings became any stronger and what was left of resistance dissolved. He touched his own lips and stared into Snape's obsidian eyes. “Don't do that,” Snape demanded in a hoarse voice to his now docile Harry.
“Do what?” Harry shuddered when Snape's lips locked with his once again.
“Pull away…,” Snape muffled against Harry's lips.
Snape's tongue had a first, palatable taste of Harry's lips before it instinctively slipped between Harry's slightly parted lips; caressing against the object that came forth to meet his.
Gentle caresses escalated to meet their demanding needs as all that was left of reason fluttered out of Harry's mind as he roughly kissed his lover. Snape was experiencing almost the same dissolute response as his breath became uneven and what was left of self-control was abandoned. He willingly allowed his hands to swiftly move over Harry's back and neck. He desperately wanted to feel that strong body against his own.
When Snape pulled away, he admired Harry's swollen lips and grinned to himself. Impetuously, he then pushed Harry onto the couch and weighed him down. “Merlin, I want you,” Harry announced between uneven pants.
“I know, but not now,” against his better judgment, Snape breathed against Harry's neck and he could feel the boy losing control.
Harry wrapped his arms around Snape's neck and kissed his cheek, “What if I told you that I need you?”
Regaining his composure, Snape pried himself free of Harry's arms, sat up and said, “Not tonight, Harry.”
Harry looked down at the couch. What was he suppose to expect? That Snape would put out whenever Harry needed a quick shag? “I know,” Harry propped himself up then reached for Snape. He pulled himself back onto Snape's lap and decided to settle for just being held tightly in his dominant's arms.
“Can I kiss you again?”
Snape sighed, “Not now.”
Harry felt his ears perk, “What?” He looked up at Snape, “Why not?”
“The last thing I need is a persistent adolescence,” Snape said in a sardonic tone, “Perhaps we'll try again later.”
Harry loved how his body could easily mold against Snape's strong figure every time he held him. He loved how Snape's arms wrapped themselves around his body and held him close to Snape. But now, more than anything, he loved the ensued feeling elicited when Snape's lip caressed him. He found that he definitely liked, no, loved kissing Snape. “Will kissing be a rare occurrence for us?”
“Would you rather I abuse it?”
“I like kissing,” Harry blushed.
“Don't we all?”
The couple rested in silence for nearly an hour before Snape decided it was time to let Harry go. He carried his fiancé to the door before he placed him back on his feet, “Come by tomorrow if you have the time,” said Snape.
“You know I will,” Harry smiled as Snape opened the door.
Before Snape could push Harry out of his quarters, Harry leaned in and stole a quick kiss from the older wizard. Snape stood there looking completely befuddled as Harry stuck his tongue out at Snape playfully while he walked off.
Once Harry was back in his common room, he quickly spotted Hermione, and ran over to her, “Hermione!”
His friend looked over at him from where she was sitting. She gasped when Harry grabbed a hold of her arm and dragged her to the corner, “You will never believe this,” she couldn't recall the last time she saw Harry so excited.
“What is it?”
“I…,” Harry felt like he was acting like an immature little kid, but he needed to tell someone, “I… it happened!” Harry tried to keep his voice low so that no one else would hear him.
Given Harry's choice of words, Hermione assumed Harry meant that he and Snape had engaged themselves in a sexual activity, “Already?”
Harry smiled and looked around the room. No one seemed to be paying them any mind, “Yes. And it was… fantastic,” Harry looked like he was about to float away any moment.
“I'm… sure it was,” Hermione didn't seem as thrilled as Harry, and he wasn't sure why. But at least she knew what Harry had been up to these last few hours.
“But Severus said that he won't always do it. He didn't want to… abuse it.”
Hermione resisted the temptation to look over at Harry's arse, “That can happen. You're still young, Harry.”
“Yeah, but it's not fair,” Harry rolled his head back and fisted his hands, “I want to do it again!”
Hermione looked to the right, then to the left, then back to Harry. What was she to expect from a teenage boy?
“Other couples do it all the time though, Hermione. I've even seen some do it in the halls!”
Hermione was taken aback. Students were shagging in the halls? Since when?! “Really?”
“All the time. But, it's not like I'm asking him to do that in the halls with me.”
Well, duh! A discrete man like Snape would never publicly shag. “Quite right.”
Harry sighed, then Ron appeared out of nowhere, “What're you two up to?” he asked while he munched on some crackers.
Hermione turned red, and Harry grinned. Ron lower his cracker bag and then said, “It better not be what it looks like.”
“'Course not,” said Hermione, “Harry was just telling me a few things. That's all.”
“Like what?”
“Snape content,” said Harry, “Do you really want to know?”
Ron looked like he was about to barf up the crackers, but looked over to Hermione who had a finger thrusting into her fist. Ron's jaw fell open and he dropped his bag. “You didn't! Already?!”
Harry looked confused, “We're together, Ron. What did you expect?”
“That you guys would have at least waited a few more months!”
“I've been waiting since the morning he slipped this ring onto my finger!” Harry said as he held up his ring finger.
“Ok! Alright!” Ron took a step back, “Nothing we can do about it now anyways.”
Ron then turned on his heels and walked away after snatching his bag up from the floor.
Hermione shook her head and then said, “I'll be right back.”
“But it's almost after hours, Hermione.”
Hermione looked over to the clock and then huffed, “Fine. I'll do it tomorrow.”
When Harry had finally gone to sleep, Hermione latched onto Ron's arm and dragged him away. “Ok,” she looked seemly stressed, “There is nothing we can do to control Harry's hormones, but at least we can talk to Professor Snape.”
Ron gaped, “We? Are you mad? There's no way we're just going to waltz up to Snape and say, `hey Snape, I think that shagging a student is an unhealthy habit. Please try to deprive him.' Hermione, you're crazy.”
Hermione huffed. “Well, we still need to address this.”
“We are men, Hermione. We have our urges.”
Hermione's eye twitched. “I didn't need to know that.”
“Well, it's true!”
“This is rubbish. They should wait until they are married. That way, their first encounter would have been meaningful.”
“Let's try to be realistic here, Hermione. People don't care about things being meaningful. You got an urge, you need release, find something with a hole,” Ron cleared his throat, “or a long object in your case.”
Hermione shook her head, “I'm going to bed.”
“And I think I need the restroom.”
A/N: Merry Christmas!